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[Arcade PC] Dance Dance Revolution A20 (Konami)


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4 minutes ago, tw3nz0r said:

Should be 27E2C. 74->EB. Dunno why this is so requested... just play in event mode if you want a timer freeze.


Thank you @tw3nz0r. Oh, I didn't realize that this is one of the most-requested hex edits. :) As for me, a timer freeze allows me to not rush when documenting the tests/trials that we are doing. Sometimes I leave the game screen where it is, and then I write my notes, so a Timer Freeze would be handy in this case.

This completes the list. Thank you! I can now write the "credits" portion! :)

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21 minutes ago, topet2k12001 said:


Wow, that's a nice find! Awesome! How exactly to edit, @One Eternal Ash?

This is confirmed. Leave lines 1-43 and delete lines 44-200
but that will get rid of the other event いちかのBEMANI投票選抜戦2019.



It will retain the Dan Courses and Other Events (EXTRA EXCLUSIVE) but as far i go. The files you have given from @tw3nz0rand @B4SH-T is best to hold on.
Since i have force-unlocked on the last dump. I wouldn't need to worry about "grand finale" and i can play it normally.


ID "44" / Event ID "999" is Grand Finale Event. I dunno if you found it somewhere in the server but that's the number i have found.

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1 minute ago, One Eternal Ash said:

This is confirmed. Leave lines 1-43 and delete lines 44-200
but that will get rid of the other event いちかのBEMANI投票選抜戦2019.



It will retain the Dan Courses and Other Events (EXTRA EXCLUSIVE) but as far i go. The files you have given from @tw3nz0rand @B4SH-T is best to hold on.
Since i have force-unlocked on the last dump. I wouldn't need to worry about "grand finale" and i can play it normally.


I see. Indeed, I kind of anticipated a "conflict" there. But still, it's a great discovery! It's something we need to keep for now because I can foresee that we will have a better use for it!

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5 minutes ago, topet2k12001 said:


I see. Indeed, I kind of anticipated a "conflict" there. But still, it's a great discovery! It's something we need to keep for now because I can foresee that we will have a better use for it!

I also notice the score on the event when we finished a song. the target number around 69,000,000 does not exist. The actual number we should be targeting is these numbers.
Therefore, some idiot must have locked that number to prevent us from progressing (although, it was intended in the first place).

#OurMemories 10,000,000
Show me your moves 20,000,000
CHAOS Terror-Tech Mix 30,000,000
POSSESSION (20th Anniversary Mix) 40,000,000
MAX 360 100,000,000


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1 minute ago, tw3nz0r said:

I did @One Eternal Ash's edit, but I just simply removed the event number to achieve the same result. image.png.e5e401105a23b884965b0bc3f37f0cd2.png


Hm, makes sense. :) I had a different use-case for that table, which is to "unlock" the songs themselves. Ultimately, based on what I'm seeing right now, assuming Butterfly was programmed to full completion, we wouldn't need to be doing these hex edits as well as modifications on stuff like the musicdb.xml (well, that's the "ideal scenario").


I will see if I can allocate some time for Butterfly; it's not an easy task to continue to be honest. Maybe I'll gather some more folks who are really good at programming, to help out.


1 minute ago, One Eternal Ash said:

I also notice the score on the event when we finished a song. the target number does not exist 69,000,000. The actual number we should be targeting is these numbers.
Therefore, some idiot must have locked that number to prevent us from progressing (although, it was intended in the first place).

#OurMemories 10,000,000
Show me your moves 20,000,000
CHAOS Terror-Tech Mix 30,000,000
POSSESSION (20th Anniversary Mix) 40,000,000
MAX 360 100,000,000



Hahaha, it's okay. For now. :)


Perhaps when we decide to continue the development of Butterfly, we will need to go back to this piece of detail. :)


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This mini-project of ours (we forgot to give it a name!!!) wouldn't have been made possible without the voluntary efforts, as well as contributions, of the following:


@One Eternal Ash he is the inspiration of this mini-project and is the reason why I pushed myself to building an updated Butterfly Local Server. He is in an area where DDR machines do not have e-Amusement access and he wanted to experience it. :) Apart from that, he also discovered how to enable the "events" in DDR Ace, and very recently he also discovered how to disable the "Grand Finale event" curtain animation that shows up at the end of each song in DDR A20.

@kanor for his data-driven and detail-oriented documentation, analysis (file comparisons, spreadsheet data analysis, etc.), and testing. His work keeps the rest of the group's sanity amidst the influx of data and information here and there. If not for his "song events" spreadsheet mapped to the song details from musicdb.xml we wouldn't have made other important discoveries that would have allowed us to finish this mini-project.

@tw3nz0r he came in at a very crucial and much-needed moment in the mini-project. He provided insights on what works and what doesn't as well as insights on how to solve for the few, but critical, "big roadblocks" in our endeavor. For one, his August 2019 DLLs were the much-needed solution to the said challenges. We now have Dan Courses being saved as well as personal scores being displayed. And the "Grand Finale event" curtain animation is gone now. :) And most recently, he provided the full hex edit address list for the August 2019 DLLs (the gamemdx.dll, as well as "gold cab enabler" using arkmdxp3.dll)

@B4SH-T he has been in the thread for quite some time and is one of the early contributors. For example he provided the "gold cab enabler" hex edit using gamemdx.dll for other versions of DLLs. And recently for the August 2019 DLL he was also able to provide the hex edit address of "gold cab enabler" option. On the side, he also shared a working video for the song Reiwa.

@FeelTheXtasy it was unintentional but because he was one of the first to report Dan Courses saving progress ability, this prompted the search for answers too. And along the line we found that it is one of his copies of DLLs that enabled such functionality.

@topet2k12001 (yours truly): updated Butterfly builds, as well as using the database table as a method to unlock event songs. And cheerleader (just kidding!). :)



1 hour ago, topet2k12001 said:

@One Eternal Ash @tw3nz0r @B4SH-T @kanor


Okay! Guys!!!!


Oh my God!!!! :very-good::fiesta::good_job:


It is done. :) FINALLY!!!!

Here's the current state, DDR A20:


  1. DONE: Gold cab enabled
  2. DONE: No more "Grand Finale Event curtain animation" at the end of each song
  3. DONE: Personal scores are saved
  4. DONE: Dan Course progress is saved (up to 8th Dan only)
  5. DONE: All "event songs" can be unlocked (clean method: through data entry into the database table of "ddr_16_global_events" of Butterfly)
  6. DONE: unlocking of two DDR A20 songs (Mythomane and Digital Luv) has to be done via musicdb.xml as well. Not sure why these two songs have "Limited" flags/tags on them since they don't belong to any "event."
  7. DONE: unlocking of "event songs" for Golden League songs has to be done through changing to zero (0) the "Limited" flag/tag of the corresponding songs in the musicdb.xml file (inside startup.arc). This is probably because the Dan Courses is still "ongoing" (stuck at 8th Dan) so we have to unlock the songs in a more forceful way.









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7 minutes ago, topet2k12001 said:


Hm, makes sense. :) I had a different use-case for that table, which is to "unlock" the songs themselves. Ultimately, based on what I'm seeing right now, assuming Butterfly was programmed to full completion, we wouldn't need to be doing these hex edits as well as modifications on stuff like the musicdb.xml (well, that's the "ideal scenario").


I will see if I can allocate some time for Butterfly; it's not an easy task to continue to be honest. Maybe I'll gather some more folks who are really good at programming, to help out.



Hahaha, it's okay. For now. :)


Perhaps when we decide to continue the development of Butterfly, we will need to go back to this piece of detail. :)


Indeed, i will stick to your routes from now on.

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3 minutes ago, tw3nz0r said:

For real tho, I had put this logo replacement on my omnimix project a few months back.107368559_322561075795750_3065495072824377541_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&_nc_sid=b96e70&_nc_oc=AQn_NsocWJahrkJVL2KgzEYFuyHiA79PrylVxuQnqQ8UiWVpZZtAqHjFMO_KSk0AZhI&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-2.xx&oh=69675632375e2fcdfc3e133b13f31d76&oe=5F27E35B


Hahaha! I remember having a copy of that game during the Playstation days :)


Is that your DDR cab? Awesome!

You're the author of DDR Omnimix?!? God I didn't know! It's an honor!

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Just now, topet2k12001 said:


Hahaha! I remember having a copy of that game during the Playstation days :)


Is that your DDR cab? Awesome!

Yes, this is the way I play A20, I haven't turned it on in about 2 months due to the summer heat however, but once you post the new updates, I'd like to toss them on my cab. I was using the August 2019 DLLs alongside butterfly 1.1.0 at the time and it worked great, but I would love stuff legitimately unlocked.

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2 minutes ago, tw3nz0r said:

Yes, this is the way I play A20, I haven't turned it on in about 2 months due to the summer heat however, but once you post the new updates, I'd like to toss them on my cab. I was using the August 2019 DLLs alongside butterfly 1.1.0 at the time and it worked great, but I would love stuff legitimately unlocked.


Sure thing! I'm just organizing them into a single folder and I plan to make it a self-extracting zip. But I'll also provide a MEGA link for manual copy-pasting (some people don't like one-click auto-extracting stuff and I understand). :)


I will update you guys!

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4 minutes ago, tw3nz0r said:

Yes, this is the way I play A20, I haven't turned it on in about 2 months due to the summer heat however, but once you post the new updates, I'd like to toss them on my cab. I was using the August 2019 DLLs alongside butterfly 1.1.0 at the time and it worked great, but I would love stuff legitimately unlocked.

I am very jealous now, i might as well save my money for a cab.

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4 minutes ago, One Eternal Ash said:

I am very jealous now, i might as well save my money for a cab.


There's another DDR cab behind it with 3 pop'ns, 2 jubeats, and a reflec beat in the garage at the moment. (I'm trying to clear out the extra DDR, one of the pop'ns, and a jubeat to a friends place to fit more.)

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6 minutes ago, tw3nz0r said:

@One Eternal Ash This works well but いちかのBEMANI投票選抜戦2019 doesn't show up with August 2019 DLLs. I assume they do for September. I had the event on my cab with butterfly 1.1.0 force unlocking everything with August so I know it's possible.

Yup, i was using the 2019090300 and 2020020300 dumps along with the clean gamemdx.dll you gave earlier.

Also, the arkmdxp3.dll and arkmdxp4.dll from another source (one belong to @FeelTheXtasy).


with butterfly 1.2.0, i manage to complie everything. and the tiger rampage challenge chart appeared on my screen while ORCA and Splash Gold was hidden.

Modifié par One Eternal Ash
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You probably don't need a modified version of arkmdxp4.dll because most launchers are ever emulating the P3IO and never the P4IO... I just hope they aren't too modified to work on the original IO. I'll have to cab test soon.


@One Eternal Ash mind linking to those ark files just so I don't have to dig around for the link?

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Just now, tw3nz0r said:

You probably don't need a modified version of arkmdxp4.dll because most launchers are ever emulating the P3IO and never the P4IO... I just hope they aren't too modified to work on the original IO. I'll have to cab test soon.

Indeed, probably the arkmdxp3.dll was enough to test everything. all the dumps are fully functional with the exception of grand finale is out the picture. we are good to go.
I'm going to upload the latest version and BOOM!!

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58 minutes ago, One Eternal Ash said:

Here is my SQL for A20:









Grand Finale


DDR A20.sql


Mine has everything "unlocked" (9999) except of course Orca and Splash Gold (so that they will remain as EXTRA EXCLUSIVE).


12 minutes ago, One Eternal Ash said:

Yup, i was using the 2019090300 and 2020020300 dumps along with the clean gamemdx.dll you gave earlier.

Also, the arkmdxp3.dll and arkmdxp4.dll from another source (one belong to @FeelTheXtasy).


with butterfly 1.2.0, i manage to complie everything. and the tiger rampage challenge chart appeared on my screen while ORCA and Splash Gold was hidden.


The DLLs from @FeelTheXtasy are actually August 2019 also (same as @tw3nz0r's). I ran a file comparison test in a Hex Editing tool and they came out as identical.


6 minutes ago, tw3nz0r said:

You probably don't need a modified version of arkmdxp4.dll because most launchers are ever emulating the P3IO and never the P4IO... I just hope they aren't too modified to work on the original IO. I'll have to cab test soon.


@One Eternal Ash mind linking to those ark files just so I don't have to dig around for the link?


Agree. Based on my tests, the saving of Dan Courses is performed by arkmdxp3.dll only. No need to replace arkmdxp4.dll with an August 2019 version.

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@One Eternal Ash@tw3nz0r@kanor@B4SH-T

Hello Guys,


Here it is. The "DDR Update Pack." :D

There are two versions:

  1. one-click self-extracting executable
  2. folder (manual copy-paste method)

There is also are README file that explains everything.



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12 minutes ago, tw3nz0r said:

I was just going to check that, thank you for doing that for me, lol. In the past I couldn't get the September arkmdxp3.dll to play nicely with the August gamemdx.dll but this was months ago... 

No problem, Anytime.

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2 minutes ago, One Eternal Ash said:


Take note, we will have to use different SQL Files when playing A or A20 as of today.
So please edit your database before playing.



DDR Ace: just a blank table with 9999, for 200 rows

DDR A20: individually entered song event data

That's how it's going to be for now until Butterfly Local Server is fully developed to become fully functional for DDR A20 (it's good for DDR Ace).

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