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[Arcade PC] Lost Land Adventure (Namco System ES3)

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  Le 11/02/2020 à 18:45, ark216 a dit :

I downloaded the full pack that comes with 3 .vhd files. Extracted all of them to their respective folders. What do I do next?


i got the original version to work ... and although i got the vhd files but didn't try them ... but they look like the original version + 2 updates..

so just work with the first bigger one ... apply the fixes and hopefully it works for u.

Posté(e) (modifié)

To get the latest update (Not working yet)
Just attach file:

And copy it.

The files will contain all the updates

And especially the new Exe:

Date modified 25.6.2014


This is not yet decrypted even with the fix (Ducon2016) The game does not work yet.
Decrypt: DomeShooterGame-Win64-Shipping.exe

Maybe I have better protection (Key):gene:


(I do not wait for big changes in this update, maybe small graphics modifications, new weapons, better game protection ..):gene:

Modifié par sonic323
Posté(e) (modifié)

Thank You (Ducon2016):very-good::very-good:

The fix Works on this Game update


(I have not found any changes yet, the menu is the same, etc .. If I find differences - Dam know)


If someone wants a modified Update exe:

Modifié par sonic323
  Le 11/02/2020 à 12:09, kimsama a dit :

I tried



and a bunch of other things but nothing happens, none of the buttons have input

I found this in a hex editor "UMouseInterfacePlayerInputexecUpdateMousePositionWithGuncon3"


Yeah,actually there are a few other places in other scripts and im all most positive that guncon 3 works.But we have just the game.Namco most probably developed a windows driver but it stayed installed on the machine from where the game came from.Without the driver, the games dll and script cant establish the connection.That has to be the situation as there is not meaning for them to create a guncon 3 call script for Unreal Engine 3 and not use it.

Was this ripped from a Linux or Windows based system?

  Le 13/02/2020 à 08:49, sonic323 a dit :

Merci (Ducon2016):very-good::very-good:

Le correctif fonctionne sur cette mise à jour du jeu


(Je n'ai pas encore trouvé de changements, le menu est le même, etc. Si je trouve des différences - Dam know)


Si quelqu'un veut un exe de mise à jour modifié:


this is the new exe file to launch LLA with update?
He works ?


  Le 13/02/2020 à 10:44, majic12 a dit :

Yeah,actually there are a few other places in other scripts and im all most positive that guncon 3 works.But we have just the game.Namco most probably developed a windows driver but it stayed installed on the machine from where the game came from.Without the driver, the games dll and script cant establish the connection.That has to be the situation as there is not meaning for them to create a guncon 3 call script for Unreal Engine 3 and not use it.

Was this ripped from a Linux or Windows based system?


The game was based on Windows, a friend who has a Time Crisis 5 dump found it too

  Le 13/02/2020 à 11:05, sonic323 a dit :

Yes,Update Works


great, thank you.
and you have a link of the game already ready including the update?
What is the difference with the first version we had?

Posté(e) (modifié)

After playing the first stage,at end after it says"Stage Complete" the game is stuck,but the background elements are moving and music continues sounding in loop is there a fix for that?

I'm using the fullscreen patch "new".


Edit: Nvm Gameloader ALL RH was everything i need!

Modifié par Raikoh
  Le 11/02/2020 à 18:45, ark216 a dit :

I downloaded the full pack that comes with 3 .vhd files. Extracted all of them to their respective folders. What do I do next?


what software you used to extact vhd files?

I tried to try with 7-zip

its not work,show extact failed,Unsupported compression algorithm

Invité Hot buttered poodle
  Le 13/02/2020 à 14:54, soso92 a dit :

great, thank you.
and you have a link of the game already ready including the update?
What is the difference with the first version we had?


I was wondering the same thing.

  Le 21/02/2020 à 16:14, ducon2016 a dit :

Do not run RS Launcher. Run the game executable directly.







where can I find the game executable directly? these are the files that I got after extracting the one of the 1st page... 


Also I checked on the pages and excutable is 

Run.bat or the Trymado exe.



where can I find the.bat or Trymando.exe? 

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 21/02/2020 à 16:14, ducon2016 a dit :

Do not run RS Launcher. Run the game executable directly.




So I ran now the .bat file it works yay now I have a problem the game's resolution is a sphere... Can the resolution be like not sphere? Can I have this as a full screen?






lost land sphear.jpg

Modifié par Jasper24\
  Le 22/02/2020 à 01:54, Jasper24\ a dit :



So I ran now the .bat file it works yay now I have a problem the game's resolution is a sphere... Can the resolution be like not sphere? Can I have this as a full screen?






lost land sphear.jpg


Fix Dome by Ducon: FixDomeLLA-v1.7z read the instructions !

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 13/02/2020 à 14:54, soso92 a dit :

great, thank you.
and you have a link of the game already ready including the update?
What is the difference with the first version we had?



Update games,
I found no changes ( differences) I do not have and links to the game(Update) no longer work ..

We must wait to support Teknoparot
even if the game is thanks (Ducoon2016) 100% playable:very-good::heart-pixel:

The Dev Only (Teknoparrot) LostLand.xml


Contains Buttons:


Service SW
Service panel
Test Menu UP
Test Menu Down
Enter Switch
PIN 123
PIN 456
PIN 789

Test Menu: Change difficulty, etc ..

Modifié par sonic323
  Le 23/02/2020 à 12:38, sonic323 a dit :


Update games,
I found no changes ( differences) I do not have and links to the game(Update) no longer work ..

We must wait to support Teknoparot
even if the game is thanks (Ducoon2016) 100% playable:very-good::heart-pixel:

The Dev Only (Teknoparrot) LostLand.xml


Contains Buttons:


Service SW
Service panel
Test Menu UP
Test Menu Down
Enter Switch
PIN 123
PIN 456
PIN 789

Test Menu: Change difficulty, etc ..


You don't need that stupid launcher to play it anyway, all you need to do is to make a .bat file saying "DomeShooterGame-Win64-Shipping.exe -NOINI -Language=JPN ". We just need demulshooter support and a way to enter the test menu


I like the Teknoparrot launcher, it is nicely designed, detailed system description, nice icon, overview menu, many settings (Controls) etc ..


I also like the (game loader), well-made system (Resolution, window, Fullscreen,controls etc ..)


Is there a point of running this with Game Loader RH?

Posté(e) (modifié)

For me glRH jsut allow to filter image (scanlines), but it's matter of personal taste.


I wonder if there is a way to play the game in it's own resolution, I'd rather play it in SD with GUI elements in their right position than HD image with energy bar almost in the middle of the screen...

Modifié par jkl
  Le 26/02/2020 à 00:33, leonardombn a dit :

Bonjour, comment sortir du jeu?


Hello, how do I get out of the game?


Alt+F4 or escape key or Ctrl+Alt+Delete, taskmanger or sign out

  • 1 mois après...
  Le 16/04/2020 à 10:28, pablitox70 a dit :

Hi to all, is there a way to use a aimtrak with lost land adventure ?

the cursor doesn’t move...


it moves, just extremely fast.

Argon said it would take a ton of work to get the Aimtraks to work with the dome screen view and indicated that he was waiting for someone to create a working flat screen view. (Currently the gameplay has one that Ducan created but the cursor and other game elements do not so someone needs to spend a lot of time to fix it)


my guess is we’ll be waiting for a very long time :-)


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