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[Arcade PC] Tekken 7 + Fated Retribution + R2 (Namco System ES3)

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Posté(e) (modifié)

ciao scarico @tomasngt  repack sul mio PC seguo tutte le istruzioni ma quando inizio il gioco ho una schermata nera :(

il mio hardware è questo:

INTEL G3260 WIn10 64bit

Ultimi driver nvidia Gt1030 da 2 GB (15/04/2020)

8 gb di ram

ho letto ogni post in questo argomento ... ma non capisco come posso risolvere il mio problema.

il mio hardware è troppo basso?

posso risolvere con alcuni file?

devo effettuare il downgrade dei miei driver GPU? (come è possibile tornare?)

TY a tutti per supporto.

Modifié par gladiorosso
Invité petje
  Le 07/05/2020 Ă  20:58, gladiorosso a dit :

when i try to replace files in my directory on PC tell me is not possible because they are busy in other application :(


Logout / login, or restart PC, do it before you start the game

Invité petje
  Le 07/05/2020 Ă  23:18, gladiorosso a dit :

maybe my hardware?



  Le 07/05/2020 Ă  19:56, gladiorosso a dit :

INTEL G3260 WIn10 64bit



Your CPU also has a IGPU a Intel HD Graphics for 4th Generation Intel Processors


Set priority for game .exe which GPU to use

  Le 07/05/2020 Ă  23:33, petje a dit :

so do you think my hardware is enough to play this game if i change priority? i have to learn how to operation only for my .exe file?

Invité petje
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 08/05/2020 Ă  00:00, gladiorosso a dit :

so do you think my hardware is enough to play this game if i change priority? i have to learn how to operation only for my .exe file?


Yes, but not sure if it will work, my system has worse specifications and T7FR runs fine

TP 364, Win10 64 up to date, GTX980 3GB, I7 860 8 GB


Or change CPU for a model without a IGPU (supported by your motherboard BIOS and RAM speed)

Forget about Xeon CPU's most consumer motherboards do not support it and need ECC RAM


Forget about swapping a non IGPU CPU

Probably the only ones available from that generation Haswell CPU's without a IGPU are another package type

FCBGA 1364 and you probably got FCLGA1150,75556,75555,87356


So the easiest solution is the above advise.




Modifié par petje
  • 2 semaines après...

Hi all, if anyone happens to find a Round 2 dump, please let me know as I have built a Tekken 7 multi for use on original ES3X units.  I would like to expand it to include Round 2 prior to releasing it.  I can patch out the dongle protections myself so I just need a normal dump of it.

  • 2 semaines après...

Guys there is no fix if you have Core2Duo or INTEL G3260  etc , this game will not run on 2 cores or 2core/4thread CPU's no matter how fast it is it will get to 100% on both cores before the game can fully load.

You need minimum of 4 cores , even slowest version i5 Quad Core will work, also best to use 128 bit Video card as used in the original arcade hardware ( GTX760) this will stop game slowing down during play.

It will run perfectly fine with 4gb or higher RAM .

Those still getting black screens , this game only runs on 64bit OS  ,Win7 or Win10 , you need Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013

.net 1.1 and .net 4.6 packages installed.

If you are having problems , try first running the shipping.exe  from inside the \Tekken7\TekkenGame\Binaries\Win64   directory, if game loads to loading screen and then errors that means hardware is good and is ok to test using TP etc .
If you still get black screen then none of the loaders are going to make a difference.


C:\users\(Account name)\ AppData\Local\TekkenGame
This folder is created empty until the game actually fully loads, if it is missing or contains no files it means the game has not loaded fully yet.
If this folder and containing folder and files are missing it will not cause the black screen problem.


Invité petje
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 31/05/2020 Ă  21:20, Solmer a dit :

Does any body know how to setup LAN connection to play both available versions?


Use range


Modifié par petje

Quelqu'un aurait une solution pour que la version arcade ne change plus la configuration graphique de la version steam? (changer l'emplacement de la sauvegarde des paramètres)

Invité R.R.Z.
  Le 01/06/2020 Ă  05:34, Solmer a dit :

Thanks! Its work now!


Did you use it with tekken 7 vanilla also? and if so did it enabled the upper option with the possibility to play vs cpu mode? I only use 1 pc and in tekken fr the vs cpu mode is enabled and in vanilla not

thanks in advance 

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 03/06/2020 Ă  13:48, R.R.Z. a dit :

Did you use it with tekken 7 vanilla also? and if so did it enabled the upper option with the possibility to play vs cpu mode? I only use 1 pc and in tekken fr the vs cpu mode is enabled and in vanilla not

thanks in advance 


Yes its work with Vanilla and Fated Retribution. VS. mode enabled now, you can lan play with friends, VS. CPU mode also works in both versions.

You dont need second PC for play versus CPU.



Modifié par Solmer
Invité R.R.Z.
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 03/06/2020 Ă  16:54, Solmer a dit :

Yes its work with Vanilla and Fated Retribution. VS. mode enabled now, you can lan play with friends, VS. CPU mode also works in both versions.

You dont need second PC for play versus CPU.




Can you show exactly what you did to enable the upper option in tekken 7 vanilla?

thanks again

Modifié par 7zxkv
Posté(e) (modifié)

Setup main local IP address on your router as previously written by petje. Thats all.

Modifié par Solmer
Invité R.R.Z.
  Le 03/06/2020 Ă  21:50, Solmer a dit :

Setup main local IP address on your router as previously written by petje. Only the last digit before .xxx change to eight. Thats all.


Can i play it offline meaning can i enable the upper option for vs cpu if I have a pc without router?

  Le 03/06/2020 Ă  21:50, Solmer a dit :

Setup main local IP address on your router as previously written by petje. Only the last digit before .xxx change to eight. Thats all.


Bro thanks for your help but please elaborate... with full tutorial.. this would be really helpful.

Invité R.R.Z.
  Le 04/06/2020 Ă  18:00, Mrx a dit :

can provide us with the tutorial to do this



I have the same problem i also posted about this in tp loader section 

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 05/06/2020 Ă  09:07, petje a dit :

Can't you understand how to setup your own network settings in Windows ?

Or can you only hold your "joystick" in your hands ?

Get into the game test / service menu and figure out how to set up groups


Why people keep asking everything pre chewed ?

Shall i play the game for you and set a new record ?


They will never learn !



Don't try to set up your own network / router, because you will F it up probably !

Don't ask Jack .... !



This forum is to find out what you do not know.. there is no option in service menu and also it does not seem that you did this all yourself and you even took help from others. You are not the one who developed tekknoparrot and jconfig but you are still using their tools. If you are that much self pride why do not you go ahead and develop tools like tekkenoparot and jconfig for yourself...

Modifié par 7zxkv
Posté(e) (modifié)

For fucks sake. Why do you guys even bother. You guys could have resolved this with about 2 sentences.


For Tekken 7 Local VS support:

Set your local router adress to and set the DHCP server adress range on your router to - 192 .168.138.253 / 24 = Subnet mask

Save settings and restart your router (Yes restart, it so your PCs will get Ip adresses in the new 192.168.138.x range)


Fire up T7 FR or T7 Vanilla on 2 PCs, on one of the PCs enter test mode and change "Group Colour" to Blue (dont know if you have to do this, but anyways do it for estetics so it looks the way it would in a propper Arcade). Exit test mode and save. Volla, 2 player VS and Local Singleplayer (VS Mode) will be available.


On 01/06/2020 at 12:18 AM, petje said:

Use range  < Yeah, petje here is the problem with your posts (the third octet should be 138 not 136 for Local to be selectable)

Modifié par bestekar
  Le 05/06/2020 Ă  23:01, bestekar a dit :

For fucks sake. Why do you guys even bother. You guys could have resolved this with about 2 sentences.


For Tekken 7 Local VS support:

Set your local router adress to and set the DHCP server adress range on your router to - 192 .168.138.253 / 24 = Subnet mask

Save settings and restart your router (Yes restart, it so your PCs will get Ip adresses in the new 192.168.138.x range)


Fire up T7 FR or T7 Vanilla on 2 PCs, on one of the PCs enter test mode and change "Group Colour" to Blue (dont know if you have to do this, but anyways do it for estetics so it looks the way it would in a propper Arcade). Exit test mode and save. Volla, 2 player VS and Local Singleplayer (VS Mode) will be available.


Use range  < Yeah, petje here is the problem with your posts (the third octet should be 138 not 136 for Local to be selectable)


thanks man I had already figured this out....

Invité tommiegunz

I found a guy who has this game working with Gtx 750 ti but has yet replied to why or how it worked for him I’m not sure if it’s a gpu problem not maybe a cpu problem now I need someone to confirm this



Invité Bootleg
  Le 03/06/2020 Ă  16:54, Solmer a dit :

Yes its work with Vanilla and Fated Retribution. VS. mode enabled now, you can lan play with friends, VS. CPU mode also works in both versions.

You dont need second PC for play versus CPU.




i cant seem to get Tekken 7 Vanilla to boot is that jconfig or rh?

Invité R.R.Z.
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/06/2020 Ă  09:52, Bootleg a dit :

i cant seem to get Tekken 7 Vanilla to boot is that jconfig or rh?


It works with tp you just have to apply the update as well you’ll see them here:


Modifié par R.R.Z.
Invité Bootleg
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/06/2020 Ă  15:30, R.R.Z. a dit :

It works with tp you just have to apply the update as well you’ll see them here:



thanks very much

Modifié par Bootleg
Posté(e) (modifié)

Local Versus for Tekken 7 FR its imposible like SFV, right?



Modifié par Keroro

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