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[Arcade PC] Dance Dance Revolution A20 (Konami)


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hace 3 horas, topet2k12001 dijo:

@michidady12 @g3nsvrv @B4SH-T


Please advise:


1. Data dump version (20190903? Fan-made 20200203? Clean 20200203? Etc.)


2. Butterfly version (1.2.0, 1.3.0, etc.)


3. Steps taken, leading to the error (because I want to replicate/reproduce the error on my end)


4. Any other detail you might want to add

That's the problem, I'm running the prestine from 20200203 data. butterfly use is kinda wrong to be mentioned here since is not a server issue. 


*Downloaded the data

*Unzipped file to a folder

*Moved the files from "modules" folder to "contents" folder

*Added Spice

*Run it (works like the first 2 times and then the error appears by no reason) 



I have only registered the dlls from "com"'s folder to run DDR, and running the game on "-ea" since butterfly has the same issue, as I mentioned, is not a server issue I guess. Don' t mention the PCBID beign default since I'm overrading it in a batch file

Modifié par B4SH-T
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On 9/16/2020 at 9:18 PM, B4SH-T said:

That's the problem, I'm running the prestine from 20200203 data. butterfly use is kinda wrong to be mentioned here since is not a server issue. 


*Downloaded the data

*Unzipped file to a folder

*Moved the files from "modules" folder to "contents" folder

*Added Spice

*Run it (works like the first 2 times and then the error appears by no reason) 



I have only registered the dlls from "com"'s folder to run DDR, and running the game on "-ea" since butterfly has the same issue, as I mentioned, is not a server issue I guess. Don' t mention the PCBID beign default since I'm overrading it in a batch file

TL;DR: here's my ea3-config for "clean" 20200203 data dump. I have two (2) varaiants/formats; both have been tested to work. If you're curious as to what I actually did, read on below.



Hi @B4SH-T


Thanks for the information.

This is how I got mine working (before @tw3nz0r shared his zip)... @michidady12 and @g3nsvrv tagging you as well just in case:

  1. Download pristine/clean 20200203 data dump:
  2. Moved files from "contents\modules" to root folder ("contents")
  3. Register the DLLs (It's just a habit on my part. DDR P.U.S.S.(I.E.) actually does it every time too) - open CMD (make sure you run it as Administrator!) and execute the following commands. If you want to see a pop-up box confirmation, remove the "/s" part of the commands:
    regsvr32 /s com\k-clvsd.dll
    regsvr32 /s com\xactengine2_10.dll
  4. Download Spicetools latest (as of this writing I think it's still the same version anyway that's included in DDR P.U.S.S.(I.E.), no new releases yet)
  5. Configure Spicetools (spicecfg.exe) like so (by the way this has the same effect as typing them in your batch file as "launch command switches")

  6. Next step is the "config" files.
    • IMPORTANT POINT #1: now the thing with 20200203 pristine/clean data dump is that the location is "dev\nvram" and "dev\conf" as opposed to the previous dumps where the location or folder used to be "conf\nvram" and "conf\raw." So if you guys have been using old/previous batch files or scripts, or even DDR P.U.S.S.(I.E.), or even the current Bemanitools script, then something wrong will really happen. :)

      This is how the scripts (that are working with 20190903 and older) look like (taken from the Bemanitools script):
      if not exist conf\nvram mkdir conf\nvram
      if not exist conf\nvram\ea3-config.xml copy prop\eamuse-config.xml conf\nvram\ea3-config.xml
      if not exist conf\nvram\coin.xml copy prop\coin.xml conf\nvram\coin.xml
      if not exist conf\nvram\eacoin.xml copy prop\eacoin.xml conf\nvram\eacoin.xml
      if not exist conf\nvram\testmode-v.xml copy prop\testmode-v.xml conf\nvram\testmode-v.xml
      if not exist conf\raw mkdir conf\raw

      If you want to use those scripts, you should be changing all the "conf" words to "dev" like so:
      if not exist dev\nvram mkdir dev\nvram
      if not exist dev\nvram\ea3-config.xml copy prop\eamuse-config.xml dev\nvram\ea3-config.xml
      if not exist dev\nvram\coin.xml copy prop\coin.xml dev\nvram\coin.xml
      if not exist dev\nvram\eacoin.xml copy prop\eacoin.xml dev\nvram\eacoin.xml
      if not exist dev\nvram\testmode-v.xml copy prop\testmode-v.xml dev\nvram\testmode-v.xml
      if not exist dev\raw mkdir dev\raw

      Alternatively, you can in fact do this task manually since it's a copy-paste job as you can see how the commands are written. :)

    • IMPORTANT POINT #2: you will have noticed that in the 20200203 data dump there is no "ea3-config.xml" in "contents\prop" that's sitting conveniently. So we have to produce one. :)

      Check for an "ea3-config.xml" file located in "contents\dev\nvram" and if there is, just copy it (COPY ONLY NOT MOVE!!! COPY! COPY! COPY! ONLY!) back to "contents\prop."

      If we look at the commands closely we are essentially copy-pasting eamuse-config.xml and just renaming it to ea3-config.xml. Come to think of it, if you have been using the Bemanitools startup script even in previous dumps, that's exactly what's happening.

      Now here's the thing. The resulting ea3-config.xml will look like the eamuse-config.xml. It looks different from the ea3-config.xml that we are used to in previous data dumps (obviously, because essentially we copy-pasted eamuse-config.xml and just renamed it to ea3-config.xml):


      So what I did is I just edited the newly-created "ea3-config.xml" like so (see the yellow highlighted lines):

      <pcbid __type="str">00010203040506070809</pcbid>
      ...and I also inserted this (based from ea3-config.xml of older data dumps):
      <hardid __type="str">00010203040506070809</hardid>
      ...and changed the "services" like so (there are two lines that had to be edited, take note):

      <services __type="str">http://localhost</services>
      ...and this...
      <services_localstrap __type="str">http://localhost</services_localstrap>
      ....and saved and closed my new ea3-config.xml. Yes it looks like the eamuse-config.xml. Yes, it worked.
  7. Next I ran butterfly 1.3.0 UNOFFICIAL that I built.
  8. Then lastly, I ran the game (spice.exe). It "just worked" And I can replicate the process with the same result. :)
  9. ALTERNATIVE: just for the heck of it (and curiosity as well), I tried to reformat my ea3-config.xml to look like the ea3-config.xml of previous dumps, so it looks like this now. HOWEVER!!! IMPORTANT NOTE!!! Make sure you "comment out" the additional "services" line (just like you see in the screenshot below). If you don't, you will get an EXCEPTION ACCESS VIOLATION! :)


    It's this line (in XML, to "comment out" a line you do <!-- and close it with -->):
    <!-- <services_localstrap__type="str">http://localhost</services_localstrap> -->

    That's it! :)

    Whichever of the two styles written above you do your ea3-amuse.config, both worked. I tried them both.

    PS: the explanation is long but the procedure is actually very short and simple. I just wanted to articulate it in detail hence the long post.



Modifié par topet2k12001
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This is the clean version of 2020020300, it's confirmed after playing the history of the future, midnight war and reiwa.

we have the official BG videos. FINALLY!

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OK, I'm gonna upload the fixed version of that clean setup without the dev folder being the main setup. Give me time until Friday.

The only change in this clean data is the KAC event folder.

8th KAC is replace with 9th KAC. (Any other changes you find, post in this thread.)


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6 minutes ago, One Eternal Ash said:

OK, I'm gonna upload the fixed version of that clean setup without the dev folder being the main setup. Give me time until Friday.

The only change in this clean data is the KAC event folder.

8th KAC is replace with 9th KAC.


Yes, correct. :)

In that regard, the only files that need to be changed are the DLLs (if you're planning to still use 20190903):


  1. gamemdx.dll
  2. arkmdxp3.dll
  3. arkmdxp4.dll
  4. ess.dll
  5. And ea3-config.xml which has been discussed here
  6. The 3 new "clean" movie files (Reiwa, Ranker Killer Girl, The History of the Future)


On the other hand, if you plan to use the full "clean" 20200203, the only "fix" needed is to move the DLLs from "modules" to the root folder. Plus, creating/generating the ea3-config.xml as above.

Note: that's how the arcade data is organized, by the way (the DLLs are in a folder named "modules" so it's not really a defect).


PS: actually a lot of users are already using this new data dump and had these issues fixed already. You should participate in the Discord Chat Group so that you're updated. :)


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27 minutes ago, topet2k12001 said:


Yes, correct. :)

IN that regard, the only files that need to be changed are the DLLs:


  1. gamemdx.dll
  2. arkmdxp3.dll
  3. arkmdxp4.dll
  4. ess.dll
  5. And ea3-config.xml which has been discussed here
  6. The 3 new "clean" movie files (Reiwa, Ranker Killer Girl, The History of the Future)

PS: actually a lot of users are already using this new data dump and had these issues fixed already. You should participate in the Discord Chat Group so that you're updated. :)


I will on friday, I'm working tomorrow and then after that. Upload all dumps i have collected.


(P.S Don't forget "Midnight War" clean video and the Gold Cab code from the clean 2020 gamemdx.dll [which I will ask the uploader])



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40 minutes ago, One Eternal Ash said:

I will on friday, I'm working tomorrow and then after that. Upload all dumps i have collected.


(P.S Don't forget "Midnight War" clean video and the Gold Cab code from the clean 2020 gamemdx.dll [which I will ask the uploader])



Bro all of these are already available in the Discord Chat Group. A lot of people are already able to play the clean data dump (issues already fixed).



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4 minutes ago, topet2k12001 said:

Bro all of these are already available in the Discord Chat Group. A lot of people are already able to play the clean data dump (issues already fixed).



Alrite then, all I need is the Gold Cab Code from

this 2020 gamemdx.dll

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Just now, One Eternal Ash said:

Alrite then, all I need is the Gold Cab Code from

this 2020 gamemdx.dll


It's also in the Discord Chat Group. :)


I already compiled a spreadsheet of hex edits/codes and it's posted in the Discord Chat Group too.

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1 minute ago, topet2k12001 said:


It's also in the Discord Chat Group. :)


I already compiled a spreadsheet of hex edits/codes and it's posted in the Discord Chat Group too.

Thanks đź‘Ť

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I have noticed 2 things on my 2020020300 (Cab Type 6 - Gold):

. Gold BG hangs after a couple of seconds (source of gold BG is from DDR P.U.S.S.I.E. 1.3.0). I also tried my previous copy that doesn't hang on 2019090300. It also hangs.

. Courses are not showing up no matter how many times I retry to create my proifle (deleting butterfly.sqlite)

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5 hours ago, One Eternal Ash said:

OK, I'm gonna upload the fixed version of that clean setup without the dev folder being the main setup. Give me time until Friday.

The only change in this clean data is the KAC event folder.

8th KAC is replace with 9th KAC. (Any other changes you find, post in this thread.)




Dude, how do you play those event modes? my DDR A doesnt show up anything like that....

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2 hours ago, vinson77 said:

I have noticed 2 things on my 2020020300 (Cab Type 6 - Gold):

. Gold BG hangs after a couple of seconds (source of gold BG is from DDR P.U.S.S.I.E. 1.3.0). I also tried my previous copy that doesn't hang on 2019090300. It also hangs.

. Courses are not showing up no matter how many times I retry to create my proifle (deleting butterfly.sqlite)



  1. DDR P.U.S.S.(I.E.) does not contain nor generate the Gold background.
  2. Have you imported the "Global Events" SQL script file into butterfly? See the wiki from my GitHub for details.
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Sadly topet2k12001 nothing worked, this is very frustrating. Sorry for making you write a very dedicated post about this :(

What I tried:
*Changed ea3-config file with the ones you uploaded in the post
*Added the commentary line in the ea3- config
*Running almost every option you mentioned @topet2k12001 gives me the same issue
*Installed DirectX runtime AIO
*Installed Visual C# Runtime AIO

I couldn' try the ddrhook dll since Spice gives me an error even reading the instructions displayed in cmd

What I haven't tried is running the game with btools. Also, maybe I downloaded the files wrong so I'll give it a new download tb sure


Modifié par B4SH-T
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6 hours ago, topet2k12001 said:



  1. DDR P.U.S.S.(I.E.) does not contain nor generate the Gold background.
  2. Have you imported the "Global Events" SQL script file into butterfly? See the wiki from my GitHub for details.

1. Each of your Update Pack from MEGA has those files /data/.../movie/background/. :)

2. I'll re-check. :D Thanks Topet. Totally, got fixated by the 1.2.0 import files. :P

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6 minutes ago, vinson77 said:

1. Each of your Update Pack from MEGA has those files /data/.../movie/background/. :)

2. I'll re-check. :D Thanks Topet. Totally, got fixated by the 1.2.0 import files. :P


Ah, the Update Pack. Yes, it's there. But not in P.U.S.S.(I.E.). Clear now.

Also remember...when you're restarting "fresh" and creating new profiles all over again, remember that that's the "first run" so don't continue the game to the Music/Song Selection as there will really be no events yet. Exit the game first and then import the "events" (SQL files), and then run the game the next time around.

So the order should be:


  1. Clean database (or delete; butterfly will generate a new blank one)
  2. Start the game (first-run). You'll register a new profile
  3. Exit the game at the "Select Game Mode" part
  4. Import the "events" (SQL files)
  5. Restart the game

I'm going to make a video of setting up the "clean" 20200203 and will share to everyone. I don't know how to record the game itself when it actually starts, though. Worst-case I'll just run the game windowed.

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4 hours ago, topet2k12001 said:

I'm going to make a video of setting up the "clean" 20200203 and will share to everyone. I don't know how to record the game itself when it actually starts, though. Worst-case I'll just run the game windowed.

Xsplit. I'm using that to record gameplays. you can even add your camera feed. :P


As for the Background Video, I've noticed that each Blue and Gold BG file has a runtime of 50 seconds. The Gold video BG doesn't loop after 50 seconds for some reason on my prestine 2020020300. Unlike on 2019090300, where the Gold BG auto loops after 50 seconds in-game.


Playback issue was resolved by reinstalling K-lite Mega Codec Pack. :D All good.

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2 hours ago, vinson77 said:

Xsplit. I'm using that to record gameplays. you can even add your camera feed. :P


As for the Background Video, I've noticed that each Blue and Gold BG file has a runtime of 50 seconds. The Gold video BG doesn't loop after 50 seconds for some reason on my prestine 2020020300. Unlike on 2019090300, where the Gold BG auto loops after 50 seconds in-game.


Hm, that's strange.

Yes I do remember that there are no Gold BG videos in the pristine 20200203; I also had to copy them from 20190903. But I haven't ran into the problem you have described so far.

Anyway I'll record a start-to-finish video for the setup steps I did. This process is interim until I update DDR P.U.S.S.(I.E.).

PS: you're using the video that has the file extension of .m2v and not .wmv, correct?

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1 minute ago, topet2k12001 said:


Hm, that's strange.

Yes I do remember that there are no Gold BG videos in the pristine 20200203; I also had to copy them from 20190903. But I haven't ran into the problem you have described so far.

Anyway I'll record a start-to-finish video for the setup steps I did. This process is interim until I update DDR P.U.S.S.(I.E.).

PS: you're using the video that has the file extension of .m2v and not .wmv, correct?

Yes. m2v videos from your 1.3.0 update pack. :)
Issue has been resolved. I have reinstalled my K-lite Codec Mega Pack.

I remembered wayback in 2000 when I had this same playback issue on Step Step Revolution. Pre-Stepmania era.

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1 minute ago, vinson77 said:

Yes. m2v videos from your 1.3.0 update pack. :)
Issue has been resolved. I have reinstalled my K-lite Codec Mega Pack.

I remembered wayback in 2000 when I had this same playback issue on Step Step Revolution. Pre-Stepmania era.

Hm...a simple DLL registration should have done the trick there (I feel codec packs are too much for this requirement). Are you sure you ran your CMD as Administrator? Glad to hear you got it working though.

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Yes. Have done it previously when I was still using 2019090300 + 1.3.0 P.U.S.S.I.E. Update Pack. That's why I was even surprised to have that issue.

Anyways, installing the codec was just fast as the file is quite small. :)

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3 minutes ago, vinson77 said:

Yes. Have done it previously when I was still using 2019090300 + 1.3.0 P.U.S.S.I.E. Update Pack. That's why I was even surprised to have that issue.

Anyways, installing the codec was just fast as the file is quite small. :)


Okay great at least you got it all sorted out now.

I retried all the steps I wrote on a fresh re-download of the "clean" 20200203 and I got it working without issues; I don't know why it's not working for some others. Either they are adding stuff (and not telling) which is causing the EXCEPTION ACCESS VIOLATION, or something else about their setup.

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16 hours ago, B4SH-T said:

Sadly topet2k12001 nothing worked, this is very frustrating. Sorry for making you write a very dedicated post about this :(

What I tried:
*Changed ea3-config file with the ones you uploaded in the post
*Added the commentary line in the ea3- config
*Running almost every option you mentioned @topet2k12001 gives me the same issue
*Installed DirectX runtime AIO
*Installed Visual C# Runtime AIO

I couldn' try the ddrhook dll since Spice gives me an error even reading the instructions displayed in cmd

What I haven't tried is running the game with btools. Also, maybe I downloaded the files wrong so I'll give it a new download tb sure



Here's a video that I took, start-to-finish. The game runs properly, so I think either you're missing a step or need to download again.

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1 hour ago, SilverFox88vr said:

Why "Dan Class" Course and some songs are not present in this version?

Make sure to import the SQL files because these SQL files hold the "event information" like the Dan Courses. If you don't import them then there will be no events.

Also, Dan Courses are exclusive to "Gold Cab Mode" only.

Full instructions are in the wiki section of my GitHub.

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2 ore fa, topet2k12001 ha scritto:

Make sure to import the SQL files because these SQL files hold the "event information" like the Dan Courses. If you don't import them then there will be no events.

Also, Dan Courses are exclusive to "Gold Cab Mode" only.

Full instructions are in the wiki section of my GitHub.

Thanks for the information!

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I realized, with all the developments happening quickly (new butterfly source code, new data dump, etc.) I forgot to properly announce my updated UNOFFICIAL build of butterfly.


So yes, I have updated my forked butterfly and is now in version 1.3.0!


What's new?

  • Most notable change (feature) in the official source code (which I also updated into my fork and built as version 1.3.0 UNOFFICIAL) is that the Golden League Event is now fully playable! And as we know, a fully playable Golden League Event therefore also means that we can now experience the 9th Dan, 10th Dan, and Kaiden courses! NOTE: the Golden League Event is exclusive only to the Gold Cabinet (this is how it is officially) so you'll have to switch to "Gold Cab Mode" to experience it.
  • There are also "fixes" that aren't visible to you as the end-user, but are actually very important to ensure the smooth functionality of the game!
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4 hours ago, MrBoo said:

Does anyone have the hex edits for enabling cabinet lights type 6 for 2020 data? Thanks


Hello @MrBoo


I mapped out and put in a spreadsheet the hex edits across the various data dumps; it's already a Pinned Message in the Discord Chat Group (go to the #help channel of the group):


However, i haven't gone into mapping the "lights" part. Just now I tried but it looks like it's not the same offset per data dump version. So what I did was, per data dump version of the gamemdx.dll, I tried to search for the hex pattern that comes before each of the hex edits (observable patterns) and this is what I came up with. I don't have a cab to test, but I'm attaching the screenshots of the hex editor so that you can see how I tried to determine them.

The Excel file compilation of hex edits: Updated link, sorry

The photo gallery in case it's still too small to be viewed:











Modifié par topet2k12001
fixed image sizes; provided link to gallery, updated MEGA link to spreadsheet
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