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  Le 10/03/2021 à 01:40, vertekzx a dit :

How did u started the game? I overwritten contents file in previous KFC content folder with latest spicetool game start but crash immediatly in the menu where u press start button.. Can u help me?


Sorry for the late reply, I don't know if you solved the problem or not but I replace KFC-2019100800 with KFC-2020122200 data
then change ea3-config: http://localhost:8083
and run: asphyxia > config everything with spicecfg.exe > run it with spice64.exe

I am very sorry for the late reply, because I am too busy from school until now

  Le 10/06/2021 à 17:07, 1NGAN a dit :

게임설치 방법

게임본편+Spice tool
asphyxia(이어뮤 서버 에뮬)
asphyxia 6볼용 플러그인


asphyxia 세팅은 홈피 들어가서 다운로드 받고
6볼용 플러그인을 plugins폴더에 넣으면 됨


ea3-config.xml은 이 부분을 수정하면 됨

그리고 spicecfg.exe 실행해서 
Options 들어가서 Service URL 에 저 주소를 넣으면 됨

창 모드는 Windowed Mode 켜 주면 됨

cards에 가서 카드 설정해주고 게임에서 기본 num패드 + 누르면 인식 될꺼

그리고 기본 출력 장치 음질을 16bit 48000hz로 맞춰야됨

실행은 되도록 spice64로, bat로 실행하면 일부 명령어가 설정에 관계없어 실행됨

틀린 거 있거나 질문 있으면 quote 하셈




이렇게 똑같이 해도 F: signal: end라고 뜨면서 튕기는데 뭐가 잘못된걸까요ㅠㅠ 6볼이 하고싶어요

unknown (5).png

Posté(e) (modifié)

how can i solve this problem

soundvoltex.dll coudln't be loaded
i installed directx and vc++ all versions

plz help TOT


데탑에선 별 문제없이 구동성공 했는데 노트북에선 해당 오류를 뿜습니다.

directx랑 vc++ 다 설치했는데도 계속 오류가 뜨네요 도와주세요ㅠㅠ


Modifié par wont0309
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 16/06/2021 à 12:27, wont0309 a dit :

how can i solve this problem

soundvoltex.dll coudln't be loaded
i installed directx and vc++ all versions

plz help TOT


데탑에선 별 문제없이 구동성공 했는데 노트북에선 해당 오류를 뿜습니다.

directx랑 vc++ 다 설치했는데도 계속 오류가 뜨네요 도와주세요ㅠㅠ



soundvoltex.dll 이 없어서 안되는거 아닌가요

Modifié par 1NGAN
  Le 14/06/2021 à 12:39, Swissychief a dit :

Ya, my game is running but I have 2 weird issues I have never seen before:


1) Seems like my Spicecfg is not being used for button mapping. It's stuck on my previous settings, and any changes I make are not reflexting in-game... Gonna try a few things to fix this. Basically I can't scan my card in... lol But everything else is working fine. - Fixed. It was a card issue. For some reason the Spicecfg change to a bad card I had manually created a long time ago. And that made it so the card wouldn't scan in. 

2) Game is choppy in 120hz. Seems like it's running slow when in a song. I turned off G-sync, set the monitor to 120hz, and set max frame rate to 120fps, oh and V-sync is also off... No dice. Not sure why it's doing this. - Fixed. Was caused by Nvidia drivers. Updated and clean installed, and it is basically fixed now.


All fixed. Keeping it posted for other people like me who make mistakes in setups...


Could you please tell me how to get the game run at 120hz. I changed all the settings as you mentioned but is still runs at 60hz.

Posté(e) (modifié)

Questions regarding options for Faucetwo SDVX controller from Gamo2


I'm thinking about ordering the Faucetwo from Gamo2 & looking for recommendations for a couple of questions I have regarding options. I've already looked at these 2 reviews/videos:

I'm planning on going with the default DJDao buttons as the reviews seem to indicate they are just fine. Looking for recommendations for these remaining options:


  1. Springs - 60g or 100g ? .... (I saw on another post that lighter springs is recommended)

  2. Microswitch - I've heard Omron is highly recommended but which one is best? ....They have 3 options for Omron : 25g , 50g , 100g .... (I saw on another post that arcade machines use 50g Omron D2MV-01-1C3)


I'm leaning toward  60g springs & 50g switches based on feedback I've seen so far.


EDIT:   Placed my order for delivery in July.   Based on feedback/recommendations, I went with the 60g springs & Omron D2MV-01-1C3 50g switches.


Modifié par Max Panda
  Le 16/06/2021 à 16:48, a121232 a dit :

I tried re-installing the game but still no Megamix mode :(

I don’t know why



Same issue here. I've tried a couple different versions of Exceed Gear and I've never seen anything but Normal, Friend, Premium Time, and Skill Analyzer as my options. How do I access Megamix etc..Sorry somewhat new to this.

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 15/06/2021 à 15:34, MimiNyami a dit :

I still have that mode


I'm still wondering why you can play in the Megamix mode while other users here can't even see that game mode appearing in the current version of Exceed Gear (i also can't see the Megamix mode), it might have to do with the Asphyxia Core server (the SDVX plugin), or it might have to do with editing some of the *.dll in the folder, or even editing some of the *.xml that activates that mode, it might even have to do with running the game in the Valkyre cab since it now seems to be using the Vivid cab (i mean, doing something with the spice config to do that), guess I will keep waiting for a possible solution because I don't have enough knowledge to understand what to do or what to edit.

Modifié par Winberhouls
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 18/06/2021 à 14:11, J0nny0 a dit :

Isnt that locked behind Valk?


Yeah, but for some reason someone here can play it in that mode (or I don't know if they mean playing it in Vivid Wave idk, cause what i know is you can actually play it in Vivid Wave), although I find it odd because that would also have to do with an improved version of SpiceTools that emulates that Cab.

Modifié par Winberhouls
  Le 18/06/2021 à 18:52, kamaboko a dit :

When I run a Exceed Gear, the warning message F: signal: end appears during loading and suddenly turns off. Is there a solution to this?1624041940624.jpg.0f3a1fdc078ff9176809d88ca0043a56.jpg



Did you disable the cameras before opening the game? (I mean, you can disable it in the spicecfg)

Posté(e) (modifié)

I played the game on version KFC-2020011500 and used Asphyxia-v0.2.0 (not asphyxia core) to save my game progress. Now I've downloaded version KFC-008-2020122200 to update the game, as well as reinstalling spicetools and asphyxia. Anyone know how to transfer my progress from older version to newer one? When I try to copy & paste the json files (originally created by asphyxia to store personal information and scores) into KFC-008-2020122200 game folder, it just doesn't work (error message appeared after inserting card). Thanks in advance!

Modifié par johnymarker
I'm currently using AMD and I'm thinking of switching to GTX1060 6GB because I can't get enough of EXCEED GEAR and I'm thinking of buying it if I can save my EXCEED GEAR score data and play it without any problems. Is anyone else currently able to play without problems?
  Le 19/06/2021 à 05:19, Shk a dit :
I'm currently using AMD and I'm thinking of switching to GTX1060 6GB because I can't get enough of EXCEED GEAR and I'm thinking of buying it if I can save my EXCEED GEAR score data and play it without any problems. Is anyone else currently able to play without problems?

GTX1060 6g on laptop works perfectly for me. won't be worse on desktop I guess.

  Le 19/06/2021 à 05:19, Shk a dit :
I'm currently using AMD and I'm thinking of switching to GTX1060 6GB because I can't get enough of EXCEED GEAR and I'm thinking of buying it if I can save my EXCEED GEAR score data and play it without any problems. Is anyone else currently able to play without problems?


I'm playing on an old Intel quad-core desktop (built it over 10 years ago) & a GTX 1070.   No issues playing the game or saving scores/progress via Asphyxia core w/ plugin.  


I have an AMD GPU. Can I get an Nvidia GPU and install it but be able to switch back to my AMD if I want to? I just wanna play EG lol


hi there, I have run the EG in windows 7 and its all fine, but my monitor solution capped in 60 hz due to monitor capability.


Is there anyway to fake EG to recognize my monitor is a 120 hz and turn into valkyrie mode? or I must buy a 120 hz monitor to deal with it?

  Le 20/06/2021 à 07:17, exgary a dit :

hi there, I have run the EG in windows 7 and its all fine, but my monitor solution capped in 60 hz due to monitor capability.


Is there anyway to fake EG to recognize my monitor is a 120 hz and turn into valkyrie mode? or I must buy a 120 hz monitor to deal with it?


I'm playing with a 120hz monitor, but still have no idea how to acess valkyrie mode.

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