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[Arcade PC] Star Wars: Battle Pods (Namco System ES3)


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39 minutes ago, mviars said:

All working now thanks to those whom offered help. Just curious though what would make this play better. Faster processor or better graphics card? I see there is a lower resolution and effects fix to help with choppiness but wondering if anyone has it running pretty smooth at normal settings and what computer specs you may have.

Runs pretty smooth for me on the default setttings. If I try to adjust the .ini file the game won't load, MSI Afterburner also causes problems so I can't check my FPS. I'll link a video of my gameplay below, specs are in my sig.


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1 hour ago, mviars said:

All working now thanks to those whom offered help. Just curious though what would make this play better. Faster processor or better graphics card? I see there is a lower resolution and effects fix to help with choppiness but wondering if anyone has it running pretty smooth at normal settings and what computer specs you may have.


Im not a computer wizard but I have a old slow computer with a new graphics card and it runs very smooth for me.

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15 minutes ago, MattiasLundin said:


Im not a computer wizard but I have a old slow computer with a new graphics card and it runs very smooth for me.

The Namco ES3 arcade machine is a PC from 2012. Ivybridge i5 @3GHz, 8 or 16GB of RAM and a GTX 650Ti or 680 GPU. A GTX 960, 1050Ti are "entry level" gaming GPUs and basically match the 680

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Il y a 3 heures, Honosuseri a dit :

Runs pretty smooth for me on the default setttings. If I try to adjust the .ini file the game won't load, MSI Afterburner also causes problems so I can't check my FPS. I'll link a video of my gameplay below, specs are in my sig.


lol are you humor ???
with a config like yours how do you think the game will be slow or fast .......

Easy to see on the movie that the game are very fast

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Il y a 1 heure, Trymado a dit :

J'ai un probleme, j'ai mis jconfig dans starwars pour test. Une fois test ca fonctionner j'ai enelver les fichiers pour y rejouer sur tp et depuis plus moyen de le lancer. Ca charge mais ca revient au choix de jeu.

Une idee ?

tu as du oublier de virer un fichier Jconfig c'est pour ça que ton jeu ne se lance pas j'ai eu le même problème

A pire vire tout est repars de zéro plus simple

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Il y a 1 heure, soso92 a dit :

tu as du oublier de virer un fichier Jconfig c'est pour ça que ton jeu ne se lance pas j'ai eu le même problème

A pire vire tout est repars de zéro plus simple


Le pire c'est que ca marche pas.

J'ai meme re-telecharger le dump, dezipper et lancer via tp meme combat.

J'ai tenté une restauration systeme, pareil.

L'exe sans son dans Binarie lui fonctionne mais plus RSLauncher.exe

Jconfig ma foutu le boxon mais je sais pas ou.

Modifié par Trymado
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il y a 10 minutes, Trymado a dit :


Le pire c'est que ca marche pas.

J'ai meme re-telecharger le dump, dezipper et lancer via tp meme combat.

J'ai tenté une restauration systeme, pareil.

L'exe sans son dans Binarie lui fonctionne mais plus RSLauncher.exe

Jconfig ma foutu le boxon mais je sais pas ou.

as tu pensé aussi à supprimer tous les dossier dans mes documenst/my games/UnrealEngine3 ???

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Il y a 6 heures, soso92 a dit :

as tu pensé aussi à supprimer tous les dossier dans mes documenst/my games/UnrealEngine3 ???


Aussi, quand je lance le jeu une micro fenetre RSlauncher.exe apparait en haut Ă  gauche puis disparait de suite et ca me renvois Ă  la liste des jeux.

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9 hours ago, soso92 said:

lol are you humor ???
with a config like yours how do you think the game will be slow or fast .......

Easy to see on the movie that the game are very fast

I answered the question asked, how well does the game run and what are my specs. I said it's pretty smooth not perfect! I have a better PC than the Arcade machine itself and I still get stuttering occasionally. The Youtube video doesn't tell the whole story, it's just one level.

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17 hours ago, Honosuseri said:

I answered the question asked, how well does the game run and what are my specs. I said it's pretty smooth not perfect! I have a better PC than the Arcade machine itself and I still get stuttering occasionally. The Youtube video doesn't tell the whole story, it's just one level.

Yeah mine stuttering quite a bit but I'm gonna drop an Nvidia 1060-OC 6gb I got for $125 into it tonight and see what happens.

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9 hours ago, mviars said:

Yeah mine stuttering quite a bit but I'm gonna drop an Nvidia 1060-OC 6gb I got for $125 into it tonight and see what happens.

The 1060 is better than the GPU in the Arcade machine, even a 3GB model would have enough VRAM for Battle Pod from my testing. Nvidia GPUs are better for emulation as AMD drivers are poor at OpenGL. I used to have a Phenom II 555BE which unlocked to a quad core, they're still weaker than an intel SB/IVY i3 though. Not great for emulation either BUT if it's working for you and the titles you want that's great :)

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10 hours ago, Honosuseri said:

The 1060 is better than the GPU in the Arcade machine, even a 3GB model would have enough VRAM for Battle Pod from my testing. Nvidia GPUs are better for emulation as AMD drivers are poor at OpenGL. I used to have a Phenom II 555BE which unlocked to a quad core, they're still weaker than an intel SB/IVY i3 though. Not great for emulation either BUT if it's working for you and the titles you want that's great :)

Yeah I would like to upgrade motherboard and processor but tired of spending money on these arcade machines. I have a standard machine that has a good rig in it then I have this racing/flight machine that has what I have been talking about then I got a golden tee I custom built that I will have double for a gun and trackball games using the new siden game guns when available. not to mention the virtual pinball machine I built(most expensive and difficult thing I've ever done). so funds are getting low.

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5 hours ago, petje said:

No brake in teknoparrot or also with JConfig ?

The guys in the teknoparrot discord channel said it's hit and miss, not always working. I've never had it work for me with JconfigSW at all. I can accelerate and brake in game BUT the sections on Endor where it prompts you to brake fail.

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3 hours ago, petje said:

So the brakes are broken in both loaders :ptdr:

Yes and no. You can decelerate which is the most important thing. It's just the Endor level where it prompts you to "slam on the brakes" that it doesn't trigger the onscreen prompt. One of the the TP devs said he has had it work, it's just hit and miss as I said. I'm sure they'll figure it out in time.

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Le 17/12/2019 à 00:35, Trymado a dit :

as tu pensé aussi à supprimer tous les dossier dans mes documenst/my games/UnrealEngine3 ???

Quand je lance le jeu ca charge mais c'est tout rien ne se passe pfffff c'est la galere

Par contre en lancant directement par le launcher du jeu j'ai un ecran qui me dit que les projecteurs ne sont pas connectés c'est un message de la borne avec une voix de femme en anglais



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5 hours ago, darkerdark said:

Donc pour résumer je ne sais pas comment lancer le jeu via Teknoparrot

peut ĂŞtre y a t il un truc que je ne saisis pas?



Use JConfig for star wars

Put JConfigSW.exe in the launcher folder, configure joystick settings and such

You can launch the game with RSLauncher.exe (as administrator)

For me it does not always start the first time so try again patience


You will need this to remove curvature

Remove the unused created files and folders when you are done


Fix par Ducon: FixDomeSW-v2.7z






Modifié par petje
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All looks fine

Your cpu has a build in gpu a Intel® UHD Graphics 630

Make sure you run the game .exe with NVIDIA

SWArcGame-Win64-Shipping.exe in Binaries/Win64 ?

RSLauncher.exe ?



RSLauncher needs to run with windows 8 compatibilty ?


Modifié par petje
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Stop spamming the topic with multiple messages. That's not how you get help. EDIT your post, this isn't a chat.


The game works fine for everyone on TP and Jconfig. You have a bad dump or something. If you have a correct dump, you simply load TP and point it to the exe and launch. Very straightforward...

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Excellent work my friends!! Super Improvement for this killer exclusive title! Nice to have individual threads for games here now! Thanks to ALL involved. Delete documents/my games/UnrealEngine3 was what I needed, plus delete the unused unpacking folder for the SWDomefix by Ducon. Using WIN 7 with hidden taskbar. (Not using compatibility for 8.1 might be a win 10 thing). Working perfect now. Using TP

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