poiu Posté(e) le 3 février 2020 Posté(e) le 3 février 2020 (modifié)    Hello everybody this is my version of the Platoon game, American laser games style  Download Platoon by Poiu singe editionhttps://mega.nz/#!mgkkRY4Z!2Pvl57fKq-OFbPEv8wI-pHQg7rii6X_jAE1i4ubDYww  just insert the platoon folder in the singe folder and the 2 bat files in the main emulator folder.   Attract Mode  Game Play  Modifié le 3 février 2020 par poiu 8
torostanco Posté(e) le 3 février 2020 Posté(e) le 3 février 2020 great job very playable poiu thanks
lolobeebop31 Posté(e) le 4 février 2020 Posté(e) le 4 février 2020 (modifié) Nice! I can see the bullets, life, and score ingame is more logic with the game topic than the other version. Is it like the original? Have you seen it? I don't. Has it any other improvement? Thanks! Pd. I'm phasermaniac, dont know why, I am logged as another user, can edit but not erase Modifié le 4 février 2020 par lolobeebop31
poiu Posté(e) le 4 février 2020 Auteur Posté(e) le 4 février 2020 it took me so many hours to do it. I've never seen the game, but it's still the same as an American Laser Games. Even the hardware it uses is the same 1
torostanco Posté(e) le 5 février 2020 Posté(e) le 5 février 2020 Great laser games Platoon poiu it would be nice to be able to play one day also has marbella vice and freedom fighter laserdisc game one day thanks for your commitment in laser games
poiu Posté(e) le 5 février 2020 Auteur Posté(e) le 5 février 2020 5 ore fa, torostanco ha scritto: Great laser games Platoon poiu it would be nice to be able to play one day also has marbella vice and freedom fighter laserdisc game one day thanks for your commitment in laser games I don't have the videos to do it, if someone gives me the audio video part I will definitely do it 1
torostanco Posté(e) le 5 février 2020 Posté(e) le 5 février 2020 (modifié) poiu thanks for your work in laser games it could be created from daphne Freedom Fighter mpeg version Modifié le 5 février 2020 par torostanco
lolobeebop31 Posté(e) le 5 février 2020 Posté(e) le 5 février 2020 Yes I tried today in my arcade at 640*240 15hz with crt gun and works nice, I only played the beggining.  One question: for me, the trigger activated crosshair option works in the other singe games but not here, it seems to show crosshaire.png. I like this option because it doesnt distract you when aiming but shows where you last shot, and it's like the original did. It is not perfect in daphne singe, because if you are moving the gun when shoot, you can see the trigger activated crosshair moves, and it shouldnt, but you can fix it with ahk bloking the mouse movement while thrigger is down. Any advice to make it work?
phasermaniac Posté(e) le 5 février 2020 Posté(e) le 5 février 2020 This was phasermaniac. I'm after the Marbella vice video content for years, but I cant find it. Yars ago, I asked to Rdg, who uploaded this video  but he didnt want to share, dont know why, because previusly, when he was asking for help, he said he would. And later Arcadecat, an association that bought the only original arcade that worked, and they only seemed to want it emulated with mame.
poiu Posté(e) le 6 février 2020 Auteur Posté(e) le 6 février 2020 if anyone has videos I share with you
phasermaniac Posté(e) le 6 février 2020 Posté(e) le 6 février 2020 thanks! I would do too, but I think it's dificult. In the internet I saw In they have an vhs in la Biblioteca Nacional de España in Madrid and in the Red Publica de Lectura de Euskadi in Vitoria. But you need some premission to take. What about the trigger activated option, can be used?
famawizard Posté(e) le 8 février 2020 Posté(e) le 8 février 2020 Il 5/2/2020 Alle 18:56, torostanco ha scritto: poiu thanks for your work in laser games it could be created from daphne Freedom Fighter mpeg version I have just finished my recostruction of all audio/video scenes of Freedom Fighter... a really long work since the only dump that I know has the video tracks scrambled. Now I little bit for implementing the moves and targets... 1
poiu Posté(e) le 8 février 2020 Auteur Posté(e) le 8 février 2020 21 minuti fa, famawizard ha scritto: I have just finished my recostruction of all audio/video scenes of Freedom Fighter... a really long work since the only dump that I know has the video tracks scrambled. Now I little bit for implementing the moves and targets... nice job famawizard, for the use of the gun take my script as an example, making hitbox files is a long job, but it is necessary. While for the directions in the alley scene you will need to script yourself, there is no where to start
famawizard PostĂ©(e) le 8 fĂ©vrier 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 8 fĂ©vrier 2020 Thanks... In FF, thank's God, the targets are static, so I hope hitboxs should (SHOULDđ ) not be necessary. One problem is that often they are very near each other. I think the original arcade was very very difficult. One thing that I will not implement is the randomlyness of the levels. In the original game you can play the levels in any order, while in my version you must follow a single route, but all scenes are present, except one small interlude that I have reconstructed but is impossible to insert (but is a non playable scene). Then thee are two scenes excluded because they are the exact reflection of another scenes (left vs right). Finally.. Some scenes are with substituted audio, be c in the LD rip not always audio is in sync with video. 1
poiu Posté(e) le 8 février 2020 Auteur Posté(e) le 8 février 2020 (modifié) Hitboxes are needed otherwise when you shoot you don't jump to the scene where the enemies explode. Gun games don't work like move games this is how it should be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY4wuZyemzM Modifié le 8 février 2020 par poiu 1
torostanco Posté(e) le 8 février 2020 Posté(e) le 8 février 2020 Thanks famawizard and poui for your efforts in creating these beautiful laser games arcade freedom fighter and a beautiful laser games for daphne has never worked
juice Posté(e) le 8 février 2020 Posté(e) le 8 février 2020 (modifié) the origanl cartoon from freedoom fighter is taken from a tv show and film called galaxy express 999, this is a amazing show and well worth a watch it about a boy who has a ticket for the galaxy express wihich is a train that travels the galaxy, he is looking to get a robotic body so he can live a rich life and live for 100s of years. the troble is only the weathy can afford the robotic bodys. over 100 eps. i think the game is taken from the film if you need a crisp copy. i cannot wait to play this game guys.  keep up the good work Modifié le 8 février 2020 par juice
famawizard PostĂ©(e) le 8 fĂ©vrier 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 8 fĂ©vrier 2020 (modifiĂ©) 35 minuti fa, juice ha scritto: the origanl cartoon from freedoom fighter is taken from a tv show and film called galaxy express 999, this is a amazing show and well worth a watch it about a boy who has a ticket for the galaxy express wihich is a train that travels the galaxy, he is looking to get a robotic body so he can live a rich life and live for 100s of years. the troble is only the weathy can afford the robotic bodys. over 100 eps. i think the game is taken from the film if you need a crisp copy. i cannot wait to play this game guys.  keep up the good work Unluckily, or luckily, all game is made from original material đ ModifiĂ© le 8 fĂ©vrier 2020 par famawizard 1
ssj PostĂ©(e) le 13 fĂ©vrier 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 13 fĂ©vrier 2020 @poiu Could you please tell us what are the differences between your Platoon version and famawizard's? Â
poiu Posté(e) le 14 février 2020 Auteur Posté(e) le 14 février 2020 14 ore fa, ssj ha scritto: @poiu Could you please tell us what are the differences between your Platoon version and famawizard's?  download the 2 versions and find the differences 1
pedropatatas Posté(e) le 18 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 18 avril 2020 First of all thanks for your work, it looks really fantastic. Now, I don't know why but the game is pretty unresponsive. Sometimes shooting one or multiple times at an enemy does nothing and you have to restart all again.
dreamerchen Posté(e) le 18 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 18 avril 2020 How Can I play this game? maybe want use emulator? Thanks
sgc1 Posté(e) le 19 août 2020 Posté(e) le 19 août 2020 Hi would you be able to put a new link up please.
shift Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2020 Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2020 I agree with the request. Unfortunately the link is broken. Could someone repost a correct link? Thanks
poiu Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2020 Auteur Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2020 this project is abandoned, you will find the new version in singe 2
Jonathan Smith Posté(e) le 12 décembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 décembre 2022 @poiu Can you hook the original laserdisc and rom to an american laser games cabinet and post as much gameplay of it as possible so we can see the original version in action? Can you also send the original laserdisc and rom to mame so they can emulate it and we hopefully get to play the original version?
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