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[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)

Messages recommandés

  Le 21/08/2020 à 06:37, ginzu a dit :


On my to-do list. But I am very busy (family, other professional projects). 

I will do a tuto for pcsx2 next time. 


I never tried Elevator action yet. Sorry. 


Okay do you have an AHK script for Operation Ghost? Need it for just entering Coins , Start P1 and Start P2.



Bonjour a tous merci pour ce super pak. J'avais un e petite questite est t'il possible d’intégrer ce front end au CoinOPs de mon bartop. merci d'avance

  Le 23/08/2020 à 12:07, sergio14 a dit :

Bonjour a tous merci pour ce super pak. J'avais un e petite questite est t'il possible d’intégrer ce front end au CoinOPs de mon bartop. merci d'avance


Coin ops c est rien d autre que RetroFE avec des packs de roms /artworks inclus. Coin ops n est pas un front end, c est RetroFE le front end.
Donc évidemment tu peux intégrer tout ça à ta version.

  Le 23/08/2020 à 12:40, oroborus77 a dit :

Coin ops c est rien d autre que RetroFE avec des packs de roms /artworks inclus. Coin ops n est pas un front end, c est RetroFE le front end.
Donc évidemment tu peux intégrer tout ça à ta version.


OK merci ce que je cherchais c t surtout ou metttre les fichier dans mon coinops car je galère un peu


  Le 23/08/2020 à 12:45, sergio14 a dit :

OK merci ce que je cherchais c t surtout ou metttre les fichier dans mon coinops car je galère un peu



si tu copie et colle LGC dans ton retroFE tu risques d effacer des fichiers nécessaire à ton con ops..

ça demanderait un peu de taff pour faire ça proprement..

  Le 22/08/2020 à 08:45, ark216 a dit :

Okay do you have an AHK script for Operation Ghost? Need it for just entering Coins , Start P1 and Start P2.





I already shared my AHK script in the video's description of this tutorial! 


The only thing you must do is to adapt the path of your windows shortcuts (Lnk extansion). My settings are all made to play with mode 2.

  Le 23/08/2020 à 13:24, sergio14 a dit :

groose galère koi lol



bof pas tant que ça, mais si tu n es pas très familier avec retroFE, ça peut l être..

Passe me voir sur le discord d emuline si tu veux, tu me montreras ton dossier "collection" je te dirais quoi faire.


  Le 23/08/2020 à 13:15, ginzu a dit :



I already shared my AHK script in the video's description of this tutorial! 


The only thing you must do is to adapt the path of your windows shortcuts (Lnk extansion). My settings are all made to play with mode 2.


Yeah i saw the video but i want to use for mode 4 (for now) and would like to assign Coin to the Wii Motes - button, The Enter Key to Wii motes + Button respectively.   

  Le 23/08/2020 à 22:20, ark216 a dit :

Yeah i saw the video but i want to use for mode 4 (for now) and would like to assign Coin to the Wii Motes - button, The Enter Key to Wii motes + Button respectively.   



Ok, you must know that windows is changin the uid of each xinput controllers whenever you are plugging them or retire them, yes?


So, what you must do is detecting which joypad is the first, the second etc in order to play and assign each buttons you want from within the ahk script.


here is how it work for a joypad :







if this this the second joypad :





each Joyn button is abutton of a pad (cross,square,triangle,circle ...)

and so on...


So, according to my touchmote profile :






Joy7 = minus key of the wiimote

Joy8 = plus button of the wiimote

Joy6 = dpad down of the wiimote


if you want to assign for Operation ghost so (example if you have only your wiimotes connected and recognize as xboxpad by your pc) :


;Bouton START P1

	Send ^{F1 Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send ^{F1 Up}

;Start P1
	Send ^{Enter}
	Sleep 100
	Send ^{Enter}

;Select shoot P1

	Send ^{F1 Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send ^{F1 Up}

;Bouton START P2
	Send {NumpadAdd Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send {NumpadAdd Up}

;Select shoot P2




It depend on how joypads are connected to your pc.


BUT :  if you change the number of joypads connected to your PC, windows will shift the uid of each controllers. so you must know how many joypads are connected, which is the right one etc ....

Sorry to repeat that again but it is definitively less a headache to play in mode 2.

Did  you see my video regarding the comparison between mode 2 and mode 4 on my youtube channel? 

If not, take the time to see it at least one time, i think you'll understand why i play mode 2.




it's longer than what I usually do but like I said in my video description it was necessary!

And don't take into account that I said about Vcop3 (cxbx reloaded): it works in mode 2 (and the accuracy is better than in mode 4 as usual).
















  Le 24/08/2020 à 17:28, ginzu a dit :


Ok, you must know that windows is changin the uid of each xinput controllers whenever you are plugging them or retire them, yes?


So, what you must do is detecting which joypad is the first, the second etc in order to play and assign each buttons you want from within the ahk script.


here is how it work for a joypad :







if this this the second joypad :





each Joyn button is abutton of a pad (cross,square,triangle,circle ...)

and so on...


So, according to my touchmote profile :






Joy7 = minus key of the wiimote

Joy8 = plus button of the wiimote

Joy6 = dpad down of the wiimote


if you want to assign for Operation ghost so (example if you have only your wiimotes connected and recognize as xboxpad by your pc) :


;Bouton START P1

	Send ^{F1 Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send ^{F1 Up}

;Start P1
	Send ^{Enter}
	Sleep 100
	Send ^{Enter}

;Select shoot P1

	Send ^{F1 Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send ^{F1 Up}

;Bouton START P2
	Send {NumpadAdd Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send {NumpadAdd Up}

;Select shoot P2




It depend on how joypads are connected to your pc.


BUT :  if you change the number of joypads connected to your PC, windows will shift the uid of each controllers. so you must know how many joypads are connected, which is the right one etc ....

Sorry to repeat that again but it is definitively less a headache to play in mode 2.

Did  you see my video regarding the comparison between mode 2 and mode 4 on my youtube channel? 

If not, take the time to see it at least one time, i think you'll understand why i play mode 2.




it's longer than what I usually do but like I said in my video description it was necessary!

And don't take into account that I said about Vcop3 (cxbx reloaded): it works in mode 2 (and the accuracy is better than in mode 4 as usual).

















Ginzu i haven't seen your comparison video yet, i will watch it soon. I also agree that wii mote cursor works much better in mode 2, but if you remember last time when i tried Rambo with your method it wasn't working. In fact it wasn't working for you as well (due to Demulshooter version change).

So then i temporarily quit the mode 2 setup as it did not work for Rambo previously. I will again try with your methodology and post about it.


Also thanks for the AHK script (for mode 4) however i need to ask a few things in it that seem confusing to me.

1) For entering credits in Operation Ghost if you are using the keyboard then it is CTRL + F1. However in your AHK script it is as follows:

	Send ^{F1 Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send ^{F1 Up}

I cannot see CTRL key mentioned in your script (which is used to enter credits if you are using keyboard), also can you kindly explain what does {F1 Down} and {F1 Up} mean?


2) For Select Shoot/Action Button i use Wiimote  button 2 (Also in Touchmote  my Wii Mote  Button 2 = Xbox Button X). Button according to your script:


;Select shoot P1

So what changes i will make in the script to suit me as per my button layout?


Thanks once again.

  Le 24/08/2020 à 21:18, ark216 a dit :

Ginzu i haven't seen your comparison video yet, i will watch it soon. I also agree that wii mote cursor works much better in mode 2, but if you remember last time when i tried Rambo with your method it wasn't working. In fact it wasn't working for you as well (due to Demulshooter version change).

So then i temporarily quit the mode 2 setup as it did not work for Rambo previously. I will again try with your methodology and post about it.


Also thanks for the AHK script (for mode 4) however i need to ask a few things in it that seem confusing to me.

1) For entering credits in Operation Ghost if you are using the keyboard then it is CTRL + F1. However in your AHK script it is as follows:

	Send ^{F1 Down}
	Sleep 100
	Send ^{F1 Up}

I cannot see CTRL key mentioned in your script (which is used to enter credits if you are using keyboard), also can you kindly explain what does {F1 Down} and {F1 Up} mean?


2) For Select Shoot/Action Button i use Wiimote  button 2 (Also in Touchmote  my Wii Mote  Button 2 = Xbox Button X). Button according to your script:



FYI : ^  is equal to Left Ctrl

       so Send ^{F1 Down} and Send ^{F1 Up} means that you push Left Ctrl + F1 then you release them. Right?




  il y a une heure, ark216 a dit :
;Select shoot P1

So what changes i will make in the script to suit me as per my button layout?


Thanks once again.



If you have the exact same Layout i am using in touchmote (see in the picture i posted just before) , so button 2 on the wiimote must be 'Joy4'

Don't forget to Check Virtual mouse button inside Demulshooter software ( key C for P1 must be Middle Click and key V for P2).



Posté(e) (modifié)

@argonlefou can demulshooter support for games like Buck Hunter Arcade (PC) version?

Also Friction the light gun

Also the arcade shooter Friction is working with Demulshooter but I haven't seen it updated on your demulshooter page that this game works with it (or maybe I may have missed it while reading)?

Modifié par ark216
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 20/08/2020 à 20:35, ginzu a dit :

Anyway, regarding pcsx2, I am not able to make it works with touchmote. Even after having followed some youtube tutorials. 


On the other hand I can play all my pcsx2 shooters using mode 2 (mouse) with 2 wiimotes and 2 mayflash dolphin bar.


Regarding mouse patcher, it's working very good but it's not possible to play 2 players with it unfortunately and like you said, it's only working with some version of each games ( time crisis 2 usa for example). 



Cool, thanks for the confirmation that the Mayflash Dolphin Bar solves this. I would've been very livid had I spent another $35 only to find out it solves nothing.


The good news is that yeah, with the Mouse Patcher activated I can use my Wiimote on PCSX2. I'd say that if it were more complete it'd be my preferred way to play PCSX2 lightgun games. Having the games' own reticle show up automatically is so much more convenient than having to go change my Windows mouse cursor everytime I want to go play one of them. Hopefully when the Sinden gun comes I won't have to bother with reticles at all anymore.


But yeah, being unable to play Time Crisis 3 properly is just too annoying to me to ignore, and buying a Dolphin Bar is much cheaper than an Aimtrak, so I guess that's the route I'll take. (Although now that I think of it, motion controlling a DualShock4 would probably be more accurate for some Teknoparrot games, since arcades have shifted from light guns to turrets in recent years. Transformers: Human Alliance for example.)

Modifié par PixelDust
Spelling, cleaning up empty space.
  Le 25/08/2020 à 23:33, PixelDust a dit :


Cool, thanks for the confirmation that the Mayflash Dolphin Bar solves this. I would've been very livid had I spent another $35 only to find out it solves nothing.


The good news is that yeah, with the Mouse Patcher activated I can use my Wiimote on PCSX2. I'd say that if it were more complete it'd be my preferred way to play PCSX2 lightgun games. Having the games' own reticle show up automatically is so much more convenient than having to go change my Windows mouse cursor everytime I want to go play one of them. Hopefully when the Sinden gun comes I won't have to bother with reticles at all anymore.


But yeah, being unable to play Time Crisis 3 properly is just too annoying to me to ignore, and buying a Dolphin Bar is much cheaper than an Aimtrak, so I guess that's the route I'll take. (Although now that I think of it, motion controlling a DualShock4 would probably be more accurate for some Teknoparrot games, since arcades have shifted from light guns to turrets in recent years. Transformers: Human Alliance for example.)




I completely agree with you !!!!

And I know it's a bit boring to buy a second mayflash dolphin bar.


On the other hand, regarding the Sinden light pistol, you will have to play with all the emulator configurations in the same way as you have to do with an aimtrack or a wiimote.
Sinden has 2 strengths in my opinion:
1) its precise aim
2) no infra red bar.


I think it's about time someone put out a tutorial for PCSX2 light guns with wii mote now ( in whatever playable state it is in). 

Splitscreen light gun games co-OP games like Time Crisis 2/3 will be much difficult to incorporate (although a twin dolphin bar might be more effective).

But games like Virtua Cop 2 Elite Edition shouldn't be much difficult to get it to work with Wii motes.

@ginzu have you had the chance of trying out VCOP Elite edition on PCSX2 with dolphin bar and your wii motes?

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 26/08/2020 à 08:51, ark216 a dit :

I think it's about time someone put out a tutorial for PCSX2 light guns with wii mote now ( in whatever playable state it is in). 

Splitscreen light gun games co-OP games like Time Crisis 2/3 will be much difficult to incorporate (although a twin dolphin bar might be more effective).

But games like Virtua Cop 2 Elite Edition shouldn't be much difficult to get it to work with Wii motes.

@ginzu have you had the chance of trying out VCOP Elite edition on PCSX2 with dolphin bar and your wii motes?


Currently have 16 PCSX2 light gun games working here, with Wiibar and Wiimotes.

Most use Mode 4 and Touchmote, some use other options-Unfortunately they are currently only 1 player in the main. Have spent days and days on this trying to get player 2 and make some progress but then get fed up so leave it alone for a while.

I know adding a second bar would make them playable as 2 players but having set up so much with just 1 wiibar I don't fancy going through and changing all my work just for 16 games.

All the info to get them working came from info that is already online, on this website or others,and a few days work, trial and error, but the actual basic stuff of getting one player was quite simple, it was the implimenting it into frontends, automating it all, and trying to break the 2 player issue that has taken most of the time.

I don't make videos because I don't want to, don't have the ability to and also because I prefer to work from text, which is already available.

Some of the games require use of ahk's to make them work and all that stuff can be learnt from

Which has been a huge help in figuring out how to bind keys. make guis and lots of other stuff that I knew nothing about until about 9 months ago.


So what have you tried to do to get it to work? and what about it isn't working?


Modifié par Tiberius
  Le 26/08/2020 à 09:40, Tiberius a dit :

Currently have 16 PCSX2 light gun games working here, with Wiibar and Wiimotes.

Most use Mode 4 and Touchmote, some use other options-Unfortunately they are currently only 1 player in the main. Have spent days and days on this trying to get player 2 and make some progress but then get fed up so leave it alone for a while.

I know adding a second bar would make them playable as 2 players but having set up so much with just 1 wiibar I don't fancy going through and changing all my work just for 16 games.

All the info to get them working came from info that is already online, on this website or others,and a few days work, trial and effort, but the actual basic stuff of getting one player was quite simple, it was the implimenting it into frontends, automating it all, and trying to break the 2 player issue that has taken most of the time.

I don't make videos because I don't want to, don't have the ability to and also because I prefer to work from text, which is already available.

Some of the games require use of ahk's to make them work and all that stuff can be learnt from

Which has been a huge help in figuring out how to bind keys. make guis and lots of other stuff that I knew nothing about until about 9 months ago.


So what have you tried to do to get it to work? and what about it isn't working?



That is some real work you have put into learning how to get the PCSX2 to work with dolphin bar and wii motes.

Since i own 2 dolphin bars (although mostly i use one in mode 4 for 2 wii motes) since i mostly play with a friend in coop. But some emulators like Supermodel work require 2 bars for 2 players, that is how i got into using 2 bars.

Which leads me to believe that PCSX2 may also require 2 bars for 2 wii motes.I haven't tried much with PCSX2, but a lean and to-the-point tutorial or guide can get me started, also i am a real noob when it comes to AHK scripting.

So the games that i really looking forward to play especially in coop would be TC 2/3, VCOP Elite Edition and others. I have used the nuvee plugin before, but only for a mouse that too around 2-3 years ago.

You are right there a lot of guides flying around on the web, but they are mostly relegated to "Aim Trak" guns which i don't possess.




Sorry dude, think I misunderstood, thought you were trying to do it two player with one wiibar and mode 4, obviously not paying attention or reading correctly


From my limited understanding the reason it needs two wiibars is to make the emulator see it as two seperate mice, using the Nuvee plugin, which again is an assumption as not the way I do it.


I use the Nuvee plugin but with only one bar, so only one mouse and trying to make the other work as a "joypad" but it isn't as smooth as a mouse


As the plugin sees the Aimtraks as two seperate mice then following a guide for that and adapting it slightly should work. I say should because I used am Amtrak guide to set up the one wiimote as a mouse, and the only reason I can see for it not working here with the one bar on mode 4 and Touchmote set up so that the wiimotes are mice is that the wiimote is emulating a mouse and therefore they are both a system mouse rather than seperate items with their own GUID's


As I said this is all guess work on my side as I don't do it the two bar way.


Guys i really think you should create a new topic about Pcsx2 and wiimote stuff... there are 3 pages about this now.. the thread is about RetroFE and lightguns crisis pack and was intended for Aimtrack (or similar) users..

 Sure what you are talking about is interesting but its not about lightguns crisis...


PS: i dont think its possible to manage split screen games playable with wii mote neither aimtrack because of calibration for 2 players on the same screen would need a lot of work, and probably third party programs to get it work. No one did it so dont expect to be able to make it work without third party program..

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 26/08/2020 à 08:51, ark216 a dit :

I think it's about time someone put out a tutorial for PCSX2 light guns with wii mote now ( in whatever playable state it is in). 

Splitscreen light gun games co-OP games like Time Crisis 2/3 will be much difficult to incorporate (although a twin dolphin bar might be more effective).

But games like Virtua Cop 2 Elite Edition shouldn't be much difficult to get it to work with Wii motes.

@ginzu have you had the chance of trying out VCOP Elite edition on PCSX2 with dolphin bar and your wii motes?



Yes! like i said the only games that are not fun to play with 2 players are TC2 and TC3 due to split screen unfortunately (but 2 player works). and 1 player is ok.

I am very busy, but I really want to make some new videos to learn how to play 2 wiimotes on pcsx2 and other systems too.

I think I will simplify my video because it took me too long. I hope they will still be appreciated



  Le 26/08/2020 à 11:41, oroborus77 a dit :

Guys i really think you should create a new topic about Pcsx2 and wiimote stuff... there are 3 pages about this now.. the thread is about RetroFE and lightguns crisis pack and was intended for Aimtrack (or similar) users..

 Sure what you are talking about is interesting but its not about lightguns crisis...


PS: i dont think its possible to manage split screen games playable with wii mote neither aimtrack because of calibration for 2 players on the same screen would need a lot of work, and probably third party programs to get it work. No one did it so dont expect to be able to make it work without third party program..




Je suis d'accord  avec toi. Il faudrait un Sujet dédié  aux wiimotes  :ptdr:


@Tiberius   ? how do you setup PCSX2 to play in mode4 + touchmote ??? it is not  working from my side..  thanks.

Modifié par ginzu
  Le 26/08/2020 à 21:09, ginzu a dit :


Yes! like i said the only games that are not fun to play with 2 players are TC2 and TC3 due to split screen unfortunately (but 2 player works). and 1 player is ok.

I am very busy, but I really want to make some new videos to learn how to play 2 wiimotes on pcsx2 and other systems too.

I think I will simplify my video because it took me too long. I hope they will still be appreciated





I agree with you. We need a Subject dedicated to wiimotes  :ptdr:


@Tiberius   ? how do you setup PCSX2 to play in mode4 + touchmote ??? it is not  working from my side..  thanks.


I am looking forward to those PCSX2 videos. Hope you will make and upload them soon.

  Le 25/08/2020 à 21:29, ark216 a dit :

@argonlefou can demulshooter support for games like Buck Hunter Arcade (PC) version?

Also Friction the light gun

Also the arcade shooter Friction is working with Demulshooter but I haven't seen it updated on your demulshooter page that this game works with it (or maybe I may have missed it while reading)?


Buck Hunter Arcade (PC) : Had a look at it long time ago but too many issues. Dropped into the oblivion along with Blue Estate and some others

Friction : It's indeed working, with all 3 versions of the hacked .dll and, indeed, I forgot to add mention of it in the Wiki (It is present in the changelog though). I'll try to change it quickly


A new topic regarding wiimotes has been created here :


for any wiimotes related question, please go to this new topic!




Such a shame we cant play some amazing ps3 light gun games like: razing storm and time crisis 4 with a gun like aimtrak or the new coming sinden on rpcs3.

maybe some day...


Mise à jour / Update:


Section "ADDONS" ajoutée ainsi que Time Crisis 5 (!!) et Time Crisis Razing Storm pour ceux qui ne l avaient pas déjà.


Main post updated. Time crisis 5 and Razing Storm added.


Great news:

someone made me a autokey script that "fake a full screen" for light gun games on "rpcs3" works great with a dolphin bar, so it should work well with sinden/aimtrak.

i only tried razing storm cause my pc is too weak for rpcs3, but it works.

just copy this inside autokey file:


    MouseGetPos, , , win
    maxWindow("ahk_id " win)

maxWindow(title) {
    WinMove, % title, , 0, 0, % A_ScreenWidth, % A_ScreenHeight
    WinActivate, % title
    WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, % title
    WinSet, Style, -0x40000, % title
    WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off, % title

press Q to start the script.

  Le 28/08/2020 à 20:11, oroborus77 a dit :

Mise à jour / Update:


Section "ADDONS" ajoutée ainsi que Time Crisis 5 (!!) et Time Crisis Razing Storm pour ceux qui ne l avaient pas déjà.


Main post updated. Time crisis 5 and Razing Storm added.


Salut oroborus77 :)

Woaow Vraiment excellent, le 5 est enfin dumper, c'est trop cool ! merci beaucoup :fiesta::very-good:

Vivement que ce soit jouable avec l' aimtrak

Et merci aussi pour la compil !! au top !!!





C est pas encore au point ( la visée devient complètement décalée dès lors que l on vise en dehors de l écran.On peut contrebalancer le décalage en visant plus ou moins à gauche ou droite en dehors de l écran. Il faudrait réussir à faire en sorte que le viseur ne puisse pas sortir de l écran , comme blue estate ou autre jeux mame par exemple..) mais c est un départ...


Tiberius à déjà fait les 3/4 du taff, je pense qu il ne reste quelques détails à régler et ça devrait le faire pour jouer sans bugs avec l aimtrack sans dolphin bar.




Time Crisis 5 workaround Aimtrack 0.2.rar


Hello je sais je pars sur tout autre chose mais je n'arrive pas a trouver reponse a ma question. Je n'arrive pas a utiliser ma souris sous RPCS3...j'ai beau suivre la procedure de l'editeur...en mode manuel...quand je suis sur le jeux dead space j'ai param croix = clique gaughe et round = clique droit

et bien lors du calibrage du gun il me fait valider par le ROND alors que normalement c'est croix et du coup a la derniere question voulez vous enregistrer = bien rien ne se passe je reste al je fait clique droit pour la seule fois il utilise bien le rond et quitte sans qq1 avait la conf qui marche chez lui je suis preneur. Et derniere question...est ce qu'on peut jouer a deus? et si oui a deux gun avec deux dolpin barre?


Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 31/08/2020 à 15:40, oroborus77 a dit :



C est pas encore au point ( la visée devient complètement décalée dès lors que l on vise en dehors de l écran.On peut contrebalancer le décalage en visant plus ou moins à gauche ou droite en dehors de l écran. Il faudrait réussir à faire en sorte que le viseur ne puisse pas sortir de l écran , comme blue estate ou autre jeux mame par exemple..) mais c est un départ...


Tiberius à déjà fait les 3/4 du taff, je pense qu il ne reste quelques détails à régler et ça devrait le faire pour jouer sans bugs avec l aimtrack sans dolphin bar.




Time Crisis 5 workaround Aimtrack 0.2.rarRecherche des informations…


Merci bien :)

C'est bien parti pour avoir quelque chose de bien stable, merci a Tiberius :bravo:

Modifié par Ryogun
  Le 31/08/2020 à 15:40, oroborus77 a dit :



It is not yet in focus (the aim becomes completely shifted as soon as we aim outside the screen. We can counterbalance the shift by aiming more or less to the left or right outside the screen. We should succeed in doing so in so that the viewfinder cannot leave the screen, like blue estate or other games even for example ...) but it is a departure ...


Tiberius has already done 3/4 of the job, I think there are a few details to settle and it should do so to play without bugs with the aimtrack without dolphin bar.




Time Crisis 5 workaround Aimtrack 0.2.rarRecherche des informations…


its also not perfect on when i use dolphin bar...the cursor itself is very shaky, but it still a lot better than it was before.

  Le 31/08/2020 à 16:09, POPO69 a dit :

Hello je sais je pars sur tout autre chose mais je n'arrive pas a trouver reponse a ma question. Je n'arrive pas a utiliser ma souris sous RPCS3...j'ai beau suivre la procedure de l'editeur...en mode manuel...quand je suis sur le jeux dead space j'ai param croix = clique gaughe et round = clique droit

et bien lors du calibrage du gun il me fait valider par le ROND alors que normalement c'est croix et du coup a la derniere question voulez vous enregistrer = bien rien ne se passe je reste al je fait clique droit pour la seule fois il utilise bien le rond et quitte sans qq1 avait la conf qui marche chez lui je suis preneur. Et derniere question...est ce qu'on peut jouer a deus? et si oui a deux gun avec deux dolpin barre?




pour ceux que ca peut aider..

par contre pour moi le jeux dead storm quand je joue ma cible bouge je tire mais ca ne tue pas les mechant :) quelqu'un a une idée

Posté(e) (modifié)

oroborus77: Time Crisis 4 works but you have to change controller to motioncontroller on the game settings that show up before the first stage starts. The other games change it by itself but this one you have to change it manually. 

Modifié par Jayinem
  Le 01/09/2020 à 04:00, Jayinem a dit :

oroborus77: Time Crisis 4 works but you have to change controller to motioncontroller on the game settings that show up before the first stage starts. The other games change it by itself but this one you have to change it manually. 


Time crisis 4 doesnt even start for me.  Tested with Blus and Bces versions of Time Crisis RazingStorm.


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