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Hello everyone

I'm creating this topic to share what I discovered

and try to solve the problem that I can't solve.



Why do I want to compile Openparrot first?


I wanted to put coin in DirtyDrivin, I analyzed 
the exe from the first dump and the exe from Jconfig 
and noticed that the one from jconfig ignores the modifications 
of the .ini configuration file in the RuntimeData folder so it 
has a path applied to it that bypasses the verification of 
the exe teknoparrot dump applies this path when loading the game.


So here's a step by step of what I did


I downloaded the openparrot source code



unzipped and ran premake.bat for vs2019 (Visual Studio 2019)



open openparrot.sln with Visual Studio 2019


I opened openparrot



then src/Functions/Games/Other


and now DirtyDrivin.cpp



in the code I identified where the paths are applied in the

configurations, ignoring the .ini file of the RuntimeData folder


these are



I commented all of them



now I have it compiled in release mode and Win32



after finishing compiling a folder called build is created


I follow this path build \ bin \ release \ output
and copy all the content



and paste it into

teknoparrot OpenParrotWin32 folder



ok in theory it was just that i thought that when sending

teknoparrot to run the game he would not do the verification

paths and i could find out the memory address of the coin

but i get it when i send it



this error means that openparrot checks the CRC

executable (Cyclic Redundancy Checksum) and that for some reason

 I don't know yet, it changed when compiling the new openparrot


and that the new CRC generated is 5F4E17C3



I reopened OpenParrot.sln with Visual Studio 2019


I vaculated the code and found GameDetect.cpp


I found where it links the CRC with the

game id and replaced the old CRC with the new one



I thought I had resolved more now by sending teknoparrot

to run the game it doesn't show the error anymore it also doesn't open the game



now that i don't know what i can do anymore if someone knows what i

did wrong and can compile openparrot with the Dirty Drivin modification share it here



I appreciate everyone's attention and I think that if we help each other

and share our experiences we can evolve and make the dumps as perfect as possible

Modifié par 7zxkv
title balise

Amazing progress, Do you know where openParrot crashes? Maybe adding some log using log4net can tell you something. I don't know if you can run dll using debug mode.

  Le 30/03/2020 Ă  01:08, gasabbath a dit :

That is great. I am a programmer but I don't have any knowledge about emulation stuff.

Are you from Brazil?



Yes I am from Brazil I am from the city of Curitiba, State of Paraná



let's exchange information I work with arcade machine maintenance and I'm learning programming

  Le 30/03/2020 Ă  01:58, jhonipin a dit :


Yes I am from Brazil I am from the city of Curitiba, State of Paraná



let's exchange information I work with arcade machine maintenance and I'm learning programming


I have no problem in exchange info. I dĂłnt know anything about emulation or working directly with memory addresses but if I can help you in anything that would be great. I have no problem in learning new things.
But I am not smart as you are haha.

We are neighbors, I am from Uruguay :)

I just found out that what I did above is all right the fact that the game 
didn't open was a bug that I solved just by opening the GAME SETINGS and changing anything inside
 it and saving and the game opened more, it didn't do the I / O bypass so there is any of the paths I commented 
on does the I / O bypass
  Le 30/03/2020 Ă  11:22, jhonipin a dit :



as you can see in the video my compilation worked it means that the source code works. now the game enters coin mode but still ignores some settings in the RunTimeData folder so I still have work to do kkkk





I have to find out the credit address now


this is the openparrot compiled by me



Great! Could you explain a little bit how do you do for analize the game.exe and figured out what memory address match with coin buttons? I mean, I have no idea how to do that and I would like to know.

  Le 30/03/2020 Ă  12:34, gasabbath a dit :

Great! Could you explain a little bit how do you do for analize the game.exe and figured out what memory address match with coin buttons? I mean, I have no idea how to do that and I would like to know.

of course I explain how I am doing in this game, I will explain here, for example, he is still
 applying some configuration paths like the 4 coins for 1 credit so I have to solve this first

we are learning together
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We wait for TP team to enable test menu so we can change things like multiplayer networking.  

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