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[Arcade PC] Dance Dance Revolution A20 (Konami)


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So I was waiting till plus came out before I mentioned the global event changes as I worked them out a few weeks ago (sorry but it was a choice I made). I've tested all 50 original global events and I've worked out what most of them do. I should point out that you shouldn't delete any of the entries - just change the event_type to 0 from 9999. This way when you play A you can just adjust them back to 9999 to make A work properly (as if you change them for 20, it will break things in A). Also, the id numbers of these global events are important - you can't just add a row to replace one you've deleted, you need to make sure the id is the same as the one you took out. Which is why I suggest not deleting the row.


Here are the rows that do things:

4 - Demo lesson on/off (with hex not edited)

30 - DDR Selection on/off

32 - KAC 8th Event on/off (This is used in A to unlock the KAC songs)

35 - Dan/Class removed from login/logout (didn't test gold to see if it removes the courses though)

36 - Course mode removed

42 - Golden League removed from login/logout (No, it doesn't enable the league - though it may disable the folder if that ever gets worked out)

47 - Finale on/off


I would say that I think multiple entries control some of the features so I'm guessing other entries might do similar things as the ones I listed.




The reason that the "free first play" doesn't go away with the setup is because there's no event put into the user events table to say it's not the first play anymore - so I assume that if the event was worked out, that could be done without needing to change settings. In the original butterfly version, the unlocks xml file set a value called is_new to 0 so the game wouldn't show that.




@topet2k12001 would you know how to work with immutable lists in java? I think that may be the best solution for dealing with the Extra Savior songs as there will be around 557 entries needing to be added on a per-user basis and I think the best method would be to auto-add them like the Baby-Lon event is added to the events table rather than having to manually insert them for each user.

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10 minutes ago, bman said:

So I was waiting till plus came out before I mentioned the global event changes as I worked them out a few weeks ago (sorry but it was a choice I made). I've tested all 50 original global events and I've worked out what most of them do. I should point out that you shouldn't delete any of the entries - just change the event_type to 0 from 9999. This way when you play A you can just adjust them back to 9999 to make A work properly (as if you change them for 20, it will break things in A). Also, the id numbers of these global events are important - you can't just add a row to replace one you've deleted, you need to make sure the id is the same as the one you took out. Which is why I suggest not deleting the row.


Here are the rows that do things:

4 - Demo lesson on/off (with hex not edited)

30 - DDR Selection on/off

32 - KAC 8th Event on/off (This is used in A to unlock the KAC songs)

35 - Dan/Class removed from login/logout (didn't test gold to see if it removes the courses though)

36 - Course mode removed

42 - Golden League removed from login/logout (No, it doesn't enable the league - though it may disable the folder if that ever gets worked out)

47 - Finale on/off


I would say that I think multiple entries control some of the features so I'm guessing other entries might do similar things as the ones I listed.




The reason that the "free first play" doesn't go away with the setup is because there's no event put into the user events table to say it's not the first play anymore - so I assume that if the event was worked out, that could be done without needing to change settings. In the original butterfly version, the unlocks xml file set a value called is_new to 0 so the game wouldn't show that.




@topet2k12001 would you know how to work with immutable lists in java? I think that may be the best solution for dealing with the Extra Savior songs as there will be around 557 entries needing to be added on a per-user basis and I think the best method would be to auto-add them like the Baby-Lon event is added to the events table rather than having to manually insert them for each user.

I figured this could happen when we put the いちかのBEMANI投票選抜戦2019, because we bugged that 9-orb system. so i reversed it back to where it was but disable finale.

anyways, did you figure anything on A20 Events?

Modifié par One Eternal Ash
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1 minute ago, tw3nz0r said:

If it makes you feel any better @One Eternal Ash, if you force unlock the nine songs from いちかのBEMANI投票選抜戦2019, and use the September gamemdx.dll with the Butterfly patch, you'll have the event folder at least.

actually, i fixed it. thanks to @bman

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14 minutes ago, tw3nz0r said:

Even better, what did you change?

Here are the rows that do things:

4 - Demo lesson on/off (with hex not edited)

30 - DDR Selection on/off

32 - KAC 8th Event on/off (This is used in A to unlock the KAC songs)

35 - Dan/Class removed from login/logout (didn't test gold to see if it removes the courses though)

36 - Course mode removed

42 - Golden League removed from login/logout (No, it doesn't enable the league - though it may disable the folder if that ever gets worked out)

47 - Finale on/off



See those numbers, change the option event type from 9999 to 10 (Off)

turn them back (ON) is from 10 to 9999


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I think 10 is actually the "unlocked" state as that will unlock all charts for a song in the events tables, I prefer setting them to 0 as that way there's no way for them to conflict.


The orb system bugs if you use another global id for turning off the finale, I didn't mention that as I was listing what worked.

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3 minutes ago, bman said:

I think 10 is actually the "unlocked" state as that will unlock all charts for a song in the events tables, I prefer setting them to 0 as that way there's no way for them to conflict.


The orb system bugs if you use another global id for turning off the finale, I didn't mention that as I was listing what worked.

you got my hopes up and i failed........

false alarm everyone.

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7 minutes ago, tw3nz0r said:

Are you sure it works? I'm getting the save error again with this one.

Remove all the global entries other than 1 - 50 (well at least the 9999 event ones from 51 - 100 (not sure if there are more as I haven't used that sql file)). Since the later ones have been added they've just been causing issues for people.


3 minutes ago, One Eternal Ash said:

you got my hopes up and i failed........

false alarm everyone.

I'm confused?

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16 minutes ago, bman said:

Remove all the global entries other than 1 - 50 (well at least the 9999 event ones). Since the later ones have been added they've just been causing issues for people.


I'm confused?

Don't worry about it, Forget what i said.


i’m gonna force-unlocked it and call it a day.

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6 hours ago, B4SH-T said:

Hmm I'm having trouble replacing arkfiles and gamemdx, registering a new user has me in this screen loop. Sorry to add another issue.

Btw, is the data missing some challenge charts yet? I think I'm missing some



@One Eternal Ash @tw3nz0r @B4SH-T @bman


Hi good morning!


I fell asleep hahaha!


@tw3nz0r I sent you a message before I slept about your request for a "silent" or no-log version of Butterfly. I think that the game and Butterfly "talk" to each other using those logs as their "language" of communication. I kind of deduced it when I was reviewing logs yesterday for a different issue (I was trying to figure out the "is_refid_locked" issue so I had to run the game and Butterfly and observe the logs between the two, to see how they are communicating with each other). But I'll still do more research to see if your request is possible. I did read that "logj4" (that's the name of the "logging component" used in Butterfly) is actually very lightweight. But then I'll see. Will update you.



@B4SH-T, based on the screenshot, you have "First Play Free" turned on in the Service Menu; please turn it off.


Also which Challenge Charts are missing? Please advise as I was already very sleepy when I created the zip and might have missed a file or two. If it's "Tiger Rampage" and that other Japanese Song (they are both Level 17 Challenge charts) they should be there. Please note that my approach was to keep all "limited" flags/tags intact in musicdb.xml (startup.arc)...and then manually "unlocking" by using the table of the Butterfly database (that's where the group is right now).


@bman sorry but I'm not yet familiar, although I can confirm what you said in your post. In fact, I did see in the source code that there is an immutable list for Baby-Lon's Adventure as it was configured as the "first event" in DDR Ace in Butterfly and this is actually one of the key milestones which led me and @One Eternal Ash to the discovery we had, thereby enabling the DDR Ace events.


Although the insights you shared today are new to me and it's actually very interesting! Because for a long time I've been wondering what those columns are for (in the table I mean) and all I've been doing with that table is actually just fill it up with songs from events so that they get "unlocked" or "locked" (by switching between "10" and "9999").

I didn't realize that the "row" matters. Back then when I was doing my experiments to fill up that table with songs, I used to always start at Row 1. But now that @bman shared valuable insights, now I understand that some entries are supposed to be "intentionally" placed at specific rows in the table.

Kudos by the way @bman and nice find! How did you figure that out? Pure trial-and-error/intuition?

Currently the SQL file in the "DDR Update Pack" lists all "event songs" of DDR A20 and all of them are marked as "unlocked" (meaning, marked as "10") EXCEPT Orca and Splash Gold which I kept at 9999 (this way, when you play EXTRA STAGE you will still see both songs as EXTRA EXCLUSIVE). If you change these 2 songs to "10" you will notice that they will appear as regular songs in the Song Selection.


I haven't touched/experimented anything beyond that (like what @One Eternal Ash is already doing) but I will do so later so that I can help out with the group. :)


EXCEPTION: I did "force-unlock" the 11 songs of Golden League, simply because we haven't completely figured out the Dan Course. As per RemyWiki, there are 9 songs that are supposed to be unlocked when you reach "SILVER CLASS" and an additional 2 songs when you reach "GOLD CLASS." Take note that the article talks about "CLASS" and not "nth Dan." Notice your "Player" screen when swiping your card (Gold Cab mode) the lower-left is the "nth Dan" you have reached, and at the right is the "Class." I think that's one more "problem" for us to think about (Hahaha!) But for now, quick fix is that I just "force-unlocked" them in musicdb.xml (startup.arc). I simply changed the "limited" flag number, to zero (0).

There are also 2 songs that, to my best recollection, don't belong to any "events" but are "locked." These are "Digital Luv" and "Mythomane." So I also removed the "limited" flag/tag on these 2 songs.


That wraps up my update so far. :)



Let me just grab some coffee and a quick snack before I get started. Have a great day everyone!

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hace 34 minutos, topet2k12001 dijo:

Based on the screenshot, you have "First Play Free" turned on in the Service Menu; please turn it off.

Yup, that solved the problem. But the rest is still the same (Grand Finale and doesn't saving config) Records and orbs are saved

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For the 9 songs that @One Eternal Ash struggled with, add these to your ddr_16_event_save_data, and change the user id at the end to match yours. Do not put these in ddr_16_global_events.


@topet2k12001 is there a way to have butterfly generate these on the fly for each user?




For the 1-50 events, all of them are at 9999, and flip 47 to 0 to turn off grand finale if you're using the September gamemdx.dll. (If using August this isn't needed)

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2 minutes ago, B4SH-T said:

Yup, that solved the problem. But the rest is still the same (Grand Finale and doesn't saving config) Records and orbs are saved


@B4SH-T good to know! :) For the "Grand Finale event" curtain animation follow what @tw3nz0r said (use August 2019 gamemdx.dll - this is what I did with the "DDR Update Pack" so that end-users won't have to fiddle around with stuff). About the "stars" not saving - I actually haven't encountered that seems related to the work that @One Eternal Ash is currently doing and I have yet to catch up. Will do so after breakfast. :)


2 minutes ago, tw3nz0r said:

For the 9 songs that @One Eternal Ash struggled with, add these to your ddr_16_event_save_data, and change the user id at the end to match yours. Do not put these in ddr_16_global_events.


@topet2k12001 is there a way to have butterfly generate these on the fly for each user?




For the 1-50 events, all of them are at 9999, and flip 47 to 0 to turn off grand finale if you're using the September gamemdx.dll. (If using August this isn't needed)


@tw3nz0r when we say "per user," as in per "e-Amusement card?"

Hm, we're now getting into fixing/continuing Butterfly as it was designed then...I believe that that is the intent of the original author of Butterfly. It may take some time if I was the one who will do it as I am not an expert in Java (I only have basic knoweldge). In fact, in the past week I was trying to figure out how not to have to manually fill out the "ddr_16_global_events" table.


As in exactly that data in that table, correct? Static data (meaning, this won't change depending on the progress of a user/player)?

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1 minute ago, topet2k12001 said:


@tw3nz0r when we say "per user," as in per "e-Amusement card?"

Hm, we're now getting into fixing/continuing Butterfly as it was designed then...I believe that that is the intent of the original author of Butterfly. It may take some time if I was the one who will do it as I am not an expert in Java (I only have basic knoweldge). In fact, in the past week I was trying to figure out how not to have to manually fill out the "ddr_16_global_events" table.


As in exactly that data in that table, correct? Static data (meaning, this won't change depending on the progress of a user/player)?

Yes, this table for every card that is registered. The comp_time being 2 won't give the popup for the song, and comp_time being 1 will display the song popup on September gamemdx.dll.

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2 minutes ago, topet2k12001 said:


Noted! Will work on these later as well! :)

If at all possible, try to make it comp_time 1 for the first time used, and then flip to comp_time 2 after the first play to make it more authentic, so it'll show the popups the first time and then never again.

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4 minutes ago, tw3nz0r said:

If at all possible, try to make it comp_time 1 for the first time used, and then flip to comp_time 2 after the first play to make it more authentic, so it'll show the popups the first time and then never again.


Was thinking the same thing...yup! :)

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18 minutes ago, topet2k12001 said:

@tw3nz0r sorry just for my own clarity...what is the purpose of the table again? This is the Ichika 2019 event right? These are the  9 songs that we used to hex edit in gamemdx.dll (September 2019 onwards) correct?

Yes. As far as I can tell, the hex edit is still needed if you don't card in... unless you find a way to make that table work for a guest.

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7 hours ago, tw3nz0r said:

For the 9 songs that @One Eternal Ash struggled with, add these to your ddr_16_event_save_data, and change the user id at the end to match yours. Do not put these in ddr_16_global_events.


@topet2k12001 is there a way to have butterfly generate these on the fly for each user?




For the 1-50 events, all of them are at 9999, and flip 47 to 0 to turn off grand finale if you're using the September gamemdx.dll. (If using August this isn't needed)

Got it! Thanks!

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@One Eternal Ash @tw3nz0r @bman @B4SH-T @kanor


Hi Guys,


Sorry I'm a bit slow today and somehow got lost in the exchange of messages in the past few pages, but just to be clear with the requirements, please confirm? Did I miss anything?



  1. Must use the September 2019 gamemdx.dll
  2. Must use the August 2019 arkmdxp3.dll (this version is capable of saving Dan Course progress)
  3. Grand Finale Event curtain animation must not be showing up in the Song Results screen
  4. Ichika 2019 Event folder must be visible in Song Selection screen
  5. Ichika 2019 song jackets must not pop up/appear in the card swipe screen (after swiping the card)
  6. EXTRA EXCLUSIVE folder must be showing when a player reaches EXTRA STAGE, with songs Orca and Splash Gold only
  7. Earned Stars ("orbs") must be preserved/saved
  8. Extras:
    • Silver League (11 song) and Golden League (2 songs) must be "forced-unlocked" for now (I did this by editing musicdb.xml only for the songs concerned - no deletion of actual line of code, just change the "Limited" flag to "0")
    • Two songs, Digital Luv and Mythomane, must be available as regular songs in the Song Selection screen




I already tested all of this using the September 2019 gamemdx.dll. All good. :) Here are the changes I made (from the already-published "DDR Update Pack"):


  1. Added the 9 rows of data entry (disables the jacket pop-up notification of Ichika 2019 during the card swipe/entry screen) into the "ddr_16_event_save_data" table
  2. Switched Row 47 entry from "9999" to "10" (disables the Grand Finale curtain animation) in the "ddr_16_global_events" table
  3. No changes made to Rows 101 onward (the DDR A20 event songs - everything is switched to "10" except Orca and Splash Gold)
  4. On the September gamemdx.dll itself: the only hex edits I had enabled are:
    • Timer Freeze
    • Gold Cab
    • Sound Offset to DEC 90 (or translated to HEX 5A)
    • I didn't enable all other hex edits, not even the Ichika 2019 "card crash fix"




I spoke too soon.


I understand now the issue about "we bugged the 9-orbs system." I thought I didn't have the issue simply because I was always able to complete 9 orbs every game.

Modifié par topet2k12001
corrected typo: should have been "must use August 2019 arkmdxp3.dll..."
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Okay, I read the thread about 3 times hahaha...

13 hours ago, bman said:



The reason that the "free first play" doesn't go away with the setup is because there's no event put into the user events table to say it's not the first play anymore - so I assume that if the event was worked out, that could be done without needing to change settings. In the original butterfly version, the unlocks xml file set a value called is_new to 0 so the game wouldn't show that.


@topet2k12001 would you know how to work with immutable lists in java? I think that may be the best solution for dealing with the Extra Savior songs as there will be around 557 entries needing to be added on a per-user basis and I think the best method would be to auto-add them like the Baby-Lon event is added to the events table rather than having to manually insert them for each user.


With Butterfly up to version 1.1.0...a lot of the original author's work is centered/focused on DDR Ace. Some of the lines of code and files are actually "hard-coded" which is fine, given that the intention was to focus on a specific DDR version (which is Ace). And the code responsible for the above is one example of them. :) Screenshots for reference (full album here because screenshots in this forum are too small:


This is "version 1.1.0" of the code:


This is the "master" branch of the code (e.g. the main version, "live document" always-updated):


Side-by-side comparison:




This is the resulting data that is produced from the above code (notice it's the same as the one in the code at the left - "hard-coded" entry)"




14 hours ago, tw3nz0r said:


I feel like one of these higher numbered events may be the key to this, since like I said, butterfly 1.1.0 saves just fine.


This one is also due to a hard-coded entry (an entire file, actually):




Eventually, the author actually removed this hard-coded file:





8 hours ago, tw3nz0r said:

For the 9 songs that @One Eternal Ash struggled with, add these to your ddr_16_event_save_data, and change the user id at the end to match yours. Do not put these in ddr_16_global_events.


@topet2k12001 is there a way to have butterfly generate these on the fly for each user?




For the 1-50 events, all of them are at 9999, and flip 47 to 0 to turn off grand finale if you're using the September gamemdx.dll. (If using August this isn't needed)


8 hours ago, tw3nz0r said:

Yes, this table for every card that is registered. The comp_time being 2 won't give the popup for the song, and comp_time being 1 will display the song popup on September gamemdx.dll.






I understand this requirement now. It will require the same concept that @bman mentioned (immutable list). Will see how I can solve for this.



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14 minutes ago, topet2k12001 said:

Okay, I read the thread about 3 times hahaha...


With Butterfly up to version 1.1.0...a lot of the original author's work is centered/focused on DDR Ace. Some of the lines of code and files are actually "hard-coded" which is fine, given that the intention was to focus on a specific DDR version (which is Ace). And the code responsible for the above is one example of them. :) Screenshots for reference (full album here because screenshots in this forum are too small:


This is "version 1.1.0" of the code:


This is the "master" branch of the code (e.g. the main version, "live document" always-updated):


Side-by-side comparison:




This is the resulting data that is produced from the above code (notice it's the same as the one in the code at the left - "hard-coded" entry)"





This one is also due to a hard-coded entry (an entire file, actually):




Eventually, the author actually removed this hard-coded file:





I understand this requirement now. It will require the same concept that @bman mentioned (immutable list). Will see how I can solve for this.



That’s some discovery @topet2k12001, Nice!

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4 minutes ago, One Eternal Ash said:

That’s some discovery @topet2k12001, Nice!


Thanks! :) Let me try to do some experiments and see if I can solve for the requirement.


My long comment above was actually an explanation why everything seems to be flawless with Butterfly 1.1.0 and DDR Ace, and it's because Butterfly 1.1.0 was built specifically for DDR Ace (as evidenced by the hard-coded entries).

When I was looking at the current/latest code of Butterfly (latest edits were on 20191018), it seems like the original author intends to modify/update his entire code to also fit the requirements of DDR A20, but he didn't continue with the development anymore (to be fair, he did mention it clearly).


We can actually make his latest code work and the way we're currently doing it is also by "hard-coding" entries into the database tables. :) It's not ideal, but for the meantime where the code has to be developed further, it's better than nothing.


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@One Eternal Ash @tw3nz0r @bman @B4SH-T @kanor


Guys, question: why do we want to use the September 2019 gamemdx.dll when the August 2019 version seems to work better?


I asked because, if we can recall @kanor's previous post...and also the hex edit post info by @hipo_loco...if we decide to use the September 2019 version and play with "gold cab" mode, we will need to adjust the "sound offset" of the game - it's easy but cumbersome as @kanor has already outlined in his post.

As for the August 2019 version, we didn't have to deal with it (I played "gold cab" with this version and the sound offset/timing was as good as the "blue cab" mode). Plus there's no "Grand Finale event" curtain animation to deal with. :)




On another note:


12 hours ago, topet2k12001 said:

@One Eternal Ash @tw3nz0r @bman @B4SH-T @kanor


Hi Guys,


Sorry I'm a bit slow today and somehow got lost in the exchange of messages in the past few pages, but just to be clear with the requirements, please confirm? Did I miss anything?



  1. Must use the September 2019 gamemdx.dll
  2. Must use the August 2019 arkmdxp3.dll (this version is capable of saving Dan Course progress)
  3. Grand Finale Event curtain animation must not be showing up in the Song Results screen
  4. Ichika 2019 Event folder must be visible in Song Selection screen
  5. Ichika 2019 song jackets must not pop up/appear in the card swipe screen (after swiping the card)
  6. EXTRA EXCLUSIVE folder must be showing when a player reaches EXTRA STAGE, with songs Orca and Splash Gold only
  7. Earned Stars ("orbs") must be preserved/saved
  8. Extras:
    • Silver League (11 song) and Golden League (2 songs) must be "forced-unlocked" for now (I did this by editing musicdb.xml only for the songs concerned - no deletion of actual line of code, just change the "Limited" flag to "0")
    • Two songs, Digital Luv and Mythomane, must be available as regular songs in the Song Selection screen



I already tested all of this using the September 2019 gamemdx.dll. All good. :) Here are the changes I made (from the already-published "DDR Update Pack"):

  1. Added the 9 rows of data entry (disables the jacket pop-up notification of Ichika 2019 during the card swipe/entry screen) into the "ddr_16_event_save_data" table
  2. Switched Row 47 entry from "9999" to "10" (disables the Grand Finale curtain animation) in the "ddr_16_global_events" table
  3. No changes made to Rows 101 onward (the DDR A20 event songs - everything is switched to "10" except Orca and Splash Gold)
  4. On the September gamemdx.dll itself: the only hex edits I had enabled are:
    • Timer Freeze
    • Gold Cab
    • Sound Offset to DEC 90 (or translated to HEX 5A)
    • I didn't enable all other hex edits, not even the Ichika 2019 "card crash fix"


To-do: please review and advise if these are good to go (for me to update the "DDR Update Pack").



Now off to figuring out the source code and see how I can update it based on everyone's inputs! :)





I spoke too soon.


I understand now the issue about "we bugged the 9-orbs system." I thought I didn't have the issue simply because I was always able to complete 9 orbs every game.


Modifié par topet2k12001
corrected typo: should have been "must use August 2019 arkmdxp3.dll..."
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5 hours ago, topet2k12001 said:

"gold cab" mode, we will need to adjust the "sound offset" of the game


This is because you're changing the cabinet type entirely, and it's expecting an entirely different delay. I play on a CRT cab and the timing is tight, and the loss of Golden League/Dan Courses is worth the trade off. I don't ever recommend running it in 'gold' for this reason.

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4 hours ago, tw3nz0r said:

August 2019, unless you're somehow made the September one work.


Ah yes, I meant August 2019 there (sorry for the typo). Corrected the erroneous text.


4 hours ago, tw3nz0r said:

This is because you're changing the cabinet type entirely, and it's expecting an entirely different delay. I play on a CRT cab and the timing is tight, and the loss of Golden League/Dan Courses is worth the trade off. I don't ever recommend running it in 'gold' for this reason.


I see, got it! :)


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12 hours ago, topet2k12001 said:

@One Eternal Ash @tw3nz0r @bman @B4SH-T @kanor


Hi Guys,


Sorry I'm a bit slow today and somehow got lost in the exchange of messages in the past few pages, but just to be clear with the requirements, please confirm? Did I miss anything?



  1. Must use the September 2019 gamemdx.dll
  2. Must use the August 2019 arkmdxp3.dll (this version is capable of saving Dan Course progress)
  3. Grand Finale Event curtain animation must not be showing up in the Song Results screen
  4. Ichika 2019 Event folder must be visible in Song Selection screen
  5. Ichika 2019 song jackets must not pop up/appear in the card swipe screen (after swiping the card)
  6. EXTRA EXCLUSIVE folder must be showing when a player reaches EXTRA STAGE, with songs Orca and Splash Gold only
  7. Earned Stars ("orbs") must be preserved/saved
  8. Extras:
    • Silver League (11 song) and Golden League (2 songs) must be "forced-unlocked" for now (I did this by editing musicdb.xml only for the songs concerned - no deletion of actual line of code, just change the "Limited" flag to "0")
    • Two songs, Digital Luv and Mythomane, must be available as regular songs in the Song Selection screen




I already tested all of this using the September 2019 gamemdx.dll. All good. :) Here are the changes I made (from the already-published "DDR Update Pack"):


  1. Added the 9 rows of data entry (disables the jacket pop-up notification of Ichika 2019 during the card swipe/entry screen) into the "ddr_16_event_save_data" table
  2. Switched Row 47 entry from "9999" to "10" (disables the Grand Finale curtain animation) in the "ddr_16_global_events" table
  3. No changes made to Rows 101 onward (the DDR A20 event songs - everything is switched to "10" except Orca and Splash Gold)
  4. On the September gamemdx.dll itself: the only hex edits I had enabled are:
    • Timer Freeze
    • Gold Cab
    • Sound Offset to DEC 90 (or translated to HEX 5A)
    • I didn't enable all other hex edits, not even the Ichika 2019 "card crash fix"




I spoke too soon.


I understand now the issue about "we bugged the 9-orbs system." I thought I didn't have the issue simply because I was always able to complete 9 orbs every game.




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5 minutes ago, One Eternal Ash said:

@topet2k12001 @tw3nz0r have you got a file that can save 9-orb system?


We need to know first what caused it to know what file to replace. :)


I'm trying to backtrack and trying to remember what files we have been using.

Edit: I'll start fresh (from scratch) to trace it. May take some time on my end.


Modifié par topet2k12001
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