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[Arcade PC] Dance Dance Revolution A20 (Konami)


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1 minute ago, topet2k12001 said:


We need to know first what caused it to know what file to replace. :)


I'm trying to backtrack and trying to remember what files we have been using.

Edit: I'll start fresh (from scratch) to trace it. May take some time on my end.


no worries. take as much time as you need.

Note: 9-orb saving system will work if we take out the global events entirely.

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1 minute ago, tw3nz0r said:

I've already explained how to fix it, but here's the sql file because neither one of you listened. Change user_id under ddr_16_event_save_data to match your own.


oh, snap. thanks. i'll test it on my build

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1 minute ago, One Eternal Ash said:

Note: 9-orb saving system will work if we take out the global events entirely.


Yes, which basically just going back to Butterfly 1.1.0 (1.1.0 didn't have "events_save_data" and "global_events" tables in the database - and accomplishments are mapped to the "hard-coded" events.xml which was already deleted in future builds).

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1 minute ago, One Eternal Ash said:

oh, snap. thanks. i'll test it on my build


Yes, please test again as well. Try to play a game and don't earn  9 stars (orbs). Then play another game right after that. You should start that another game with the same number of stars (orbs) you have earned from the previous game.

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3 minutes ago, tw3nz0r said:

I already tested it, it's literally the same results I posted from last night when I said it's fixed.


Let me test again on my end as well. I think I may have raised a false alarm and might have just committed a typo in my data entry into the table...will revert back...

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5 minutes ago, tw3nz0r said:

Do not add any events past 50, and if you flip the wrong one off, it'll break saving.


Hi @tw3nz0r sorry for my confusion, but just to clarify...

  1. For the "ddr_16_global_events" table it should only have 50 rows?
  2. How about the other event songs, then (the ones we entered from Row 101 onwards)? Or did you mean to say that we should be putting these entries into the "ddr_16_event_save_data" table instead, just like the Ichika 2019 songs you shared yesterday (the 9 songs)?


On 7/7/2020 at 12:10 PM, bman said:

Remove all the global entries other than 1 - 50 (well at least the 9999 event ones from 51 - 100 (not sure if there are more as I haven't used that sql file)). Since the later ones have been added they've just been causing issues for people.


21 hours ago, tw3nz0r said:

For the 9 songs that @One Eternal Ash struggled with, add these to your ddr_16_event_save_data, and change the user id at the end to match yours. Do not put these in ddr_16_global_events.


@topet2k12001 is there a way to have butterfly generate these on the fly for each user?




For the 1-50 events, all of them are at 9999, and flip 47 to 0 to turn off grand finale if you're using the September gamemdx.dll. (If using August this isn't needed)


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6 hours ago, WarriorDestroyer4 said:

Can anyone help me with the gold a20? It doesn't seem complete, and once I log on to eamusement, the game crashes. I've always wanted to try out the Golden League! Thank you. :)

There is no GOLDEN LEAGUE, we don't have the code to folder.

I made a mistake saying it because i thought we found it on the database.

my assumptions and testing were incorrect on that statement.


as for butterfly, it only serves for Ace (Fully). For A20 (Only 1/3 of the game, the rest is force-unlocked).

For the details on A20, read this post made by @kanor:


Modifié par One Eternal Ash
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1 hour ago, One Eternal Ash said:

There is no GOLDEN LEAGUE, we don't have the code to folder.

I made a mistake saying it because i thought we found it on the database.

my assumptions and testing were incorrect on that statement.


as for butterfly, it only serves for Ace (Fully). For A20 (Only 1/3 of the game, the rest is force-unlocked).

For the details on A20, read this post made by @kanor:



8 hours ago, WarriorDestroyer4 said:

Can anyone help me with the gold a20? It doesn't seem complete, and once I log on to eamusement, the game crashes. I've always wanted to try out the Golden League! Thank you. :)




When you said "Golden League" do you mean the "Dan Courses?"


So, in technical terms "Dan Courses" and "Golden League" are two different events, although playing the Golden League awards a player with access to "9tth Dan, 10th Dan, and Kaiden" courses. @One Eternal Ash is correct in saying that we are unable to uncover the Golden League event so far. However, the Dan Courses (1st to 8th Dan) are currently available.

For first-timers, please watch and follow the videos exactly as shown:

Once you get your setup working, come back and ask us the next questions. :)


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43 minutes ago, WarriorDestroyer4 said:

Everything is good, but once I put in the pin, the game crashes...




I know what you are referring to.

I believe @kanor sent you a link to a post that contains three (3) of them is a video about fixing that specific problem you are encountering...something about "hex edit fix card crash" something. ;)




Okay so the game does NOT crash. It errors out but does not crash...please be accurate when describing the issue, because there really is a known issue about the game crashing upon PIN input and that's totally a different thing. :)


Can you show us the following please:


  1. The content of your game folder (go to File Explorer and then navigate to your folder...please show the contents of the "contents" folder)
  2. There should be a .txt file named "card0.txt." You shouldn't be encountering that error if there's a "card" configured. Also you should let Spice Tools configure a card for you automatically (by running spicecfg.exe)
  3. Basically, like this:






Modifié par topet2k12001
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49 minutes ago, WarriorDestroyer4 said:

I did all of that yet I get the same thing

Okay good. it's not the "same thing" anymore as your previous issue. That one, now, is the real "crash" that we were looking for. :)


38 minutes ago, WarriorDestroyer4 said:

isn't this the code to fix the bug?



Yes, you're right. But there are nine (9) of them, please make sure to perform all 9 hex edits.

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50 minutes ago, tw3nz0r said:

No you didn't, because it wouldn't crash there otherwise.


I agree with @tw3nz0r


32 minutes ago, WarriorDestroyer4 said:

I have checked them all and they are all at 90 90, yet it still bugs out and exits the game.


Please double-check.


On 5/7/2020 at 5:17 AM, hipo_loco said:

Info extracted from a Discord server:



Fix crash at card screen     - 0x51b30 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
(Ignore event data of          0x51b80 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
 Ichika's VS award 2019)       0x51bd0 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
 Alternatively you should      0x51c20 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
 use butterfly server,         0x51c70 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
 and insert the event data)    0x51cc0 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
                               0x51d10 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
                               0x51d60 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
                               0x51db0 : 33 c0 -> 90 90



Modifié par topet2k12001
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25 minutes ago, WarriorDestroyer4 said:

I have checked them all and they are all at 90 90, yet it still bugs out and exits the game.


It works on blue, but doesn't work on gold. I have no idea why.


  1. How exactly did you enable "Gold Cab?" Are you sure you're editing the same exact file? Please double-check that you're not editing another copy of the same file that's actually in another location (I know it sounds trivial, but it happens)
  2. Please share your gamemdx.dll file so that we can check further.
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