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[Arcade PC] Dance Dance Revolution A20 (Konami)


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23 minutes ago, Taitox3 said:

I started all from scratch. I have downloaded the game dump from the first page as well of the two packs DDR A Update Pack (2019042200) & DDR A20 Update Pack (2019090300). Went through the readme.txt of both packs and the game now doesn't even start :(:. 

Below the log details. 


[2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:launcher: SpiceTools Bootstrap (x32)
[2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:launcher: 1.0-V-2020-06-15T22:40:42
[2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:launcher: arguments: -exec arkmdxp3.dll -k ddrhook.dll -eamaint 0 -netfixdisable -ddr -io -h 33554432

[2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:launcher: failed to load hook ddrhook.dll

[2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:ea3-pos: unknown: failed to read /dev/nvram/coin.xml.
[2020/07/14 11:22:59] F:ea3-pos: unknown: reading opt file failed.

[2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT




This is DDR A20, right? 2019090300 is what I saw in your logs.

  1. Why does your startup command include "-eamaint 0?" I don't believe I wrote that in the README.txt. :)
  2. How are you launching the game? If you launched the game using "ddr.exe" the launch parameters shouldn't include the "-eamaint 0" switch.
  3. As I have recommended in the "README.txt" file, just stick to launching the game using only "ddr.exe." Launching the game in a different way is for those who are already familiar/know what they are doing; I made "ddr.exe" to cover almost all the manual steps and make the entire process "one-click" in order to prevent user-induced errors.
  4. Do not use the DDR A Update Pack on DDR A20 data...the DDR A Update pack is for DDR A (2019042200) only and the DDR A20 Update Pack is for DDR A20 (2019090300) only...( that this happened, maybe i need to further enhance the script to check for these things and the script will not run if an incompatibility is found)


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6 minutes ago, topet2k12001 said:




This is DDR A20, right? 2019090300 is what I saw in your logs.

  1. Why does your startup command include "-eamaint 0?" I don't believe I wrote that in the README.txt. :)
  2. How are you launching the game? If you launched the game using "ddr.exe" the launch parameters shouldn't include the "-eamaint 0" switch.
  3. As I have recommended in the "README.txt" file, just stick to launching the game using only "ddr.exe." Launching the game in a different way is for those who are already familiar/know what they are doing; I made "ddr.exe" to cover almost all the manual steps and make the entire process "one-click" in order to prevent user-induced errors.


I ran the ddr.exe and got the same error. Going to try again from scratch. 

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16 minutes ago, Taitox3 said:

I ran the ddr.exe and got the same error. Going to try again from scratch. 


Yes, please start from scratch so that any other variables of manual intervention are removed.


Do ONLY these steps:


  1. Download the 2019090300 data dump. This one, not the one in the First Page (the one in the First Page is actually DDR A, not A20). DOWNLOAD ME!
  2. Once downloaded, save it somewhere in the PC. Do not use the same file that you are currently downloading/uploading (it's a torrent). Make a copy and save it elsewhere, and that's the one you should use...not the one you are "torrenting."
  3. Download the DDR A20 Update Pack.
  4. Paste the "contents" folder of the DDR A20 Update Pack to the "contents" folder of your game (2019090300). Accept any overwrite requests.
  5. Run "ddr.exe" TWICE (two times). The explanation is all in the README.txt.
  6. Do not use the DDR A Update Pack on DDR A20 data or else the game will crash (there are settings and file modifications for each Update Pack that are compatible only with the corresponding DDR version!):
    • DDR A Update pack is for DDR A (2019042200) ONLY
    • DDR A20 Update Pack is for DDR A20 (2019090300) ONLY
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1 hour ago, topet2k12001 said:


Yes, please start from scratch so that any other variables of manual intervention are removed.


Do ONLY these steps:


  1. Download the 2019090300 data dump. This one, not the one in the First Page (the one in the First Page is actually DDR A, not A20). DOWNLOAD ME!
  2. Once downloaded, save it somewhere in the PC. Do not use the same file that you are currently downloading/uploading (it's a torrent). Make a copy and save it elsewhere, and that's the one you should use...not the one you are "torrenting."
  3. Download the DDR A20 Update Pack.
  4. Paste the "contents" folder of the DDR A20 Update Pack to the "contents" folder of your game (2019090300). Accept any overwrite requests.
  5. Run "ddr.exe" TWICE (two times). The explanation is all in the README.txt.
  6. Do not use the DDR A Update Pack on DDR A20 data or else the game will crash (there are settings and file modifications for each Update Pack that are compatible only with the corresponding DDR version!):
    • DDR A Update pack is for DDR A (2019042200) ONLY
    • DDR A20 Update Pack is for DDR A20 (2019090300) ONLY

It Worked on the first try!!! Sometimes it goes from "Online", "Checking", "Online"  then it stays "Checking" for the rest of the game. 

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DDR Update Pack Version 1.0.5!!! FRESH AND HOT!!!



Version: 1.0.5
Date: July 15, 2020

  1. NEW: added the 20 "Removed Songs" from DDR A ( credits to @tw3nz0r. Proof (photo album post)!
  2. NEW: added important note in README.txt to indicate the version that this Update Pack works with






6 hours ago, topet2k12001 said:

DDR A20 Update Pack Update (2019090300)!



Version: 1.0.4
Date: July 14, 2020

  1. FIX: automated the process of copying the "id" from "ddr_16_profiles" to fill up the "user_id" column of "ddr_16_event_save_data."
  2. NEW: implemented a startup script/exe (ddr.exe) for a "one-click" processing of first-time setup actions.
  3. NEW: impleneted Bemanitools 5.31 which has a separate set of DLLs for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows Operating Systems.


  1. Copy over the "contents" folder to your game's "contents" folder. Accept any overwrite request/prompt.
  2. Run spicecfg.exe if you're running DDR for the first time, to configure/set up your key bindings, "cards," and spice.exe launch settings.
  3. Run ddr.exe and follow the instructions as necessary. Run this TWICE.
  4. Done.


  • The first run is to launch the game so that you will be able to "register" your username/card. This is a crucial step. It will create/register an entry in the "butterfly.sqlite" database. You may, if you wish, skip playing and just exit the game after you have registered your username.
  • The second time is for the "butterfly database" to attach your username to the list of "event songs" so that you can play those unlockable songs.
  • This behavior/process actually follows that of the real arcade. When you register your e-Amusement card for the first time (by tapping the card on the machine), you will have to undergo the same thing. And until you actually create an e-Amusement account and log in to the website, you won't be able to save any progress. The difference is that in our case, our "website/server" is butterfly.


  • Apart from the reasons above where you have to run ddr.exe TWICE, it is no longer required to start the game using ddr.exe in succeeding plays. You can instead start the game like most people normally do which is to start butterfly first, and then spice.exe.
  • However, I recommend to just continue using ddr.exe for launching due to the following benefits (at the expense of a few seconds more of waiting):
    • Convenient: because it is a "script," multiple steps/procedures are performed automatically (automation). Just sit pretty and wait! :very-good:
    • Less mistakes: aside from convenience, scripts are used generally to prevent or minimize human errors. Less confusion, less mistake! :very-good:
  • On the other hand, if you prefer to do things manually:
    • Please know that until you run ddr.exe for the 2nd time (or manually editing the database which I don't recommend) you won't be able to play some unlockable/event songs, for the reason described above.
    • ALSO! IF you don't plan to use ddr.exe in future plays, make sure you have configured the necessary "switches" or "options" in spice.exe using spicecfg.exe ("Options" tab) or by creating a startup .bat script.

The necessary switches or options in spicecfg.exe ("Options" tab) are:

Game Executable: arkmdxp3.dll
DDR Hook: ddrhook.dll
Disable Network Fixes: Enabled (check the box)
Load DDR Module: Enabled (check the box)
Enable All IO Modules: Enabled (check the box)
Heap Size: 33554432


If writing a .bat file, the entry/line for starting spice.exe would look like this:

spice.exe -exec arkmdxp3.dll -k ddrhook.dll -netfixdisable -ddr -io -h 33554432

...or this...

start spice.exe -exec arkmdxp3.dll -k ddrhook.dll -netfixdisable -ddr -io -h 33554432



@One Eternal Ash he is the inspiration of this mini-project and is the reason why I pushed myself to building an updated Butterfly Local Server. He is in an area where DDR machines do not have e-Amusement access and he wanted to experience it. :) Apart from that, he also discovered how to enable the "events" in DDR Ace, and very recently he also discovered how to disable the "Grand Finale event" curtain animation that shows up at the end of each song in DDR A20.

@kanor for his data-driven and detail-oriented documentation, analysis (file comparisons, spreadsheet data analysis, etc.), and testing. His work keeps the rest of the group's sanity amidst the influx of data and information here and there. If not for his "song events" spreadsheet mapped to the song details from musicdb.xml we wouldn't have made other important discoveries that would have allowed us to finish this mini-project.

@tw3nz0r he came in at a very crucial and much-needed moment in the mini-project. He provided insights on what works and what doesn't as well as insights on how to solve for the few, but critical, "big roadblocks" in our endeavor. For one, his August 2019 DLLs were the much-needed solution to the said challenges. We now have Dan Courses being saved as well as personal scores being displayed. And the "Grand Finale event" curtain animation is gone now. :) And most recently, he provided the full hex edit address list for the August 2019 DLLs (the gamemdx.dll, as well as "gold cab enabler" using arkmdxp3.dll)

@B4SH-T he has been in the thread for quite some time and is one of the early contributors. For example he provided the "gold cab enabler" hex edit using gamemdx.dll for other versions of DLLs. And recently for the August 2019 DLL he was also able to provide the hex edit address of "gold cab enabler" option. On the side, he also shared a working video for the song Reiwa.

@FeelTheXtasy it was unintentional but because he was one of the first to report Dan Courses saving progress ability, this prompted the search for answers too. And along the line we found that it is one of his copies of DLLs that enabled such functionality.

@topet2k12001 (yours truly): updated Butterfly builds, as well as using the database table as a method to unlock event songs. And cheerleader (just kidding!).







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21 minutes ago, Taitox3 said:

It Worked on the first try!!! Sometimes it goes from "Online", "Checking", "Online"  then it stays "Checking" for the rest of the game. 



I just updated the DDR A20 Update Pack to version 1.0.5. There's a nice Bonus inside; check it out!


ALERT: if it stays on "Checking" it means that there is no "network connectivity." The correct behavior is that it should stay in "Online" status, to mean that you are connected to the server.



  1. It shouldn't happen if you didn't make any changes on your own.
  2. Did you add the "-eamaint 0" switch? Please don't; it will conflict with the settings that are built into ddr.exe.
  3. Are you closing the command-line window? Please don't because that's the "server." Leave any command-line window that opens/pops-up. Just let them be.
  4. Are you using any screen recording software? Some recording softwares are also using "port 80" so it sort of "steals" that port away from the "butterfly" server (this is the "emulated e-Amusement server") so it ends up not being able to "go online."
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23 minutes ago, topet2k12001 said:



I just updated the DDR A20 Update Pack to version 1.0.5. There's a nice Bonus inside; check it out!


ALERT: if it stays on "Checking" it means that there is no "network connectivity." The correct behavior is that it should stay in "Online" status, to mean that you are connected to the server.



  1. It shouldn't happen if you didn't make any changes on your own. - I didn't. I followed the steps from the readme.txt.
  2. Did you add the "-eamaint 0" switch? Please don't; it will conflict with the settings that are built into ddr.exe. - No, where I can check  the "-emaint 0" switch?
  3. Are you closing the command-line window? Please don't because that's the "server." Leave any command-line window that opens/pops-up. Just let them be. No
  4. Are you using any screen recording software? Some recording softwares are also using "port 80" so it sort of "steals" that port away from the "butterfly" server (this is the "emulated e-Amusement server") so it ends up not being able to "go online." - No


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2 minutes ago, Taitox3 said:



In your File Explorer, try to navigate to


C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming and look for a file named "spicetools.xml"


Sometimes, old settings get stuck up in there. See the section for "Options" in my screenshot; in case there's a line item pertaining to "eamaint" on your file, please delete that entire line. Because in your log that you shared earlier, I saw that it was there.


Also you can go to the "Service Menu" of the game and check the clock, make sure it's set correctly. There's also a section there to test "network connectivity" (it doesn't pertain to your actual Internet connection of course, since we're just emulating a server so that's what the game believes to be the network connection), and some other stuff as well.


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22 minutes ago, topet2k12001 said:


In your File Explorer, try to navigate to


C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming and look for a file named "spicetools.xml"


Sometimes, old settings get stuck up in there. See the section for "Options" in my screenshot; in case there's a line item pertaining to "eamaint" on your file, please delete that entire line. Because in your log that you shared earlier, I saw that it was there.


Also you can go to the "Service Menu" of the game and check the clock, make sure it's set correctly. There's also a section there to test "network connectivity" (it doesn't pertain to your actual Internet connection of course, since we're just emulating a server so that's what the game believes to be the network connection), and some other stuff as well.


Below the lines from the spicetools.xml
            <option name="eamaint" value="0"/>
            <option name="ea" value=""/>
            <option name="k" value="ddrhook.dll"/>
            <option name="exec" value="arkmdxp3.dll"/>
            <option name="h" value="33554432"/>
            <option name="io" value="/ENABLED"/>
            <option name="ddr" value="/ENABLED"/>
            <option name="netfixdisable" value="/ENABLED"/>

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Just now, Taitox3 said:

Below the lines from the spicetools.xml
            <option name="k" value="ddrhook.dll"/>
            <option name="exec" value="arkmdxp3.dll"/>
            <option name="h" value="33554432"/>
            <option name="io" value="/ENABLED"/>
            <option name="ddr" value="/ENABLED"/>
            <option name="netfixdisable" value="/ENABLED"/>


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47 minutes ago, tw3nz0r said:

@topet2k12001 already fucked up the artist tags on some of these, I told him not to use the "database manager" and instead do it by hand.


Make sure arcutil.exe, and startup.arc is in the same folder.


Extract: arcutil x startup.arc

Repack: arcutil p startup.arc data


Done and fixed. Thank you, @tw3nz0r! I'll upload the startup.arc that is updated cleanly (the one that was fixed just now).

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DDR A20 Update Pack...this is more of a back-end change to ensure that the addition was done in a "clean" manner, thus keeping the process of adding, as well as files to be added, as "pristine" (untouched state) as possible. As such, this update does not affect the startup process that is already built into the pack (e.g. the "ddr.exe" file) and should not have any difference in the experience at the end-user level.


Documenting the change for tracking purposes.


Version: 1.0.6
Date: July 15, 2020

  1. FIX: Reverted the startup.arc file with a "clean-implemented" version of the process of adding back the "removed songs."
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8 hours ago, Taitox3 said:

:gene: Now the courses , Events and  DDR Selections doesn't show up in the song menu. I haven't done anything else besides starting the game with the ddr.exe. 





Did you run the ddr.exe TWICE as per the readme.txt? It is explained in the readme.txt why it's important for the game to be run twice.

EDIT: refer to next comment.


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On 7/15/2020 at 8:32 AM, Taitox3 said:



Please take a screenshot of your game folder (the contents of the "contents" folder). Please post the image somewhere else instead of posting it directly here because images posted directly here become to small to read.

EDIT: I see the reason now. You switched to Player 2 (it's in the screenshot).


Currently, ddr.exe is configured to enable those courses/events only on Player 1. We can make it work for Player 2 if you want, but it will disable for Player 1...and vice-versa if you change your mind again; your choice.
EDIT: currently we were able to configure the events and courses for only one (1) username/card. So if you play using another "username (card)" you won't see those events and courses.

Of course ideally it should work for both players at the same time, but that's probably for a future update once we figure it out.

Modifié par topet2k12001
Edited the explanation to more accurately represent the limitation
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46 minutes ago, topet2k12001 said:


Please take a screenshot of your game folder (the contents of the "contents" folder). Please post the image somewhere else instead of posting it directly here because images posted directly here become to small to read.

Something happened between the game and butterfly. I restarted the computer and got a server error. I replace all the files with a backup that I made and the issue was solved. 


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4 minutes ago, Taitox3 said:

Something happened between the game and butterfly. I restarted the computer and got a server error. I replace all the files with a backup that I made and the issue was solved. 



It may be related to your switching over to Player 2. For now, please keep at Player 1.

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On 7/15/2020 at 9:43 AM, tw3nz0r said:

Uhhhh, so I looked at your 'script', and for some reason you're using the 64-bit files from Bemanitools 5.31, but the game is only 32-bit (the 64-bit version isn't released/decrypted by anyone.)


I see...I thought it mattered so I included it...but I can change it back (it will actually shorten the script, which is better).


Annnnd...done! :)


Only ddr.exe and changelog.txt were re-uploaded; all other files are not affected.




DDR A20 Update Pack


Version: 1.0.7
Date: July 15, 2020


  1. FIX: reverted to strictly using Bemanitools x86



Modifié par topet2k12001
fixed version entry
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3 hours ago, Romboyz said:

Readding the removed licenses is a nice touch!


How does one figure out the songs IDs for those anyway?


4 hours ago, vinson77 said:

@One Eternal Ash @topet2k12001 @tw3nz0r and others that I haven't mentioned

Thanks for doing a great work in releasing a standardized clean update. Especially adding back the 20 songs that were removed. :)



The revival of the DDR A "Removed Songs" wouldn't have been possible without @tw3nz0r's inputs. :)


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I am putting out a bounty for twiw.ssq, yes, that's Twinkle Wonderland.


I have the thumbnail, jacket, audio, and musicdb information from my copy. If it is found, I will compile it and give it to @topet2k12001 to add to his pack. *someone* out there has the stepchart, since there's a listed step count for each difficulty (the game never assigned it a difficulty number, musicdb has all zeroes.)

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7 hours ago, tw3nz0r said:

I am putting out a bounty for twiw.ssq, yes, that's Twinkle Wonderland.


I have the thumbnail, jacket, audio, and musicdb information from my copy. If it is found, I will compile it and give it to @topet2k12001 to add to his pack. *someone* out there has the stepchart, since there's a listed step count for each difficulty (the game never assigned it a difficulty number, musicdb has all zeroes.)



Please correct my understanding...basically this is like a "find the file" challenge right? :)


Count me in!

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5 minutes ago, kanor said:



Please correct my understanding...basically this is like a "find the file" challenge right? :)


Count me in!


Sure. I can't even find a Stepmania conversion, a video, nothing about this stepchart, but someone wrote how many steps each difficulty has. The only copy of Twinkle Wonderland's files I have are from 2016030100 preload data, which has the xwb/xsb sound files, the jacket in arc format, and the thumbnail within the jacket_thumbnails_ja_17.arc file.


Here's the musicdb info.


    <mcode __type="u32">38093</mcode>
    <title>Twinkle Wonderland</title>
    <artist>Qrispy Joybox feat.Sana</artist>
    <bpmmax __type="u16">188</bpmmax>
    <series __type="u8">17</series>
    <bemaniflag __type="u32">26</bemaniflag>
    <limited __type="u8">2</limited>
    <diffLv __type="u8" __count="10">0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0</diffLv>

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