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[Arcade PC] Lost Land Adventure (Namco System ES3)

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Invité Hot buttered poodle
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 07/02/2020 Ă  17:22, ducon2016 a dit :

Help the community. Download it, try it and let us know.


I would but I have a 5gb cap on mega then I have to wait 4 1/2 hours to finish the download or I would....that is why I'm asking.

Modifié par Hot buttered poodle
Invité Hot buttered poodle

I'll try it out later after work and see how it works.



for mega cap, use vpn, when you reach cap ,exit mega sync app. change region or country on vpn. load megasync app .and it should carry on downloading without the cap. rinse and repeat

Posté(e) (modifié)

Guys, what am I doing wrong? I am using the latest updated ready to play version, renamed the upk files, started with the .bat file  and the game starts for a second with the title screen and crashes immediately.

Modifié par adenin
  Le 08/02/2020 Ă  12:59, adenin a dit :

Guys, what am I doing wrong? I am using the latest updated ready to play version, renamed the upk files, started with the .bat file  and the game starts for a second with the title screen and crashes immediately.


Is the game crashing without any displayed error messages?

  Le 08/02/2020 Ă  20:57, Mindwipe a dit :

Hmm.... did you apply the dome-fix? Maybe try running the original vanilla version.


I didnt try the vanilla version, this would be the first largest file from the latest ready to play upload, right?

  Le 08/02/2020 Ă  21:10, adenin a dit :

I didnt try the vanilla version, this would be the first largest file from the latest ready to play upload, right?


I'm not sure which is which anymore. I had the original untouched dump that was shared a while ago and then I added all the additional tweaks and fixes. But I think if you go back to page 1 of this thread you will see links to the "original" It might be worth a try. Your problem might be graphics related so who knows if grabbing the original will help.


so i tested the game for the first time today ... after going through the whole thread ...

i'll list what i did and hopefully that can help anyone still having a problem with this game


- downloaded the original version ... than downloaded the fullscreen patched exe and replaced the original exe ..

- downloaded the dome fix ... patched the files and replaced the original ones (always back up any file before patching)

- this is a very important step for anyone having the instant crash to the desktop ... in " LLA\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini"  set "AutoReloadChangedShaders=False"  by default its True ..

- at this point the game started perfectly fine directly with the patched exe ,no crashes ...and the dome fix running fine and the voices r in english and most text in english ... starts with "1" and by default the controller works as the gun.

-for mouse " \LLA\DomeShooterGame\Config\DefaultGame.ini "  set "FallbackInputPeripheral_FinalRelease= IPT_Mouse" instead of  IPT_JoyPadRight

- and i created a simple script to run game and on esc to exit ...if anyone wants it i can upload it .

- i tested latest game loader all rh to run the game too ... which gives a bunch of easy to use options in loader settings like using the mouse and setting sensitivity /unlock stage 5 right away and more  and of course it exits on esc  .. the most important thing to set is to check " patched exe" so it works with the fullscreen patched exe ...but yea thats all ...  and yea the dome fix isn't perfect yet like the star wars one ... but still great work.


thanks to @ducon2016  and @djexpert     and the rest of the guys that helped make that game work :very-good:

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/02/2020 Ă  02:40, mamefan2018 a dit :

so i tested the game for the first time today ... after going through the whole thread ...

i'll list what i did and hopefully that can help anyone still having a problem with this game




thanks to @ducon2016  and @djexpert     and the rest of the guys that helped make that game work :very-good:


Thank you, now the game starts, but on a half screen and curved picture, even with the patched exe, do you know why by any chance?

Modifié par 7zxkv

Hi to all...Here is what I did:

1) installed Lost Land Adventure english tried the fullscreen patch, but I didn't know how to use it...and what I had to rename... the exe? the file bat? so I didn't use it.

2) Downloaded Trymado's launcher v3 (pasted in \LLA\Binarie|Win64)

3) Downloaded Dome's fix and followed instructions exactly

Done! Run the game with Trymado's need Gameloader, all working like a charm! fullscreen and mouse too. Now I'm waiting for demulshooter update to play with my aimtraks.

 thanks to all the people who with their work have allowed this to happen! :very-good:

  Le 01/02/2020 Ă  20:23, Mindwipe a dit :

Did anyone try this game with their Aimtrak gun? The mouse is smooth and plays fine but as soon as I pick up the Aimtrak it's way too sensitive.



  Le 01/02/2020 Ă  23:45, bojo5150 a dit :

I’m in the same boat. I can use a regular mouse or my trackball just fine but when I try the Lightgun it’s so sensitive that I’m lucky if I can even see the cursor move on the screen. Anyone else have this and figure out a way to solve??


you have to wait until the end of this month...argon will update demulshooter and solve our problems ;)


Giving a quick look on the unreal script of the game ive found that the game actually might have a finished guncon 3 support(and the guns in the game might actually be disguised guncon 3 ones lol).If someone has the guncon3, can he please test if the game detects it?( will probably have to roll back the mouse input to the joystick one as mentioned somewhere in the beginning.

I wont be surprised as Dead storm pirates did came out on ps3 and used the guncon3 and its the same company but different engine.(if im not mistaking)


Guys I downloaded the full pack that comes with 3 .vhd files. Daemon tool only mounts the largest one (8 gigs) hence I extracted it. What are the other 2 vhd files for?

  Le 10/02/2020 Ă  10:30, majic12 a dit :

Giving a quick look on the unreal script of the game ive found that the game actually might have a finished guncon 3 support(and the guns in the game might actually be disguised guncon 3 ones lol).If someone has the guncon3, can he please test if the game detects it?( will probably have to roll back the mouse input to the joystick one as mentioned somewhere in the beginning.

I wont be surprised as Dead storm pirates did came out on ps3 and used the guncon3 and its the same company but different engine.(if im not mistaking)


Where was the config in?

  Le 10/02/2020 Ă  10:30, majic12 a dit :

Giving a quick look on the unreal script of the game ive found that the game actually might have a finished guncon 3 support(and the guns in the game might actually be disguised guncon 3 ones lol).If someone has the guncon3, can he please test if the game detects it?( will probably have to roll back the mouse input to the joystick one as mentioned somewhere in the beginning.

I wont be surprised as Dead storm pirates did came out on ps3 and used the guncon3 and its the same company but different engine.(if im not mistaking)



I have a gcon3 at home, I will test later and let u know !


Posté(e) (modifié)

I tried



and a bunch of other things but nothing happens, none of the buttons have input

I found this in a hex editor "UMouseInterfacePlayerInputexecUpdateMousePositionWithGuncon3"

Modifié par kimsama

No drivers, when I plug it into my computer the red light comes on but nothing happens, no inputs work in the game, if only someone made a GunCon 3 driver and make it work like a Aimtrak

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/02/2020 Ă  12:32, kimsama a dit :

No drivers, when I plug it into my computer the red light comes on but nothing happens, no inputs work in the game, if only someone made a GunCon 3 driver and make it work like a Aimtrak



Not even a facepalm worthy !

So you just assume when you connect a GunCon3 to a PC and a red light comes on it works in windows out of the box ?


Modifié par Onkel
  Le 03/02/2020 Ă  17:30, LEGEND80 a dit :

My results are completely different.

v3: full screen perfect, esc works

v4: full screen broken(doesn't autohide taskbar until the game is closed), esc works


Esc doesn't work by launching v3 or v4 from Rocketlauncher :(

It's weird. Direct launch works perfectly. Maybe there's some issue with ahk code selecting the window.


This is the output directly launched

DomeShooter Game (64-bit, DX9)
ahk_class LaunchUnrealUWindowsClient
ahk_exe DomeShooterGame-Win64-Shipping.exe
ahk_pid 4892


This is the output from Rocketlauncher

DomeShooter Game (64-bit, DX9)
ahk_class LaunchUnrealUWindowsClient
ahk_exe DomeShooterGame-Win64-Shipping.exe
ahk_pid 4656


The name of the window is the same but when press esc from hyperspin/rocketlauncher, the frontend is visible for a few seconds and the game comes up again. This doesn't happen with similar launchers like SW Battle Pod 

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