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[Arcade PC] Star Wars: Battle Pods (Namco System ES3)


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Il y a 10 heures, POOTERMAN a dit :

Guys I just wanted to ask again as all the previous discussion over the past few pages on this subject have just got too confusing :(


Using JConfig (Not Teknoparrot) is there now a way to play the game fullscreen at 2560x1440p using a modified .exe?


I downloaded the modified 'SWArcGame-Win64-Shipping.exe' that was posted on here a few pages back but when I run RSLauncher.exe the game is still displayed at 1920x1080p (And yes I did open HxD to check that offset: 9DE4BA was changed from '74' to 'EB')


Has anyone managed to get the game working in 'fullscreen mode' in either 1080p or 1440p using JConfig and can share the files needed here please?


I don't want to run 3rd party utils that hide taskbars\change the windows desktop resolution etc and just want the game to take up the whole of the screen when I play it!


Thanks in advance :)

Hi Pooterman,


How to map the brake pedal to Xbox controller using JConfig ? because for me it doesn't work.


Thanks in advance

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Le 24/12/2019 à 00:36, petje a dit :



Use JConfig for star wars

Put JConfigSW.exe in the launcher folder, configure joystick settings and such

You can launch the game with RSLauncher.exe (as administrator)

For me it does not always start the first time so try again patience


You will need this to remove curvature

Remove the unused created files and folders when you are done


Fix par Ducon .....



Gave Duocon's dome fix patch a try tonight and thought I'd give the game a try in J-Config. I could not for the life of me get the game to start in J-config, tried multiple times at launching RSLauncher.exe as Administrator and nothing happened, so I went back to using Teknoparrot and I'm happy to report the dome fix worked just fine with it.

Modifié par 7zxkv
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43 minutes ago, MrThunderwing said:


Gave Duocon's dome fix patch a try tonight and thought I'd give the game a try in J-Config. I could not for the life of me get the game to start in J-config, tried multiple times at launching RSLauncher.exe as Administrator and nothing happened, so I went back to using Teknoparrot and I'm happy to report the dome fix worked just fine with it.

Use windows 8 compatability settings and it will work with jconfig

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On 1/4/2020 at 3:50 AM, Trymado said:


Actually I don't have the reflex to use 7zip

I updated the link at once


If using TP, I put the Auto on into the TeknoParrot Emulator Folder? Or where does it exactly go? 

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Is the best way to make the game run smoother at lower resolutions?


For those who have a weak PC and want to downgrade graphs, processing and rendering quality to make playable, follow this, and play with options until you have best result:

Edit Games\UnrealEngine3\SWArcGame\Config\SWArcSystemSettings.ini  and make the file read-only after change, test for your best options.

Thanks to all.

Also, my monitor is 4:3 1280x1024 I know the ratio will always be off so is there a way to get it centered with black bars on the bottom and top or will it always cover only the top of the screen with the desktop visible beneath the game window? 

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Thanks for your dome fix on SWB, it works very well.
I wonder if we can apply the same fix on the text layer of Mach Storm ?

With actual correction, the graphics are OK but all the text layers are curved and not entirely visible due to the curvature.


Thank you in advance for the advice.


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7 hours ago, scooby said:


Thanks for your dome fix on SWB, it works very well.
I wonder if we can apply the same fix on the text layer of Mach Storm ?

With actual correction, the graphics are OK but all the text layers are curved and not entirely visible due to the curvature.


Thank you in advance for the advice.



I will look into it someday, in theory everything is possible, but not sure how hard it is. Not sure I can fix it, but will look into it someday.

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Thanks, guys! Dragging one file at a time worked. Didn't even think of that -_-

The dome fix works and the game actually runs super-smooth.

Unfortunately, none of those many fullscreen mods seem to work for me. Which is the most reliable for you guys?

Also, I'm not getting any sound, but I'm pretty sure I did have sound yesterday, so no idea what's up with that (maybe the Teknoparrot from today broke something?)

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35 minutes ago, Ego_Emu said:

maybe the Teknoparrot from today broke something?

Try with JConfig ?

That has not changed

Copy files in RSLAuncher.exe folder

Configure JConfig

Launch RSLauncher.exe

You got a monitor with a higher resolution than 1920x1080 so no full screen

Modifié par petje
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  • 3 semaines après...

Hey Guys...How do you fix the full screen options on SWBP in TP? Is there a file to download and what folder do you unzip it to? In my research there is a file you can download that my help get to a full screen (Fix Fullscreen 1080p v2.7z). I have also read about changing your monitor resolution to 1920 x 1080. 

Any help would be great. Keep up the great work.


Modifié par GUGIFIED
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On 1/10/2020 at 4:09 PM, Trymado said:

Tp folder i say.

How do you fix the full screen options on SWBP in TP? Is there a file to download and what folder do you unzip it to? I been researching your thread and it seems like you have figured it out for the most part. I have also read about changing your monitor display to 1980 x 1080 or the patch for full screen won't work. Is that true? Please teach me master.


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On ‎13‎/‎01‎/‎2020 at 10:51 PM, petje said:

Petje please could you reupload the dome fix the files seem to have gone :( Many Thanks


On ‎13‎/‎01‎/‎2020 at 10:51 PM, petje said:



Here the dome fixed files !

Done with the latest fix V5






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Il y a 9 heures, Trymado a dit :

Parce que vous ne lisez pas les messages prècédent, cette reponse à été dite au moins 20 fois si ce n'est plus.

Bein ecoute désolé mais on a pas tous le temps de lire 17 pages sans savoir si quelqu un a deja eu ce soucis encore une fois désolé poulet ;)

Modifié par Mixmuch
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On 2/27/2020 at 1:06 PM, swisstoni said:

Petje please could you reupload the dome fix the files seem to have gone :( Many Thanks

OK, here you go.

Copy Startup.upk and SWArcGame.upk to SWArcGame\CookedPCConsole and overwrite the original files.


People mirror this file i will not upload it again.

This upload is only for 30 days as of this posts date.

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