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[Arcade PC] Battle Gear 4 + BG4 Tuned (TTX)


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I had to reinstall BG4 Tuned with TP, now the buttons are all changed, is there a reason/solution for that besides the one posted abobe?

Wierd is that with the newer TP Version, once i changed to professional Mode the graphics became very grainy, there seems to be no aliasing. If i change back to normal mode (4:3) it stays like that and looks like a PSX Game. If i lauch it with a different Version of TP, there seems to be aliasing. Anyone experienced the same and is there a solution? thanks and best regards...

Modifié par krs73
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Hello again.... I've been trying to get this game running for several days, by all possible means... In the end I was able to launch it without error, with GLARH. The fact is that it launches well....but the controls do nothing.... I'm using the jconfig files from here on the forum, and they don't work for me. I have an Xbox controller. What can be? Thanks in advance

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