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[Arcade PC] Freedom Fighter Singe Edition (LaserDisc)

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Posté(e) (modifié)

finally, this is my release of Freedom Fighter.


In the source material the video/audio is scrambled all over the LD, with variable speed too, so the reconstruction took about 100 hours or more.


Please look at the original material, then judge:


The original game allowed a random sequence of the scenes, my version follows a predetermined sequence that will lead you through all levels.

The sequence was reconstructed according to the original LD and the CD-I version (which was missing many scenes), as some sequences/images were rendered by the program and are not memorized in the LD, for the same reason some material was taken from the CD-I version.


The game is playable with mouse, no keyboard required, like the original).
In some sections the gameplay is very easy, in others it is very very hard.


Shoot when you hear ACTION, and discover the target area ;-)
Move when you hear MOVE, and discover the right direction...


To move right, shoot at the right half of the screen.
To move left, shoot at the left half of the screen.
To move down, shoot at the bottom half of the screen.
To move forward or up, shooy at the upper half of the screen.


As usual, feel free to modify the code)



Have fun!!!




Modifié par famawizard
Invité Hot buttered poodle

This is another fantastic release!! I love the fact that you work very hard on these releases that I NEVER would have thought I'd ever get the chance to see...let alone play. There is nothing like laserdisc games..always been fascinated by them since I was a teenager. Thank you very much for your time and energy!!


thankyou very much for your time, i have been waiting years to play this game. is there a way to put it in to one package i find it a bit confusing to make it work. thanks again

Posté(e) (modifié)

This afternoon I will take a look at a problem that a user has after level 2. Sometimes the game hangs at end of that level and this sometimes happens to me too.

I will make a single package too, even if other authors distributed singe and games separately.

In the meanwhile, if stuck at the end of level 2, please set starting at level 3 in the config menu (key 9).


Modifié par famawizard
Posté(e) (modifié)

Ok, Premiere has a bug in coding videos which have been heavily modified with speed control... to repair game is sufficient to replace the file setupgame_mouse.singe in the singe/freedomfighter folder with the version uploaded in the first post.


Have fun :-)

Modifié par famawizard
  Le 17/02/2020 à 15:23, juice a dit :

hello did you upload the full pakage , for this game, thanks,,cant wait to play




No, but I will give you the precise instruction:

1) download the archive and decompress, you will find a "freedomfighter" folder, inside it another freedomfighter folder and a singe folder with inside another freedomfighter

2) download singe archive and decompress it in the first folder of pass(1)

3) download the single, corrected file, and put it in the last folder of pass (1)

  Le 17/02/2020 à 16:00, juice a dit :

hello  am i unzipping the singe emulator into the singe folder or unzipping it to the the freedoom fighter folder thanks for your reply


In the main freedomfighter

Posté(e) (modifié)

thanks mate i got it running great game, i get blank screen after train sequence , can move target and make shooting sounds but that it. i have replaced the setupgame_mouse .singe file . thanks for your time

Modifié par juice

Hi, I can't get the game to work. I've tried the tutorial but I always get an error message ("could not load bitmap: etc."). I'm not sure which Singe emulator I should use, since there are two of them: the simple "Singe"  and the "Singe complete" , and I find the instructions very confusing. Could you make another step by step tutorial with clearer instructions?

Thank you!

  Le 18/02/2020 à 19:54, maxpy71 a dit :

Hi, I can't get the game to work. I've tried the tutorial but I always get an error message ("could not load bitmap: etc."). I'm not sure which Singe emulator I should use, since there are two of them: the simple "Singe"  and the "Singe complete" , and I find the instructions very confusing. Could you make another step by step tutorial with clearer instructions?

Thank you!


Hi, follow the first two passes with the singe complete, ignore the third pass.

At the end you will have a folder freedomfighter. Inside there will be two folders (singe and freedomfighter) and a bunch of files, including freedomfighter.bat.



Posté(e) (modifié)

i had the same trouble mate there was some missing folders in the singe complete i  copyed over some other folders , pics  sound. aswell from another singe build would not boot for me other wise

Modifié par juice
  Le 18/02/2020 à 20:48, juice a dit :

i had the same trouble mate there was some missing folders in the singe complete i  copyed over some other folders , pics  sound. aswell from another singe build would not boot for me other wise



  Le 18/02/2020 à 19:54, maxpy71 a dit :

Hi, I can't get the game to work. I've tried the tutorial but I always get an error message ("could not load bitmap: etc."). I'm not sure which Singe emulator I should use, since there are two of them: the simple "Singe"  and the "Singe complete" , and I find the instructions very confusing. Could you make another step by step tutorial with clearer instructions?

Thank you!


First post and link updated :-)


kool bro , i just download the new one thanks famawizard and i had to add the pic and sound folders to singe . must be daphne files need or something. but i am still getting blank screen after the train escape, i take it that is the end of level one. i will try it on a two different pcs later. but yet again you have done an amazing job my freind thank you for the time and effort gone in to this.


There is a file called Daphne. Log or similar, it's written when singe hangs or exits, send it to me, please. In the meanwhile, use the config menu (key 9) to start at desired level and scene.


--DAPHNE version 1.0.10
--Command line is: daphne.exe singe vldp -opengl -x 1600 -y 1200 -fullscreen_window -noserversend -volume_vldp 64 -volume_nonvldp 32 -sound_buffer 2048 -framefile freedomfighter/ff.txt -script singe/freedomfighter/setupgame_mouse.singe
--CPU : GenuineIntel 3600 MHz || Mem : 4096 megs
--OS : Windows XP/.NET || Video : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti
--OpenGL: Compiled In
--RGB2YUV Function: MMX
--Line Blending Function: MMX
--Audio Mixing Function: MMX
Setting screen width to 1600
Setting screen height to 1200
Setting sound buffer size to 2048
Set 3840x2160 at 32 bpp with flags: 22
Initializing sound system ...
Joystick #0 was successfully opened
Remapping input ...
Framefile parse succeeded. Video/Audio directory is: freedomfighter/./
OpenGL v2.0 is supported.
Booting ROM ...
Starting Singe version 1.14
SINGE: Entering initVLDP()
Search to 0 received [blocking]
End of audio stream detected!
SINGE: Leaving initVLDP()
SINGE: Playing FIRE & ICE version 2.1
SINGE: Entering readConfig()
Search to 500 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Search to 25000 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Search to 25734 received [blocking]
Skipped forward 14 frames (from 25800 to 25814)
Skipped forward 2 frames (from 25942 to 25944)
Search to 7678 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Search to 25734 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Skipped forward 16 frames (from 25798 to 25814)
Skipped forward 9 frames (from 25935 to 25944)
Search to 7678 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Search to 25734 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Skipped forward 13 frames (from 25801 to 25814)
Skipped forward 17 frames (from 25927 to 25944)
Skipped forward 9 frames (from 26152 to 26161)
Search to 26291 received [blocking]
Skipped forward 6 frames (from 26522 to 26528)
Search to 7940 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Search to 500 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Search to 26291 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Skipped forward 3 frames (from 26525 to 26528)
Search to 7940 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Search to 26291 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Skipped forward 1 frames (from 26527 to 26528)
Skipped forward 19 frames (from 26559 to 26578)
Skipped forward 1 frames (from 26602 to 26603)
Search to 7940 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Search to 26291 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Skipped forward 3 frames (from 26525 to 26528)
Skipped forward 21 frames (from 26557 to 26578)
Search to 7940 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Search to 500 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Search to 26291 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Skipped forward 2 frames (from 26526 to 26528)
Skipped forward 24 frames (from 26554 to 26578)
Search to 7940 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Search to 26291 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Skipped forward 5 frames (from 26523 to 26528)
Skipped forward 21 frames (from 26557 to 26578)
Search to 7940 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Search to 26291 received [blocking]
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Skipped forward 65535 frames (from 26529 to 26528)
End of audio stream detected!
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Shutting down sound system...
Shutting down video display...



i think looking at the daphne log,,look at 6 line up from the bottom of the log ( Skipped forward 65535 frames (from 26529 to 26528) maybe problem? thanks

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 19/02/2020 à 01:01, juice a dit :

i think looking at the daphne log,,look at 6 line up from the bottom of the log ( Skipped forward 65535 frames (from 26529 to 26528) maybe problem? thanks


Yes, it's a problem related to a bug in premiere pro, used to encode the audio/video. It leads to problems only on some pc (not in mine 😅). Try replacing the file in the singe/freedomfighter with that attached here


Modifié par famawizard

hello mate , still the same problem, same thing in the log aswell. running windows 7 and tryed it on another pc with windows 7 , i will try it tonight on windows 10. dam that adobe , had simuler problems with cs6 the other day now exporting a go pro image


4me BLACK SCREEN !!! Not Run

Log is ok


--DAPHNE version 1.0.10
--Command line is: C:\DaphneSinge\daphne.exe singe vldp -framefile singe/freedomfighter/freedomfighter.txt -script singe/freedomfighter/freedomfighter.singe -x 640 -y 480 -fullscreen_window 
--CPU : GenuineIntel 2500 MHz || Mem : 2048 megs
--OS : Windows XP/.NET || Video : Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
--OpenGL: Compiled In
--RGB2YUV Function: MMX
--Line Blending Function: MMX
--Audio Mixing Function: MMX
Setting screen width to 640
Setting screen height to 480
Set 1600x900 at 32 bpp with flags: 20
Initializing sound system ... 
No joysticks detected
Framefile parse succeeded. Video/Audio directory is: singe/freedomfighter/./
YUV overlay is done in software (ie unaccelerated).
Booting ROM ...
Starting Singe version 1.14
Shutting down sound system...
Shutting down video display...

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 20/02/2020 à 08:21, snupello a dit :

4me BLACK SCREEN !!! Not Run

Log is ok


--DAPHNE version 1.0.10
--Command line is: C:\DaphneSinge\daphne.exe singe vldp -framefile singe/freedomfighter/freedomfighter.txt -script singe/freedomfighter/freedomfighter.singe -x 640 -y 480 -fullscreen_window 
--CPU : GenuineIntel 2500 MHz || Mem : 2048 megs
--OS : Windows XP/.NET || Video : Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
--OpenGL: Compiled In
--RGB2YUV Function: MMX
--Line Blending Function: MMX
--Audio Mixing Function: MMX
Setting screen width to 640
Setting screen height to 480
Set 1600x900 at 32 bpp with flags: 20
Initializing sound system ... 
No joysticks detected
Framefile parse succeeded. Video/Audio directory is: singe/freedomfighter/./
YUV overlay is done in software (ie unaccelerated).
Booting ROM ...
Starting Singe version 1.14
Shutting down sound system...
Shutting down video display...


First thing, the video is 720x480, not 640x480.


I use

daphne.exe singe vldp -opengl -x 1600 -y 1200 -fullscreen_window -noserversend -volume_vldp 64 -volume_nonvldp 32 -sound_buffer 2048 -framefile freedomfighter/ff.txt -script singe/freedomfighter/setupgame_mouse.singe


There is no freedomfighter.singe, I hope you only changed the name of the file :-)


The game works whitout hangs for me and my friends, with really different PCs, in all levels...

Try modifying the resolution and let me know, in my daphne log, after the Starting singe 1.14 there is

SINGE: Entering initVLDP()

This let me think there is a problem with video, try -opengl

Modifié par famawizard

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