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[Arcade PC] Daitarn 3 Singe Edition (Laserdisc)

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this is the second game i created for Singe.
The game is based on the animated series of Daitarn 3 and Haran Banjo.
Italian language only.


daownload emulator singe 4: 3!31N0FSqJ!BqXq4WhNrQLw7r44dFcivOKGth3RzL7S30CymRht3QA


download emulator singe 16:9!SkUi0YzZ!vJl5MtXdydPvO6QPFNx7LtuLiJr4yTsF4mGE11nbUzQ


download Daitarn 3 Singe Edition!64ETlIrY!bUAsrl5anHGhwMahdIqsGN_WSS070AEj3k1HBFBU35c



7 ore fa, juice ha scritto:

i got ithe game running but screen resolution is 4 x the size it is ment to be

I don't understand.

2 hours ago, poiu said:

I don't understand.

what he mean is the game  when whe load with bat files are zoom x1 in the screen ,just have to remove the  Y x X in the batch  files and the game  run perfectly

Posté(e) (modifié)

hello poiu thanks for getting back to me i have posted a picture of what my problem is. i am running on a 4k tv and i am getting a picture that is dispayed 4x the origanal. i am only getting quarter of the screen. see pic.thanks cant wait to play


Modifié par juice

you have a 4K TV edit the bat file



@daphne.exe singe vldp -opengl -ignore_aspect_ratio -fullscreen_window -noserversend -volume_vldp 64 -volume_nonvldp 24 -sound_buffer 2048 -framefile singe/daitarn/daitarn.txt -script singe/daitarn/setupgame.singe

  • 3 mois aprĂšs...

Hi friends !!

Here I leave you my new gameplay of Daitarn 3, finished with a 1 Credit Clear, and no Deaths.

I want to thanks very especially to @poiu, for your fantastic and great job in this LaserDisc game !!

PD: For true Youtube has locked this video in Italia, for terms of copyrights



  • 9 mois aprĂšs...
  • 3 ans aprĂšs...

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