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[Arcade PC] Star Wars: Battle Pods (Namco System ES3)

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est il possible d'avoir l'update pour le niveau TAKODANA ??


  • 3 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

What's the button in TP to fire the torpedo in the Death Star scene? I set all the buttons on my gamepad, but each time I get to that point, it doesn't seem like any buttons respond. Unless I'm just not timing it correctly?



Modifié par Scheang
Invité MuckDx
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 22/11/2019 Ă  20:16, customizer2 a dit :

Hello - Does anyone know how to brake in Star Wars Battle Pod on TeknoParrot ? There is no button assignment for it in the game Controller Setup, other than Throttle.


I assigned the right stick of my gamepad to "Throttle". In ENDOR mission I am asked to break in order to get rid of an enemy who climbed my vehicle, and I can only move the stick downwards to try to brake, but the game always says "MISSED". so it seems it doesn´t brake. 

Can moving the right stick downwards do the job ?


configure your buttons i done it the first time by taking thrust off but i must of pressed something else as second time it didnt work


Modifié par MuckDx
wrong info
Invité MuckDx
  Le 04/04/2020 Ă  23:28, Scheang a dit :

What's the button in TP to fire the torpedo in the Death Star scene? I set all the buttons on my gamepad, but each time I get to that point, it doesn't seem like any buttons respond. Unless I'm just not timing it correctly?




you have 2 fire buttons so when the target goes red on ty fighters use second weapon and for other scenes like the death star

Invité MuckDx

Has Anyone got this above 1080p even with the 4k fullscreen mod it still displays in 1080p. any help would be welcome thanks

Posté(e) (modifié)

I can only play in Free Play mode. Is there a way to insert credits?


Apologies if this information is readily available. I can't find it or figure it out.



Egads, I found it. For anyone else looking:


Find the binding for 'InsertCredit' in Documents\MyGames\UnrealEngine3\SWArcGame\Config\SWArcInput.ini


Modifié par CavePainter
Figured it out.
  Le 11/04/2020 Ă  03:49, CavePainter a dit :

I can only play in Free Play mode. Is there a way to insert credits?


Apologies if this information is readily available. I can't find it or figure it out.



Egads, I found it. For anyone else looking:


Find the binding for 'InsertCredit' in Documents\MyGames\UnrealEngine3\SWArcGame\Config\SWArcInput.ini



Hey! i tried looking int he SWArcInput.ini file and i could not find anything in relation to inserting credits.  Can you help me?


I have good news...I´managed unlock the COIN for StarWars - Battle Pod for Teknoparrot.


See the atached zip file


Copy the 2 files to teknoparrot folder

Then configure your game and controls(configure coin) at Teknoparrot and Enjoy!


Bonjour Ă  tous,


J'ai dĂ©finitivement besoin d'aide !! Je n'ai pas de soucis pour lancer le jeux, par contre, dès que j'applique le patch "FixDomeSW-v5" je jeu ne se lance plus...

Et bien sur, dès que je remets les fichiers upk d'origine le jeu se lance Ă  nouveau :what:


Pour info, après lancement du "CreateDomeMap.exe" il me génère des fichiers "new" aux tailles suivantes :

- Startup-new.upk => 187 279 410 octets (vs 90 877 289 avant)

- SWArcGame-new.upk => 18 973 573 octets (vs 18 973 297 avant)


Avez-vous des pistes pour m'aider svp ?


Merci !

  • 2 semaines après...

Is there a way to quickly swap back and forth between Star Wars Battle Pod Dome View and No Dome View?  I have it set to no dome but after playing Mach Storm with the dome, I'd like to play Star Wars with the Dome but I don't want to have two versions on my hard drive.


Existe-t-il un moyen de basculer rapidement entre la vue du dôme du pod de combat Star Wars et la vue sans dôme? Je l'ai réglé sur aucun dôme mais après avoir joué à Mach Storm avec le dôme, j'aimerais jouer à Star Wars avec le dôme mais je ne veux pas avoir deux versions sur mon disque dur.


  Le 01/05/2020 Ă  08:11, elvin654 a dit :

Is there a way to quickly swap back and forth between Star Wars Battle Pod Dome View and No Dome View?  I have it set to no dome but after playing Mach Storm with the dome, I'd like to play Star Wars with the Dome but I don't want to have two versions on my hard drive.


Existe-t-il un moyen de basculer rapidement entre la vue du dôme du pod de combat Star Wars et la vue sans dôme? Je l'ai réglé sur aucun dôme mais après avoir joué à Mach Storm avec le dôme, j'aimerais jouer à Star Wars avec le dôme mais je ne veux pas avoir deux versions sur mon disque dur.



Never mind.  I'll just have both versions on my hard drive.  

  Le 28/02/2020 Ă  16:40, petje a dit :

OK, here you go.

Copy Startup.upk and SWArcGame.upk to SWArcGame\CookedPCConsole and overwrite the original files.


People mirror this file i will not upload it again.

This upload is only for 30 days as of this posts date.



This worked great! Is there a similar fix for Mach Storm? Couldn't seem to find anything for it. The option in the TP settings just zooms the screen in like the original Star Wars early fix did.



Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 02/05/2020 Ă  18:41, petje a dit :

Thanks. I saw that but I am running Win10 and wasn't sure if this would work. Or does it matter in this case?


EDIT* Tried it and it does the same thing as the TP Dome Fix option in the game settings. Zooms the image in and cuts off the Free Play and part of the HUD. Maybe a similar fix like Star Wars V5 Dome Fix will come out. Thanks!

Modifié par EvanW
updated info
  Le 02/05/2020 Ă  18:47, EvanW a dit :

Thanks. I saw that but I am running Win10 and wasn't sure if this would work. Or does it matter in this case?


EDIT* Tried it and it does the same thing as the TP Dome Fix option in the game settings. Zooms the image in and cuts off the Free Play and part of the HUD. Maybe a similar fix like Star Wars V5 Dome Fix will come out. Thanks!



I have not finished the dome fix for Machstorm yet, what you have is what it is, I made some progress but it is not finished it. Not sure I can get to the last part, it is pretty hard so it might never come but will keep looking into it.

  Le 02/05/2020 Ă  22:10, ducon2016 a dit :


I have not finished the dome fix for Machstorm yet, what you have is what it is, I made some progress but it is not finished it. Not sure I can get to the last part, it is pretty hard so it might never come but will keep looking into it.


Nice! Thanks for the reply and keep up the good work.


Salut Ă  tous et merci infiniment pour toutes vos infos!

Fan de Star Wars depuis les années 80, grâce à vous j'ai pu gouter à cette merveille et j'adore!

ça tourne impec sur mon gl504gw (8750h+RTX2070).

J'ai mis le dernier dome fix ainsi que le patch 4k.

J'ai parcouru pas mal les fichiers situés dans MyGames/UnrealEngine3/SWArcGame pour tenter d'améliorer les performances.

Je trouvais que le tout manquait un peu de fluiditĂ© et certains avaient parlĂ© de la modification du fichier SWArcSystemSettings.ini, notamment UseOpenGL=True.

Hélas en modifiant ce paramètre le jeu ne bootait plus.

Toutefois j'ai modifié UseVsync dans ce même fichier, de "False" vers "True", placé le fichier en lecture seule pour éviter que les paramètres soient écrasés, le jeu est désormais d'une fluidité digne d'une vraie borne d'arcade!


Back in late April around the 24th, when I updated my version of TeknoParrot, there was a new controller setup for Battle Pod that included the Brake function to be mapped. However when updating to the newest version of TP, its gone now. Did anyone see this or know if it'll come back? Luckily I saved an older version of TP that still has it, but would like to update when I can. Thanks!

Invité Jayinem

I set the buttons in Teknoparrot and I can start a mission, but I try every button and nothing seems to happen in game? 




Would it be possible to patch this game to show in 32:9 ratio (3840x1080)? I have put the executable through the Hex editor and can't find the right values.

Appreciate any help.

(DĂ©solĂ© de ne pas avoir rĂ©pondu en français. Mon français est horrible.)


  • 2 semaines après...

salut,petite question svp,ca doit etre tout bete:

:Quand je lance le jeu a partir du fichier fullscreen V6 auto dans tecknoparrotUI le jeu tourne au top en 1080 et fullscrenn. Je le fais tourner avec un hotas donc nikel.

Mais quand je veut mettre ce chemin dans tecknoparrot ce fichier napparait pas,il me propose juste le launcher et donc le jeu n'est pas fullscreen.

Vous avez une solution svp?Comment mettre ce chemin dans TP?



pas d'update pour le niveau takodana ?

  • 2 semaines après...


The game works on my laptop but is unplayable (because of his poor specs) but keep crashes on launch on my desktop equipped with a nvidia gtx 1650, any ideas ?


Thanks to all !

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