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[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)

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  Le 11/04/2020 à 18:10, oroborus77 a dit :


Oui!  et il y a un sérieux offset!  (décallage de la visée)


Salut à Tous, 

Encore une fois bravo pour le boulot et les mises à jour ! 


Petite question, j'arrive enfin à jouer à 2 à Transformers avec Demulshooter, le seul soucis, j'ai que le trigger qui marche. Pas de bouton action :( 

Comment faire ? 


Merci à Vous

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/04/2020 à 19:44, ginzu a dit :


Oui!  et il y a un sérieux offset!  (décallage de la visée)


Je ne me suis pas penché dessus depuis la dernière maj honnetement. Essaies de voir sur le sujet d Argonlefou sur Demulshooter.


  Le 12/04/2020 à 15:52, beastmaster a dit :

Salut à Tous, 

Encore une fois bravo pour le boulot et les mises à jour ! 


Petite question, j'arrive enfin à jouer à 2 à Transformers avec Demulshooter, le seul soucis, j'ai que le trigger qui marche. Pas de bouton action :( 

Comment faire ? 


Merci à Vous



Pareil pour les infos au sujet des jeux et paramètres avec demulshooter , il vaut mieux se référer au sujet dédié. Je n ai pas essayé de configurer 2 joueurs.

  Le 13/04/2020 à 20:26, pablitox70 a dit :


tomorrow or the day after I should receive the aimtrak.

Is your game pack already configured to use it ?

I think when i get the lightgun i will have many question, i can't wait to try it with your pack


You will always have to calibrate gun in game (for arcade games) and first setup  your gun with ultimarc soft.

Modifié par oroborus77

hi oroborus77,

aimtrak arrived today.

At the moment i have many difficulties, the lightgun is inaccurate and unable to calibrate.

I use it on a 50 inch and the room is quite dark, i don't know if it has anything to do with the difficulties I know

I'm testing

  Le 14/04/2020 à 17:03, pablitox70 a dit :

hi oroborus77,

aimtrak arrived today.

At the moment i have many difficulties, the lightgun is inaccurate and unable to calibrate.

I use it on a 50 inch and the room is quite dark, i don't know if it has anything to do with the difficulties I know

I'm testing



Have you activated the button of your choice for calibration ?

image.png.d57844220aaca51bffe748db9dc9384c.png in middle of the screen, next to your inputs (trigg,left,right) you have a case to check to choose what button assign to activate calibration of the gun. you also have "Cal Delay sec" corresponding to the time to push the button to activate calibration.

  Le 14/04/2020 à 17:28, oroborus77 a dit :


Have you activated the button of your choice for calibration ?

image.png.d57844220aaca51bffe748db9dc9384c.png in middle of the screen, next to your inputs (trigg,left,right) you have a case to check to choose what button assign to activate calibration of the gun. you also have "Cal Delay sec" corresponding to the time to push the button to activate calibration.



hi, can you can show image of better quality so i can see your settings.

Another question oroborus77, for error i have installed firmware 9.19 but that i have in aimtrak was 9.20. Can you help me and send the firmware 9.20 ? it's a little file.

I'm afraid i don't have success with aimtrak

  Le 14/04/2020 à 20:28, pablitox70 a dit :


hi, can you can show image of better quality so i can see your settings.

Another question oroborus77, for error i have installed firmware 9.19 but that i have in aimtrak was 9.20. Can you help me and send the firmware 9.20 ? it's a little file.

I'm afraid i don't have success with aimtrak


dude, you have everything you need on the ultimarc website: drivers, tuto,forum.

  Le 02/02/2020 à 22:34, oroborus77 a dit :

              Hello !



        First, thank you to the RetroFE team for this excellent front end as well as to the CoinOps team.


CO LightGuns is a front end based on CoinOps FW3 bringing together fifty Rail Shooters games from the 80s to today.


       (The quality of some backgrounds or videos can be of mediocre quality because not always easy to find viable images in hd, ditto for videos. I will be able to make new ones soon.)


[I made some mistakes with some game shortcuts, some games may not launch, in which case check that the game shortcuts point to the CO Lightguns folder ... sorry !! ]


  [I am working on a new version of CO LightGuns, portable this time. I do not know yet if all the current addons will be directly included because we will greatly exceed 100gb, the basic archive already making 80gb. Tell me what you think, rather a huge archive with all inclusive or rather a lighter archive and where you can choose the addons that interest you? ]



[im actually working on a new CO LightGuns portable version with probably all addons included, but it will be a huge archive to download, Addons is probably the easiest way for a lighter download, so tell me what is your opinion about that?

Don't expect a release until fall may or June. Its taking a lot of time as i will do new backgrounds artworks for many games.]


House of the Dead 3 fix launch.rar


jezuz  thats comprehensive to say the least 😯




Toujours dans ma quête de configurer le maximum de jeux en 2 joueurs, avec mes 2 Aim trak je bidouille, test, jeu après jeu mais je bute sur pas mal de soucis.

Les jeux mame, c'est ok, assez simple à configurer.

J'essaye maintenant avec Aliens extermination, ça fonctionne en 1joueur, par contre en 2 joueurs, le second gun est également utilisé par le joueur 1 :triste:, pourtant test menu et tout et tout........

Je vais plonger dans le topic du dump pour voir cela.

Area51, ne fonctionne qu'en 1 joueur, donc je vais voir pour passer par la version mame plutôt que la version pc.

Je bute encore pour otpimiser au mieux l'émulateur pcsx2, j'ai soit des soucis de textures sur time crisis 2, soit du lag selon mes règlages, il faut que je peaufine ça....

En tout cas hâte de voir les prochaines maj :very-good: Merci encore pour ton taf :bravo:



do you know if there is a way to use aimtrak with “Lost land adventure” ?

The gun doesn’t work and i don’t find how (if possible) calibrate it in game.

I have try with all keyboard keys but no results to go in game settings...



j'ai voulu mettre Co lifghtGuns dans mon coinops. J'ai donc pour tester mis la roms sega golden gun et le raccourci.

Le raccourci j'ai indiqué cela :

cible : "D:\coinops\CoinOPS Next\emulators\TeknoParrot\TeknoParrotUi.exe" --profile=GG.xml

démarrer dans : "D:\coinops\CoinOPS Next\emulators\TeknoParrot"

teknoparrot est placé dans emulators ( comme les autres emulateurs )

le jeux se lance bien depuis teknoparrot. Par contre depuis coinops rail shooter, il ne se lance pas.


Avez vous des idées ?

Merci beaucoup

Posté(e) (modifié)


I ve not tested since a while lost land adventure and yes, lightguns was working but completely offset.

There are probably many updates since the first release.

Check the lost land adventure thread.



Ah par contre pour les configs 2 joueurs, je ne peux pas trop t aider n ayant qu un gun.

Pour aliens exterminations reporte toi au sujet dédié, ou celui d Argonlefou

il me semble bien qu il y a un support demulshooter pour ce jeu.

Oui pour Area51 utilise la version Mame. (je viens de tester)




L ancienne version n est pas opérationnelle, tu vas galérer à l intégrer pleinement à CO.

Mon conseil , prends juste les jeux de la collections "arcade rail shooters" et ajoutes les directement à ton CO.



News about new CO.L Release.


Mame,Laser Disc and PS2 games (except crisis zone still making some trouble but 80% of the job is did) are ready and should be portable.

i have test it on another computer and it worked, but i need some more test on differents systems so i ask you if some people want to test this pre-pre release and give me feedback on what is working and what dont.


Please send me PM if you are interested.

Thank you !


Infos à propos de la prochaine Version de CO.L


Les jeux et emulateurs Mame, Laser Disc et PS2 (hormis Crisis Zone qui me pose encore un dernier problème avec RetroFE) sont prêts et devraient être portable.

J ai pû faire un test sur un autre PC mais j aurais tout de même besoin de 2 ou 3 testeurs pour me dire si tout fonctionne chez eux.


Si il y a des intéressés envoyez moi un PM.


Merci très beaucoup. :very-good:

Modifié par oroborus77


I’sorry to ask you alle these questions but i’m going crazy with the aimtrak.

I can't set the gun with other emulators than mame. But for each emulator do i have to change the settings in the ultimarc setup?

If yes is there a way to know where can i see the button settings for each emulator?



Nop you setup your Lightgun only one time and don t need to modify it for each emulators.

What kind of games are you talking about ? dont forget to also calibrate the gun inside the game, in test menu.


Some video tuto... just googled "lightgun setup for emulators"

  Révéler le contenu masqué

  Le 18/04/2020 à 09:02, oroborus77 a dit :


Nop you setup your Lightgun only one time and don t need to modify it for each emulators.

What kind of games are you talking about ? dont forget to also calibrate the gun inside the game, in test menu.


Some video tuto... just googled "lightgun setup for emulators"


  Révéler le contenu masqué



Thank you very much for your help you are very kind.

I had already seen the videos and i had documented myself on the web but i can't get pcsx2 and dolphin to work which are the ones with most games.

In practice only the mame and lupine on demul works for me (but I don't think there are many shooting games on demul).

I have looked at detailed instructions but on dolphin does not work trigger and on pcsx2 the mouse works but not the gun.

Another thing i would like to know: which setting to use in the Ultimarc setup, is there a setting valid for all games and emulator that i can use (i mean the assignment of the buttons: trig, left, right on screen and off screen)

You said yes, but some people change settings according the emulator i think, can you send me your settings ?

I hope i have explained what i mean


image.png.8ef57ed0ab95e6ebdf60bc854b087217.pngwell this are my settings for the aimtrack and i confirm i never change them.
i m actually "working" on model 2,3 , mame, pcsx2 ,dolphin,daphne and i didnt changed anything on my aimtrack's settings.

The mapping is up to your emulator. trigger on dolphin should work,you ve managed to assing the others keys ? Also,use dolphin 5.0 not latest dev versions.

Pcsx2 is sometimes a mess to set correctly for aimtracks. but with nuvee and the argon's profiles for games its easier.


If you are patient ,wait a litlle while, next release should be easier to use this time, i ve not did the same mistakes.

  Le 19/04/2020 à 00:13, oroborus77 a dit :

image.png.8ef57ed0ab95e6ebdf60bc854b087217.pngwell this are my settings for the aimtrack and i confirm i never change them.
i m actually "working" on model 2,3 , mame, pcsx2 ,dolphin,daphne and i didnt changed anything on my aimtrack's settings.

The mapping is up to your emulator. trigger on dolphin should work,you ve managed to assing the others keys ? Also,use dolphin 5.0 not latest dev versions.

Pcsx2 is sometimes a mess to set correctly for aimtracks. but with nuvee and the argon's profiles for games its easier.


If you are patient ,wait a litlle while, next release should be easier to use this time, i ve not did the same mistakes.


The image is out of focus, please can you confirm:

on screen trigger = mouse left

on screen left = mouse right

on screen right = mouse middle

off screen trigger = mouse right

off screen left = GP Button 1

off screen right = mouse middle

In pcsx2 after several attempts the aimtrak works but I can't get out of the calibration, i read in your link to lunch the autoscript but I didn't understand how to do it.

I look forward to your next release, in the meantime i did the premium uptobox subscription (i saw that you use that) so as soon as you have it ready i will be able to download it

Thanks again for everything, let me know if the settings i have indicated are correct


  Le 19/04/2020 à 09:19, pablitox70 a dit :

The image is out of focus, please can you confirm:

on screen trigger = mouse left

on screen left = mouse right

on screen right = mouse middle

off screen trigger = mouse right

off screen left = GP Button 1

off screen right = mouse middle




Yes thats correct. Sorry for the images bad quality..


The autoscript doesnt work in the old COL version..  it will be ok in the next one.

Use the Time Crisis II profile in guncon config.  Its works well enought with lot of games until next COL release.



Invité Jayinem

Where to get 2 spicy and what emulator does it need? 

Invité Jayinem
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 20/04/2020 à 10:35, oroborus77 a dit :

Are you sure you are in the right thread to ask this ?



Yes I am. I already have almost every game on your list set up on my own I only need 2 or 3. What's wrong with asking for one game? Why do you care? Why not be helpful and say "oh I got it here and it's for this emulator" 


Nevermind anyway I got it so don't worry about it. 

Modifié par Jayinem
  Le 20/04/2020 à 11:02, Jayinem a dit :


Yes I am. I already have almost every game on your list set up on my own I only need 2 or 3. What's wrong with asking for one game? Why do you care? Why not be helpful and say "oh I got it here and it's for this emulator" 


Nevermind anyway I got it so don't worry about it. 


there is a thread for that , so nop you re not.


  Le 20/04/2020 à 11:02, Jayinem a dit :


Yes I am. I already have almost every game on your list set up on my own I only need 2 or 3. What's wrong with asking for one game? Why do you care? Why not be helpful and say "oh I got it here and it's for this emulator" 


Nevermind anyway I got it so don't worry about it. 



I don't know oroborus77 but i think you can tell him anything unless he is available to help.

He probably just wanted to tell you that the right forum was teknoparrot which is the emulator that manages to emulate it, the link is on the first page related to teknoparrot

Invité Jayinem
Posté(e) (modifié)

Well I know I'd just choose to be helpful and not rude when someone asks a harmless question but that's me. 

Modifié par Jayinem

On vient de me dire que le pack avait été up sur arcadeshittypunks...Ce site m horripile avec leur tonnes d ads et leur reup de liens.

ça motive pas du tout à continuer la pack qui avançait assez bien.

 J ai évidemment rien contre le partage mais j ai un gros problème avec les gens qui profitent du "travail" des autres.

Y en à combien qui leach, par exemple, le taff de Ducon2016 ou Argon sans même les citer ou utiliser leur liens ? je trouve ça un peu répugnant mais peut être que je me prend trop la tête..

En tout cas pour le nouveau pack c est stand by.


D ailleurs à ce propos , y a vraiment pas eu beaucoup de volontaires pour tester le nouveau pack...qu une personne en fait. Ca aurait pourtant bien aidé à fournir une version propre et sans trop de bugs...




I ve been aware about arcadeshittypunk reupload of the CO Lightguns. i really don t like this website as they reupload packs that they obviously dont own, and are full of ads.

this is not encouraging to continue the next pack.

I m obviously ok to share, but i cant get it how some people just steal people's work.
How many times ,for exemple, Ducon2016's works have been reuploaded on different websites  (thats ok) without mention him or using his links ? that is like steal to me.

Maybe i m a big fool, but for sure i respect the work of other people and mention everyone helped me directly or not (via forums) and i really enjoy their work, this is why i would made lightguns pack and share it here first.

I m stopping the pack for now.

An other thing : i ve asked to you guys ,if there were some volunteers to test next releases to help me fix bugs, only one person answered (and its a great help) more persons = less bugs/problems.

  Le 23/04/2020 à 10:36, oroborus77 a dit :

On vient de me dire que le pack avait été up sur arcadeshittypunks...Ce site m horripile avec leur tonnes d ads et leur reup de liens.

ça motive pas du tout à continuer la pack qui avançait assez bien.

 J ai évidemment rien contre le partage mais j ai un gros problème avec les gens qui profitent du "travail" des autres.

Y en à combien qui leach, par exemple, le taff de Ducon2016 ou Argon sans même les citer ou utiliser leur liens ? je trouve ça un peu répugnant mais peut être que je me prend trop la tête..

En tout cas pour le nouveau pack c est stand by.


D ailleurs à ce propos , y a vraiment pas eu beaucoup de volontaires pour tester le nouveau pack...qu une personne en fait. Ca aurait pourtant bien aidé à fournir une version propre et sans trop de bugs...




I ve been aware about arcadeshittypunk reupload of the CO Lightguns. i really don t like this website as they reupload packs that they obviously dont own, and are full of ads.

this is not encouraging to continue the next pack.

I m obviously ok to share, but i cant get it how some people just steal people's work.
How many times ,for exemple, Ducon2016's works have been reuploaded on different websites  (thats ok) without mention him or using his links ? that is like steal to me.

Maybe i m a big fool, but for sure i respect the work of other people and mention everyone helped me directly or not (via forums) and i really enjoy their work, this is why i would made lightguns pack and share it here first.

I m stopping the pack for now.

An other thing : i ve asked to you guys ,if there were some volunteers to test next releases to help me fix bugs, only one person answered (and its a great help) more persons = less bugs/problems.


Hi oroborus 77, i am very sorry for what happened, i think it is unpleasant to see your little considered work and I hope you are going to continue your work.

You can also count on me for the tests you need to do, for what i can i am available, as you know for all the questions I asked you, I'm not so technical ... but there are.

Thanks again for your work


Salut oroborus77  je suis un grand fan de rail shooter et de ton travail je voulais te remerciers et t encourager à continuer pour les passionner comme moi, Meme si on ais discret. Pour le nouveau pack je dois le test se merci encore pour tout le boulo fournis....:very-good:

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