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[Arcade PC] Dance Dance Revolution A20 (Konami)


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3 minutes ago, petje said:

Maybe this helps ? 

No idea if it is for this version

Dance Dance Revolution A

nope, that's only for A, what we looking for is a butterfly patch updated.

Modifié par One Eternal Ash
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Invité petje

It has like 17 forks ?

All do the same ?


What is this about ?



Force Enable Fast/Slow       - 0xa1870 : 8B 41 44 -> 31 C0 40
Force Background Judgement   - 0xa1860 : 8B 41 -> 31 C0
Force Darkest Background     - 0xa261e : 75 03 33 C0 -> 33 C0 B0 03
Tutorial Skip                - 0x4a7d3 : 75 -> EB
Timer Freeze                 - 0x27e1c : 74 -> EB
Unlock Options               - 0x8ae93 : 75 -> EB
Timing adjust(SOUND_OFFSET)  - 0x1cb90 : (DWORD)(ms)
Timing adjust(RENDER_OFFSET) - 0x1cc53 : (DWORD)(ms)
Fix crash at card screen     - 0x51b30 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
(Ignore event data of          0x51b80 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
 Ichika's VS award 2019)       0x51bd0 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
 Alternatively you should      0x51c20 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
 use butterfly server,         0x51c70 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
 and insert the event data)    0x51cc0 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
                               0x51d10 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
                               0x51d60 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
                               0x51db0 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
Keep Stage                   - 0x1f1e8‬: 01 48 08 -> 90 90 90

Force Cabinet Type 6        - 0x60a5f : 02 -> 04

*Timing adjust is need to change the cabinet type 6
*If you want to play background bg in A20 mode,
 convert the following file from wmv to m2v.
*If you use the batterfly server and display the score,
 please fix the playerdata packet.
 (bool attribute "is_refid_locked" is required)

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2 minutes ago, petje said:

It has like 17 forks ?

All do the same ?


What is this about ?



Force Enable Fast/Slow       - 0xa1870 : 8B 41 44 -> 31 C0 40
Force Background Judgement   - 0xa1860 : 8B 41 -> 31 C0
Force Darkest Background     - 0xa261e : 75 03 33 C0 -> 33 C0 B0 03
Tutorial Skip                - 0x4a7d3 : 75 -> EB
Timer Freeze                 - 0x27e1c : 74 -> EB
Unlock Options               - 0x8ae93 : 75 -> EB
Timing adjust(SOUND_OFFSET)  - 0x1cb90 : (DWORD)(ms)
Timing adjust(RENDER_OFFSET) - 0x1cc53 : (DWORD)(ms)
Fix crash at card screen     - 0x51b30 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
(Ignore event data of          0x51b80 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
 Ichika's VS award 2019)       0x51bd0 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
 Alternatively you should      0x51c20 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
 use butterfly server,         0x51c70 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
 and insert the event data)    0x51cc0 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
                               0x51d10 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
                               0x51d60 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
                               0x51db0 : 33 c0 -> 90 90
Keep Stage                   - 0x1f1e8‬: 01 48 08 -> 90 90 90

Force Cabinet Type 6        - 0x60a5f : 02 -> 04

*Timing adjust is need to change the cabinet type 6
*If you want to play background bg in A20 mode,
 convert the following file from wmv to m2v.
*If you use the batterfly server and display the score,
 please fix the playerdata packet.
 (bool attribute "is_refid_locked" is required)

We already have these modifications. Scores can be saved on our Butterfly Server iteration. What can't be saved / unlocked right now is the Dan Courses and Golden League progression.

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Invité petje
9 minutes ago, vinson77 said:

We already have these modifications. Scores can be saved on our Butterfly Server iteration. What can't be saved / unlocked right now is the Dan Courses and Golden League progression.

OK, much clearer now

A update for the game ?

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Have that MDX-001-2020020300 Update applied to our instance as well. One Eternal Ash and I have come to a conclusion where this said modified Butterfly Server has not yet been shared to the Public. Only a certain someone can use it right now as this person still hasn't decided to share it publicly. :)

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5 hours ago, One Eternal Ash said:

go to the spicecfg and configure your service and test buttons. Once you're finished. run the game and press two, you'll be sent to the menu to configure your game.


Since I'm not clear on what issues I am saying earlier and I think you missed my point on what I'm trying to ask you, let me rephrase this again.


The actual issues are (and I put my processes here how I did it):


1. I basically followed your instructions (I downloaded necessary files from the links you put, I installed/extract the files to correct locations based on your instruction, butterfly is working from step 3 of your instruction, I set up controls and everything)

2. gamestart-spice.bat won't open up the game. I also don't understand why this is mentioned twice. You're basically calling the program to execute twice which it's not needed:
spice -io -ddr
spice -io -ddr -arkmdxp3.dll

3. This will lead to this question based on 1 and 2. Why is spicetool not opening up the game? I attached the log so you can check.


(This is bit irrelevant to step 1-3, but another issues occur when I try to do the alternative) 


4. So instead of using spicetool, I decided to use bemanitool to try to open up the game.

5. I download and extract the necessary files to content folder.

6. I set up the controls via config.exe, and open up gamestart-16.exe.

7. Game boots up successfully (not having router popup error issue because I already open up butterfly)

8. Game is playable, but it crash when I try to open up service menu and try to change and save certain information (like turning off free play).

9. Game also crash after eamuse logout screen. The data will not save after.

10. This lead to this question: Is there a way to resolve the crashing issue?


Here I'm just trying to clear up the issues so the results become more consistent.


what the files look.PNG

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On 17/05/2020 at 5:31 PM, Misterkister said:

Since I'm not clear on what issues I am saying earlier and I think you missed my point on what I'm trying to ask you, let me rephrase this again.


The actual issues are (and I put my processes here how I did it):


1. I basically followed your instructions (I downloaded necessary files from the links you put, I installed/extract the files to correct locations based on your instruction, butterfly is working from step 3 of your instruction, I set up controls and everything)

2. gamestart-spice.bat won't open up the game. I also don't understand why this is mentioned twice. You're basically calling the program to execute twice which it's not needed:
spice -io -ddr
spice -io -ddr -arkmdxp3.dll

3. This will lead to this question based on 1 and 2. Why is spicetool not opening up the game? I attached the log so you can check.


(This is bit irrelevant to step 1-3, but another issues occur when I try to do the alternative) 


4. So instead of using spicetool, I decided to use bemanitool to try to open up the game.

5. I download and extract the necessary files to content folder.

6. I set up the controls via config.exe, and open up gamestart-16.exe.

7. Game boots up successfully (not having router popup error issue because I already open up butterfly)

8. Game is playable, but it crash when I try to open up service menu and try to change and save certain information (like turning off free play).

9. Game also crash after eamuse logout screen. The data will not save after.

10. This lead to this question: Is there a way to resolve the crashing issue?


Here I'm just trying to clear up the issues so the results become more consistent.


what the files look.PNG

I apologise, i did not read it clearly. since you stated you got the game running.


Did you install everything including the K-Lite Codec Pack (Video Codecs)? Right?

The game needs K-Lite Codec Pack to run the backgrounds



and may i ask if possible to know your laptop specs as well?


Modifié par One Eternal Ash
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hace 8 horas, petje dijo:

OK, much clearer now

A update for the game ?

apply the patch but now pressing start on the start menu causes the game to close


[2020/05/17 17:36:38] M:ea3-pos: unknown: "/coin/service", 1
[2020/05/17 17:36:38] M:ea3-pos: unknown: slot[0]: coin 0, service 0, credit 0(0+0), from_coin 0, to_credit 0, player 0
[2020/05/17 17:36:38] M:tmrlist: pcbevent[17:36:53] - message[17:38:49] - facility[2020/05/18 05:35:49] - services[2020/05/19 05:35:49] - pcbtracker[2020/05/19 05:35:49]
[2020/05/17 17:36:38] M:ea3-pos: unknown: slot[1]: coin 0, service 0, credit 28(0+2940), from_coin 1, to_credit 4, player 1
[2020/05/17 17:36:40] W:afp-sys: "afp_layer_set_priority" layer ID 0 is not layer ID.
[2020/05/17 17:36:40] W:DDR: EXCEPTION CATCH.
[2020/05/17 17:36:40] W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
[2020/05/17 17:36:40] I:signal: printing callstack
[2020/05/17 17:36:40] I:stackwalker: 7363A64B (gamemdx): (unknown): gameMain
[2020/05/17 17:36:40] I:stackwalker: 736D71FD (gamemdx): (unknown): gameMain
[2020/05/17 17:36:40] I:stackwalker: 736B4D61 (gamemdx): (unknown): gameMain
[2020/05/17 17:36:40] I:stackwalker: 736D7257 (gamemdx): (unknown): gameMain
[2020/05/17 17:36:40] I:stackwalker: ERROR: StackWalk64-Endless-Callstack!, GetLastError: 0 (Address: 736D726B)
[2020/05/17 17:36:40] F:signal: end
[2020/05/17 17:36:40] I:launcher: stopping subsystems
[2020/05/17 17:36:41] I:rawinput: disposing devices
[2020/05/17 17:36:41] I:rawinput: destructor done
[2020/05/17 17:36:41] I:logger: stop

Modifié par wajardoxx
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Invité petje
1 hour ago, wajardoxx said:

apply the patch but now pressing start on the start menu causes the game to close


No need to YELL !!!!


There a 2 versions of DDR A20 floating around ?

A Engish and a Japanese version ?

The Japanese version. It says 2019090300, but the folder name is 2019042200.

And the update needs at least version 20190802.

Not even sure if it will work on the English version 


Backing both versions up to try the 20200203 update patch


OK tested it !!

On the English version 73 files are overwritten, and works fine !

On the Japanese version only 19 files are overwritten, and that is the one that crashes when one pushes start (green button)

I did not overwrite spice.exe, spicecfg.exe or use the included start_game_ealocal.bat


Now to compare both folders and figure out the differences !

Arkdata folder has differences and also in conf folder (not sure if crucial)


Modifié par petje
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9 hours ago, vinson77 said:

We already have these modifications. Scores can be saved on our Butterfly Server iteration. What can't be saved / unlocked right now is the Dan Courses and Golden League progression.


I can't get any scores to save. I get this in butterfly and after each set or game restart there are no scores. Any tips?


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20 minutes ago, Mexistache said:


I can't get any scores to save. I get this in butterfly and after each set or game restart there are no scores. Any tips?



What's new:

  • Tables for events are already added. Whenever you start your coin, it will announce some new songs added.
  • This version looks for the database "butterfly.sqlite" at the same directory where it's being executed. So the bat only needs the command java -jar Butterfly.jar.
  • The DB included comes from zero, but it's different from the one that the JAR generates. DDR A20 will always fail to connect to EA if you don't use the DB inside the rar.
  • It's saving scores. At least, the score for ΩVERSOUL during my play was saved. And it shows Dan progress in the card screen, @polivosm:o
  • 1st to 8th Dan available. Maybe Polivosm can lead us into Golden League and other 9th Dan, 10th Dan and Kaiden.
  • ^^^ (1st to 8th Dan Available -- This is not working on my end. One Eternal Ash also confirms that he is also having trouble with this.)
  • Sometimes it says that the card save was unsuccessful but I haven't had a problem with that. All data has been perfectly saved.
  • Added an icon I made a long time ago because I thought it looks nice as the icon for a shortcut to the bat.

Credit goes to FeelTheXtasy


NOTE: Java 8 won't be able to run this modified Butterfly Server. You need to install the latest version of Java 11.


Here's my recent screenshot that Hi-Scores can be saved using this modified Butterfly Server:


20200518 - modified butterfly server java11.png

Modifié par vinson77
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11 minutes ago, vinson77 said:


What's new:

  • Tables for events are already added. Whenever you start your coin, it will announce some new songs added.
  • This version looks for the database "butterfly.sqlite" at the same directory where it's being executed. So the bat only needs the command java -jar Butterfly.jar.
  • The DB included comes from zero, but it's different from the one that the JAR generates. DDR A20 will always fail to connect to EA if you don't use the DB inside the rar.
  • It's saving scores. At least, the score for ΩVERSOUL during my play was saved. And it shows Dan progress in the card screen, @polivosm:o
  • 1st to 8th Dan available. Maybe Polivosm can lead us into Golden League and other 9th Dan, 10th Dan and Kaiden.
  • ^^^ (1st to 8th Dan Available -- This is not working on my end. One Eternal Ash also confirms that he is also having trouble with this.)
  • Sometimes it says that the card save was unsuccessful but I haven't had a problem with that. All data has been perfectly saved.
  • Added an icon I made a long time ago because I thought it looks nice as the icon for a shortcut to the bat.

Credit goes to FeelTheXtasy


NOTE: Java 8 won't be able to run this modified Butterfly Server. You need to install the latest version of Java 11.


Here's my recent screenshot that Hi-Scores can be saved using this modified Butterfly Server:


I have downloaded this and extracted fresh. The server runs and I can make a card which saves. However, once I finish the set it says "Play data may not have saved properly", and there are no scores after using the same card/pin for the next set.

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8 minutes ago, Mexistache said:

I have downloaded this and extracted fresh. The server runs and I can make a card which saves. However, once I finish the set it says "Play data may not have saved properly", and there are no scores after using the same card/pin for the next set.

" Sometimes it says that the card save was unsuccessful but I haven't had a problem with that. All data has been perfectly saved. " - posted by the one who created this Modded Butterfly Server

Your Scores can be viewed on the Hi-Scores list. Press 1 on the Numpad. Your Hi-Score will show up.

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15 minutes ago, vinson77 said:

" Sometimes it says that the card save was unsuccessful but I haven't had a problem with that. All data has been perfectly saved. " - posted by the one who created this Modded Butterfly Server

Your Scores can be viewed on the Hi-Scores list. Press 1 on the Numpad. Your Hi-Score will show up.

Gotcha. So it currently saves Hi-Scores and not your personal scores. So on future plays you do not see the song played in your personal scores just the machine/area/world scores.

Here's hoping for more progress in the future! Thanks

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Yes. You're welcome.


Hoping that this certain person will eventually decide to share his build to the Public in the near future. He completely gone dark 4 days ago. :P


His build can save personal scores as well as save your progression on the Dan Courses.

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hace 1 hora, petje dijo:

No need to YELL !!!!


There a 2 versions of DDR A20 floating around ?

A Engish and a Japanese version ?

The Japanese version. It says 2019090300, but the folder name is 2019042200.

And the update needs at least version 20190802.

Not even sure if it will work on the English version 


Backing both versions up to try the 20200203 update patch


OK tested it !!

On the English version 73 files are overwritten, and works fine !

On the Japanese version only 19 files are overwritten, and that is the one that crashes when one pushes start (green button)

I did not overwrite spice.exe, spicecfg.exe or use the included start_game_ealocal.bat


Now to compare both folders and figure out the differences !

Arkdata folder has differences and also in conf folder (not sure if crucial)

my version is MDX-001-2019042200 any solution? 

hace 1 hora, petje dijo:



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Invité petje
23 minutes ago, wajardoxx said:

my version is MDX-001-2019042200 any solution? 


That is the wrong version.

When i merge the difference from the English version to the Japanese version, the game works again BUT as soon as a song starts it is completed !


So your only solution is to re-extract your old Japanese files again and not update, or find the correct English 2019090300 version and update to 2020020300

Modifié par petje
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3 hours ago, One Eternal Ash said:

I apologise, i did not read it clearly. since you stated you got the game running.


Did you install everything including the K-Lite Codec Pack (Video Codecs)? Right?

The game needs K-Lite Codec Pack to run the backgrounds



and may i ask if possible to know your laptop specs as well?


Yes, I installed everything include K-Lite Code Pack. The backgrounds are not the issue here.


Laptop Specs are in the attachment.


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Invité petje
On 8/10/2019 at 1:00 AM, NoKey said:

This is playable dump ?

The original post on page 1 can not be updated (at least i know not how) 

Yes it is playable, but not updateable to version 2020020300 because it is version 2019042200 and the update needs at least version 2019080200


Modifié par petje
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I guess that everyone that are claiming that the other fork of Butterfly isn't working, haven't edited prop\ea3-config.xml and updated their network brackets...


    <!-- XRPC のバッファサイズ。 -->
    <sz_xrpc_buf __type="u32">102400</sz_xrpc_buf>
    <!-- https を使うかどうか。 -->
    <ssl __type="bool">1</ssl>


Originally, Butterfly asked for <ssl __type="bool">0</ssl>. Did you all try to change that because the Butterfly build that I posted REQUIRED the bool attribute?

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3 hours ago, FeelTheXtasy said:

I guess that everyone that are claiming that the other fork of Butterfly isn't working, haven't edited prop\ea3-config.xml and updated their network brackets...


    <!-- XRPC のバッファサイズ。 -->
    <sz_xrpc_buf __type="u32">102400</sz_xrpc_buf>
    <!-- https を使うかどうか。 -->
    <ssl __type="bool">1</ssl>


Originally, Butterfly asked for <ssl __type="bool">0</ssl>. Did you all try to change that because the Butterfly build that I posted REQUIRED the bool attribute?

These configurations had already been added on my ea3-config.xml prior to the release of 2019090300 and 2020020300:


    <ssl __type="bool">1</ssl>


. Personal Score on Songs not saving

. Dan Courses can't be unlocked (2nd Dan - 8th Dan)

Modifié par vinson77
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8 hours ago, Misterkister said:

Yes, I installed everything include K-Lite Code Pack. The backgrounds are not the issue here.


Laptop Specs are in the attachment.


from your issue:
Is there a way to turn off Free Play because whenever I tried to change it in-game, it basically crashed and the settings wasn't saved. Pretty much I'm forced to just play 3 songs (no access to extra stages)


Same with the data not actually saving after I play 3 songs (it crashed after the eamuse logout screen).


The game is playable, just want it to keep it consistent.


So basically it crashes regardless whatever you do. Then obviously this would be an laptop issue. Pretty much most of ppl here who follow the tutorial got it to work flawlessly and somehow you with a gaming laptop couldn’t (because it should work) unless you did something that made it crash (combine old data with new data etc.)

Modifié par One Eternal Ash
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Delete the contents of the /nvram folder.


When I tried to add some missing files from the 2019090300 package and re-applied the 2020020300 update earlier this morning... my copy won't get pass the Test Mode check on game boot-up. After deleting the contents of the /nvram folder... everything went back to normal.

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5 minutes ago, vinson77 said:


Delete the contents of the /nvram folder.


When I tried to add some missing files from the 2019090300 package and re-applied the 2020020300 update earlier this morning... my copy won't get pass the Test Mode check on game boot-up. After deleting the contents of the /nvram folder... everything went back to normal.


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I've been with the emulation scene since 1998. It's much better now compared to those olden days. :P We can't blame them though as there were a lot of douche that steals the hard work of the contributors...

Modifié par vinson77
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3 hours ago, vinson77 said:

I've been with the emulation scene since 1998. It's much better now compared to those olden days. :P We can't blame them though as there were a lot of douche that steals the hard work of the contributors...

Indeed, 👍. Anyways, I’m hoping that A20 Machines comes around early December 2020 (Europe) with upgrade kits and possibly e-amusement.

Modifié par One Eternal Ash
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Il y a 12 heures, petje a dit :

No need to YELL !!!!


There a 2 versions of DDR A20 floating around ?

A Engish and a Japanese version ?

The Japanese version. It says 2019090300, but the folder name is 2019042200.

And the update needs at least version 20190802.

Not even sure if it will work on the English version 


Backing both versions up to try the 20200203 update patch


OK tested it !!

On the English version 73 files are overwritten, and works fine !

On the Japanese version only 19 files are overwritten, and that is the one that crashes when one pushes start (green button)

I did not overwrite spice.exe, spicecfg.exe or use the included start_game_ealocal.bat


Now to compare both folders and figure out the differences !

Arkdata folder has differences and also in conf folder (not sure if crucial)


ENGLISH VERSION? What is that english version where do I get that?

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Invité petje
3 hours ago, piotr25691 said:

ENGLISH VERSION? What is that english version where do I get that?

When correctly updated, one can choose 3 languages, English included


One can NOT update the version from page 1 to version 2020020300 !

It will break the game !

Check foldername of the page 1 version,  2019042200 !

Not updateable to version 2020020300 because it is version 2019042200 and the update needs at least version 2019080200

As far as i can tell, still missing 3 videos or even more songs ?



Any chance we can get the missing difficulty and video elements?

Probably not, this update is ghetto af so the we probably wont get the missing stuff


Four months of "missing updates" ? 


Modifié par petje
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The latest update on DDR A20 Machines is 2020020300. There were no known future updates released after February 2020 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic that came on March 2020.

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