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[Arcade PC] Star Wars: Battle Pods (Namco System ES3)

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  Le 16/11/2019 Ă  17:26, ulysees76 a dit :

Try pressing Shift+1 and see if it will stay flat. If not, then let me know.
If you want to run 4K, press F11 twice.


Yes it works!  3 views are possible (including one perfectly flat). However each time a new sequence starts, the spherical view is reset. The flat view is zoomed as well and a portion of the action cannot be seen.

  Le 16/11/2019 Ă  17:54, swisstoni a dit :

Ce fichier doit-il remplacer le fichier StarWars.xml du dossier GameProfiles?


A placer dans le dossier Launcher

  Le 16/11/2019 Ă  15:48, nate a dit :

Anyone using Windows 7 64bit? I am seeing an issue with RSLauncher sitting in the upper left of screen and it stays there as a black box during gameplay. It is sitting on top of the gameplay window. If I hit alt + tab off the gameplay screen and back to it the RSLauncher black box goes behind and all is fine, but obviously do not want to have to alt + tab every time I load the game.. This does not happen on my Windows 10 test PC.


Otherwise, works perfectly with Win7 with TP fully up to date. I am currently using a PS2 controller with USB adapter. All buttons and controls work including throttle.






I have the same issue. I’m too on win 7


The game seems to not launch with teknoparrot on my Arcade cabinet (win10 pro 64bits) i have a small black rectangle in the upper left corner and that all ! (tested on my pc and it works, same config win10 pro 64bits :/)

If i try to launch the game through RSLauncher.exe or SWArcGame-Win64-Shipping.exe the application work (with in game errors and not playable but i suppose this is normal without teknoparrot) so it seems to be related to teknoparrot, someone else did have this problem ?

Posté(e) (modifié)

yeah sorry guys that was my fault. Ive just pushed fix to remove 2d dome fix doing anything for now and will re-add in once we get better fix being made anyway



Modifié par Boomslangnz
  Le 16/11/2019 Ă  19:46, patrickwright a dit :

Absolutley loving it. Have been waiting for this ever since I saw it in the Arcade! Is there any way of saving high scores?


Add a usb stick and call it G:
Then it adds files and folders, which store the highscores and all other details.

  Le 16/11/2019 Ă  19:50, ulysees76 a dit :

Add a usb stick and call it G:
Then it adds files and folders, which store the highscores and all other details.


Absolutley loving it. Have been waiting for this ever since I saw it in the Arcade! Is there any way of saving high scores?

Will do and thank you



TP update 240 and new option for SWBP 2d dome fix

the screen is not centered and my pad buttons do not work

  Le 16/11/2019 Ă  20:38, soso92 a dit :

TP update 240 and new option for SWBP 2d dome fix

the screen is not centered and my pad buttons do not work


Don't use that for now, a fix is in the work.
Just press shift+1 each time you start a scene, then it will be flat.
But that resets to dome after every scene.
But a fix is in the works


no one has found how to lower the resolution of the game and decrease greedy options ???
I have missions or it's so slow that it's unplayable ......
Shift + 1 work very good


ive noticed machstorm no longer loads?


i was wondering if its related to starwars and TP update? 


has anyone else got issues loading machstorm?

  Le 16/11/2019 Ă  23:00, Trymado a dit :

Le mod 2D Dome fonctionne chez vous ?


non pas encore

utilise plutot maj+1 c'est mieux

  Le 16/11/2019 Ă  22:57, myarcade a dit :

ive remarqué machstorm ne charge plus?


Je me demandais si c'Ă©tait liĂ© Ă  Starwars et Ă  la mise Ă  jour de TP? 


Quelqu'un at-il des problèmes de chargement de machstorm?


j'ai essayé et machstorm fonctionne très bien aucun problème

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