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Operation Ghost Tutorial touchmote 2 wiimotes and demulshooter in Hyperspin

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Hello ,

My second tutorial to get operation ghost 2 to work with 2 wiimotes .

What needed dolphin bar and 2 wiimotes offcourse .

Dolphin in mode 4 .


first step

Download touchmote and config like the printscreen .

Ctrl +F1 is for credit .

Enter and + from numpad is start player 1 and 2 !

See Hook to application , so profile load up auto when starting the game ! Is this case its GS2.exe


Next download demulshooter and copy to the gamefolder .

Open Demulshooter with ADMIN rights ( don't forget , otherwise it don't work )

Select your 2 wiimotes for player 1 and player 2 .

In my case its xinput 3 for player 1

and xinput 4 for player 2

Because i have also 2 xbox one controllers

Save this .


Now create a shortcut from demulshooter , and add this string   DemulShooter.exe -target=ringwide -rom=og


Next step create a bat file into your gamefolder to launch game together with demulshooter .

Open notepad , past and copy this in the notepad . change where your game is located . And save with extension .bat


@echo on
START DemulShooter.exe -target=ringwide -rom=og

cd D:\TeknoParrot Games\Operation Ghost
start "" "D:\TeknoParrot Games\Operation Ghost\Game Loader All RH.exe"



The rocketlauncher part

Your application is then the bat file you created .

Don't forget appwaitexe to put demulshooter.exe from the gamefolder . Otherwise you will have fade error .


And voila both wiimotes working in hyperspin .

offcourse Touchmote must be running . But for me it start automatic when i start up my pc .

When haunted mansion 2 selected in hyperspin , it will load up touchmote profile and your demulshooter profile .


Hope this helps , because it can be difficult if you don't know how to do this .

And for me this config is perfect working .



Note don't forget to change this in rocketlauncher under controls "activation key" is also " +" in rocketlauncher .

For operation ghost "+" on numpad is start player 2 .

So change it too "minus" on your numpad in rocketlauncher !!


Next tutorial is for sega golden gun and teknoparrot


For mame its easy offcourse . No need for demulshooter .

  • 6 mois aprĂšs...

OK, thanks for sharing. 

I have a question:

If I play with a wiimote + mayflash dolphin bar (mode 2). 

I can play MAME one player perfectly. 

If I connect a mouse, player 2 work perfectly too on mame. 


If I use touchmote and make my wiimotes as pad, there is a terrible offset when playing on mame games. 


If I make my wiimotes as mices with touchmote, mame can't see the inputs from the wiimotes.. 

How could you play perfectly with 2 wiimotes on mame without touchmote? 

  • 1 mois aprĂšs...
On 9/20/2019 at 11:38 PM, defre1976 said:

Hello ,

My second tutorial to get operation ghost 2 to work with 2 wiimotes .

What needed dolphin bar and 2 wiimotes offcourse .

Dolphin in mode 4 .


first step

Download touchmote and config like the printscreen .

Ctrl +F1 is for credit .

Enter and + from numpad is start player 1 and 2 !

See Hook to application , so profile load up auto when starting the game ! Is this case its GS2.exe


Next download demulshooter and copy to the gamefolder .

Open Demulshooter with ADMIN rights ( don't forget , otherwise it don't work )

Select your 2 wiimotes for player 1 and player 2 .

In my case its xinput 3 for player 1

and xinput 4 for player 2

Because i have also 2 xbox one controllers

Save this .


Now create a shortcut from demulshooter , and add this string   DemulShooter.exe -target=ringwide -rom=og


Next step create a bat file into your gamefolder to launch game together with demulshooter .

Open notepad , past and copy this in the notepad . change where your game is located . And save with extension .bat


@echo on
START DemulShooter.exe -target=ringwide -rom=og

cd D:\TeknoParrot Games\Operation Ghost
start "" "D:\TeknoParrot Games\Operation Ghost\Game Loader All RH.exe"



The rocketlauncher part

Your application is then the bat file you created .

Don't forget appwaitexe to put demulshooter.exe from the gamefolder . Otherwise you will have fade error .


And voila both wiimotes working in hyperspin .

offcourse Touchmote must be running . But for me it start automatic when i start up my pc .

When haunted mansion 2 selected in hyperspin , it will load up touchmote profile and your demulshooter profile .


Hope this helps , because it can be difficult if you don't know how to do this .

And for me this config is perfect working .



Note don't forget to change this in rocketlauncher under controls "activation key" is also " +" in rocketlauncher .

For operation ghost "+" on numpad is start player 2 .

So change it too "minus" on your numpad in rocketlauncher !!


Next tutorial is for sega golden gun and teknoparrot


For mame its easy offcourse . No need for demulshooter .

Can I get this to work without getting All RH Loader in the way? I want to use TP plain and simple with my wiimote in conjunction with touchmote and demulshooter in mode 4 of dolphin bar.


For me, the best setting to play this game is with 2 mayflash dolphin bars in mode 2.

Work so good!!! :very-good:

Invité POPO69

bon moi je suis naz de naz j'arrive pas a faire touner les deux wiimote....quelqu'un peut m'aider? .....pourtant mode 2 de la dolphinbar ca marche nickel...mais en mode 4 rien ne se passe...comment faite vous precisement dans tecjknoparrot? faut il activer les xinput? ou pas? etc....merci bcp

Il y a 2 heures, POPO69 a dit :

bon moi je suis naz de naz j'arrive pas a faire touner les deux wiimote....quelqu'un peut m'aider? .....pourtant mode 2 de la dolphinbar ca marche nickel...mais en mode 4 rien ne se passe...comment faite vous precisement dans tecjknoparrot? faut il activer les xinput? ou pas? etc....merci bcp


Salut, perso (je me rĂ©pĂšte peut ĂȘtre) mais je n'utilise plus touchmote depuis que j'ai 2 mayflash dolphin bar.

Mais.. si tu as une seule dolphinbar, met la en mode 4, puis créer un profile xbox pad 360 dans touchmote. (ça va fonctionner pour les 2 wiimotes).

par contre mon conseil est que tu coches seulement ce profile  à charger dans touchmote.


ensuite, tu vas dans demulshooter (ton touchmote doit ĂȘtre lancĂ© et reconnaĂźtre tes 2 wiimotes Ă  ce moment lĂ ).


Là, demulshooter peut voir tes 2 périphériques gamepads virtuels (qui sont tes wiimotes ( à toi des les faire correspondre à la configuration du player1 et du player 2)


Dans les jeux TP : decoches xinput et usemouseforgun (sauvagarde) puis va dans les controls du jeu souhaité et affecte les boutons start. en général ça suffit car les boutons triggers, reload sont affectés automatiquement  à tes wiimotes (bien entendu, cela va dépendre de ton mappage dans touchmote).


bon, essaye dejà ça et si tu es vraiment perdu, va faire  un tour sur ma chaine youtube : 




le tuto rambo 2 players devrait pouvoir t'aider (il y a aussi mon ancien tuto hotd4 + demulshooter).


Je m’apprĂȘte a faire des nouveaux tutos...






  • 1 mois aprĂšs...
Posté(e) (modifié)
On 5/17/2020 at 10:31 PM, ginzu said:


Salut, perso (je me rĂ©pĂšte peut ĂȘtre) mais je n'utilise plus touchmote depuis que j'ai 2 mayflash dolphin bar.

Mais.. si tu as une seule dolphinbar, met la en mode 4, puis créer un profile xbox pad 360 dans touchmote. (ça va fonctionner pour les 2 wiimotes).

par contre mon conseil est que tu coches seulement ce profile  à charger dans touchmote.


ensuite, tu vas dans demulshooter (ton touchmote doit ĂȘtre lancĂ© et reconnaĂźtre tes 2 wiimotes Ă  ce moment lĂ ).


Là, demulshooter peut voir tes 2 périphériques gamepads virtuels (qui sont tes wiimotes ( à toi des les faire correspondre à la configuration du player1 et du player 2)


Dans les jeux TP : decoches xinput et usemouseforgun (sauvagarde) puis va dans les controls du jeu souhaité et affecte les boutons start. en général ça suffit car les boutons triggers, reload sont affectés automatiquement  à tes wiimotes (bien entendu, cela va dépendre de ton mappage dans touchmote).


bon, essaye dejà ça et si tu es vraiment perdu, va faire  un tour sur ma chaine youtube : 




le tuto rambo 2 players devrait pouvoir t'aider (il y a aussi mon ancien tuto hotd4 + demulshooter).


Je m’apprĂȘte a faire des nouveaux tutos...






@ginzu I would like to know how do i change options in the test menu of this game? I can enter test menu via TP loader and cycle through the options in the main test menu using 'Y' key on the keyboard but cannot enter in any of the main menu options (in other words the Service button does not work), i want to change options like difficulty and settings coins to free play, but i cannot. Do you have any clue as to how to do it?


Another question is that i am having a very hard time in calibrating my wii motes Aliens Extermination in the test menu as my wii motes are not getting the desired value of 65535 in the DOWN and sometimes in the RIGHT.

For now i am using a single Mayflash bar with 2 wiimotes (mode 4 )if you make a video of how to calibrate them, that will be really helpful to me as well as to others.

Thanking you for making awesome videos i have subscribed to your channel.

Modifié par ark216
Il y a 11 heures, ark216 a dit :

@ginzu I would like to know how do i change options in the test menu of this game? I can enter test menu via TP loader and cycle through the options in the main test menu using 'Y' key on the keyboard but cannot enter in any of the main menu options (in other words the Service button does not work), i want to change options like difficulty and settings coins to free play, but i cannot. Do you have any clue as to how to do it?


Another question is that i am having a very hard time in calibrating my wii motes Aliens Extermination in the test menu as my wii motes are not getting the desired value of 65535 in the DOWN and sometimes in the RIGHT.

For now i am using a single Mayflash bar with 2 wiimotes (mode 4 )if you make a video of how to calibrate them, that will be really helpful to me as well as to others.

Thanking you for making awesome videos i have subscribed to your channel.



Ok, I already done a tutorial to calibrate and play Alien extermination for one player. It 's working perfectly also using demulshooter and 2 dolphinbar. But using mode 4, I think I remember having some difficulties...  I will take a look if I have spare time. I am really busy at the moment. 

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