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  Le 20/06/2021 à 10:51, fkvmxkfldk a dit :

혹시 모니터 120hz 설정하시는분들중에 물어볼게있는데 1080p 1920x1080 120 hz 설정 해놨습니다 근데 인게임에서 노트도 씹히고 노브도 계속 탈선이 되는데 게임도 렉걸리더ㅏ구요 혹시 spice64에서 따로 설정해줘야할게 있는건가요? 19랩 클딸치면서 하고있는데 지금 이상하게 되버려서 15랩도 못깨네요;;;



  Le 16/07/2021 à 00:16, mudo133184 a dit :

I guess asphyxia-core crashed,try to move "savedata" folder out KFC folder

asphyxia-core crashes possible caused by savedata errors


Sorry for my late reply

It's ... just move it? Or can I erase it?


Anyone know how to set up the knobs in spicetools for a contrroller?


I just got the faucetwo and I can't calibrate the knobs properly


every time i bind the Vol-L or Vol-R  knobs on the controller it goes in one direction forever 

  Le 28/07/2021 à 15:17, Winberhouls a dit :

- In normal mode, the game runs at 60 fps capped, In valk mode, the games actually runs at 240 fps for some reason (i checked it with AfterBurner to see the fps)


- To play in valk mode, is recommended to have 2 screens with 1920x1080 resolution at least to use the second screen feature (you dont need to have a screens with touch function, you can use the mouse to click instead), this is for playing in fullscreen too, since the game doesn't support windowed mode yet (i think)



Is this setting correct? <spec __type="str">G</spec>

I use KFC-2021051802 but use 20210616 dll file.
I don’t know if it’s affected?
Because there is no display that supports 120HZ
Or can someone provide 2021051802 dll file for me to try?

I didn’t use windows mode, but he defaulted to open windowing all the time, and then it crashed after a few seconds.
I have retrieved spice64 error messages. What is the problem?
Is it related to the wrong use of dll files?
I use three screens also 1080p

I'm from Taiwan. English is not very good. Most of them use google to translate. Some grammar may have problems. Please forgive me. Thanks


  Le 30/07/2021 à 11:34, herelooq a dit :


Is this setting correct? <spec __type="str">G</spec>

I use KFC-2021051802 but use 20210616 dll file.
I don’t know if it’s affected?
Because there is no display that supports 120HZ
Or can someone provide 2021051802 dll file for me to try?

I didn’t use windows mode, but he defaulted to open windowing all the time, and then it crashed after a few seconds.
I have retrieved spice64 error messages. What is the problem?
Is it related to the wrong use of dll files?
I use three screens also 1080p

I'm from Taiwan. English is not very good. Most of them use google to translate. Some grammar may have problems. Please forgive me. Thanks



I only have 2 screens 1080p 60fps both, and the game runs good with no problems, 


  Le 30/07/2021 à 11:34, herelooq a dit :

Is this setting correct? <spec __type="str">G</spec>


As i said in my post, yeah, if you set G or H, you should be in valk mode, make sure to also edit the dll to enable valk mode support (see again the post to know what offset you have to edit)

  Le 30/07/2021 à 13:08, Winberhouls a dit :
  Le 30/07/2021 à 11:34, herelooq a dit :



I only have 2 screens 1080p 60fps both, and the game runs good with no problems, 


  Le 30/07/2021 à 11:34, herelooq a dit :

Is this setting correct? <spec __type="str">G</spec>


As i said in my post, yeah, if you set G or H, you should be in valk mode, make sure to also edit the dll to enable valk mode support (see again the post to know what offset you have to edit)


It should have nothing to do with the resolution.

The error message is still the same if it is adjusted to the same environment.

Normal mode can be turned on normally, but it will crash when it is in VALK mode.

I should find a way to deal with this error message, but I have no idea at the moment


What is the version of your soundvoltex.dll file? The error may be related to this.



The error message that will flash back after opening VALK mode, what should I do? I have installed Direct9.0c, but the error message is still the same after installation.

Installation file name : directx_Jun2010_redist


  Le 30/07/2021 à 11:34, herelooq a dit :


Is this setting correct? <spec __type="str">G</spec>

I use KFC-2021051802 but use 20210616 dll file.
I don’t know if it’s affected?
Because there is no display that supports 120HZ
Or can someone provide 2021051802 dll file for me to try?

I didn’t use windows mode, but he defaulted to open windowing all the time, and then it crashed after a few seconds.
I have retrieved spice64 error messages. What is the problem?
Is it related to the wrong use of dll files?
I use three screens also 1080p

I'm from Taiwan. English is not very good. Most of them use google to translate. Some grammar may have problems. Please forgive me. Thanks



soundvoltex.dll for Exceed Gear 2021051802 60Hz & 120Hz



It worked for VW, but not this time. Help me.

I'm using google translate.

1,I downloaded the main unit data from the following.

2,I downloaded the DLL from below and overwrote 'contents'.

3,After running asphyxia-core-x64.exe, running spicecfg.exe did not respond.

4,After running spice64.exe, the following message will be displayed and the window will be closed.
[2021/08/03 02:50:55] I:time: detected performance counter frequency: 10000000
[2021/08/03 02:50:55] W:options: unable to parse prop/bootstrap.xml
[2021/08/03 02:50:55] I:options: using model KFC:J:F:A:2021060802 from prop/ea3-config.xml
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::filesystem::__cxx11::filesystem_error'
  what():  filesystem error: Cannot convert character sequence: Illegal byte sequence


5,I diverted spicecfg.exe and spice64.exe from the past and executed them.
After that, the following message is displayed.
[2021/08/03 03:05:27] I:avs-game: loading DLL soundvoltex.dll
[2021/08/03 03:05:27] W:libutils: 'C:\KFC-2021060802\contents\soundvoltex.dll' couldn't be loaded: %1 は有効な Win32 ア プリケーションではありません。

[2021/08/03 03:05:27] F:libutils:

Please check soundvoltex.dll exists and the permissions are fine.
If the problem still persists, try installing:
* Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables (*all* versions, *both* x86/x64)
    Hint: use one of the AIO installers (e.g.
* DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)
* Running Windows 10 "N"?
* Running Windows 7 "N"?
* Still have problems?
    Find the missing dependency using:
[2021/08/03 03:05:27] I:launcher: stopping subsystems
[2021/08/03 03:05:27] I:logger: stop
[2021/08/03 03:05:28] I:rawinput: disposing devices

6,nvcuda.dll, nvcuvid.dll, d3d9.dll are already stored under contents.
  DXSETUP.exe has been executed after directx_Jun2010_redist.exe has been expanded.
  Visual studio 2019 is already installed.

Mainboard: ASRock Z390 Pro4

CPU: i7-9700KF

GPU: MSI Radeon RX 5700 XT EVOKE

  Le 02/08/2021 à 18:52, anerasu a dit :

* Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables (*all* versions, *both* x86/x64)
    Hint: use one of the AIO installers (e.g.
* DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)
* Running Windows 10 "N"?
* Running Windows 7 "N"?
* Still have problems?
    Find the missing dependency using:




Some C++ software should be missing after installation to see if it works normally



  Le 03/08/2021 à 09:20, herelooq a dit :を お試し


一部のC ++ソフトウェアは、正常に動作するかどうかを確認するために、インストール後に欠落している必要があります


thank you. I ran it in state 4 or 5, but I got the same error message.

Is it the expected behavior that spicecfg.exe, which is included in the following main game data, does not start?




does anyone have latest songs of SDVX 6? yesterday I have see a guy playing EXCEED GEAR with spicetools and it include latest songs data but I can't find it anywhere else. like song name "αzalea -BlackY"


spicecfg.exe was able to start.
Does anyone know a solution for the following error message?

'soundvoltex.dll' couldn't be loaded: %1 Not a valid Win32 application.'

  Le 02/08/2021 à 18:52, anerasu a dit :

It worked for VW, but not this time. Help me.

I'm using google translate.

1,I downloaded the main unit data from the following.

2,I downloaded the DLL from below and overwrote 'contents'.

3,After running asphyxia-core-x64.exe, running spicecfg.exe did not respond.

4,After running spice64.exe, the following message will be displayed and the window will be closed.
[2021/08/03 02:50:55] I:time: detected performance counter frequency: 10000000
[2021/08/03 02:50:55] W:options: unable to parse prop/bootstrap.xml
[2021/08/03 02:50:55] I:options: using model KFC:J:F:A:2021060802 from prop/ea3-config.xml
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::filesystem::__cxx11::filesystem_error'
  what():  filesystem error: Cannot convert character sequence: Illegal byte sequence


5,I diverted spicecfg.exe and spice64.exe from the past and executed them.
After that, the following message is displayed.
[2021/08/03 03:05:27] I:avs-game: loading DLL soundvoltex.dll
[2021/08/03 03:05:27] W:libutils: 'C:\KFC-2021060802\contents\soundvoltex.dll' couldn't be loaded: %1 は有効な Win32 ア プリケーションではありません。

[2021/08/03 03:05:27] F:libutils:

Please check soundvoltex.dll exists and the permissions are fine.
If the problem still persists, try installing:
* Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables (*all* versions, *both* x86/x64)
    Hint: use one of the AIO installers (e.g.
* DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)
* Running Windows 10 "N"?
* Running Windows 7 "N"?
* Still have problems?
    Find the missing dependency using:
[2021/08/03 03:05:27] I:launcher: stopping subsystems
[2021/08/03 03:05:27] I:logger: stop
[2021/08/03 03:05:28] I:rawinput: disposing devices

6,nvcuda.dll, nvcuvid.dll, d3d9.dll are already stored under contents.
  DXSETUP.exe has been executed after directx_Jun2010_redist.exe has been expanded.
  Visual studio 2019 is already installed.

Mainboard: ASRock Z390 Pro4

CPU: i7-9700KF

GPU: MSI Radeon RX 5700 XT EVOKE


 I also got same problem, already try to install VisaulC++ and Direct X, still got same error message :(


Posté(e) (modifié)


I started KFC-2021060802. It worked but there is gray game screenCan someone give me a solution?

Modifié par yunho0420

Hi i have trouble running SDVX VI Exceed Gear

This is my LOG


[2021/08/06 14:02:17] I:boot: finish
[----/--/-- --:--:--] M:sntp: end of adjust.
[2021/08/06 14:02:12] I:ssl: initializing
[2021/08/06 14:02:12] I:avs-game: loading DLL 'soundvoltex.dll'
[2021/08/06 14:02:12] W:libutils: 'E:\Sound Voltex VI Exceed Gear\contents\soundvoltex.dll' couldn't be loaded: The specified module could not be found.

[2021/08/06 14:02:12] F:libutils: 

Please check if soundvoltex.dll exists and the permissions are fine.
If the problem still persists, try installing:
* Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables (*all* versions, *both* x86/x64)
    Hint: use one of the AIO installers (e.g.
* DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)
* Running Windows 10 "N"?
* Running Windows 7 "N"?
* Still have problems?
    Find the missing dependency using:
[2021/08/06 14:02:12] I:launcher: stopping subsystems
[2021/08/06 14:02:12] I:logger: stop
[2021/08/06 14:02:12] I:rawinput: disposing devices

I already try to Install several Visual C++ and DirectX

Running On GPD WIN 3

CPU: Intel Gen11 Tiger Lake-U i7-1165G7
GPU: Intel Gen12 Iris Xe Graphics
Memory: 16GB LPDDR4x 4266

Please help Thanks :) (Sorry for my bad english)


help pls!

here my log.txt

[2021/08/07 18:22:01] W:property: search: prop==NULL and node==NULL
[2021/08/07 18:22:01] W:property: search: prop==NULL and node==NULL
[2021/08/07 18:21:59] W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
[2021/08/07 18:21:59] I:signal: printing callstack
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:stackwalker: 000000018041BEF4 (soundvoltex): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:stackwalker: 000000018041C189 (soundvoltex): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:stackwalker: 000000018014D276 (soundvoltex): (unknown): (unknown)
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:stackwalker: 000000018042CD16 (soundvoltex): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:stackwalker: 000000018042B2C0 (soundvoltex): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:stackwalker: 00000001803BD8EB (soundvoltex): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:stackwalker: 00000001803BCF46 (soundvoltex): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:stackwalker: 00000001801EDFD8 (soundvoltex): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:stackwalker: 00000001801EDEBD (soundvoltex): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:stackwalker: 00000001801EDDC5 (soundvoltex): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:stackwalker: 00007FF6C11BB238 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:stackwalker: 00007FF6C11813C1 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:stackwalker: 00007FF6C11814F6 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:stackwalker: 00007FFFE1147034 (KERNEL32): (unknown): BaseThreadInitThunk
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:stackwalker: 00007FFFE2122651 (ntdll): (unknown): RtlUserThreadStart
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] F:signal: end
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:launcher: stopping subsystems
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:logger: stop
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Stop
[2021/08/07 18:22:00] I:rawinput: disposing devicesimage.png.0fcb50ccf1fbd3ff659c833dbcda5510.png

i can't get through this part




  Le 05/08/2021 à 18:01, J0nny0 a dit :

At this point I hope that all Arcades start using proprietary hardware again so n-0 leaks wont be playable  : )


Why is that? I think it is delightful to play the game that you like or you can't play, instead of just sitting at home and watching everyone play while crying alone, for me I am using it to practicing to play more better, I think this is a good choice for new players if they want to play better at Arcade Machine


  Le 07/08/2021 à 00:58, andgos a dit :

Hi i have trouble running SDVX VI Exceed Gear

This is my LOG


[2021/08/06 14:02:17] I:boot: finish
[----/--/-- --:--:--] M:sntp: end of adjust.
[2021/08/06 14:02:12] I:ssl: initializing
[2021/08/06 14:02:12] I:avs-game: loading DLL 'soundvoltex.dll'
[2021/08/06 14:02:12] W:libutils: 'E:\Sound Voltex VI Exceed Gear\contents\soundvoltex.dll' couldn't be loaded: The specified module could not be found.

[2021/08/06 14:02:12] F:libutils: 

Please check if soundvoltex.dll exists and the permissions are fine.
If the problem still persists, try installing:
* Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables (*all* versions, *both* x86/x64)
    Hint: use one of the AIO installers (e.g.
* DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)
* Running Windows 10 "N"?
* Running Windows 7 "N"?
* Still have problems?
    Find the missing dependency using:
[2021/08/06 14:02:12] I:launcher: stopping subsystems
[2021/08/06 14:02:12] I:logger: stop
[2021/08/06 14:02:12] I:rawinput: disposing devices

I already try to Install several Visual C++ and DirectX

Running On GPD WIN 3

CPU: Intel Gen11 Tiger Lake-U i7-1165G7
GPU: Intel Gen12 Iris Xe Graphics
Memory: 16GB LPDDR4x 4266

Please help Thanks :) (Sorry for my bad english)

Développer that onboard GPU? because EG need Nvidia or AMD(someone has already patch it to work with AMD GPU, and I don't know if VIVID required GPU or not)

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 08/08/2021 à 01:54, 123456778 a dit : that onboard GPU? because EG need Nvidia or AMD(someone has already patch it to work with AMD GPU, and I don't know if VIVID required GPU or not)


Yes i think it is onboard GPU :( and i can run vivid with no problem 

Modifié par andgos
  Le 08/08/2021 à 11:35, J0nny0 a dit :

I am talking about N-0 aka the shit thats active in JP rn.
idc if people run N-1 or older, i am just focusing at N-0 as it can cripple the Arcade Scene way more than it already is to the point where its just not worth it to develop for if everyone is just pirating the newest version and play from home anyway.
Instead of looking at Short-Term Goals, we should look at long term...


oh, yeah, you are right, I am agree with it, latest update should not be leak too soon as Arcade versions release, it is a good point, I am respect that idea sir.


  Le 08/08/2021 à 02:14, andgos a dit :

Yes i think it is onboard GPU :( and i can run vivid with no problem 


Yes, EG required a realm GPU not onboard one, so...I feel bad a bout that mate, but you can try to add EG songs in VIVID(I have already did it once or twice and I have forgot what I did there, but the buttons, lasers and longs notes kinda strange)

  Le 10/08/2021 à 02:58, 123456778 a dit :


Yes, EG required a realm GPU not onboard one, so...I feel bad a bout that mate, but you can try to add EG songs in VIVID(I have already did it once or twice and I have forgot what I did there, but the buttons, lasers and longs notes kinda strange)


Thanks , i think i stick with VW now :)

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