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Teknoparrot - Grid '4k' tutorial

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let me know if this is redundant now. and il remove this video.  though i feel it can still help those of us with high end monitors 4k hdr asus and such etc..

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  • 2 ans après...

if i knew, i just came here.

but not for nothing.

the lines (64 to 77) that are blocking the launch in \system\hardware_settings_restrictions.xml are :


you can obviously see that the game launch is restricted to 640x480

           <!-- Minimum resolution -->
                <restrict_if name="width" op="int_le" value="639">
                    <restrict_set name="width" default="640" />
                    <restrict_set name="height" default="480" />
                <restrict_if name="height" op="int_le" value="479">
                    <restrict_set name="width" default="640" />
                    <restrict_set name="height" default="480" />


here the edited version for 4K (copy paste this)

           <!-- Minimum resolution -->
                <restrict_if name="width" op="int_le" value="3839">
                    <restrict_set name="width" default="3840" />
                    <restrict_set name="height" default="2160" />
                <restrict_if name="height" op="int_le" value="2159">
                    <restrict_set name="width" default="3840" />
                    <restrict_set name="height" default="2160" />


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