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  Le 31/03/2022 à 21:48, WoofWoofWulfy a dit :


I use v1.40b, but like I'll try testing it again today. Unless there's a way to get it to work properly, otherwise no issues with any other song. Just xhronoxapsule :C




Excuse me. I want to ask you a question
Where can I find Valkyrie Generator Customization?
My Asphyxia core is 1.40a and SDVX Plugin Version: v6.0.0

But I couldn't find a tool like that.
This is my asphyxia core


  Le 08/05/2022 à 13:05, setaite a dit :

Excuse me. I want to ask you a question
Where can I find Valkyrie Generator Customization?
My Asphyxia core is 1.40a and SDVX Plugin Version: v6.0.0

But I couldn't find a tool like that.
This is my asphyxia core



Need to go in: Profiles > Detail (small green button) > Setting (second tab on top)

I also couldn't find it for a long time xD

Invité Merami
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 08/05/2022 à 09:54, scps9989 a dit :

Sixth generation 20220425
I am currently using
AMD graphics card can be used



AMD User please download the DLL




Contents include self-made maps and custom LIVE2D and R18


share seven days


can't i move savedata what before i use?

Modifié par Merami
  Le 08/05/2022 à 16:16, scps9989 a dit :


打開 spicecfg - 選擇 optins 以查找窗口模式檢查


I am using bemanitools, because my AMD graphics card will fail to start using spicecfg

  Le 08/05/2022 à 16:30, scps9989 a dit :




Which part should I edit or add? Could you please



@echo off
cd /d %~dp0

if not exist dev mkdir dev
if not exist dev\e mkdir dev\e
if not exist dev\g mkdir dev\g
if not exist dev\nvram mkdir dev\nvram
if not exist dev\raw mkdir dev\raw
if not exist dev\raw\log mkdir dev\raw\log
if not exist dev\raw\fscache mkdir dev\raw\fscache

for /R prop\defaults %%D in (*.*) do (
    if not exist dev\nvram\%%~nxD copy /y prop\defaults\%%~nxD dev\nvram

launcher -H 268435456 -K sdvxhook2.dll soundvoltex.dll --config sdvxhook2.conf %*

  Le 08/05/2022 à 16:37, STAGE a dit :


Which part should I edit or add? Could you please



@echo off
cd /d %~dp0

if not exist dev mkdir dev
if not exist dev\e mkdir dev\e
if not exist dev\g mkdir dev\g
if not exist dev\nvram mkdir dev\nvram
if not exist dev\raw mkdir dev\raw
if not exist dev\raw\log mkdir dev\raw\log
if not exist dev\raw\fscache mkdir dev\raw\fscache

for /R prop\defaults %%D in (*.*) do (
    if not exist dev\nvram\%%~nxD copy /y prop\defaults\%%~nxD dev\nvram

launcher -H 268435456 -K sdvxhook2.dll soundvoltex.dll --config sdvxhook2.conf %*


what is your bat content

Invité Merami
  Le 08/05/2022 à 09:54, scps9989 a dit :

Sixth generation 20220425
I am currently using
AMD graphics card can be used



AMD User please download the DLL




Contents include self-made maps and custom LIVE2D and R18


share seven days


thx but when i select your custom map, game crashed......

original map is ok

I have to do something?

I only paste my savedata

  Le 08/05/2022 à 17:00, joey201234 a dit :

I try so hard to enable the sub screen of Valk
Do anyone know how to do it?
(sorry of my poor english


Try it with an Nvidia graphics card
I use ok

  Le 08/05/2022 à 17:14, Merami a dit :

thx but when i select your custom map, game crashed......

original map is ok

I have to do something?

I only paste my savedata


Does the map show pictures and preview music?

Invité Merami
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 08/05/2022 à 17:16, scps9989 a dit :

Try it with an Nvidia graphics card
I use ok

Does the map show pictures and preview music?


i can see pictures on music select but i can't listen preview music

I can listen preview music and play only paper bouquet map


Modifié par Merami
  Le 08/05/2022 à 17:25, Merami a dit :

i can see pictures on music select but i can't listen preview music

I can listen preview music and play only paper bouquet map



It should be a file error caused by decompression
Try to download the homebrew graph I uploaded earlier and replace

Invité Merami
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 08/05/2022 à 19:05, scps9989 a dit :

It should be a file error caused by decompression
Try to download the homebrew graph I uploaded earlier and replace


thank you but maybe i fix it

it happened error when chage dll file to 64bit


Do you know how to turn off valrkyrie mode sub screen tab and fps higher than 120fps?

I edt dll file so normal mode is 165fps but valryrie mode is fixed 120fps


and valrkyrie mode happened error when i use two monitor.......

if i use only one monitor and execute sdvx valrkyrie mode, it not appear valrkyrie sub screen tab and can play

but use two monitor, appear valrkyrie sub screen tab and game crashed


i use 2monitor, 1 is 165hz dp port, 2 is 60hz hdmi port

Modifié par Merami
  Le 08/05/2022 à 19:27, Merami a dit :

thank you but maybe i fix it

it happened error when chage dll file to 64bit


Do you know how to turn off valrkyrie mode sub screen tab and fps higher than 120fps?

I edt dll file so normal mode is 165fps but valryrie mode is fixed 120fps


and valrkyrie mode happened error when i use two monitor.......

if i use only one monitor and execute sdvx valrkyrie mode, it not appear valrkyrie sub screen tab and can play

but use two monitor, appear valrkyrie sub screen tab and game crashed


i use 2monitor, 1 is 165hz dp port, 2 is 60hz hdmi port


If you using valrkyrie mode and have 2 monitor, it'll automatically run with secondary monitor. That problem may cause because some file in module folder (just maybe). Because i have that problem with 211214 but it fixed (by somehow) when i update to 220214. Very strange.
And for the fps problem, have you patch dll yet?

Invité Merami
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/05/2022 à 13:53, hope100love a dit :

If you using valrkyrie mode and have 2 monitor, it'll automatically run with secondary monitor. That problem may cause because some file in module folder (just maybe). Because i have that problem with 211214 but it fixed (by somehow) when i update to 220214. Very strange.
And for the fps problem, have you patch dll yet?


i patch dll file like this, but valkyrie mode is always 120fps

Did you play with window mode? i play window mode, but sdvx always run with main monitor.

can i know your monitor spec? dp, hdmi and hz

i can't play valkyrie mode in 220425 too


when i play with full screen mode, game tab is white but i can listen sound

and i play with window mode, game tab is shut down and crashed


Modifié par Merami
  Le 09/05/2022 à 14:00, Merami a dit :

i patch dll file like this, but valkyrie mode is always 120fps

Did you play with window mode? i play window mode, but sdvx always run with main monitor.

can i know your monitor spec? dp, hdmi and hz

i can't play valkyrie mode in 220425 too


when i play with full screen mode, game tab is white but i can listen sound

and i play with window mode, game tab is shut down and crashed



I do play in window mode. Mine setup is dual screen 144hz, 1 FHD and 1 QHD. Don't play in fullscreen. I also have had that problem.


Invité Merami
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/05/2022 à 14:11, hope100love a dit :

I do play in window mode. Mine setup is dual screen 144hz, 1 FHD and 1 QHD. Don't play in fullscreen. I also have had that problem.



umm..... i can't solve this problem.

my main is 165 hz qhd, sub is 60hz fhd

when i play window mode, sdvx main and sub screen tab are run main monitor

how can you solve this problem.... could you share module file?

or monitor hz is problem? sub is not 144hz


and your valkyrie mode is 144hz? you can check it F12

  Le 09/05/2022 à 14:18, mindarlynn a dit :

Patched soundvoltex.dll for KFC-2022042400



(valid for 7 days)


There are three type of DLLs


1. valkyrie mode only

2. valkyrie mode + 120Hz supports

3. valkyrie mode + 120Hz supports + Timer freeze


I patched manually this dlls and I'm patching another options in this picture.



If you need, why don't you try these?


thank you i'll try it

Modifié par Merami
Invité mindarlynn
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/05/2022 à 14:19, Merami a dit :

umm..... i can't solve this problem.

my main is 165 hz qhd, sub is 60hz fhd

when i play window mode, sdvx main and sub screen tab are run main monitor

how can you solve this problem.... could you share module file?

or monitor hz is problem? sub is not 144hz



First, sorry for that i cannot help you clearly. Actually I'm using two 144hz monitors. So I cannot troubleshoot your case.


Can you wait for me to make turn on option "Disable monitor change"? I think this option may helps you.

Modifié par mindarlynn
Invité Merami
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/05/2022 à 14:26, mindarlynn a dit :


First, sorry for that i cannot help you clearly. Actually I'm using two 144hz monitors. So I cannot troubleshoot your case.


Can you wait for me to make turn on option "Disable monitor change"? I think this option may helps you.


sure thanks to help me

when you play valkyrie mode it is 144fps?

not fixed 120fps?

and valkyrie mode with g or h?

Modifié par Merami
Invité mindarlynn
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/05/2022 à 14:29, Merami a dit :

sure thanks to help me

when you play valkyrie mode it is 144fps?

not fixed 120fps?



Yes. It runs 144fps on my monitor. (I clicked F12 and frame counter said 144)


And i made DLL #3 + Disable monitor change. Try it and tell me it is solved



Modifié par mindarlynn
Invité Merami
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/05/2022 à 14:32, mindarlynn a dit :


Yes. It runs 144fps on my monitor. (I clicked F12 and frame counter said 144)


And i made DLL #3 + Disable monitor change. Try it and tell me it is solved




sorry but it not work....

when i use 2 monitor, game crash same and i turn off sub monitor but it crash too

i can play valkyrie mode with 120fps when i turn off sub monitor before change dll file

i can't play valkyrie mode with turn off sub monitor too when i chage dll file what you give...


[2022/05/09 22:46:43] I:InitD3D: NumberOfAdaptersInGroup=2
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] M:graphics: CreateWindowExA hook hit (0x00040000, 0xc36d, SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR - Sub Screen, 0x80cb0000, 1080, 0, 1920, 1080, 0x0, 0x0, 0x180000000, 0x0)
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] M:graphics::d3d9: IDirect3D9Ex::CreateDeviceEx hook hit
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] W:graphics::d3d9: CreateDeviceEx failed, hr=0x8876086c
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] W:App: Main display not supported TARGET FRAMERATE.
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] W:App: Using D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE.

[2022/05/09 22:46:43] I:InitD3D: CreateDeviceEx D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] W:InitD3D: CreateDevice failed
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] W:APP: Failed to initialize Direct 3D.

[2022/05/09 22:46:43] F:APP: Failed to initialize application.
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] M:xrpc: ins.netlog submit, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0(1), esign=0(0) extend=0
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] M:xrpc: ins.netlog request
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] M:xrpc: connect(,1)
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] M:xrpc: stat: ins.netlog
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] M:xrpc: stat: 1 1 1 1.
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] M:xrpc: ins.netlog result make/pkt/comm/resp/fin=10/89/2216/13/2
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] W:signal: exception raised: Unknown(0x109fa7a1)
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:signal: printing callstack
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FFA01744F69 (KERNELBASE): (unknown): RaiseException
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FF9C7F92DA2 (avs2-core): (unknown): XCgsqzn000017e
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FF9C7F89B2B (avs2-core): (unknown): XCgsqzn0000176
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FF9C7F89D75 (avs2-core): (unknown): XCgsqzn000017a
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 000000018022E2ED (soundvoltex): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 000000018022E1DD (soundvoltex): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 000000018022E0E5 (soundvoltex): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FF74015B238 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FF7401213C1 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FF7401214F6 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FFA02817034 (KERNEL32): (unknown): BaseThreadInitThunk
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FFA04042651 (ntdll): (unknown): RtlUserThreadStart
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] F:signal: end
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:launcher: stopping subsystems
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:logger: stop


this is log

Modifié par Merami
Invité mindarlynn
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/05/2022 à 14:44, Merami a dit :

sorry but it not work....

when i use 2 monitor, game crash same and i turn off sub monitor but it crash too

i can play valkyrie mode with 120fps when i turn off sub monitor before change dll file

i can't play valkyrie mode with turn off sub monitor too when i chage dll file what you give...


[2022/05/09 22:46:43] I:InitD3D: NumberOfAdaptersInGroup=2
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] M:graphics: CreateWindowExA hook hit (0x00040000, 0xc36d, SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR - Sub Screen, 0x80cb0000, 1080, 0, 1920, 1080, 0x0, 0x0, 0x180000000, 0x0)
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] M:graphics::d3d9: IDirect3D9Ex::CreateDeviceEx hook hit
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] W:graphics::d3d9: CreateDeviceEx failed, hr=0x8876086c
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] W:App: Main display not supported TARGET FRAMERATE.
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] W:App: Using D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE.

[2022/05/09 22:46:43] I:InitD3D: CreateDeviceEx D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] W:InitD3D: CreateDevice failed
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] W:APP: Failed to initialize Direct 3D.

[2022/05/09 22:46:43] F:APP: Failed to initialize application.
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] M:xrpc: ins.netlog submit, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0(1), esign=0(0) extend=0
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] M:xrpc: ins.netlog request
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] M:xrpc: connect(,1)
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] M:xrpc: stat: ins.netlog
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] M:xrpc: stat: 1 1 1 1.
[2022/05/09 22:46:43] M:xrpc: ins.netlog result make/pkt/comm/resp/fin=10/89/2216/13/2
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] W:signal: exception raised: Unknown(0x109fa7a1)
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:signal: printing callstack
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FFA01744F69 (KERNELBASE): (unknown): RaiseException
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FF9C7F92DA2 (avs2-core): (unknown): XCgsqzn000017e
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FF9C7F89B2B (avs2-core): (unknown): XCgsqzn0000176
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FF9C7F89D75 (avs2-core): (unknown): XCgsqzn000017a
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 000000018022E2ED (soundvoltex): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 000000018022E1DD (soundvoltex): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 000000018022E0E5 (soundvoltex): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FF74015B238 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FF7401213C1 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FF7401214F6 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FFA02817034 (KERNEL32): (unknown): BaseThreadInitThunk
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:stackwalker: 00007FFA04042651 (ntdll): (unknown): RtlUserThreadStart
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] F:signal: end
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:launcher: stopping subsystems
[2022/05/09 23:46:43] I:logger: stop


this is log



Are you using 60hz monitor to main monitor on windows setting (or 60hz monitor is plugged in to graphics card's first port)? If yes, I think you should make high Hz monitor to main monitor or change Option (Display Adapter to 1) in spicecfg.exe


Why I thought like that, in logs,

[2022/05/09 22:46:43] W:App: Main display not supported TARGET FRAMERATE.

It means your main monitor is not supports over 120fps.

Modifié par mindarlynn
Invité Merami
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/05/2022 à 14:53, mindarlynn a dit :

Are you using 60hz monitor to main monitor on windows setting (or 60hz monitor is plugged in to graphics card's first port)? If yes, I think you should make high Hz monitor to main monitor or change Option (Display Adapter to 1) in spicecfg.exe


Why I thought like that, in logs,

[2022/05/09 22:46:43] W:App: Main display not supported TARGET FRAMERATE.

It means your main monitor is not supports over 120fps.


no my main number 1 monitor is 165hz qhd dp port and nuber 2 monitor is 60hz fhd hdmi port 

and spicecfg.exe setting is this right?


Modifié par Merami
Invité mindarlynn
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/05/2022 à 14:59, Merami a dit :

no my main number 1 monitor is 165hz qhd dp port and nuber 2 monitor is 60hz fhd hdmi port 

and spicecfg.exe setting is this right?



Yes. Try 1 first and if also failed, try 0

Modifié par mindarlynn
Invité Merami
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/05/2022 à 15:02, mindarlynn a dit :

Yes. Try 1 first and if also failed, try 0


1 and 0 not working graphic crad has 1 hdmi and 3 dp port

i using 1hdmi and 1 dp

graphic card using hdmi port first than dp port?



Modifié par Merami
Invité mindarlynn
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/05/2022 à 14:44, Merami a dit :

sorry but it not work....

when i use 2 monitor, game crash same and i turn off sub monitor but it crash too

i can play valkyrie mode with 120fps when i turn off sub monitor before change dll file

i can't play valkyrie mode with turn off sub monitor too when i chage dll file what you give...



한국분이셨네요 일단 다른 글에서는 두 모니터의 주사율이 다른 경우를 다루고 있긴 하던데 해상도까지 다른 경우는 처음봐서 저도 확신이 안가네요... 혹시 제가 올린 #3 DLL (Disable Monitor Setting 안들어간 버전) 으로도 실행이 안되나요?


그리고 메인 모니터 해상도를 1920x1080으로 해보는 방법도 시도해보시는게 좋을거같아요


그리고 두 모니터의 주사율이 다른 경우 게임이 정상적으로 실행되어도 Live2D의 속도와 타이머 줄어드는 속도가 매우 빨라지는데 두 모니터의 주사율이 같으면 해결된다는 글을 본 적이 있는 것 같아서 서브스크린이 꼭 필요하신 경우가 아니라면 그냥 모니터 하나 끄고 하셔야될거같아요...


저도 서브스크린이 필요 없어서 비활성화 하는 방법을 찾아보고있는데 영 진전이 없네요

Modifié par mindarlynn
Invité Merami
  Le 09/05/2022 à 15:25, mindarlynn a dit :


한국분이셨네요 일단 다른 글에서는 두 모니터의 주사율이 다른 경우를 다루고 있긴 하던데 해상도까지 다른 경우는 처음봐서 저도 확신이 안가네요... 혹시 제가 올린 #3 DLL (Disable Monitor Setting) 으로도 실행이 안되나요?


그리고 메인 모니터 해상도를 1920x1080으로 해보는 방법도 시도해보시는게 좋을거같아요


그리고 두 모니터의 주사율이 다른 경우 게임이 정상적으로 실행되어도 Live2D의 속도와 타이머 줄어드는 속도가 매우 빨라지는데 두 모니터의 주사율이 같으면 해결된다는 글을 본 적이 있는 것 같아서 서브스크린이 꼭 필요하신 경우가 아니라면 그냥 모니터 하나 끄고 하셔야될거같아요...


저도 서브스크린이 필요 없어서 비활성화 하는 방법을 찾아보고있는데 영 진전이 없네요


네 주사율 다르면 라투디랑 타이머 속도가 빠르긴한데 상관없어서 그냥 쓰고있어요 빠른거보다가 60으로 바꾸고 느린거 보면 뭔가 어색하더라구요ㅋㅋㅋ

올려주신 모니터 변경 옵션 끈 dll로 바꿔도 안되더라구요 그 올려주신 dll이랑 그냥 dll 패치 사이트에서 패치한 dll이랑 뭐가 다른건가요??

전 서브 모니터를 끄고 메인만 쓰면 안팅기고 메인 게임창만 뜨는데 서브모니터를 키면 발키리 서브 창도 뜨면서 게임이 바로 껴져버려요

근데 서브 끄고 메인만 써서 발키리 켜도 120fps 고정이더라구요 이건 왜 이럴까요;

Invité mindarlynn
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/05/2022 à 15:36, Merami a dit :

네 주사율 다르면 라투디랑 타이머 속도가 빠르긴한데 상관없어서 그냥 쓰고있어요 빠른거보다가 60으로 바꾸고 느린거 보면 뭔가 어색하더라구요ㅋㅋㅋ

올려주신 모니터 변경 옵션 끈 dll로 바꿔도 안되더라구요 그 올려주신 dll이랑 그냥 dll 패치 사이트에서 패치한 dll이랑 뭐가 다른건가요??

전 서브 모니터를 끄고 메인만 쓰면 안팅기고 메인 게임창만 뜨는데 서브모니터를 키면 발키리 서브 창도 뜨면서 게임이 바로 껴져버려요

근데 서브 끄고 메인만 써서 발키리 켜도 120fps 고정이더라구요 이건 왜 이럴까요;



혹시 사볼 버전이 KFC-2022042400 버전이 아니라 이전버전인가요??? 아마 사볼이 KFC-2022042400 버전이 아니면 사용 못하실거에요...  dll 패치 사이트에서는 아직 2022042400버전 패치할수있는게 없어서 이전버전 dll 패치해서 값 변경된 거 확인한다음에 KFC-2022042400 버전 dll에 직접 적용시키고 있는거에요.


KFC-2022042400버전 다운로드하는건 48페이지인가 49페이지에 어떤사람이 올려둔거 있더라구요

받고보니까 패치도 안되어있는 dll이고 패치사이트에는 버전 호환도 안되고 그래서 그냥 직접하고있어요


저는 모니터 두개가 동일한 모델이고 둘 다 DP에 꽂아서 쓰고있어서 문제가 없는데 아마 진짜 HDMI랑 DP포트 나뉘어있어서 그럴수도 있구요... 진짜 쉬운방법은 FHD 60hz 모니터가 DP를 지원하면 DP로 꽂거나 QHD 165hz 모니터 동일한 모델을 하나 더 사보심이...

Modifié par mindarlynn
Invité Merami
  Le 09/05/2022 à 15:47, mindarlynn a dit :


혹시 사볼 버전이 KFC-2022042400 버전이 아니라 이전버전인가요??? 아마 사볼이 KFC-2022042400 버전이 아니면 사용 못하실거에요...  dll 패치 사이트에서는 아직 2022042400버전 패치할수있는게 없어서 이전버전 dll 패치해서 값 변경된 거 확인한다음에 KFC-2022042400 버전 dll에 직접 적용시키고 있는거에요.


KFC-2022042400버전 다운로드하는건 48페이지인가 49페이지에 어떤사람이 올려둔거 있더라구요

받고보니까 패치도 안되어있는 dll이고 패치사이트에는 버전 호환도 안되고 그래서 그냥 직접하고있어요


저는 모니터 두개를 동일한 모델이고 둘 다 DP에 꽂아서 쓰고있어서 문제가 없는데 아마 진짜 HDMI랑 DP포트 나뉘어있어서 그럴수도 있구요... 진짜 쉬운방법은 FHD 60hz 모니터가 DP를 지원하면 DP로 꽂거나 QHD 165hz 모니터 동일한 모델을 하나 더 사보심이...


혹시 디스코드 아이디같은거라도 알려주실수 있으신가요? 여기서 한국어로 대화하기엔 좀 민폐같아서요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

내일 dp컨버터를 사러가야되나....

  Le 09/05/2022 à 15:56, Merami a dit :

혹시 디스코드 아이디같은거라도 알려주실수 있으신가요? 여기서 한국어로 대화하기엔 좀 민폐같아서요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

내일 dp컨버터를 사러가야되나....


저는 DP이나 HDMI 문제 아니라고 생각합니다. 저의 경우에서는 모니터 하나 dp이고 1 hdmi이라서요.
혹시 그카 어떤 제품입니까? AMD 이나면 NDVIA?
저는 모니터가 144인데 120으로 했어요. 144이면 게임할때 가끔 늘러진 느낌 있어요. f12이면 144인데 보기가 그렇게 144이나다. 그래서 가능하면 그냥 120으로 해보세요

Invité Merami
  Le 09/05/2022 à 16:21, hope100love a dit :

저는 DP이나 HDMI 문제 아니라고 생각합니다. 저의 경우에서는 모니터 하나 dp이고 1 hdmi이라서요.
혹시 그카 어떤 제품입니까? AMD 이나면 NDVIA?
저는 모니터가 144인데 120으로 했어요. 144이면 게임할때 가끔 늘러진 느낌 있어요. f12이면 144인데 보기가 그렇게 144이나다. 그래서 가능하면 그냥 120으로 해보세요


my graphic card is ndvia

but it still crash set 120hz....

Invité Merami
  Le 09/05/2022 à 16:21, hope100love a dit :

저는 DP이나 HDMI 문제 아니라고 생각합니다. 저의 경우에서는 모니터 하나 dp이고 1 hdmi이라서요.
혹시 그카 어떤 제품입니까? AMD 이나면 NDVIA?
저는 모니터가 144인데 120으로 했어요. 144이면 게임할때 가끔 늘러진 느낌 있어요. f12이면 144인데 보기가 그렇게 144이나다. 그래서 가능하면 그냥 120으로 해보세요


did you use free-sync,gsync or vsync?

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