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[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)


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10 hours ago, ginzu said:



For one player only:

dolphinbar mayflash in mode 2

Use Mouse enabler.exe

Use Alien dehasped.exe




For one or 2 players:

dolphinbar in mode 2

use demulshooter (with admin rights) 

Use Alien dehasped.exe


For one or 2 players:

dolphinbar in mode 4

use demulshooter (with admin rights) 

Use touchmote (pad profile) 

Use Alien dehasped.exe


(from what I remember). 


Ginzu calibrating the wiiimotes in mode 4 is extremely difficult in the test menu. It is hard to achieve the desired values. I wonder if there is a way a nvram type of file or a config type of file can shared by someone who has successfully calibrated in mode 4 and then place the already calibrated hence no need to calibrate. But i guess no such file exist (that is when you calibrate in test menu and the values get saved in some sort of a file).

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13 hours ago, ginzu said:



For one player only:

dolphinbar mayflash in mode 2

Use Mouse enabler.exe

Use Alien dehasped.exe




For one or 2 players:

dolphinbar in mode 2

use demulshooter (with admin rights) 

Use Alien dehasped.exe


For one or 2 players:

dolphinbar in mode 4

use demulshooter (with admin rights) 

Use touchmote (pad profile) 

Use Alien dehasped.exe


(from what I remember). 


The first option is exactly what I tried. No dice. 


Even when I try it on my other computer (which only has a mouse) I still get no cursor or aim. Only the fire buttons work (without aim)

Modifié par Scheang
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My Alien Extermination ahk script for touchmote usage ( dolphin bar)



SetWorkingDir, F:\JEUX\TTX GAMES\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA

;2p support
Run, F:\UTILS\DemulShooter_v10.1.3_Touchmote\demulShooter.exe -target=globalvr -rom=aliens

;Run, "F:\JEUX\TTX GAMES\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe"
Run, "F:\JEUX\TTX GAMES\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\aliens dehasped.exe"

;Bouton CREDIT P1
	Send { LCtrl Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send { LCtrl Up}

;Bouton START P1
	Send {1 Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send {1 Up}

;Bouton grenade P1
	Send { MButton Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send { MButton Up}

;Bouton CREDIT P2
	Send { LCtrl Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send { LCtrl Up}

;Bouton START P2

	Send {2 Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send {2 Up}

;Bouton grenade P2
	Send { MButton Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send { MButton Up}

    Process,Close,aliens dehasped.exe
    Process, Close, demulshooter.exe
    Run,taskkill /im "aliens dehasped.exe" /F
    ;Run,taskkill /im "Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe" /F


My touchmote profile :




The only problem when using this setting (touchmote), is that when i calibrate the gun in test menu, i can't go completely to the right or the left etc... of the screen...


Mode 2 is absolutely better (more accurate etc....) but it's working too.


I don't understand what's going on on your side @ark216


if you have only one wiimote and one dolphin bar, i advise you to use mouseenabler.exe + dolphin bar using mode 2. it's really better.




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Il y a 3 heures, Scheang a dit :

The first option is exactly what I tried. No dice. 


Even when I try it on my other computer (which only has a mouse) I still get no cursor or aim. Only the fire buttons work (without aim)


I just gave it a try right now. It's working perfectly for one player using MouseEnabler.exe + mayflash dolphin bar in mode 2.


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48 minutes ago, ginzu said:

My Alien Extermination ahk script for touchmote usage ( dolphin bar)



SetWorkingDir, F:\JEUX\TTX GAMES\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA

;2p support
Run, F:\UTILS\DemulShooter_v10.1.3_Touchmote\demulShooter.exe -target=globalvr -rom=aliens

;Run, "F:\JEUX\TTX GAMES\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe"
Run, "F:\JEUX\TTX GAMES\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\aliens dehasped.exe"

;Bouton CREDIT P1
	Send { LCtrl Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send { LCtrl Up}

;Bouton START P1
	Send {1 Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send {1 Up}

;Bouton grenade P1
	Send { MButton Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send { MButton Up}

;Bouton CREDIT P2
	Send { LCtrl Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send { LCtrl Up}

;Bouton START P2

	Send {2 Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send {2 Up}

;Bouton grenade P2
	Send { MButton Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send { MButton Up}

    Process,Close,aliens dehasped.exe
    Process, Close, demulshooter.exe
    Run,taskkill /im "aliens dehasped.exe" /F
    ;Run,taskkill /im "Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe" /F


My touchmote profile :




The only problem when using this setting (touchmote), is that when i calibrate the gun in test menu, i can't go completely to the right or the left etc... of the screen...


Mode 2 is absolutely better (more accurate etc....) but it's working too.


I don't understand what's going on on your side @ark216


if you have only one wiimote and one dolphin bar, i advise you to use mouseenabler.exe + dolphin bar using mode 2. it's really better.




@ginzu I have 2 wii motes and and 2 dolphin bars (one opened and being used, the other is unopened and packed due to the lack of space). So for most of the part I am using 2 wii motes with one dolphin bar as my setup (Mode 4).

Now most TP games are working fine for me in this setup (yeah they aren't 100% perfect but gets the job done).Few games like 2spicy aren't working on my end (maybe an issue from my side or a mistake perhaps in setting up).


Sega Model 2 works fairly well (tried VCOP2 and Gunblade NY so far).


As for Alien Extermination as long as the mouse is used it works completely fine. But if I use wii mote (1 or 2) the calibration for it in Aliens Extermination is extremely difficult (those desired values are very hard to meet). My guess is that for Alien Ext I may have to opt your method of 2 dolphin bar + 2 wii motes + touchmote. The one major thing I do not like in your method (don't get me wrong your videos are excellent), is that both wiimotes shares buttons which in my opinion is a major turn off for me personally. I would have wanted none of the buttons shared and it would have made for a extremely nice experience. Another thing that occurs to me is that using wii motes in Mode 2 cannot use FFB (once again I could be completely wrong about it)?

I am going to experiment with Sega Model 3 (Supermodel 3 Emulator) now and see the results. If I feel that 2 dolphin bar + 2 wii motes is the only way to go (your method), then I will switch to your methodology.


Like I said the only major drawback for me in your approach is that (1) Some buttons are shared (2) No possibility of FFB in Wiimotes in Mode 2 (maybe i am completely wrong about it).

Also I am not an expert in AHK script so learning about it slowly.


One last thing if you have tried 2spicy do share your touchmote and Teknoparrot settings with me.


Modifié par ark216
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Il y a 6 heures, ark216 a dit :

@ginzu I have 2 wii motes and and 2 dolphin bars (one opened and being used, the other is unopened and packed due to the lack of space). So for most of the part I am using 2 wii motes with one dolphin bar as my setup (Mode 4).

Now most TP games are working fine for me in this setup (yeah they aren't 100% perfect but gets the job done).Few games like 2spicy aren't working on my end (maybe an issue from my side or a mistake perhaps in setting up).


Sega Model 2 works fairly well (tried VCOP2 and Gunblade NY so far).


As for Alien Extermination as long as the mouse is used it works completely fine. But if I use wii mote (1 or 2) the calibration for it in Aliens Extermination is extremely difficult (those desired values are very hard to meet). My guess is that for Alien Ext I may have to opt your method of 2 dolphin bar + 2 wii motes + touchmote. The one major thing I do not like in your method (don't get me wrong your videos are excellent), is that both wiimotes shares buttons which in my opinion is a major turn off for me personally. I would have wanted none of the buttons shared and it would have made for a extremely nice experience. Another thing that occurs to me is that using wii motes in Mode 2 cannot use FFB (once again I could be completely wrong about it)?

I am going to experiment with Sega Model 3 (Supermodel 3 Emulator) now and see the results. If I feel that 2 dolphin bar + 2 wii motes is the only way to go (your method), then I will switch to your methodology.


Like I said the only major drawback for me in your approach is that (1) Some buttons are shared (2) No possibility of FFB in Wiimotes in Mode 2 (maybe i am completely wrong about it).

Also I am not an expert in AHK script so learning about it slowly.


One last thing if you have tried 2spicy do share your touchmote and Teknoparrot settings with me.




No, you are totally right on what you said. 


If you use touchmote and wiimotes as pads:


- need only one mayflash dolphin bar. 

- you can set whatever buttons you want

- but cursors are not as precise as in mode 2 on some emulators or games. 

- and you absolutely need to run touchmote which is adding a step to be able to play. 


I prefer the second method with 2 dolphin bars in mode 2 because:

- aiming is better

- setting 2 players is more easy 

(very compatible with Mame, pcsx2, model 3....... But also those compatible with demulshooter). 

On the other hand, the biggest default is the fact that some buttons are shared between each wiimotes when using this mode. I am totally agree with you. 


But as you can see, if you set your buttons correctly, it does the job very well. 






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13 hours ago, ginzu said:



No, you are totally right on what you said. 


If you use touchmote and wiimotes as pads:


- need only one mayflash dolphin bar. 

- you can set whatever buttons you want

- but cursors are not as precise as in mode 2 on some emulators or games. 

- and you absolutely need to run touchmote which is adding a step to be able to play. 


I prefer the second method with 2 dolphin bars in mode 2 because:

- aiming is better

- setting 2 players is more easy 

(very compatible with Mame, pcsx2, model 3 ....... But also those compatible with demulshooter). 

On the other hand, the biggest default is the fact that some buttons are shared between each wiimotes when using this mode. I am totally agree with you. 


But as you can see, if you set your buttons correctly, it does the job very well. 






Hey man i went through your videos again just wanted to ask one question from you that with your method (2 wiimtes + 2 dolphin bar in mide 2) will it be possible to aim correctly with 2 wiimotes when using a "custom resolution" is used in teknoparrot for these gun games?

Also i am really bad with ahk script. I just downloaded and open your Rambo.ahk script and there are 2 paths.

From my understanding one path is for the demulshooter .bat file (in this case rambo.bat)

The other path i did not understand, is it a path to where the game exe file is?

For eg in your AHK script the 2nd path is "F: \ JEUX \ ROMS_LINDBERGH \ LAUNCHER \ Rambo.lnk"

Can you explain me what will be the path for me in my setup?

My setup is mentioned below:

eg my Teknoparrot exe path is: E: \ TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140

my games folder is within my Teknoparrot where all of my games are stored hence the path is: E: \ TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140 \ GAMES

The path of rambo in my pc is: E: \ TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140 \ GAMES \ Rambo

The Rambo elf path is: E: \ TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140 \ GAMES \ Rambo \ disk0 \ elf

So now what wiil be my path for Teknoparrot Games?


EDIT: I downloaded your Supermodel3 pre configured zipped folder. What are your assignments for Test Menu and Service buttons?

Modifié par ark216
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il y a une heure, ark216 a dit :


EDIT: I downloaded your Supermodel3 pre configured zipped folder. What are your assignments for Test Menu and Service buttons?


F3, F8 but you can change these buttons as you prefer in the supermodel.ini file


in my AHK script, Lnk file refers to windows shortcut. 

do you know that you can launch the Teknoparrot games just using a windows shortcut? 

 You must create a shortcut of the TeknoparrotUi, then go to properties and in 'target field', you must add the following params:


--profile=rambo.xml (for example) 


Then in my AHK, I point the path to this shortcut (the lnk extansion file). 


Is this more clear for you now? 

Modifié par ginzu
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18 hours ago, ginzu said:


F3, F8 but you can change these buttons as you prefer in the supermodel.ini file


in my AHK script, Lnk file refers to windows shortcut. 

do you know that you can launch the Teknoparrot games just using a windows shortcut? 

 You must create a shortcut of the TeknoparrotUi, then go to properties and in 'target field', you must add the following params:


--profile = rambo.xml (for example) 


Then in my AHK, I point the path to this shortcut (the lnk extansion file). 


Is this more clear for you now? 

Hi there ginzu,

I tried your Supermodel pre configured folder and after much struggle and tinkering i am happy to report that other than Star Wars Arcade Trilogy almost all other light gun games (LA Machine Guns, The Lost World, Ocean Hunter) are working for me by your methodology (2 Dolphin bars + 2 Wii motes + Your custom AHK script). Star Wars after the Mission Select screen all i get is a black screen and he StarWars musical score running in the backdrop. Is there a way to fix it?

As for Teknoparrot and Model 2 games i havne't tried them with your methodology as of yet. Will try and keep you posted.

One last question, can i play Teknoparrot games Light Gun Shooters with custom resolution without the targeting cursor being off-axis?


EDIT: I created AHK script for Rambo compiled it when i ran it gave me an error stating there is a problem in my parameters.

I created a TP shortcut and i added --profile = rambo.xml to the target window so my complete target path is : E:\TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile = rambo.xml

In the AHK script the path i pointed to my newly created shortcut is as follows "E:\TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\GAMES\Rambo\disk0\elf\Rambo.lnk" 

What could be the mistake on my end. Just to let you know that the newly created TP shortcut is placed in the "elf" Rambo folder.

Modifié par ark216
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Il y a 2 heures, ark216 a dit :

In the AHK script the path i pointed to my newly created shortcut is as follows "E:\TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\GAMES\Rambo\disk0\elf\Rambo.lnk"      <--- should be .elf  not lnk.

What could be the mistake on my end. Just to let you know that the newly created TP shortcut is placed in the "elf" Rambo folder.


try to put this in your main teknparrot folder to launch the game via a batch.

@echo OFF
TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=Rambo.xml


Il y a 2 heures, ark216 a dit :

: E:\TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile = rambo.xml

try this instead :   TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=Rambo.xml

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2 hours ago, oroborus77 said:

In the AHK script the path i pointed to my newly created shortcut is as follows "E:\TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\GAMES\Rambo\disk0\elf\Rambo.lnk"      <--- should be .elf  not lnk.

What could be the mistake on my end. Just to let you know that the newly created TP shortcut is placed in the "elf" Rambo folder.

I was strictly following ginzu's instructions. His AHK directly launches the game along with Demulshooter.

3 hours ago, oroborus77 said:

@echo OFF TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=Rambo.xml exit

His AHK script launch both the game and demulshooter simultaneously, in your approach i will have to launch 2 bat files (one demulshooter and one for game launch?)

3 hours ago, oroborus77 said:

try this instead :   TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=Rambo.xml

Okay will try and get back to you.

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Il y a 9 heures, ark216 a dit :

Hi there ginzu,

I tried your Supermodel pre configured folder and after much struggle and tinkering i am happy to report that other than Star Wars Arcade Trilogy almost all other light gun games (LA Machine Guns, The Lost World, Ocean Hunter) are working for me by your methodology (2 Dolphin bars + 2 Wii motes + Your custom AHK script). Star Wars after the Mission Select screen all i get is a black screen and he StarWars musical score running in the backdrop. Is there a way to fix it?

As for Teknoparrot and Model 2 games i havne't tried them with your methodology as of yet. Will try and keep you posted.

One last question, can i play Teknoparrot games Light Gun Shooters with custom resolution without the targeting cursor being off-axis?


EDIT: I created AHK script for Rambo compiled it when i ran it gave me an error stating there is a problem in my parameters.

I created a TP shortcut and i added --profile = rambo.xml to the target window so my complete target path is : E:\TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile = rambo.xml

In the AHK script the path i pointed to my newly created shortcut is as follows "E:\TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\GAMES\Rambo\disk0\elf\Rambo.lnk" 

What could be the mistake on my end. Just to let you know that the newly created TP shortcut is placed in the "elf" Rambo folder.


You must point to the windows shortcut you have just created before with the correct target parameters and not directly the '. Elf'.

windows don't know how to launch an elf directly. 


For the question relative to the resolution and the games with Teknoparrot, almost all my games are launched in 1920x1080 when it's possible but sometimes I must launch some games in a lower resolution (this is the case for Rambo). I haven't got any offset on my games and I haven't any solution myself to improve it at this time. 

If someone got a solution.... 


And from my side, star wars is working fine. I haven't any black screen but I read that there is a bug at the end of the game and I haven't played till vador recently. 

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Il y a 16 heures, ark216 a dit :


Star Wars after the Mission Select screen all i get is a black screen and he StarWars musical score running in the backdrop. Is there a way to fix it?

Star Wars après l'écran Mission Select, tout ce que j'obtiens est un écran noir et la partition musicale StarWars s'exécutant en arrière-plan. Y a-t-il un moyen de le réparer ?


J'ai eu le même problème, c'est à cause des crédits non utilisés de la partie précédente.

Il faut effacer la NVRAM (Alt-N) et réinitialisez (Alt-R). Le jeu doit démarrer avec la démo affichant Dar Vador => ajouter alors les crédits et jouer.

Si le jeu démarre directement sur l'écran de sélection des missions, il y aura le bug des crédits.


FAQ Supermodel =>


Modifié par STF
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20 hours ago, ginzu said:


You must point to the windows shortcut you have just created before with the correct target parameters and not directly the '. Elf'.

windows don't know how to launch an elf directly. 


For the question relative to the resolution and the games with Teknoparrot, almost all my games are launched in 1920x1080 when it's possible but sometimes I must launch some games in a lower resolution (this is the case for Rambo). I haven't got any offset on my games and I haven't any solution myself to improve it at this time. 

If someone got a solution.... 


And from my side, star wars is working fine. I haven't any black screen but I read that there is a bug at the end of the game and I haven't played till vador recently. 

@ginzu I am getting this error in this picture attached. Also my AHK Script is as follows:


;2p support
Run, E:\TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\GAMES\Rambo\disk0\elf\DemulShooter_v10.1.3\DemulShooter.exe -target=lindbergh -rom=rambo

Run, "E:\TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\GAMES\Rambo\disk0\elf\Rambo.lnk"

;Bouton Rage P1
    Send { C Down}
    Sleep 100
    Send { C Up}

;Bouton Rage P2

    Send { V Down}
    Sleep 100
    Send { V Up}

;Quitter le jeu
    Process, Close, BudgieLoader.exe
    Process, Close, TeknoParrotUi.exe
    Process, Close, Demulshooter.exe

Do you find any mistakes? The shortcut i created is placed in my game folder (i hope that shouldn't be a problem).


EDIT: One thing i just tested, if i double click my newly created shortcut (to see if the shortcut has been created correctly ) it opens teknoparrot, but does not launch the game directly like it should. Is that a problem?

Modifié par ark216
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il y a 38 minutes, ark216 a dit :

@ginzu I am getting this error in this picture attached. Also my AHK Script is as follows:


;2p support
Run, E:\TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\GAMES\Rambo\disk0\elf\DemulShooter_v10.1.3\DemulShooter.exe -target=lindbergh -rom=rambo

Run, "E:\TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\GAMES\Rambo\disk0\elf\Rambo.lnk"

;Bouton Rage P1
    Send { C Down}
    Sleep 100
    Send { C Up}

;Bouton Rage P2

    Send { V Down}
    Sleep 100
    Send { V Up}

;Quitter le jeu
    Process, Close, BudgieLoader.exe
    Process, Close, TeknoParrotUi.exe
    Process, Close, Demulshooter.exe

Do you find any mistakes? The shortcut i created is placed in my game folder (i hope that shouldn't be a problem).


EDIT: One thing i just tested, if i double click my newly created shortcut (to see if the shortcut has been created correctly ) it opens teknoparrot, but does not launch the game directly like it should. Is that a problem?



Yes , it's sound like it's the problem ( the param you pass to the shortcut target seem not correct  or your path to the shortcut is incorrect or both!)


here, what is in my target shortcut for rambo: (be careful you must write Rambo with the 'R' in uppercase.)

F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot\TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=Rambo.xml

Are you sure of the path you define too? because when you launch the ahk script, if it is only a problem of params in the target, it must launch the TP Ui anyway. (the TP Ui start at least if it is only a problem regarding the params in the target.


EDIT : i advise you to create  a folder name like the system. then inside you put all your shortcuts with the correct params (one for each games) , then you can rename the shortcut the name of the game only.

         : And it's better to have one version of demulshooter than one in each game you want to launch.

           (but you can also keep different version of demulshooter somewhere but rather in a single copy.



Modifié par ginzu
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1 hour ago, ginzu said:



Yes , it's sound like it's the problem ( the param you pass to the shortcut target seem not correct  or your path to the shortcut is incorrect or both!)


here, what is in my target shortcut for rambo: (be careful you must write Rambo with the 'R' in uppercase.)

F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot\TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=Rambo.xml

Are you sure of the path you define too? because when you launch the ahk script, if it is only a problem of params in the target, it must launch the TP Ui anyway. (the TP Ui start at least if it is only a problem regarding the params in the target.


EDIT : i advise you to create  a folder name like the system. then inside you put all your shortcuts with the correct params (one for each games) , then you can rename the shortcut the name of the game only.

         : And it's better to have one version of demulshooter than one in each game you want to launch.

           (but you can also keep different version of demulshooter somewhere but rather in a single copy.



Hey @ginzu i managed to get the AHK script work, it was a mistake on my part i did not rename my shorcut as "Rambo" (i was named as Teknoparrot.exe -Shortcut) and your AHK script had the name "Rambo.Lnk", that is what gave me the hint and now i can launch the game directly via AHK script exe file BUT another problem has occured! My wiimotes do not get detected in game! (only start buttons working and as if the demulshooter is not working, although demulshooter path is mentioned in the AHK script), so i tried an another thing i intentionally removed the demulshooter path temporarily (from the AHK script) and launched the demulshooter rambo .bat file seperately and then launched the AHK script (this time with no demulshooter path) but even in that case the wiimotes failed to get detected in game!

What do you think could have gone wrong. I am using the latest version of Demulshooter.

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il y a 18 minutes, ark216 a dit :

Hey @ginzu i managed to get the AHK script work, it was a mistake on my part i did not rename my shorcut as "Rambo" (i was named as Teknoparrot.exe -Shortcut) and your AHK script had the name "Rambo.Lnk", that is what gave me the hint and now i can launch the game directly via AHK script exe file BUT another problem has occured! My wiimotes do not get detected in game! (only start buttons working and as if the demulshooter is not working, although demulshooter path is mentioned in the AHK script), so i tried an another thing i intentionally removed the demulshooter path temporarily (from the AHK script) and launched the demulshooter rambo .bat file seperately and then launched the AHK script (this time with no demulshooter path) but even in that case the wiimotes failed to get detected in game!

What do you think could have gone wrong. I am using the latest version of Demulshooter.

Do you have several versions of demulshooter? 

In any case, each demulshooter must know each wiimote device for P1 & P2. 

I am giving you another tips:

Put a different stickers on each wiimotes and use always the same Wiimote for P1 and for P2 (because of demulshooter configuration). 


And the last thing: never forget to give admin rights on the demulshooter exe. 

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On 7/16/2020 at 3:20 AM, ginzu said:

Do you have several versions of demulshooter? 

In any case, each demulshooter must know each wiimote device for P1 & P2. 

I am giving you another tips:

Put a different stickers on each wiimotes and use always the same Wiimote for P1 and for P2 (because of demulshooter configuration). 


And the last thing: never forget to give admin rights on the demulshooter exe. 

@ginzu i tested rambo again today the wiimotes did not work to no avail. However i downloaded the version of Demulshooter that was used in your video ( v 8.7.0) and to my surprise wiimotes started got detected in-game and started to work! (previously was using latest version of Demulshooter).But there was one problem. The Rage button assigment (d-pad down for P1 and d-pad right for P2) is not working at all. Any clues?

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Le 18/07/2020 à 21:08, ark216 a dit :

@ginzu i tested rambo again today the wiimotes did not work to no avail. However i downloaded the version of Demulshooter that was used in your video ( v 8.7.0) and to my surprise wiimotes started got detected in-game and started to work! (previously was using latest version of Demulshooter).But there was one problem. The Rage button assigment (d-pad down for P1 and d-pad right for P2) is not working at all. Any clues?

To have these special buttons working:


Virtual buttons must be checked in demulshooter in order to being mapped later an ahk script. 


Example (from what I remember, I am away from my arcade cabinet):

You checked the middle mouse button in demulshooter and the corresponding key is on 'C'  for the player 1 configuration. 


Then, in your ahk script:



Now, when you play rambo, Dpad Left will launch the P1 rage action. 





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52 minutes ago, ginzu said:

To have these special buttons working:


Virtual buttons must be checked in demulshooter in order to being mapped later an ahk script. 


Example (from what I remember, I am away from my arcade cabinet):

You checked the middle mouse button in demulshooter and the corresponding key is on 'C'  for the player 1 configuration. 


Then, in your ahk script:



Now, when you play rambo, Dpad Left will launch the P1 rage action. 





@ginzu I am using your AHK script with my demulshooter and game shortcut paths edited everything else is the same. I have attached my AHK kindly check and tell me what's wrong with it (maybe rage buttons not assigned properly).


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Il y a 9 heures, ark216 a dit :

@ginzu I am using your AHK script with my demulshooter and game shortcut paths edited everything else is the same. I have attached my AHK kindly check and tell me what's wrong with it (maybe rage buttons not assigned properly).



Okay. Do you have multiple other Xbox 360  pads on you pc? (real or virtual)? 


What can happen is your lightgun (pad created by touchmote) as changed of ID because you have added or removed another xbox360 pad. 


My next video will be very important because it will be a comparison between methods with 2 dolphin bar (mode2) and the method one dolphin bar (mode 4).


 You will understand why I prefer the 2 dolphin bar method definitively. 

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2 hours ago, ginzu said:


Okay. Do you have multiple other Xbox 360  pads on you pc? (real or virtual)? 


What can happen is your lightgun (pad created by touchmote) as changed of ID because you have added or removed another xbox360 pad. 


My next video will be very important because it will be a comparison between methods with 2 dolphin bar (mode2) and the method one dolphin bar (mode 4).


 You will understand why I prefer the 2 dolphin bar method definitively. 

@ginzu I have an xbox 360 wireless receiver and also an xbox one wireless receiver as well because i use wireless pads(xbox 360 and xbox one pads). But the thing is that i do not turn "on" my xbox 360 or xbox one pads when playing any light guns (they are turned "off").

Since i am testing with your methodology (dolphin bar mode 2 for 2 dolphin bars) so there is no point in using touchmote as long as i am using your method. According to my theory touchmote game profiles (created for dolphin mode 4) won't conflict with demulshooter at all (due to the fact the touchmote is not used in your method and the xbox controllers are powered off when playing gun games).

I hope you have checked and gone through my AHK script (attached in my previous post).


So in that case what do i do next?

EDIT: Just to let you know that shooting,aiming and reloading work. The RAGE mode does not work .

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Your ahk script is perfect and must do the job from the time you are sure that  you have checked virtual mouse button  (C for P1) and (V for P2) inside the concerned version of demulshooter


you call this demulshooter :  E:\TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\GAMES\Rambo\disk0\elf\DemulShooter_v8.7.0


look carefully (as i said before) if your virtual buttons are checked in demulshooter.


And in TP : just set start for P1 and P2 only....!   (do you changed your setting when passing from the touchmote setup to the 2 dolphin bar setup) ? normally you must reassigned the keys.






edit  : this picture is from a touchmote configuration but what is important  is what's circled in red when you are using mouse mode.


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4 hours ago, ginzu said:

@ ark216,


Your ahk script is perfect and must do the job from the time you are sure that you have checked virtual mouse button (C for P1) and (V for P2) inside the concerned version of demulshooter


you call this demulshooter: E: \ TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140 \ GAMES \ Rambo \ disk0 \ elf \ DemulShooter_v8.7.0


look carefully (as i said before) if your virtual buttons are checked in demulshooter.


And in TP: just set start for P1 and P2 only ....! (do you changed your setting when passing from the touchmote setup to the 2 dolphin bar setup)? normally you must reassigned the keys.






edit: this picture is from a touchmote configuration but what is important is what's circled in red when you are using mouse mode.


Take a look at this link, these are the screenshots of my settings for twin dolphin bar mode 2:

Modifié par ark216
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il y a une heure, ark216 a dit :

Take a look at this link, these are the screenshots of my settings for twin dolphin bar mode 2:



looks good!  :very-good:



i just retested demulshooter v 8.7.0 and i had also issue (the opposite of you)

i was able to use rage only .....  


then i tried with this version : DemulShooter_v10.1.3  and everithing is ok now.


I don't know what's happen! something between TP updates and Demulshooter update, 

you were unlucky.   B)

Modifié par ginzu
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12 minutes ago, ginzu said:



looks good!  :very-good:



i just retested demulshooter v 8.7.0 and i had also issue (the opposite of you)

i was able to use rage only .....  


then i tried with this version : DemulShooter_v10.1.3  and everithing is ok now.


I don't know what's happen! something between TP updates and Demulshooter update, 

you were unlucky.   B)

But Demulshooter v10.1.3 was not even detecting my wiiimotes at all, v 8.7.0 was detecting wii motes with firing and reloading and rage not working. this is really weird man.

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yes, I'm a little short of ideas there..........    :gene:


Because  V10.1.3 is really different from V 8.7.0, i recommend you to retry testing each devices seen by Demulshooter, maybe you missed them... (lots of weirds devices are shown in the demulshhoter devices list for my part.).

Modifié par ginzu
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Il y a 6 heures, POPO69 a dit :

Ginzu.. Salut tu parles du 10.1.3

Avons nous intérêt de l'installer ou pas ? 

Qu'apporte telle de mieux selon toi ? 



C'est surtout quand tu passes à la 10.0.0 qu'il y a de gros changements :


## [10.1.3] - 2020-06-04
- Added an option to set a virtual LeftMouse button for mouse controllers in DemulShooter_GUI.exe

## [10.1.2] - 2020-05-28
- Fixed another DemulShooter_GUI.exe bug where you couldn't see available HID axis in the lists.

## [10.1.1] - 2020-05-28
- Fixed some bugs on DemulShooter_GUI.exe

## [10.1.0] - 2020-05-25
- Fixed "2 Spicy" autofire.
- Added Windowed mode support for "SEGA Golden Gun".
- Added an option to invert Axis for HID devices.
- Added some more outputs.
- Added possibility to use the -v option with DemulShooter_GUI.exe

## [10.0.1] - 2020-05-22
- Fixed DemulShooter.exe and DemulShooterX64.exe crash when no explorer.exe is running.

## [10.0.0] - 2020-05-22
Complete rewrite of the software core, please be carreful of changes :
- ! Beware ! : Old config file is not compatible anymore, please set up DemulShooter again.
- Added support for Gamepad, Joypad, Analog Guns and - in theory - any HID device (See DemulShooter Wiki for usage).
- DemulShooter_GUI.exe updated to a new version to be able to choose new supported devices.
- DemulShooter_GUI.exe is now a separated program and can be run at the same time as DemulShooter or DemulShooterX64.
- DemulShooter.exe is now "command line" only.
- DemulShooterX64.exe is now "command line" only.
- DemulShooterX64.exe compatibility is now limited to the games it has been designed for.
- DsDiag.exe updated to a new version, to be able to test new supported devices.
- Added MameHooker-compatible outputs, see Wiki for usage and the list of games/outputs (more games/output will be added later).
- Added support for "Let's Go Jungle Special" for Teknoparrot.
- Fixed "Ninja Assault" bug with Demul(triggers were not working with XInput controllers).
- Fixed "Golden Gun" bugs. Still no support for Windowed mode.
- Changed "Golden Gun" hack : Autofire is now enable by default. Disable it with "-noautofire" option.
- Changed Model2 hack (See DemulShooter WiKi for necessary modifications).
- Changed "Silent Hill Arcade" hack for a better one (Usage stays the same).
- Changed "Friction" hack to support v1.0,v2.0 and v3.0 VsIoboard.dll (Usage stays the same, dll version is automatically detected).
- Changed "House Of The Dead 4" hack to support both original binary (Rev.A) and the Rev.C binary (Usage stays the same, game version is automatically detected).
- Changed "Rambo" Lindbergh hack to be able to remove crosshairs with "-nocrosshair" option.
- Changed "Reload" hack to add support for another binary.
- Changed "Heavy Fire 3" and "Heavy Fire 4" command line requirements (See DemulShooter GUI or Wiki for usage).
- Removed deprecated "-ParrotLoader" option for RingWide games.
- Removed support for "Aliens : Extermination" old HASP-Protected release (-rom=alienshasp).
  The de-Hasped release of the game has been out for a long time now and is the one to be used.
- Removed Support for Dolphin4 (-target=dolphin4). 
  Dolphin 5 has been released now for a long time and is the one to be used.


lorsque tu choisis ton périphérique pour P1 et P2 dans la liste, tu vois directement si tu as le bon device en main grâce à un systeme de test de boutons..

Tu peux maintenant aussi allouer le trigger sur une touche du clavier..

Et plein d’amélioration dans les jeux cités dans la liste ci dessus.

j'ai remarqué un autre truc aussi mais j'ai pas cherché encore  à provoqué ''un bug" si on peut dire pour m'assurer que ça ne me gênera pas dans le choix de mes guns mais :


le soft detect automatiquement ton périphérique (je ne sais pas comment ça fonctionne) il faut s'assurer que se soit bien un + et pas une fonctionnalité qui inverserai les guns de temps en temps. (pour moi, ça pourrait être un problème). 

au cas ou, j'en parlerais à Argonlefou.







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Le 29/06/2020 à 19:21, oroborus77 a dit :


  Révéler le contenu masqué



Okay, I'm done setting up RocketLauncher with RetroFE. There have been quite a few changes to the emulators and the folder structure, so I'm not sure I can make it a simple addon that you could easily add. The size of the addon would be quite substantial because it would include emulators, roms and new files in addition to Rocketlauncher of course (which weighs only 250mb), so you might as well redo a full pack? - Otherwise it is all well and good but what would it be used for exactly ?! - Adding RocketLauncher (RL) allows you to add and choose the viewfinder / crosshair of your choice to games that do not have one (or are difficult to configure). - Easily add Bezels for 4/3 games. - Use the "Esc" key to quit all games (except PC games, use "F1 + Esc". - Create individual setups for each game, make it easier to run several software programs at the same time, and so on. - I also added the Arcade / Naomi version of Ninja Assault. - Gunfighter 1 Psone also added. - Time Crisis Razing Storm also. (Time Crisis 4 does not seem to work or needs certain parameters.) The big advantage is the principle of adding crosshairs and being able to remove it at any time ("caps / lock" key) [Warning the script does not always seem to work to make the cursor reappear, so use the "Caps / Lock" key if you want to make the viewfinder disappear only. I didn’t make a presentation video because the time wasn’t there. But it is basically the same as the old pack, a little more functional. If you already have LightGuns Crisis, you play without viewfinder and that pressing Alt + F4 does not irritate you too much, all that should not interest you masses ... In short I think posted these coming days a TEST Addon for those who want to test this while keeping in mind that the installation of the addon will modify the structure of RetroFE (games folder, launchers etc ..) so to be clear: - If you want to test the addon, imperatively make a backup of LGC before. (you never know ...) I will try to provide backups of important files in the archive.





As planned this is the RL addon for test purpose.


TEST RocketLauncher addon + games,emulators files.  ( around 45gb )

Make a backup of your lightGuns Crisis Folder is highly recomended.


Follow the readme included for the installation.

Issue :   - missing some fade backgrounds (ps1)


If you encounter problems with it contact me via PM only or Emuline's Discord. I will not help with this on this thread as it is test status.

Thank you to give feedback.









Je reposte ça au cas où certains ne l auraient pas vu...
Bonnes Vacances.

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  • 3 semaines après...

Hey, I'm having a bit of trouble when it comes to PCSX2 and I was hoping that I could get some help from this thread.


Now, so far I've been using a PowerA Wireless Ultra Sensor Bar and Touchmote to play lightgun games on my PC.Getting Dolphin to work was relatively easy and didn't require Touchmote at all. It took a night or two of struggle, but I was eventually able to create a setup that allowed me to play lightgun games in RetroArch with the assistance of Touchmote. (Much more preferable to having to bind the Wiimote to the gamepad's right stick in the standalone MAME, I've found.) However, try as I might, I have been unable to get my Wiimotes to work properly with PCSX2.


I've installed the Nuvee plugin for the USB mouse and it feels like I've tried every combination of configurations I could think of, but no matter what I try, the plugin and/or PCSX2 will not play nice with my Wiimote. If I only use my mouse, it will work correctly, but when I point the Wiimote at the IR sensor, the mouse starts flickering, and another pointer appears and starts jumping all over the screen with no rhyme or reason. At first, I thought that this would be an issue with the sensor bar that I purchased. Everybody always recommends the Mayflash Dolphin Bar, and maybe I'd just have to buy that if I wanted to play the Time Crisis games. This assessment was proven wrong when I tried to set up the controls to use in my Oculus Quest. My sensor bar no longer had anything to do with the equation, but I saw the same result anyway. The mouse pointer flickers and splits into two with the other mouse uncontrollably moving and teleporting all over the screen.


After long enough, I gave up on getting the mouse pointer to work directly. I tried to go the MAME route and just map the Wiimote in Touchmote to the game pad's stick, but aiming this way felt really, really awkward and unwieldy compared to having real mouse control. Time Crisis 2 was borderline unplayable like this. In the end, I settled on just using DS4Windows to let my DualShock 4 control the mouse with motion controls. Anybody who has played Blue Estate on the PlayStation 4 should be familiar with that setup.


After glancing at the last few pages of this thread, I've gotten the impression that maybe a program called Mouse Patcher would be able to help me? I've searched online for videos online related to Mouse Patcher and PCSX2, but I've only found two videos, neither of which offer English instructions:




I guess I was hoping for somebody to be able to point to some quick, simple instructions so I wouldn't have to spend the time guesstimating the steps from these videos.


Also, I wanted to know if the Mouse Patcher game region requirements are strict, or if they allow playing games with different regions. I'm asking this because by my experience it looks like the European versions of Time Crisis II, 3 and Crisis Zone are the most playable. I'd prefer to use my US versions of all three games because of the 60hz refresh rate, but on PCSX2, the US version of Time Crisis II also has broken FMV audio that loses synchronization and stutters and it's really annoying. Time Crisis 3 seems to have the same problem as well and from what I hear it's easier to configure the European version of Crisis Zone. Also, I'm hoping I don't have to use the Chinese version of Time Crisis 3 because I have no clue how I'd even be able to get that version.

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Il y a 14 heures, PixelDust a dit :

Hey, I'm having a bit of trouble when it comes to PCSX2 and I was hoping that I could get some help from this thread.


Now, so far I've been using a PowerA Wireless Ultra Sensor Bar and Touchmote to play lightgun games on my PC.Getting Dolphin to work was relatively easy and didn't require Touchmote at all. It took a night or two of struggle, but I was eventually able to create a setup that allowed me to play lightgun games in RetroArch with the assistance of Touchmote. (Much more preferable to having to bind the Wiimote to the gamepad's right stick in the standalone MAME, I've found.) However, try as I might, I have been unable to get my Wiimotes to work properly with PCSX2.


I've installed the Nuvee plugin for the USB mouse and it feels like I've tried every combination of configurations I could think of, but no matter what I try, the plugin and/or PCSX2 will not play nice with my Wiimote. If I only use my mouse, it will work correctly, but when I point the Wiimote at the IR sensor, the mouse starts flickering, and another pointer appears and starts jumping all over the screen with no rhyme or reason. At first, I thought that this would be an issue with the sensor bar that I purchased. Everybody always recommends the Mayflash Dolphin Bar, and maybe I'd just have to buy that if I wanted to play the Time Crisis games. This assessment was proven wrong when I tried to set up the controls to use in my Oculus Quest. My sensor bar no longer had anything to do with the equation, but I saw the same result anyway. The mouse pointer flickers and splits into two with the other mouse uncontrollably moving and teleporting all over the screen.


After long enough, I gave up on getting the mouse pointer to work directly. I tried to go the MAME route and just map the Wiimote in Touchmote to the game pad's stick, but aiming this way felt really, really awkward and unwieldy compared to having real mouse control. Time Crisis 2 was borderline unplayable like this. In the end, I settled on just using DS4Windows to let my DualShock 4 control the mouse with motion controls. Anybody who has played Blue Estate on the PlayStation 4 should be familiar with that setup.


After glancing at the last few pages of this thread, I've gotten the impression that maybe a program called Mouse Patcher would be able to help me? I've searched online for videos online related to Mouse Patcher and PCSX2, but I've only found two videos, neither of which offer English instructions:




I guess I was hoping for somebody to be able to point to some quick, simple instructions so I wouldn't have to spend the time guesstimating the steps from these videos.


Also, I wanted to know if the Mouse Patcher game region requirements are strict, or if they allow playing games with different regions. I'm asking this because by my experience it looks like the European versions of Time Crisis II, 3 and Crisis Zone are the most playable. I'd prefer to use my US versions of all three games because of the 60hz refresh rate, but on PCSX2, the US version of Time Crisis II also has broken FMV audio that loses synchronization and stutters and it's really annoying. Time Crisis 3 seems to have the same problem as well and from what I hear it's easier to configure the European version of Crisis Zone. Also, I'm hoping I don't have to use the Chinese version of Time Crisis 3 because I have no clue how I'd even be able to get that version.



I don't know anything about this PowerA Wireless Ultra Sensor Bar. 

But if I saw correctly, it is a wireless sensor bar right? 


Does it have a mouse mode like the mayflash dolphin bar? 

Something that make your wiimote act like a mouse directly? It would be simpler for you to play your games. 


Anyway, regarding pcsx2, I am not able to make it works with touchmote. Even after having followed some youtube tutorials. 


On the other hand I can play all my pcsx2 shooters using mode 2 (mouse) with 2 wiimotes and 2 mayflash dolphin bar. 

The only problems are:

For time crisis 2, when playing 2 players, the calibration become bad. It's due to the split screen. 

And lot of my games are 50fps too. 

It's not perfect on that point. 


Regarding mouse patcher, it's working very good but it's not possible to play 2 players with it unfortunately and like you said, it's only working with some version of each games ( time crisis 2 usa for example). 

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@ginzu I need a guide of how to make an AHK script and then how to get it to work (for now i need it for Operation Ghost for entering coins via my Wiimotes "-" Button or for Start Game "+" Button).

Also have you tried running Elevator Death Action Parade? I ran that game successfully with single player (Mode 4 Dolphin Bar + Touch Mote) only once. Then naturally i wanted to try it for 2-Player experience so it didn't work. Surprisingly it's not working for Single Player now. I deleted all Demulshooter and the associated files and all and it simply doesn't work. Same goes for Rambo. It was working fine and then all of a sudden my wiimotes don't get detected in the game. I believe it may have to do with a Teknoparrot  update (it is just a speculation though).

Regarding your experience with PCSX2, can you put up a small tutorial of how to get it to work for Single Player experience (though i would like to try a 2-Player setup).


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Il y a 8 heures, ark216 a dit :

@ginzu I need a guide of how to make an AHK script and then how to get it to work (for now i need it for Operation Ghost for entering coins via my Wiimotes "-" Button or for Start Game "+" Button).

Also have you tried running Elevator Death Action Parade? I ran that game successfully with single player (Mode 4 Dolphin Bar + Touch Mote) only once. Then naturally i wanted to try it for 2-Player experience so it didn't work. Surprisingly it's not working for Single Player now. I deleted all Demulshooter and the associated files and all and it simply doesn't work. Same goes for Rambo. It was working fine and then all of a sudden my wiimotes don't get detected in the game. I believe it may have to do with a Teknoparrot  update (it is just a speculation though).

Regarding your experience with PCSX2, can you put up a small tutorial of how to get it to work for Single Player experience (though i would like to try a 2-Player setup).



On my to-do list. But I am very busy (family, other professional projects). 

I will do a tuto for pcsx2 next time. 


I never tried Elevator action yet. Sorry. 

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