Lesteph25 Posté(e) le 10 février 2021 Posté(e) le 10 février 2021 Le 07/02/2021 à 09:52, rossful a dit : yo, sauras tu quand elle sera vraiment dispo ? Développer j'avoue que non, mais ca devrait pas tarder je pense. et pour l'instant y'a pas de support du FFB
rossful Posté(e) le 13 février 2021 Posté(e) le 13 février 2021 Le 10/02/2021 à 17:56, Lesteph25 a dit : j'avoue que non, mais ca devrait pas tarder je pense. et pour l'instant y'a pas de support du FFB Développer je vois merci de la reponse en tout cas
djd Posté(e) le 15 février 2021 Posté(e) le 15 février 2021 (modifié) Here is a 2021 updated IDZero 1.31.00 J guide that I used that is pretty much all u need to keep with your game data. https://mega.nz/file/IjAFwYBa#_4TzoUrYWbG9thUu7iwWE2nQcgWDs8BIQ4wtlVyTMzM At the time of this post the latest MiniMe and SegaTools is same as this pdf guide. Minime v011 and Sega tools v.004! for IDZ SDDF_1.31.00 J. Alot of things have been fixed since the first release! I dont know if it matters about what version of Nodejs but I used node-v12.18.1-x64 either give it full access thru your firewall or you will get errors. I set it up stand alone also with NO loaders but segatools only! Although I would recommend ZeroLauncher for most people who just want quickest route. But the biggest thing I wanted to bring to your attention is the Microsoft Loopback Adapter! Set a static ip on that adapter and boom NO more having to have a full network up and running just for the games that need it! Guide to install it on WIN10 here: https://htopskills.com/blog/how-to-install-a-loopback-adapter-in-windows-10/ Fullscreen is still handled by Borderless windows app or something similar. I tried all the resolution patches I could find and everyone of them had 1 issue or another. https://github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming Im in 2k@60 fps on AMD graphics card. IDZero has no problem with Nvidia or Amd so no shader patches needed on this one. If your getting 8114 - ALL.Net System Error(RTC) make sure miniME is opened or check IP in segatools. Also when you load up minime for the first time you have to hit start.bat while connected to internet first it will download the files it needs then say it finished. Then your ready to run minime offline on your lan network. SegaTools.ini [dns] ; Insert the hostname or IP address of the server you wish to use here. ; Note that, localhost etc are specifically rejected. default=YOUR MACHINE IP Whatever you set your STATIC IP to under properties of Microsoft Loopback Adapter! NOT the gateway ip. Also is the subnet. dns, alternate dns leave blank on the loopback adapter.. Note: This is confirmed working on the latest build of Windows 10 2004! More than 10 cars in your garage now without any coruption. English translation of menus tracks, other text and a ton of other mods and upgrades. Join IDPLAYERs2.0 Discord to find out more! Have fun! Modifié le 16 février 2021 par djd
Invité petje Posté(e) le 15 février 2021 Posté(e) le 15 février 2021 What is this about ? A updated version of ID Zero, is it public ? https://imgshare.io/image/initial-d-arcade-stage-zero-dll-modder.p2bmRu
djd Posté(e) le 16 février 2021 Posté(e) le 16 février 2021 (modifié) Le 15/02/2021 à 23:24, petje a dit : What is this about ? A updated version of ID Zero, is it public ? https://imgshare.io/image/initial-d-arcade-stage-zero-dll-modder.p2bmRu Développer IDZero 2.11 is currently private under testing, also 2 other older Idzero revisions were dumped and the latest one 2.xx the exe needs decrypted. We should see 2.11 come up any day hopefully. The guide above is an updated guide mainly for the attention to the Microsoft Loopback Adapter! Current version IDZero 1.31.00 J guide. 2021. Modifié le 16 février 2021 par djd
soso92 Posté(e) le 16 février 2021 Posté(e) le 16 février 2021 (modifié) Le 16/02/2021 à 03:47, djd a dit : IDZero 2.11 est actuellement privé en cours de test, également 2 autres révisions plus anciennes d'Idzero ont été vidées et la dernière version 2.xx doit être décryptée. Nous devrions voir 2.11 apparaître n'importe quel jour, espérons-le. Le guide ci-dessus est un guide mis à jour principalement pour l'attention à l' adaptateur de bouclage Microsoft! Version actuelle du guide IDZero 1.31.00 J. 2021. Développer that why they do teknoparrot update today for IDZ update minime with new version (compatible with IDZ v2! pls wait for … … …segatools and tpui changes first before trying to run it though) I updated TP and now when i run the game I have this error message and this second message my save will not work So sad if i need to restart all the game................... Modifié le 16 février 2021 par soso92
rossful Posté(e) le 16 février 2021 Posté(e) le 16 février 2021 Le 15/02/2021 à 23:24, petje a dit : What is this about ? A updated version of ID Zero, is it public ? https://imgshare.io/image/initial-d-arcade-stage-zero-dll-modder.p2bmRu Développer This site is to fix issues, and other things for both versions
djd Posté(e) le 16 février 2021 Posté(e) le 16 février 2021 Le 16/02/2021 à 13:11, soso92 a dit : that why they do teknoparrot update today for IDZ update minime with new version (compatible with IDZ v2! pls wait for … … …segatools and tpui changes first before trying to run it though) I updated TP and now when i run the game I have this error message and this second message my save will not work So sad if i need to restart all the game................... Développer Thats why I set it up as standalone!
soso92 Posté(e) le 16 février 2021 Posté(e) le 16 février 2021 Le 16/02/2021 à 14:11, djd a dit : Thats why I set it up as standalone! Développer that is to say more precisely? i hope i will be able to recover my backup. Level 60 3800 kms traveled
djd Posté(e) le 16 février 2021 Posté(e) le 16 février 2021 (modifié) Le 16/02/2021 à 15:36, soso92 a dit : that is to say more precisely? i hope i will be able to recover my backup. Level 60 3800 kms traveled Développer Set it up standalone without using Teknoparrot! Run minime V.11 and segatoolsV.004 you dont need teknoparrot to run this game! Run two .bat files. Just make a bakup of your felica.txt is your card! C:\SDDF_1.31.00\app\package\DEVICE\felica.txt Modifié le 16 février 2021 par djd
Tremolux Posté(e) le 17 février 2021 Posté(e) le 17 février 2021 (modifié) Here's the patched exe to run the game fullscreen at normal speed (no need to use borderless gaming anymore) : https://uptobox.com/foriwmmlkzr6 Modifié le 17 février 2021 par Tremolux 2
UndergroundGurl Posté(e) le 18 février 2021 Posté(e) le 18 février 2021 Est-il possible de partager des fichiers «Initial D ver2.11» à télécharger?
Pignouf Posté(e) le 18 février 2021 Posté(e) le 18 février 2021 Le 18/02/2021 à 13:00, UndergroundGurl a dit : Est-il possible de partager des fichiers «Initial D ver2.11» à télécharger? Développer 3
UndergroundGurl Posté(e) le 18 février 2021 Posté(e) le 18 février 2021 Le 18/02/2021 à 13:32, Pignouf a dit : Développer Est-ce, je suis très très s'il vous plaît et je demande la version upload ver2.11?
bestekar Posté(e) le 19 février 2021 Posté(e) le 19 février 2021 (modifié) I wasted a lot of time before I finally got the correct info needed to get multiplayer system link up and running on ID Zero. So to spare other people here for a headache that wants to play on VS LAN here are the steps you need to do. You cant launch the game using Teknoparrot if you want LAN VS support. Though If you use segatools v4 and minime v13 to launch the game you can get LAN VS working. Use this page to patch the 3 exe files: https://idas-zero-patcher.netlify.app/ Set IP on PC 1 to Launch test mode go into game assignments and set to set number to A1. Set Seat Color to White (seat color setting might be optional) Set IP on PC 2 to Launch test mode go into game assignments and set to set number to A2. Set Seat Color to Yellow (seat color setting might be optional) Now for the Segatools.ini settings (change the [io3] and [dinput] values to your type of controller this config works for Logitech G27) On A1 [vfs] amfs= (set to your amfs directory) appdata= (set to your appdata directory) [dns] default= [ds] region=4 serialNo=AAVE-01A13998871 [netenv] enable=1 addrSuffix=1 [keychip] subnet= id=AAVE-01A13998871 [gpio] dipsw1=0 [io3] mode=dinput autoNeutral=1 singleStickSteering=0 restrict=97 [dinput] deviceName=G27 shifterName= brakeAxis=Y accelAxis=V start=20 viewChg=21 shiftDn=6 shiftUp=5 gear1=9 gear2=10 gear3=11 gear4=12 gear5=13 gear6=14 reverseAccelAxis=0 reverseBrakeAxis=0 On A2 [vfs] amfs= (set to your amfs directory) appdata= (set to your appdata directory) [dns] default= [ds] region=4 serialNo=AAVE-01A13998872 [netenv] enable=1 addrSuffix=2 [keychip] subnet= id=AAVE-01A13998872 [gpio] dipsw1=0 [io3] mode=dinput autoNeutral=1 singleStickSteering=0 restrict=97 [dinput] deviceName=G27 shifterName= brakeAxis=Y accelAxis=V start=20 viewChg=21 shiftDn=6 shiftUp=5 gear1=9 gear2=10 gear3=11 gear4=12 gear5=13 gear6=14 reverseAccelAxis=0 reverseBrakeAxis=0 Now edit the segatools v4 start.bat files: On A1 edit: "C:\Games\IDZ\minime\start.bat" to point to your minime directory @echo off start cmd /c "C:\Games\IDZ\minime\start.bat" pushd %~dp0 .\inject.exe -k .\idzhook.dll .\ServerBoxD8_Nu_x64.exe .\inject.exe -k .\idzhook.dll .\InitialD0_DX11_Nu.exe .\inject.exe -d -k .\idzhook.dll .\amdaemon.exe -c configDHCP_Final_Common.json configDHCP_Final_JP.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST2.json configDHCP_Final_EX.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST2.json echo. echo Game processes have terminated pause On A2 edit: "C:\Games\IDZ\minime\start.bat" to point to your minime directory @echo off start cmd /c "C:\Games\IDZ\minime\start.bat" pushd %~dp0 .\inject.exe -k .\idzhook.dll .\InitialD0_DX11_Nu.exe .\inject.exe -d -k .\idzhook.dll .\amdaemon.exe -c configDHCP_Final_Common.json configDHCP_Final_JP.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST2.json configDHCP_Final_EX.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST2.json echo. echo Game processes have terminated pause That should be it. Launch the game on A1 and A2 with the edited start.bat from segatools v4. Now just wait for the blue system link icon to turn Blue on bouth PCs. Modifié le 19 février 2021 par bestekar
bestekar Posté(e) le 19 février 2021 Posté(e) le 19 février 2021 (modifié) Update: After using the patcher on the web page any ip range seems to work. just make sure the last octet of your ip adress is matched under [netenv] addrSuffix= So for example if the IP of A1 is put [netenv] addrSuffix=201 You also need to change the [dns] default= and [keychip] subnet= accordingly. Modifié le 19 février 2021 par bestekar
Invité petje Posté(e) le 19 février 2021 Posté(e) le 19 février 2021 (modifié) Release date 25/2/2021 in Japanese arcades The latest work of the "Initial D" series, which is in operation as a title for amusement facilities, Collaboration with the manga "Wangan Midnight" has been decided for "Initial D THE ARCADE"! "Devil's Z" and "Blackbird" appearing in the manga "Wangan Midnight" will participate in "Initial D THE ARCADE"! Modifié le 20 février 2021 par petje
Invité petje Posté(e) le 21 février 2021 Posté(e) le 21 février 2021 (modifié) Le 19/02/2021 à 06:32, bestekar a dit : That should be it. Développer I followed your instructions but A1 gives a pair link bad in the test menu Only A2 gives a blue icon and pair link good in testmenu Error 8402 Pair housing error Both machines have a static IP, both can ping each other Firewall on both machines disabled to test No idea what is going wrong, any help would be greatly appreciated Solved, thanks for write-up /post Modifié le 21 février 2021 par petje
Invité petje Posté(e) le 21 février 2021 Posté(e) le 21 février 2021 Normaly holding the enter key is to load the AIME card Does not work for me, anyone got a solution ?
djd Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 Le 21/02/2021 à 22:30, petje a dit : Normaly holding the enter key is to load the AIME card Does not work for me, anyone got a solution ? Développer Hold enter down for a like 1 or 2 secs. If that dont work you can change the keycode with the PDF I posted above to your controller of choice!
djd Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 (modifié) I just wanted to share this with everyone, it may or may not work for you. It most def worked for me and many others read the youtube comments! On my setup im on a 32 inch LG QHD 2560x1440 2k (flat) monitor@144hz G-Sync and FreeSync with AMD RX580 8GB. Using borderless gaming for windows for full screen I was testing the FPS off and on cause I was getting a slight drop fps in game (Not during movies or replays) only in IDZ gameplay racing is what matters. I thought it might be the borderless gaming for windows but it was not. I changed the second setting in the video as the first setting was already set at 0. After that rebooted tested and boom no more drops in FPS! Running smooth as silk competition ready@60fps and looks absolutely stunning upscaled to 2k!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMvCbtbi_dQ A few screenshots: https://imgur.com/w5kr4HL https://imgur.com/StQd871 https://imgur.com/mlEvdqA https://imgur.com/mvF9kq0 https://imgur.com/5F5UUTH * Hit old design bottom right corner arrow on imgur and they will blow up in full HD fullscreen! Modifié le 22 février 2021 par djd
bestekar Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 Le 22/02/2021 à 03:15, djd a dit : On my setup im on a 32 inch LG QHD 2560x1440 2k (flat) monitor@144hz AMD RX580 8GB. Using borderless gaming for windows for full screen I was testing the FPS off and on cause I was getting a slight drop fps in game (Not during movies or replays) only in IDZ gameplay racing is what matters. I thought it might be the borderless gaming for windows but it was not. I changed the second setting in the video as the first setting was already set at 0. After that rebooted tested and boom no more drops in FPS! Running smooth as silk competition ready@60fps and looks absolutely stunning in 2k!! Développer Did you remember to edit renderer.ini to match your resolution so that the game actually internally renders in 2560x1440 ? if not the game will stil render internally in 1920x1080 and then just upscales to 2560x1440
xtremebuga Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 (modifié) I am getting this error when trying to run the game via TP. How can I solve this? Thank you very much in advance. I'm Patron. Modifié le 22 février 2021 par xtremebuga
djd Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 (modifié) Le 22/02/2021 à 06:37, bestekar a dit : Did you remember to edit renderer.ini to match your resolution so that the game actually internally renders in 2560x1440 ? if not the game will stil render internally in 1920x1080 and then just upscales to 2560x1440 Développer Do you actually play this game? Cause I just tried that and it made not one difference at ALL on the graphics looked EXACTLY the same but brought the game to an unplayable FPS state with BGW at least! The game is 1920x1080 in the arcade! When I put the game at 1920x1080 it looks really bad like others pics like the one above look how jagged the text is! There is no extra processing im using on pics above! So its upscaled to 2k! I should have said that in my post above. Modifié le 22 février 2021 par djd
bestekar Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 (modifié) Le 22/02/2021 à 15:32, djd a dit : Do you actually play this game? Cause I just tried that and it made not one difference at ALL on the graphics looked EXACTLY the same but brought the game to an unplayable FPS state! The game is 1920x1080 in the arcade! When I put the game at 1920x1080 it looks really bad like others pics like the one above look how jagged the text is! There is no extra processing im using on pics above! So its upscaled to 2k! I should have said that in my post above. Développer Works fine here in 3840 x 2160 resoltuion with double the original values in renderer.ini I am testing it on a 75" 4K industrial display and it locks perfectly to 60 fps @ 3840 x 2160 Modifié le 22 février 2021 par bestekar
djd Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 (modifié) Le 22/02/2021 à 15:53, bestekar a dit : Works fine here in 3840 x 2160 resoltuion with double the original values in renderer.ini I am testing it on a 75" 4K industrial display and it locks perfectly to 60 fps @ 3840 x 2160 Développer Got some pics!? Are you on Nvidia? Cause the full screen patches from what I heard work on nvidia only! Im on amd, what are your specs? Is it full screen or in a window? Modifié le 22 février 2021 par djd
djd Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 Le 22/02/2021 à 13:55, xtremebuga a dit : I am getting this error when trying to run the game via TP. How can I solve this? Thank you very much in advance. I'm Patron. Développer 6503 - Failed to read AIME card, Please ensure your MiniMe is running properly
xtremebuga Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 Le 22/02/2021 à 16:20, djd a dit : 6503 - Failed to read AIME card, Please ensure your MiniMe is running properly Développer The server is no longer online, I don't know, I don't have much knowledge on the subject, so I came here to ask for help. If the translation files can have anything to do with this problem? I honestly don't know how to solve this, so I ask you to help me.
djd Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 Posté(e) le 22 février 2021 (modifié) Le 22/02/2021 à 17:25, xtremebuga a dit : The server is no longer online, I don't know, I don't have much knowledge on the subject, so I came here to ask for help. If the translation files can have anything to do with this problem? I honestly don't know how to solve this, so I ask you to help me. Développer Translation files work great no problems with them! Whats the pic of your minime look like? Are you on windows 10? If so setup the loopback adapter according too my instructions and download that PDF file on this post. Are you using Teknoparrot? If so try to set it up standalone not with teknoparrot. You have to simulate a network or REAL lan environment, your not actually connecting to the real arcade server. https://www.emuline.org/topic/1665-tuto-initial-d-stage-zero-arcade-how-to-setup-and-play-nvidia-amd-cards-working/?page=18&tab=comments#comment-93923 Modifié le 22 février 2021 par djd
advarcher Posté(e) le 23 février 2021 Posté(e) le 23 février 2021 (modifié) Le 22/02/2021 à 13:55, xtremebuga a dit : I am getting this error when trying to run the game via TP. How can I solve this? Thank you very much in advance. I'm Patron. Développer I had this issue, but for me it was an 8008 internet error first, I solved this by applying minime v16 Hotfix instead of v16 itself and it fixed the issue for me. At the same time, I also went into app>package>DEVICE and made a txt file called aime.txt and put down 20 random numbers. (Dunno if this step is needed) and that fixed it for me. Also when you boot up the game via Teknoparrot, make sure animeme's start.bat is running at the same time; without it, the game will be registered as offline. So run start.bat, then go start the game via Teknoparrot. Modifié le 23 février 2021 par advarcher
jumpy Posté(e) le 28 février 2021 Posté(e) le 28 février 2021 Hallo, I'm new here... I managed to start the game using TeknoParrot and latest SegaTool app, but I get the network error. I tried setting up the loopback adapter, but I still get the error. Starting with ZeroLauncher works, but I can't configure the Xbox pad... Can somebody help , please?
bestekar Posté(e) le 1 mars 2021 Posté(e) le 1 mars 2021 Le 28/02/2021 à 13:28, jumpy a dit : Hallo, I'm new here... I managed to start the game using TeknoParrot and latest SegaTool app, but I get the network error. I tried setting up the loopback adapter, but I still get the error. Starting with ZeroLauncher works, but I can't configure the Xbox pad... Can somebody help , please? Développer Edit the setting in segatools.ini to: [io3] mode=xinput Launch with segatools v4 and minimi v13 or v16
jumpy Posté(e) le 1 mars 2021 Posté(e) le 1 mars 2021 Le 01/03/2021 à 19:49, bestekar a dit : Edit the setting in segatools.ini to: [io3] mode=xinput Launch with segatools v4 and minimi v13 or v16 Développer Thanks! Are you talking of ZeroLauncher, right?
bestekar Posté(e) le 2 mars 2021 Posté(e) le 2 mars 2021 (modifié) Le 01/03/2021 à 21:08, jumpy a dit : Thanks! Are you talking of ZeroLauncher, right? Développer No. Just edit the Segatools.ini file and launch with start.bat I never tried ZeroLauncher, so I dont know if it will work with that. Modifié le 2 mars 2021 par bestekar
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