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[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)


Messages recommandés

Il y a 9 heures, ginzu a dit :

I don't know where you are living but in France we can buy a mayflash dolphin bar for only 18-19euros. It's cheap. I don't know the price of the futur sinden lightgun but if you play most of the time alone, so I recommend you to wait for it's release. 

People should have to know what sinden guns really is. That let you use your sinden lightgun on any monitor. this is possible by creating a white bar all around the game's screen that permit the gun to know exactly the screen "parameters"  (4/3 , 16/9 format) regardless of the type of monitor (crt,lcd,led etc...). its smart.


The actual pre order price is 89€ / 80GBP (for no recoil gun)  130GBP/145€ for recoils guns  (its cheaper than some month ago) and should be available in september for backers.


Aimtrack Lightguns that also works on ps1(via ps2, USB ports are needed), ps2,  (ps3 with an optional module) are also working pretty well and easy to setup.

No recoil 95$ - with recoil 120$


I suggest to people wanting to give a try to lightgun games to buy something cheaper as wiimotes or aimtrack for now. We dont know yet how sinden's guns are really working, and if its a good quality.


Aimtrack are not too much expensive bbut you have to know they are a bit fragile (i have mine since 2 years now and my trigger start to be less responsive..  the plactic parts are cheaper than the original guncon.)


Well i think this time you will have enought informations about all of this.

We can focus again on retrofe and lgc :D


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Le 18/06/2020 à 04:40, ltzRevandra a dit :

i really want play time crisis razing storm but i dont have files game to run on tekno parrot (sorry bad english)

Hello !


Time crisis razing storm is on PS3. there are actually some problem with psmove games with rpsc3 at this moment but should be ok soon.

Teknoparrot should be able soon to load this games too.

Btw thanks again for the cursors  


Modifié par oroborus77
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Hi this looks like the best collection of gun games so far !

Just wondered 2 things is the author working on a new version of this pack (as i thought i saw it mentioned somewhere here) and also is there a torrent download version available as some people have mentioned broken links on some files ?

I have a dolphinbar setup and wondered if there is alot of configuration required to get all these games working ?


Thanks for your reply in advance

On 14/06/2020 at 9:54 PM, Scheang said:

Hi. Quick question about Behind Enemy Lines:


The aim works with the gun, but it doesn't seem to be registering the button pushes on the gun (wii mote). I went into the Model 2 emulator and tried configuring the gun under options, but it won't register the trigger or any other button from the gun. I launched the game and hit F2, and went to "Input" and when I push the trigger and other buttons, it does register the key presses. Inside the game though, I move the crosshair around and pull the trigger, but it won't register shots on anyone.


any thoughts?

Yes to get gun bullets working you need to connect 2 mice up and change config file watch this youtube video - works perfectly afterwards once you have configured both mice in the game and saved the game. go back to the config and set the config raw back to original setting 0 take mouse out and wii gun will work and bullets will register in game now.  video here


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Invité POPO69



TU sais si la souris marche pour les jeux de guns sur PCSX3? 

je voulais savoir si qq1 l'avait tester avant que je download des GO inutilement...merci

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il y a 24 minutes, POPO69 a dit :



TU sais si la souris marche pour les jeux de guns sur PCSX3? 

je voulais savoir si qq1 l'avait tester avant que je download des GO inutilement...merci

Sur pcsx2 tu veux dire ? ^^ oui il y ajuste à aller dans les parametres de nuvee : ouvrir PCSX2.exe  /configuration / USB / param plugin / cliquer sur config / cliquer sur acquire et suivre les instructions.

La même méthode fonctionne pour EpsxE (PS1).




All links are good.
there will be an addon Rocketlauncher pack adding some features.

LGC will be updated as long as possible.

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Essayes d utiliser cet .exe   Aliens Ext.rar  

Faire un backup d "Aliens Ext.exe" avant de copier le nouveau dans  C:\PC\aliens\DATA

Merci pour l'aide, j'ai testé avec ce .exe, je n'ai qu'un gun de fonctionel dans le menu test.

Le curseur du second gun ne bouge pas, et les boutons sont interpretés comme s'il s'agissait du premier gun....:triste:

Tu dis avoir rajouté Demulshooter, dois je faire une install spécifique de demulshooter ? Dans le dossier racine ? Sans doute qu'il ne se lance pas comme prévu.

J'ai quasiment fini la borne, je posterais quelques photos :very-good:

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Invité POPO69
Il y a 14 heures, oroborus77 a dit :

Sur pcsx2 tu veux dire ? ^^ oui il y ajuste à aller dans les parametres de nuvee : ouvrir PCSX2.exe  /configuration / USB / param plugin / cliquer sur config / cliquer sur acquire et suivre les instructions.

La même méthode fonctionne pour EpsxE (PS1).




All links are good.
there will be an addon Rocketlauncher pack adding some features.

LGC will be updated as long as possible.


Non je parle emulator ps3

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Ok.  As tu ajouté ton second gun demulshooter ? (pour mémoire le dossier se trouve là : \LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\roms\DemulShooter)

Cool pour ta borne. hâte de voir ça ! :very-good:




L Ă©mulateur ps3 s appelle rpcs3 et la souris fonctionne effectivement.



Enjoy ! :very-good:

Modifié par oroborus77
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Invité POPO69
Il y a 3 heures, oroborus77 a dit :


Ok.  As tu ajouté ton second gun demulshooter ? (pour mémoire le dossier se trouve là : \LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\roms\DemulShooter)

Cool pour ta borne. hâte de voir ça ! :very-good:




L Ă©mulateur ps3 s appelle rpcs3 et la souris fonctionne effectivement.



Enjoy ! :very-good:


TU as essayé avec la souris? car pour moi ca tourne dans tous les sens...

J'ai suivi cette conf

si qq1 a testé et trouvé une solution je suis preneur

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Invité POPO69
Le 20/06/2020 à 09:18, oroborus77 a dit :

hey oh pas besoin de spammer regarde les précédents commentaires sur cette page et la précédente .


Dsl en posant cette question je ne pensais pas passer pour un le but du forum est de ne pas poser de question je comprend:) ... Il y a pas de mal Oroborus...Passes une bonne semaine.

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2 ore fa, llll55 ha scritto:

Anyone tried aimtrack with the ps3 light gun games?

Oroborus77 said some time ago that emulation is proceeding but it is not currently possible to use the aimtrack.

I also have the aimtrak and can't wait to use it with time crisis and razing storm for ps3, i hope we can soon.

Maybe oroborus77 can be more precise than i am

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Il y a 3 heures, pablitox70 a dit :

Oroborus77 said some time ago that emulation is proceeding but it is not currently possible to use the aimtrack.

I also have the aimtrak and can't wait to use it with time crisis and razing storm for ps3, i hope we can soon.

Maybe oroborus77 can be more precise than i am

cool, i wonder if anyone tried with the psmove config?

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On 15/06/2020 at 11:01 PM, ginzu said:


For me 2 dolphin bars is the best set up if you want to play 2 players with 2 wiimotes. 

When I had only one mayflash dolphin bar, I configured mame with touchmote and 2 wiimotes but I had an horrible offset when I would like to point at the side of the screen. 

I don't know where you are living but in France we can buy a mayflash dolphin bar for only 18-19euros. It's cheap. I don't know the price of the futur sinden lightgun but if you play most of the time alone, so I recommend you to wait for it's release. 

Thanks for that info very interesting. Think will stick to one gun for now and see what reviews are like post September. Cheers


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Hi. Having issues with Ocean Hunter. I have a wii mote and Dolphin bar. The Light Gun is configured in the emulator, and the Lost World works no problem. Ocean Hunter does not. The cursor only moves from right to left at the bottom of the screen, and the trigger won't fire, but the A button on top does. Why would the same gun setup run the Lost World, but not in Ocean Hunter? I can't figure this out. Is it a 2 player issue or something? 

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Apparemment la dernière version de rpcs3 semble à nouveau fonctionnelle avec le psmove.


J ai pû tester razing storm et dead storm pirates (venant de Time Crisis Razing Storm), la calibration s est bien passée et le jeu tourne plutôt bien en plein écran fenêtré. Le plein écran ne fonctionne qu avec la souris, la visée de l aimtrack bug lors du passage plein écran.

 Par contre pas moyen de lancer Time Crisis 4..


Pour ceux qui veulent tester voici un pack avec l émulateur déjà configuré et time crisis razing storm.

Encore une fois je n ai pas réussi à lance Time Crisis 4. à voir plus tard.



Le plein Ă©cran ne fonctionne qu avec la souris.

La calibration doit ĂŞtre faite hors plein Ă©cran.

Jouable Ă  la souris.

jouable avec l aimtrack

2 joueurs : pas testé.




Start                = entrée

X   (clavier)      = Croix

Clique droit      = Valider dans les menus(et calibration) / lever le bouclier (ingame)

Clique gauche =  Shoot

Clique gauche + clique droit + molette = Start

Clique droit+ Clique gauche= Rond

Clique droit + Molette = Triangle



Pour la calibration:

après avoir terminé la calibration , faire (avec la souris de préférence j ai pas tésté des masses avec l aimtrack) Clique droit + molette  puis  Clique droit + Clique gauche  pour quitter l écran de calibration.





This is a pack with Rpcs3 and time crisis razing storm pre configurated.

Time Crisis 4 seems to doesnt works.


Playable in windowed fullscreen with aimtrack guns.

Playable in fullscreen with mouse.

Not tested 2 players.


When calibration is finished, press  right click + middle mouse  then right clik + left click to exit calibration screen and save.

Modifié par oroborus77
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3 ore fa, oroborus77 ha scritto:


Apparemment la dernière version de rpcs3 semble à nouveau fonctionnelle avec le psmove.


J ai pû tester razing storm et dead storm pirates (venant de Time Crisis Razing Storm), la calibration s est bien passée et le jeu tourne plutôt bien en plein écran fenêtré. Le plein écran ne fonctionne qu avec la souris, la visée de l aimtrack bug lors du passage plein écran.

 Par contre pas moyen de lancer Time Crisis 4..


Pour ceux qui veulent tester voici un pack avec l émulateur déjà configuré et time crisis razing storm.

Encore une fois je n ai pas réussi à lance Time Crisis 4. à voir plus tard.



Le plein Ă©cran ne fonctionne qu avec la souris.

La calibration doit ĂŞtre faite hors plein Ă©cran.

Jouable Ă  la souris.

jouable avec l aimtrack

2 joueurs : pas testé.




Start                = entrée

X   (clavier)      = Croix

Clique droit      = Valider dans les menus(et calibration) / lever le bouclier (ingame)

Clique gauche =  Shoot

Clique gauche + clique droit + molette = Start

Clique droit+ Clique gauche= Rond

Clique droit + Molette = Triangle



Pour la calibration:

après avoir terminé la calibration , faire (avec la souris de préférence j ai pas tésté des masses avec l aimtrack) Clique droit + molette  puis  Clique droit + Clique gauche  pour quitter l écran de calibration.

ciao oroborus77,

but are you saying that razing storm works with aimtrack ?

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Bonjour Ă  tous,

j'ai reçu ma Dolphin Bar ainsi que les guns pour Wiimotes mais je ne suis pas très convaincu sur PC malheureusement.

Savez-vous si la mĂŞme chose existe pour Raspberry PI3, une distrib avec uniquement les jeux de gun ?

Merci d'avance.

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Le 25.6.2020 à 3:43 PM, oroborus77 a dit :


Apparently the latest version of rpcs3 seems to work again with psmove.


I was able to test razing storm and dead storm pirates (coming from Time Crisis Razing Storm), the calibration went well and the game runs pretty well in full windowed screen. The full screen only works with the mouse, the aim of the aimtrack bug when passing full screen.

 By cons no way to launch Time Crisis 4 ..


For those who want to test here is a pack with the emulator already configured and time crisis razing storm.

Once again I did not succeed in launching Time Crisis 4. to see later.



The full screen only works with the mouse.

The calibration must be done without full screen.

Playable with the mouse.

playable with aimtrack

2 players: not tested.




Start = enter

X (keyboard) = Cross

Right click = Validate in the menus (and calibration) / raise the shield (ingame)

Left click = Shoot

Left click + right click + wheel = Start

Right click + Left click = Round

Right click + Wheel = Triangle



For calibration:

after finishing the calibration, do (with the mouse preferably I have not tested masses with the aimtrack) Right click + wheel then Right click + Left click to exit the calibration screen.





This is a pack with Rpcs3 and time crisis razing storm pre configurated.

Time Crisis 4 seems to doesnt works.


Playable in windowed fullscreen with aimtrack guns.

Playable in fullscreen with mouse.

Not tested 2 players.


When calibration is finished, press right click + middle mouse then right clik + left click to exit calibration screen and save.


thank you very much...

man, i wish there was a loader for those arcade games for native mouse support.

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Invité subhi
On 28/04/2020 at 11:09 AM, doc999kill said:


hello its really really fantastic work

but i have big proplem 

when i close any game to come back again to main menu

the screen freezing and i must to close it from task manager 

any fix for that ????



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Il y a 4 heures, subhi a dit :

hello its really really fantastic work

but i have big proplem 

when i close any game to come back again to main menu

the screen freezing and i must to close it from task manager 

any fix for that ????



Can you seng your retrofe Log.txt (main folder) and the .bat of the game not working ?

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Invité subhi
5 hours ago, oroborus77 said:

Can you seng your retrofe Log.txt (main folder) and the .bat of the game not working ?

this error with all teknoparrot games and naomi 


this is the retrofe log :

[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [RetroFE] Version 0.9.28 starting
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [RetroFE] OS: Windows
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [RetroFE] Absolute path: L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings_saved.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings_saved.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings9.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings9.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings8.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings8.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings7.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings7.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings6.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings6.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings5.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings5.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings4.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings4.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings3.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings3.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings2.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings2.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings1.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings1.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "fullscreen" = "no"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "horizontal" = "1920"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "vertical" = "1080"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "layout" = "Aeon Nox"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "hideMouse" = "yes"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "showParenthesis" = "yes"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "showSquareBrackets" = "yes"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "firstCollection" = "Main"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "autoFavorites" = "true"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "rememberMenu" = "true"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "videoEnable" = "yes"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "videoLoop" = "0"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "exitOnFirstPageBack" = "no"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "attractModeTime" = "45"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "rememberMenu" = "yes"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collectionInputClear" = "true"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\\- Arcade Rail Shooters.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.- Arcade Rail Shooters.executable" = "collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\roms\cmd.exe"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.- Arcade Rail Shooters.arguments" = "/C "%ITEM_FILEPATH%""
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\\LaserDisc.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.LaserDisc.executable" = "emulators\Daphne\cmd.exe"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.LaserDisc.arguments" = "cmd.exe /C "%ITEM_NAME%.bat""
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\\mame.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.mame.executable" = "emulators\MAME\mame64.exe"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.mame.arguments" = ""%ITEM_NAME%""
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\\PS1 RetroArch.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.PS1 RetroArch.executable" = "emulators\RA\retroarch.exe"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.PS1 RetroArch.arguments" = "-L "cores\mednafen_psx_hw_libretro.dll" "%ITEM_FILEPATH%""
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\\PS1.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.PS1.executable" = "collections\PS1\roms\cmd.exe"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.PS1.arguments" = "/C "%ITEM_FILEPATH%""
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\\Sammy Atomiswave.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.Sammy Atomiswave.executable" = "collections\Sammy Atomiswave\roms\cmd.exe"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.Sammy Atomiswave.arguments" = "/C "%ITEM_FILEPATH%""
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\\Sega Hikaru.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.Sega Hikaru.executable" = "emulators\Demul - Hikaru\demul.exe"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.Sega Hikaru.arguments" = "-run=hikaru -rom=%ITEM_NAME%"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\\Sega Model 2.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.Sega Model 2.executable" = "emulators\Sega Model 2 Emulator\EMULATOR.exe"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.Sega Model 2.arguments" = "AutoFull=1 %ITEM_NAME%"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\\Sega Model 3.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.Sega Model 3.executable" = "emulators\Sega Model 3 for Lightguns\Supermodel.exe"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.Sega Model 3.arguments" = "-input-system=rawinput "%ITEM_FILEPATH%""
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\\Sega Naomi.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.Sega Naomi.executable" = "emulators\DEmul - Naomi\demul.exe"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.Sega Naomi.arguments" = "-run=naomi -rom=%ITEM_NAME%"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\\TeknoParrot.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.TeknoParrot.executable" = "collections\Modern GunGames\roms\cmd.exe"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.TeknoParrot.arguments" = "/C "%ITEM_FILEPATH%""
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\\Wii.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.Wii.executable" = "emulators\Dolphin\Dolphin.exe"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.Wii.arguments" = "--exec "%ITEM_FILEPATH%" --batch"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\\Xbox.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.Xbox.executable" = "collections\Xbox\roms\cmd.exe"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.Xbox.arguments" = "/C "%ITEM_FILEPATH%""
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.lb_manufacturer" = "Manufacturer"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.lb_type" = "Type"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.lb_generation" = "Generation"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.lb_year" = "Year"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.lb_media" = "Media"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.lb_cpu" = "CPU"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.manufacturer" = "All greats Lightgun games Manufacturers"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.type" = "Arcade Machines and Consoles"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.generation" = "First one to Actual"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.year" = "1986-2020"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail" = "PCB - CD - HDD - LASERDISC"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.cpu" = "Many"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.list.includeMissingItems" = "false"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.list.extensions" = "bat,lnk,exe"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.list.menuSort" = "yes"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.launcher" = "- Arcade Rail Shooters"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.- Arcade Rail Shooters.metadata.type" = "- Arcade Rail Shooters"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Arcade\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.lb_manufacturer" = "Manufacturer"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.lb_type" = "Type"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.lb_generation" = "Generation"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.lb_year" = "Year"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.lb_media" = "Media"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.lb_cpu" = "CPU"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.manufacturer" = "Many"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.type" = "Arcade Machines"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.generation" = "N/A"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.year" = "1971-2015"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "" = "N/A"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.cpu" = "Many"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Arcade\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.list.includeMissingItems" = "true"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.list.extensions" = "7z,zip"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.list.menuSort" = "true"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.launcher" = "mame"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Arcade.metadata.type" = "MAME"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\LaserDisc\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\LaserDisc\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.LaserDisc.list.path" = "emulators\Daphne\"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.LaserDisc.list.includeMissingItems" = "false"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.LaserDisc.list.extensions" = "bat"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.LaserDisc.list.menuSort" = "yes"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.LaserDisc.launcher" = "LaserDisc"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.LaserDisc.metadata.type" = "Daphne"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Main\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Main\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Main\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Main.list.extensions" = "exe,bat,sh"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Main.list.menuSort" = "yes"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Main.launcher" = "Main"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Nouveau dossier\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Nouveau dossier\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Nouveau dossier\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Nouveau dossier\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [RetroFE] Could not import "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Nouveau dossier\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\PS1\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.lb_manufacturer" = "Sony Computer Entertainment"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.lb_type" = "Console"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.lb_generation" = "Generation"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.lb_year" = "1994"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.lb_media" = "CD"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.lb_cpu" = "32bits - 33mhz"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.manufacturer" = "Sony Computer Entertainment"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.type" = "Console"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.generation" = "5th"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.year" = "1994-1999"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "" = "N/A"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.cpu" = "Many"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\PS1\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.list.path" = "./collections/PS1/roms"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.list.includeMissingItems" = "false"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.list.extensions" = "bat"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.list.menuSort" = "true"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.launcher" = "PS1"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS1.metadata.type" = "Sony PlayStation 1"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\PS2\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\PS2\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\PS2\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS2.list.path" = "./collections/PS2/roms"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS2.list.includeMissingItems" = "false"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS2.list.extensions" = "iso,cue,bin,txt"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS2.list.menuSort" = "true"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS2.launcher" = "PS2"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.PS2.metadata.type" = "Sony PlayStation 2"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Sammy Atomiswave\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.lb_manufacturer" = "Manufacturer"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.lb_type" = "Type"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.lb_generation" = "Generation"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.lb_year" = "Year"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.lb_media" = "Media"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.lb_cpu" = "CPU"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.manufacturer" = "Sammy Corporation"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.type" = "Arcade Machines"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.generation" = "N/A"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.year" = "2004-2009"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy" = "N/A"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.cpu" = "Hitachi SH-4 128-bit RISC @200 MHz"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Sammy Atomiswave\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.list.includeMissingItems" = "true"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.list.extensions" = "7z,zip,bat"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.list.menuSort" = "true"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.launcher" = "Sammy Atomiswave"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sammy Atomiswave.metadata.type" = "Sammy Atomiswave"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Sega Hikaru\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.lb_manufacturer" = "Manufacturer"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.lb_type" = "Type"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.lb_generation" = "Generation"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.lb_year" = "Year"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.lb_media" = "Media"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.lb_cpu" = "CPU"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.manufacturer" = "Sega"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.type" = "Arcade Machines"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.generation" = "N/A"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.year" = "1998-2007"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega" = "N/A"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.cpu" = "Hitachi SH-4 @ 200 MHz"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Sega Hikaru\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.list.path" = "%BASE_ITEM_PATH%/Sega Hikaru/roms"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.list.includeMissingItems" = "false"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.list.extensions" = "zip"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.list.menuSort" = "yes"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.launcher" = "Sega Hikaru"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Hikaru.metadata.type" = "Sega Hikaru"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Sega Model 2\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.lb_manufacturer" = "Manufacturer"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.lb_type" = "Type"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.lb_generation" = "Generation"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.lb_year" = "Year"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.lb_media" = "Media"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.lb_cpu" = "CPU"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.manufacturer" = "Sega"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.type" = "Arcade Machines"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.generation" = "N/A"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.year" = "1998-2007"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model" = "N/A"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.cpu" = "Hitachi SH-4 @ 200 MHz"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Sega Model 2\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.list.path" = "../LightGuns Crisis/emulators/Sega Model 2 Emulator/roms/"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.list.includeMissingItems" = "false"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.list.extensions" = "zip,bat"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.list.menuSort" = "true"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 2.launcher" = "Sega Model 2"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Sega Model 3\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.lb_manufacturer" = "Manufacturer"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.lb_type" = "Type"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.lb_generation" = "Generation"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.lb_year" = "Year"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.lb_media" = "Media"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.lb_cpu" = "CPU"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.manufacturer" = "Sega"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.type" = "Arcade Machines"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.generation" = "N/A"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.year" = "1998-2007"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model" = "N/A"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.cpu" = "Hitachi SH-4 @ 200 MHz"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Sega Model 3\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.list.path" = "./collections/Sega Model 3/roms"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.list.includeMissingItems" = "false"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.list.extensions" = "zip"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.list.menuSort" = "true"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Model 3.launcher" = "Sega Model 3"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Sega Naomi\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.lb_manufacturer" = "Manufacturer"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.lb_type" = "Type"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.lb_generation" = "Generation"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.lb_year" = "Year"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.lb_media" = "Media"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.lb_cpu" = "CPU"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.manufacturer" = "Sega"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.type" = "Arcade Machines"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.generation" = "N/A"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.year" = "1998-2007"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega" = "N/A"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.cpu" = "Hitachi SH-4 @ 200 MHz"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Sega Naomi\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.list.includeMissingItems" = "false"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.list.extensions" = "7z,zip,bin"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.list.menuSort" = "true"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.launcher" = "Sega Naomi"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Sega Naomi.metadata.type" = "Sega Naomi"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Wii\info.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Wii\settings.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Wii.list.includeMissingItems" = "true"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Wii.list.extensions" = "zip,wbfs,iso"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Wii.list.menuSort" = "yes"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Wii.launcher" = "Wii"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.Wii.metadata.type" = "Wii"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [RetroFE] Imported configuration
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [SDL] Initializing
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [SDL] Creating 1920x1080 window (fullscreen: no)
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\controls.conf"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.up" = "Keypad 8,Up"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.down" = "Keypad 2,Down"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.left" = "Keypad 4,Left,joy0Button7"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.right" = "Keypad 6,Right,joy0Button5"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.pageUp" = "A"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.pageDown" = "B"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.letterUp" = "N"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.letterDown" = "M"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.favPlaylist" = "F"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.nextPlaylist" = "F2"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.prevPlaylist" = "F1"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.addPlaylist" = "I"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.removePlaylist" = "O"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.random" = "R"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "" = "1,Return,joy0Button3"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.back" = "2,Escape,joy0Button0"
[2020-06-26 19:11:19] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.quit" = "Q"
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [RetroFE] Initializing
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.pageDown
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\splash 16x9.xml
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.pageUp
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.letterDown
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.letterUp
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Missing property controls.collectionUp
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Missing property controls.collectionDown
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.favPlaylist
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.nextPlaylist
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.prevPlaylist
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Missing property controls.cyclePlaylist
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Missing property controls.nextCyclePlaylist
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Missing property controls.prevCyclePlaylist
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.addPlaylist
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.removePlaylist
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.random
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Missing property
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.up
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.up
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.left
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.left
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 7
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.down
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.down
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.right
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.right
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 5
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 3
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.back
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.back
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 0
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.quit
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Database] Opened database "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\meta.db"
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Layout] could not find layout file: L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\splash 16x9.xml
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\splash.xml
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Layout] Layout resolution 1920x1080 (scale 1x1)
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Layout] Initialized
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\layout 16x9.xml
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Layout] could not find layout file: L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\layout 16x9.xml
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\layout.xml
[2020-06-26 19:11:20] [INFO] [Layout] Layout resolution 1920x1080 (scale 1x1)
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/Oswald-Bold.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/Oswald-Bold.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/Oswald-Regular.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/Oswald-Regular.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/Oswald-Regular.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/Oswald-Regular.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/BebasNeue.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/Oswald-Regular.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/Oswald-Regular.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/MC360.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\\fonts/MC360.ttf
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [INFO] [Layout] Initialized
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Main\include.txt"
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Main\roms"
[2020-06-26 19:11:21] [INFO] [Menu] Found: "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Main\menu.txt"
[2020-06-26 19:11:23] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\layout\layout 16x9.xml
[2020-06-26 19:11:23] [INFO] [Layout] could not find layout file: L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\layout\layout 16x9.xml
[2020-06-26 19:11:23] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\layout\layout.xml
[2020-06-26 19:11:23] [INFO] [Layout] could not find layout file: L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\layouts\Aeon Nox\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\layout\layout.xml
[2020-06-26 19:11:23] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\include.txt"
[2020-06-26 19:11:23] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\roms"
[2020-06-26 19:11:23] [INFO] [RetroFE] Loading subcollection into menu: Arcade
[2020-06-26 19:11:23] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\Arcade.sub"
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [RetroFE] Loading subcollection into menu: LaserDisc
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\LaserDisc.sub"
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\emulators\Daphne\"
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [RetroFE] Loading subcollection into menu: PS1
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\PS1.sub"
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\./collections/PS1/roms"
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [RetroFE] Loading subcollection into menu: Sammy Atomiswave
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\Sammy Atomiswave.sub"
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [RetroFE] Loading subcollection into menu: Sega Hikaru
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\Sega Hikaru.sub"
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections/Sega Hikaru/roms"
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [RetroFE] Loading subcollection into menu: Sega Model 2
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\Sega Model 2.sub"
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\../LightGuns Crisis/emulators/Sega Model 2 Emulator/roms/"
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [RetroFE] Loading subcollection into menu: Sega Model 3
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\Sega Model 3.sub"
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\./collections/Sega Model 3/roms"
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [RetroFE] Loading subcollection into menu: Sega Naomi
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\Sega Naomi.sub"
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\Sega Naomi\roms"
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [RetroFE] Loading subcollection into menu: Wii
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\Wii.sub"
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [Menu] File does not exist: "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\menu.txt"; trying menu directory.
[2020-06-26 19:11:24] [INFO] [RetroFE] Loading playlist: lastplayed
[2020-06-26 19:11:46] [INFO] [RetroFE] Updating lastplayed playlist
[2020-06-26 19:11:46] [INFO] [Launcher] Checking to see if "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\roms\Time Crisis Crisis Zone.bat" exists  [Yes]
[2020-06-26 19:11:46] [INFO] [Launcher] Attempting to launch: "collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\roms\cmd.exe" /C "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\roms\Time Crisis Crisis Zone.bat"
[2020-06-26 19:11:46] [INFO] [Launcher]      from within folder: collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\roms
[2020-06-26 19:13:27] [INFO] [Launcher] Completed
[2020-06-26 19:13:27] [DEBUG] [Page] Allocating graphics memory
[2020-06-26 19:13:28] [DEBUG] [Page] Allocate graphics memory complete
[2020-06-26 19:14:23] [INFO] [RetroFE] Updating lastplayed playlist
[2020-06-26 19:14:23] [INFO] [Launcher] Checking to see if "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\roms\Dream Raiders.bat" exists  [Yes]
[2020-06-26 19:14:23] [INFO] [Launcher] Attempting to launch: "collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\roms\cmd.exe" /C "L:\LightGuns Crisis\LightGuns Crisis\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\roms\Dream Raiders.bat"
[2020-06-26 19:14:23] [INFO] [Launcher]      from within folder: collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\roms



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Il y a 16 heures, llll55 a dit :


thank you very much...

man, i wish there was a loader for those arcade games for native mouse support.

Me too !


Il y a 13 heures, subhi a dit :

hello its really really fantastic work

but i have big proplem 

when i close any game to come back again to main menu

the screen freezing and i must to close it from task manager 

any fix for that ????



Try this. Overwrite in main folder

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Bon j ai terminé de paramétrer RocketLauncher avec RetroFE.

Il y a eu pas mal de modifs au niveau des émulateurs et de la structure des dossiers, je ne suis donc pas sûr de pouvoir en faire un simple addon que vous pourriez facilement ajouter.
 La taille de l addon serait assez conséquente car il faudrait y inclure les émulateurs,roms et nouveaux dossiers en plus de Rocketlauncher évidemment (qui lui ne pèse que 250mb) ,donc autant refaire un pack complet ?


- Sinon c est bien beau tout ça mais ça servirait à quoi au juste ?! -


 L'ajout de RocketLauncher (RL) permet d ajouter, et choisir le viseur/crosshair de son choix aux jeux n en disposant pas (ou compliqués à paramétrer).

- Ajouter facilement des Bezels pour les jeux en 4/3.

- Utiliser la touche "Esc" pour quitter tous les jeux (hormis jeux PC il faudra utiliser "F1+Esc".

- Créer des setups individuelles par jeux, rendre plus simple l éxécution de plusieurs logiciels à la fois,  et j en passe..

- J ai également ajouté la version Arcade/Naomi de Ninja Assault.

- Gunfighter 1 Psone ajouté également.

- Time Crisis Razing Storm également. (Time Crisis 4 ne semble pas fonctionner ou à besoin de certains paramètres.)


 Le gros atout est le principe d ajouter les crosshairs et pouvoir l enlever à tout moment (touche "caps/lock") [Attention le script semble ne pas toujours fonctionner pour faire réapparaitre le curseur, donc utilisez la touche "Caps/Lock" si vous voulez faire disparaitre le viseur uniquement.


J ai pas fais de vidéo de présentation parceque pas le temps..mais c est globalement la même chose que l ancien pack en un peu plus fonctionnel.

Si vous avez déjà LightGuns Crisis, que vous jouez sans viseur et qu' appuyer sur Alt+F4 ne vous irrite pas trop, tout cela ne devrait pas vous intéresser des masses...


 Bref je pense posté ces prochains jours un Addon TEST pour ceux qui voudront bien tester ça en gardant bien en tête que l installation de l addon modifiera la structure de RetroFE (dossier de jeux,launchers etc..) donc pour être clair:


- Si vous souhaitez tester l addon, faites impérativement un backup de LGC avant. (on ne sait jamais...) j essaierai de fournir dans l archive des backups des fichiers importants.


  English :

Okay, I'm done setting up RocketLauncher with RetroFE.

There have been quite a few changes to the emulators and the folder structure, so I'm not sure I can make it a simple addon that you could easily add.
 The size of the addon would be quite substantial because it would include emulators, roms and new files in addition to Rocketlauncher of course (which weighs only 250mb), so you might as well redo a full pack?

- Otherwise it is all well and good but what would it be used for exactly ?! -

 Adding RocketLauncher (RL) allows you to add and choose the viewfinder / crosshair of your choice to games that do not have one (or are difficult to configure).

- Easily add Bezels for 4/3 games.

- Use the "Esc" key to quit all games (except PC games, use "F1 + Esc".

- Create individual setups for each game, make it easier to run several software programs at the same time, and so on.

- I also added the Arcade / Naomi version of Ninja Assault.

- Gunfighter 1 Psone also added.

- Time Crisis Razing Storm also. (Time Crisis 4 does not seem to work or needs certain parameters.)

 The big advantage is the principle of adding crosshairs and being able to remove it at any time ("caps / lock" key) [Warning the script does not always seem to work to make the cursor reappear, so use the "Caps / Lock" key if you want to make the viewfinder disappear only.

I didn’t make a presentation video because the time wasn’t there. But it is basically the same as the old pack, a little more functional.

If you already have LightGuns Crisis, you play without viewfinder and that pressing Alt + F4 does not irritate you too much, all that should not interest you masses ...

 In short I think posted these coming days a TEST Addon for those who want to test this while keeping in mind that the installation of the addon will modify the structure of RetroFE (games folder, launchers etc ..) so to be clear:

- If you want to test the addon, imperatively make a backup of LGC before. (you never know ...) I will try to provide backups of important files in the archive.






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Hi. Any chance there's a video for getting the ps2 games working? I can't seem to get the wii mote to respond to the emulator. Something step by step perhaps? I know there's a brief setup txt in the pack, but it didn't seem to help. Plus I've never used nuvee before.



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