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[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)

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Posté(e) (modifié)

Salut @oroborus77,

Bah dit donc, tu ne chĂ´mes jamais. Bravo ! 

 J'ai jamais testĂ© ton pack car

1) j'ai une connexion de merde. 

2) j'ai mĂŞme pas le temps de faire tout ce que je dois faire de mon cĂ´tĂ©. 


Par contre c'est cool continue. 

J'aimerais trouver le temps de tester ton partage rpcs3.. On va voir si j'arrive Ă  placer ça quelque part dans mon emploi du temps. :very-good:


Modifié par ginzu
  Le 28/06/2020 Ă  21:29, Scheang a dit :

Hi. Any chance there's a video for getting the ps2 games working? I can't seem to get the wii mote to respond to the emulator. Something step by step perhaps? I know there's a brief setup txt in the pack, but it didn't seem to help. Plus I've never used nuvee before.




I finally got the buttons on the wii mote to register but now there's no crosshair and it's firing all over the screen. I can't point the gun.

  Le 28/06/2020 Ă  23:36, Scheang a dit :

I finally got the buttons on the wii mote to register but now there's no crosshair and it's firing all over the screen. I can't point the gun.


Personnaly, I am playing with the mayflash dolphin bar using mode 2.

I am using nuvee plugin and you must do the calibration before playing the game. Works very good but when using a mouse you will not have any crosshair on the screen. There is another solution if you absolutely need to have crosshair: but it's only working for one player. It's called mouse Patcher. In this case, you will not need nuvee plugin. I have tested it but, I didn't managed to make it work correctly when using my wiimotes as mouse or even as pads using  touchmote' software. 


  RĂ©vĂ©ler le contenu masquĂ©


As planned this is the RL addon for test purpose.


TEST RocketLauncher addon + games,emulators files.  ( around 45gb )

Make a backup of your lightGuns Crisis Folder is highly recomended.


Follow the readme included for the installation.

Issue :   - missing some fade backgrounds (ps1)


If you encounter problems with it contact me via PM only or Emuline's Discord. I will not help with this on this thread as it is test status.

Thank you to give feedback.








  Le 29/06/2020 Ă  11:20, ginzu a dit :

Personnaly, I am playing with the mayflash dolphin bar using mode 2.

I am using nuvee plugin and you must do the calibration before playing the game. Works very good but when using a mouse you will not have any crosshair on the screen. There is another solution if you absolutely need to have crosshair: but it's only working for one player. It's called mouse Patcher. In this case, you will not need nuvee plugin. I have tested it but, I didn't managed to make it work correctly when using my wiimotes as mouse or even as pads using touchmote 'software. 


Any chance you could post screen shots of your setup for the controls? Lilypad and Nuvee in particular. I've been playing with those settings in the emulator and I think it might be that I'm just missing a checkmark somewhere. Like I said, the trigger fires, but the pointer seems to be jumping around the outside of the gaming screen. When I try to   aim inside, the pointer disappears.

ps. I think you misunderstood. I'm using the wii mote, not a mouse. I think we have the same setup.














Hope that help!

And you know what? MousePatcher is working perfectly using wiimotes!  i will do tutorial on my youtube channel as soon as possible... i am too busy at the moment.....:fiesta: (and no i am not misunderstood you don't worry about that, i know you are using wiimotes).:ptdr:






  Le 29/06/2020 Ă  17:21, oroborus77 a dit :


  RĂ©vĂ©ler le contenu masquĂ©



As planned this is the RL addon for test purpose.


TEST RocketLauncher addon + games,emulators files.  ( around 45gb )

Make a backup of your lightGuns Crisis Folder is highly recomended.


Follow the readme included for the installation.

Issue :   - missing some fade backgrounds (ps1)


If you encounter problems with it contact me via PM only or Emuline's Discord. I will not help with this on this thread as it is test status.

Thank you to give feedback.







Salut, merci beaucoup pour l'addon !

Je vais le tester dans la semaine :)



Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 30/06/2020 Ă  08:14, ginzu a dit :













Hope that help!

And you know what? MousePatcher is working perfectly using wiimotes! i will do tutorial on my youtube channel as soon as possible ... i am too busy at the moment ..... :fiesta: (and no i am not misunderstood you don't worry about that, i know you are using wiimotes).:ptdr:







Hi. That seems to have helped. The mouse cursor seems more stable, but now I can't get out of the Guncon2 calibration. It just keeps saying calibrate and shoot at the center. I shoot away, but it never changes. Also, I'm stuck in Windows mode. It's not full screen. I can see the Windows bar at top and bottom. Could that be why it's not allowing me to get past calibration?


This is super frustrating!

Modifié par Scheang
  Le 30/06/2020 Ă  16:17, Scheang a dit :

Hi. That seems to have helped. The mouse cursor seems more stable, but now I can't get out of the Guncon2 calibration. It just keeps saying calibrate and shoot at the center. I shoot away, but it never changes. Also, I'm stuck in Windows mode. It's not full screen. I can see the Windows bar at top and bottom. Could that be why it's not allowing me to get past calibration?


This is super frustrating!



Did you try Alt+enter to go fullscreen? :rolleyes:


Each time you want to play a game for the first time, you will have to select the correct name of the game in the drop-down list (see my last picture where I selected time crisis 2). Then the calibration checkbox must be checked too. (if you use only one wiimote, so check only one gun on to configure in the previous step or you will have to calibrate it too before being able de play. 

Beware: when this step will be done, you will have to alt+enter and return to nuvee plugin to uncheck this fucking box. If you don't you will have some bullets not fired correctly and this is absolutely not what we want when playing games like that. 

good luck! 

  Le 30/06/2020 Ă  18:09, ginzu a dit :


Did you try Alt + enter to go fullscreen? :rolleyes:


Each time you want to play a game for the first time, you will have to select the correct name of the game in the drop-down list (see my last picture where I selected time crisis 2). Then the calibration checkbox must be checked too. (if you use only one wiimote, so check only one gun on to configure in the previous step or you will have to calibrate it too before being able to play. 

Beware: when this step will be done, you will have to alt + enter and return to nuvee plugin to uncheck this fucking box. If you don't you will have some bullets not fired correctly and this is absolutely not what we want when playing games like that. 

good luck! 


Ok., It's back to full screen. The cursor moves around the guncon2 screen, but now the trigger won't respond! OMG this is ridiculous. Do you need to set anything in Pad 1 in Lilypad? If playing with 1 gun, do I need to have Guncon 2 set in Port 2 on the Controller types screen? Or can that say None? I have no idea why it's not firing now. It seems every time I change something, another thing stops working.

(I appreciate the help btw)

  Le 30/06/2020 Ă  21:51, Scheang a dit :

Ok., It's back to full screen. The cursor moves around the guncon2 screen, but now the trigger won't respond! OMG this is ridiculous. Do you need to set anything in Pad 1 in Lilypad? If playing with 1 gun, do I need to have Guncon 2 set in Port 2 on the Controller types screen? Or can that say None? I have no idea why it's not firing now. It seems every time I change something, another thing stops working.

(I appreciate the help btw)



But... Wait... :what:

Are you using mode 2 or mode 4 on the mayflash dolphin bar? 



Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 01/07/2020 Ă  05:23, ginzu a dit :


But ... Wait ... :what:

Are you using mode 2 or mode 4 on the mayflash dolphin bar? 




mode 2. And I only use one wii mote (for now at least)


Mode 2 works fine in Mame and Tecknoparrot. Is that wrong? Does it have to be 4 with PS2 emulation?

Modifié par Scheang
  Le 01/07/2020 Ă  19:52, Scheang a dit :

Mode 2 works fine in Mame and Tecknoparrot. Is that wrong? Does it have to be 4 with PS2 emulation?



No, it's fine. I play with 2 wiimotes and I use 2 dolphin bar (mode 2)..


Last time, I try mode 4 but my cursor was moving very badly. 


Salut @oroborus77,

Je viens de tester ton rpcs3 avec Razing storm

J'avais pas compris qu'on pouvait aussi jouer Ă  Dead Stom Pirates!  :)


Par contre voilà mon compte rendu après quelques tests:

- Chez moi mon 3.2Ghz est Ă  la ramasse et sature  Ă  100% d'utilisations en permanence....

- C'est donc pas jouable pour moi....

Mais, j'ai pu quand mĂŞme jouer Ă  Razing storm et Dead Storm Pirates. Time crisis 4 ne se lance pas non plus chez moi.

Dommage, il faudra encore attendre ou alors je dois aller m'acheter une bĂŞte de course si je veux pouvoir y jouer.......



Does Sega model 3 have anything to do with the command prompt when launching games? I'm having issues with the controls for Ocean Hunter and LA MAchine guns. Controls won't work on my gaming PC (which I can't open a command prompt on for some strange reason.) Yet on my other PC, the mouse works fine and I don't have a command prompt issue on that PC. I also don't have my wii mote on this computer either, but if the mouse responds, the wii mote should too. 

  Le 02/07/2020 Ă  19:16, ginzu a dit :

Salut @oroborus77,

Je viens de tester ton rpcs3 avec Razing storm

J'avais pas compris qu'on pouvait aussi jouer Ă  Dead Stom Pirates!  :)


Par contre voilà mon compte rendu après quelques tests:

- Chez moi mon 3.2Ghz est Ă  la ramasse et sature  Ă  100% d'utilisations en permanence....

- C'est donc pas jouable pour moi....

Mais, j'ai pu quand mĂŞme jouer Ă  Razing storm et Dead Storm Pirates. Time crisis 4 ne se lance pas non plus chez moi.

Dommage, il faudra encore attendre ou alors je dois aller m'acheter une bĂŞte de course si je veux pouvoir y jouer.......



Je n ai pas une bête de course, loin de là, et je peux y jouer dans des conditions potables (15 -20 fps pendant 3secondes lors des passages chargés) sinon le reste du temps c est du 55 -60fps. Le son saute pas mal chez moi,, ça doit être un manque de ram ou le buffer audio à régler.

 Essayes en openGL peut ĂŞtre plutĂ´t que vulkan ? dĂ©pend de ta config.

I7 6800hq

16gb ram

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 03/07/2020 Ă  06:29, oroborus77 a dit :

Je n ai pas une bête de course, loin de là, et je peux y jouer dans des conditions potables (15 -20 fps pendant 3secondes lors des passages chargés) sinon le reste du temps c est du 55 -60fps. Le son saute pas mal chez moi,, ça doit être un manque de ram ou le buffer audio à régler.

 Essayes en openGL peut ĂŞtre plutĂ´t que vulkan ? dĂ©pend de ta config.

I7 6800hq

16gb ram




En fait, cet emu nĂ©cessite une conf un peu plus costaud :  CPU : soit un 4 coeurs avec Hyper Threading (moi j'ai pas l'hyper threading ... ) soit au moins un CPU  Ă  6 cores.....

Je viens d'aller voir les prix car ça fait longtemps que j'ai rien acheter cotĂ© matos et .................  je pleur toujours autant.....  :o


Ton CPU est un 6 cores avec 12 threads, je suis étonné que tu me dise que tu ai des ralentissements .......



Modifié par ginzu
  Le 03/07/2020 Ă  08:33, ginzu a dit :



En fait, cet emu nĂ©cessite une conf un peu plus costaud :  CPU : soit un 4 coeurs avec Hyper Threading (moi j'ai pas l'hyper threading ... ) soit au moins un CPU  Ă  6 cores.....

Je viens d'aller voir les pris car ça fait longtemps que j'ai rien acheter cotĂ© matos et .................  je pleur toujours autant.....  :o


Ton CPU est un 6 cores avec 12 threads, je suis étonné que tu me dise que tu ai des ralentissements .......




Malheureusement le CPU ne fait pas tout. Ma carte graphique est très limite et faut pas oublier l optimisation des émulateurs.
Des jeux pcsx2 peuvent également ramer pour ma part malgré ma config. Faut jouer avec les paramètres vidéos de l émulateurs pour avoir de bons résultats.


Does anyone know how to center the screen on the PS2 emulator without messing up the controls? I tried a fresh install because I couldn't get the controls to work for Ocean Hunter and LA Machineguns. The game screen is way off to the right and it's set at 1920X1080, however, the wii mote gun works. When I change the resolution, the screen centers, but the controls stop working! I tried a couple different resolutions and got the same result.

  Le 03/07/2020 Ă  21:09, Scheang a dit :

Does anyone know how to center the screen on the PS2 emulator without messing up the controls? I tried a fresh install because I couldn't get the controls to work for Ocean Hunter and LA Machineguns. The game screen is way off to the right and it's set at 1920X1080, however, the wii mote gun works. When I change the resolution, the screen centers, but the controls stop working! I tried a couple different resolutions and got the same result.


Hi, I don't really understand your problem but you talk about the PS2 emulator then you talk about Ocean Hunter (emulator model 3) ...

I think you mean Model3 ...

Have you tried the emulator archive download link in the description of my youtube video for this game.

My setting is for a 1920 * 1080 resolution screen by default (the calibration is done for the 4 games for this resolution) (Supermodel.ini file) ...

I never have to center the screen to play any default emulator .....

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 04/07/2020 Ă  10:43, ginzu a dit :

Hi, I don't really understand your problem but you talk about the PS2 emulator then you talk about Ocean Hunter (emulator model 3) ...

I think you mean Model3 ...

Have you tried the emulator archive download link in the description of my youtube video for this game.

My setting is for a 1920 * 1080 resolution screen by default (the calibration is done for the 4 games for this resolution) (Supermodel.ini file) ...

I never have to center the screen to play any default emulator .....


Sorry, You're right. Sega Model 3 (I'm having control issues with PS2 as well). Anyway, I downloaded the emulator archive from your Youtube video. I opened Ocenhunter outside of Supermodel (the green H). It's the exact same issue. The screen is off center (I can see a little more than half), but the controls work. I didn't change any settings. I'm going to try launching Supermodel and try changing settings and see if that works.





Exact same problem. As soon as I change to a lower resolution, the screen centers, but the controls stop responding. What's worse, when I go back to 1920x1080, the controls stop responding! What is going on? To get the controls responding again, I have to delete everything, reinstall it and launch it again from a fresh install. Something keeps changing. 


Update 2


As soon as I make a single change within the emulator, whatever it is (even changing the directory to point to Roms), the controls stop responding. How can this affect the controls?

Modifié par Scheang
  Le 04/07/2020 Ă  14:43, Scheang a dit :

Sorry, You're right. Sega Model 3 (I'm having control issues with PS2 as well). Anyway, I downloaded the emulator archive from your Youtube video. I opened Ocenhunter outside of Supermodel (the green H). It's the exact same issue. The screen is off center (I can see a little more than half), but the controls work. I didn't change any settings. I'm going to try launching Supermodel and try changing settings and see if that works.





Exact same problem. As soon as I change to a lower resolution, the screen centers, but the controls stop responding. What's worse, when I go back to 1920x1080, the controls stop responding! What is going on? To get the controls responding again, I have to delete everything, reinstall it and launch it again from a fresh install. Something keeps changing. 


Update 2


As soon as I make a single change within the emulator, whatever it is (even changing the directory to point to Roms), the controls stop responding. How can this affect the controls?



I don't know what's going on. But it's like it's something relative to your hardware.. 

 Do you have more than one monitor? 

What kind of dolphin bar do you use? 

 Do you have some other mices peripheral (Bluetooth or other?) that are connected near your gaming pc??? 


It is necessary to proceed by elimination. 


  Le 30/06/2020 Ă  08:14, ginzu a dit :













Hope that help!

And you know what? MousePatcher is working perfectly using wiimotes!  i will do tutorial on my youtube channel as soon as possible... i am too busy at the moment.....:fiesta: (and no i am not misunderstood you don't worry about that, i know you are using wiimotes).:ptdr:







@ginzu is there a possibility that you can play Time Crisis 2 and 3 and other good light guns games on PCSX2 using 2 wiimotes with a single Mayflash bar with mode 4? Is so then that would be terrific.

  Le 04/07/2020 Ă  20:47, ark216 a dit :

@ginzu is there a possibility that you can play Time Crisis 2 and 3 and other good light guns games on PCSX2 using 2 wiimotes with a single Mayflash bar with mode 4? Is so then that would be terrific.



@ark216, I already try that recently but I didn't managed to get it work in mode 4 using touchmote (cursors issue) but I must give another try as soon as possible. If god want, I will come back with new videos and stuffs I am working on next week. At the moment, I am not able to work on anything for personal reasons. 

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 25/06/2020 Ă  12:43, oroborus77 a dit :


Apparemment la dernière version de rpcs3 semble à nouveau fonctionnelle avec le psmove.


J ai pû tester razing storm et dead storm pirates (venant de Time Crisis Razing Storm), la calibration s est bien passée et le jeu tourne plutôt bien en plein écran fenêtré. Le plein écran ne fonctionne qu avec la souris, la visée de l aimtrack bug lors du passage plein écran.

 Par contre pas moyen de lancer Time Crisis 4..


Pour ceux qui veulent tester voici un pack avec l émulateur déjà configuré et time crisis razing storm.

Encore une fois je n ai pas réussi à lance Time Crisis 4. à voir plus tard.



Le plein Ă©cran ne fonctionne qu avec la souris.

La calibration doit ĂŞtre faite hors plein Ă©cran.

Jouable Ă  la souris.

jouable avec l aimtrack

2 joueurs : pas testé.




Start                = entrĂ©e

X   (clavier)      = Croix

Clique droit      = Valider dans les menus(et calibration) / lever le bouclier (ingame)

Clique gauche =  Shoot

Clique gauche + clique droit + molette = Start

Clique droit+ Clique gauche= Rond

Clique droit + Molette = Triangle



Pour la calibration:

après avoir terminĂ© la calibration , faire (avec la souris de prĂ©fĂ©rence j ai pas tĂ©stĂ© des masses avec l aimtrack) Clique droit + molette  puis  Clique droit + Clique gauche  pour quitter l Ă©cran de calibration.





Salut oroborus77,

J'ai téléchargé tes liens et je n'arrive pas à passer la calibration :(:

J'ai cet écran à la fin de la calibration la cible se déplace bien en suivant la souris


Je fais clic droit + molette  puis  Clic droit + Clic gauche et je retourne au dĂ©but de la calibration...


J'ai vu que Ginzu à réussi à jouer, donc c'est chez moi qu'il y a un bug...


Une idée du problème ?

Merci :)



En validant avec clavier [C] ca marche (Clic droit + Clic gauche ne fonctionne pas chez moi)

problème résolu :P

Modifié par STF
  Le 08/07/2020 Ă  13:44, STF a dit :


Salut oroborus77,

J'ai téléchargé tes liens et je n'arrive pas à passer la calibration :(:

J'ai cet écran à la fin de la calibration la cible se déplace bien en suivant la souris


Je fais clic droit + molette  puis  Clic droit + Clic gauche et je retourne au dĂ©but de la calibration...


J'ai vu que Ginzu à réussi à jouer, donc c'est chez moi qu'il y a un bug...


Une idée du problème ?

Merci :)



En validant avec clavier [C] ca marche (Clic droit + Clic gauche ne fonctionne pas chez moi)

problème résolu :P



Salut STF, oui j'avais du utiliser ma trackball pour pouvoir passer cet Ă©cran.... 

Posté(e) (modifié)

Guys can you add a target cursor in Demul Light Gun games like Confidentional Mission, Lupin 3 The shooting etc? If so then how?


Modifié par ark216
  Le 30/06/2020 Ă  08:14, ginzu a dit :













Hope that help!

And you know what? MousePatcher is working perfectly using wiimotes! i will do tutorial on my youtube channel as soon as possible ... i am too busy at the moment ..... :fiesta: (and no i am not misunderstood you don't worry about that, i know you are using wiimotes).:ptdr:







When are you doing a video on this PCSX2 one? I hope you also demonstrate this to be used in Mode 4 of Dolphin bar.

  Le 09/07/2020 Ă  22:42, ark216 a dit :

When are you doing a video on this PCSX2 one? I hope you also demonstrate this to be used in Mode 4 of Dolphin bar.



It's on my to-do list of course but I had a busy month and I am on something bigger too... 

Just hope I'll managed to do what I am doing. 

  Le 08/07/2020 Ă  19:44, ark216 a dit :

Guys can you add a target cursor in Demul Light Gun games like Confidentional Mission, Lupin 3 The shooting etc? If so then how?




I've heard that some people can change the in-game cursor for many emulator using rocket launcher. 

I don't know if it is easy to set up but I would like someone to explain how to do that too. 


  Le 08/07/2020 Ă  13:44, STF a dit :


Salut oroborus77,

J'ai téléchargé tes liens et je n'arrive pas à passer la calibration :(:

J'ai cet écran à la fin de la calibration la cible se déplace bien en suivant la souris


Je fais clic droit + molette  puis  Clic droit + Clic gauche et je retourne au dĂ©but de la calibration...


J'ai vu que Ginzu à réussi à jouer, donc c'est chez moi qu'il y a un bug...


Une idée du problème ?

Merci :)



En validant avec clavier [C] ca marche (Clic droit + Clic gauche ne fonctionne pas chez moi)

problème résolu :P


I also can't get out of the aimtrack calibration, neither with the combination of the gun keys nor with any keyboard key ... any ideas ?

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/07/2020 Ă  14:18, pablitox70 a dit :

I also can't get out of the aimtrack calibration, neither with the combination of the gun keys nor with any keyboard key ... any ideas ?


Use a classic mouse and do:

Middle click+ right click


Right click + left click. 

I know, this is weird... 

Modifié par ginzu

Hi. Aliens extermination issues;


I have no cursor showing (using wii mote as in video tut). When I go into calibration in the game, the trigger registers however the up, down, left, right numbers will not change. All I can do is pull trigger and it saves the values. I see in the video that the numbers change to 0, 65535, 0, 65535. Not mine. And, like I said, there is no cursor displaying during calibration as in the video.

When I enter the game, the trigger and flamethrower registers and depletes my ammo, but there's no cursor and no display of my gun shots or flame thrower.


Someone help! 

  Le 11/07/2020 Ă  22:30, Scheang a dit :

Hi. Aliens extermination issues;


I have no cursor showing (using wii mote as in video tut). When I go into calibration in the game, the trigger registers however the up, down, left, right numbers will not change. All I can do is pull trigger and it saves the values. I see in the video that the numbers change to 0, 65535, 0, 65535. Not mine. And, like I said, there is no cursor displaying during calibration as in the video.

When I enter the game, the trigger and flamethrower registers and depletes my ammo, but there's no cursor and no display of my gun shots or flame thrower.


Someone help! 




For one player only:

dolphinbar mayflash in mode 2

Use Mouse enabler.exe

Use Alien dehasped.exe




For one or 2 players:

dolphinbar in mode 2

use demulshooter (with admin rights) 

Use Alien dehasped.exe


For one or 2 players:

dolphinbar in mode 4

use demulshooter (with admin rights) 

Use touchmote (pad profile) 

Use Alien dehasped.exe


(from what I remember). 


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