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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 30/07/2020 Ă  15:43, piotr25691 a dit :

I wonder when a slightly newer dump gets released... I can't just stay on a year-old dump for long!


what we have is better than nothing, we can't expect the rest until next year.


if you want to experience it, go to the arcades and play the CHALLENGE Carnival.

Modifié par One Eternal Ash
  Le 31/07/2020 Ă  00:52, One Eternal Ash a dit :

what we have is better than nothing, we can't expect the rest until next year.

if you want to experience it, go to arcades and play the CHALLENGE Carnival.


Disclaimer: Don't actually do this.. yet :P


Also, if n-0 gets leaked, it gets leaked. But don't count on that.

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 31/07/2020 Ă  06:46, Romboyz a dit :

Disclaimer: Don't actually do this.. yet :P


Also, if n-0 gets leaked, it gets leaked. But don't count on that.


Right, either way. I'm not expecting anything new until next year.

Modifié par One Eternal Ash

Also, I don't know how modding arcade data works, but I supose that it will be "easy" or at least possible to add those challenge charts to the existings song? 

Posté(e) (modifié)

You know that the V1 assets are for the Gold version of A20 and the V2 assets are from the Blue version right? So the Fast/Slow/Judgement/Combo Numbers from V2 are correct for the Blue version. So I'm not sure why you'd want to change them?

Modifié par bman
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 01/08/2020 Ă  14:59, bman a dit :

You know that the V1 assets are for the Gold version of A20 and the V2 assets are from the Blue version right? So the Fast/Slow/Judgement/Combo Numbers from V2 are correct for the Blue version. So I'm not sure why you'd want to change them?





Yes, am aware as I have noticed it too.

I viewed videos from YouTube (as seen in my prepared screenshots) and even on the Blue Cab, v2 looked more correct from my point of view, as well as actual experience playing at the arcades. We don't have Gold Cab in our area.


Nonetheless it is a matter of opinion and preference. Ultimately, having options is always a good thing. :)

Modifié par topet2k12001

There's no problem with you changing it for yourself but you mentioned you were going to integrate it into your pack so some people that use that might prefer the originals.

  Le 01/08/2020 Ă  15:08, bman a dit :

There's no problem with you changing it for yourself but you mentioned you were going to integrate it into your pack so some people that use that might prefer the originals.



Oh i'm updating the DDR A20 Update Pack as well, function-wise. It will be featuring the ability for users to make their selections based on their preferences. Stay tuned!

Posté(e) (modifié)


Hi Guys,


I stand corrected.


I was able to watch a YouTube video of what seems like a "stream" or direct line-out from the machine (Blue Cab), so I got a clearer view of the visuals. The current assets in the current Combo Fix zip file is the same as in the Blue Cab arcade machines/cabinets. That being said, I have retracted my previous post. Below is a screenshot of the clearer view of the actual Blue Cab. It came from this YouTube video.


Nonetheless, I will keep the link to my personal version available for anyone who wishes to use them as a matter of personal preference. Link



tagging @bman @tw3nz0r  (FYI)

Modifié par topet2k12001

Hi everyone,


Sorry for the delay; likewise I'm publishing the latest DDR A20 Update Pack!


Click me!


Version: 1.1.0
Date: August 4, 2020

  1. FIX: Twinkle Wonderland not appearing in Song Selection
  2. FIX: added pristine copies of "Dance Combo," "Fast/Slow," and "Judgment" images (assets) to the main Update Pack, so the "combo fix" is now bulit-in with the Update Pack (credits to @tw3nz0r)
  3. FIX: set folder (and all sub-folders/files) to clear "Read-Only" attribute whenever ddr.exe is run
  4. FIX: added copy-paste of configuration XML files
  5. NEW: version bump due to expansion of compatibility (now offers Blue and Gold cab types)
  6. NEW: User-selectable features
    • Cabinet Type (Blue Cab or Gold Cab)
    • Spicetools or Bemanitools
    • HD (High-Definition) or SD (Standard Definition - Blue Cab Mode only)
    • Fullscreen or Windowed

Hi everyone,


IMPORTANT: for those who downloaded about 2 hours ago, please download ddr.exe again. I made a few changes to it (same link):


Click me!


Version: 1.1.1 (hotfix)
Date: August 4, 2020

  1. FIX: Blue Cab mode still needs the "crash during card screen" fix; re-applied this on the Blue Cab mode file
  2. FIX: Did away with 7zip so that there are no more dependencies with 7zip (this decision also helped reduce the filesize of ddr.exe a little bit)

Thanks to @HellsingKo for reporting the issues!


  Le 04/08/2020 Ă  08:19, topet2k12001 a dit :

Hi everyone,


Sorry for the delay; likewise I'm publishing the latest DDR A20 Update Pack!


Click me!


Version: 1.1.0
Date: August 4, 2020

  1. FIX: Twinkle Wonderland not appearing in Song Selection
  2. FIX: added pristine copies of "Dance Combo," "Fast/Slow," and "Judgment" images (assets) to the main Update Pack, so the "combo fix" is now bulit-in with the Update Pack (credits to @tw3nz0r)
  3. FIX: set folder (and all sub-folders/files) to clear "Read-Only" attribute whenever ddr.exe is run
  4. FIX: added copy-paste of configuration XML files
  5. NEW: version bump due to expansion of compatibility (now offers Blue and Gold cab types)
  6. NEW: User-selectable features
    • Cabinet Type (Blue Cab or Gold Cab)
    • Spicetools or Bemanitools
    • HD (High-Definition) or SD (Standard Definition - Blue Cab Mode only)
    • Fullscreen or Windowed
Posté(e) (modifié)

For those who are curious, interested, dubious, or paranoid (;)), ddr.exe is nothing more than automation.


Automation in general has the objective of efficiency (ability to perform a task with the least amount of confusion), so this can be used by anyone.


There is no "magic." Essentially, all of the steps that ddr.exe will be performing automatically are the same steps that everyone has been doing manually in the past and since the steps are already well-known and established at this point in time, then it only follows that automating it is very possible and can/should be done.


It is a constantly-evolving file because it is updated based on actual experiences and feedback by members.


For your peace of mind, this is what ddr.exe (version 1.1.1) does:



  1. Start butterfly minimized
  2. Delete existing copies of Bemanitools and Spicetools
  3. Unpack new files for use throughout the script into a temporary location
  4. Show intro messages (to allow time for butterfly to fully initiate)
  5. Register DLLs (and clean up temp files it created)
  6. Copy-paste of config files (and clean up temp files it created)
  7. Configure butterfly database (and clean up temp files it created)
  8. Back up user's current gamemdx.dll file
  9. Warn/remind the user about making a manual, extra backup of gamemdx.dll and pause the script to allow the user to make a personal backup
  10. Ask user for preferred cabinet type/mode and apply the proper gamemdx.dll file based on the user's choice
  11. Ask user for preferred game launcher and startup settings:
    • Blue Cab mode
      • Spicetools
        • HD (high-definition) mode, fullscreen
        • HD (high-definition) mode, windowed
        • SD (standard definition) mode, fullscreen
        • SD (standard definition) mode, windowed
      • Bemanitools
        • HD (high-definition) mode, fullscreen
        • HD (high-definition) mode, windowed
        • SD (standard definition) mode, fullscreen
        • SD (standard definition) mode, windowed
    • Gold Cab mode
      • Same choices as Blue Cab mode EXCEPT the choices for SD (standard definition), so there will only be four (4) choices instead of eight (8)
  12. Delete all remaining temp files created/used
  13. Clear the "Read Only" attribute of the game folder and all its sub-directories and files
  14. Start the game based on user's selection


Modifié par topet2k12001
Posté(e) (modifié)



Common technical issues


Q: Your ddr.exe is not generating the butterfly local server/file.

A: Make sure Java 8 is installed (reference post).


Q: The game crashes, and I see "F:saveXML: libXml : save file failed" in the log.txt.

A: You ran ddr.exe as Administrator (you did a right-click and then Run as Administrator). It should be run only as a User (simply double-click the file). To fix, right-click on "contents" folder and uncheck "Read Only" and apply it to all sub-folders/directories and files (reference screenshot below) (reference post).




Q: The game crashes, and I see "EXCEPTION ACCESS VIOLATION" in the log.txt

A: There are various causes to this, but the most common cause of this is you have been modifying stuff in the game or downloading and adding stuff (reference post)


Q: I see only a black background during the song selection menu

A: You failed to register two (2) DLL files that come with the game, both located in the "com" sub-folder: k-clvsd.dll and xactengine2_10.dll. Some would recommend for you to install codec packs but do take note that simply registering the DLLs is a more lightweight solution (and it is the default process as well).


Q: Butterfly gives me an error message saying something like " Address already in use: bind"

A: When running Spicetools or Bemanitools, make sure that you didn't add the "-ea" switch/option to the startup command. Or, you may have run a different "local server" like EA Local Server or something else. These will conflict with butterfly local server because all of them use Port 80 usually/by default (reference post).


Q: I'm seeing "Confirming network connection status" at the lower-left part of the screen during the startup/DDR logo

A: You either failed to run butterfly, or when you ran butterfly nothing happened. In the event that you are SURE that you did run butterfly, check if a database file named "butterfly.sqlite" was generated in your main game folder. If not, then it means you don't have Java 8 installed (reference photo) (reference post).


Modifié par topet2k12001

Spicetools or Bemanitools?


In layman's terms, both tools were created with the same purpose which is to run Bemani games (DDR being one of those Bemani games). Think of them as two different brands offering the same product. :)


What is Spicetools:



SpiceTools is a toolkit allowing users to play several Konami games on their PC, typically of the arcade variety with the focus being on BEMANI games.



What Bemanitools: from the included REAMDE file...



A collection of tools to run [various Bemani arcade games](#list-of-supported-games).



Feel free to try either of them. :)



Okay guys, everything happening so fast! Same link!


Click me!


Version 1.1.3
Date: August 4, 2020

1. FIX: found a loophole where a user can type any character/number in the selection/user input fields, causing the launcher to close unexpectedly



(I just finished uploading version 1.1.2 but immediately realized the loophole, so as of this writing you'll see version 1.1.3 when you click the link.)
Version: 1.1.2
Date: August 4, 2020

1. FIX: changed filename convention as previous version is being erroneously flagged as "positive" for virus


  Le 04/08/2020 Ă  11:19, topet2k12001 a dit :

Hi everyone,


IMPORTANT: for those who downloaded about 2 hours ago, please download ddr.exe again. I made a few changes to it (same link):


Click me!


Version: 1.1.1 (hotfix)
Date: August 4, 2020

  1. FIX: Blue Cab mode still needs the "crash during card screen" fix; re-applied this on the Blue Cab mode file
  2. FIX: Did away with 7zip so that there are no more dependencies with 7zip (this decision also helped reduce the filesize of ddr.exe a little bit)

Thanks to @HellsingKo for reporting the issues!





Posté(e) (modifié)

Sorry for asking friends,  but I have the "2020 patch", Do I need to have the 2019 version to use this pack with all those features like selectable skin, removed songs,new songs, etc...?   I like the new 2020 graphics like the slim lifebars. 

Modifié par axel093
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 04/08/2020 Ă  20:27, axel093 a dit :

Sorry for asking friends,  but I have the "2020 patch", Do I need to have the 2019 version to use this pack with all those features like selectable skin, removed songs,new songs, etc...?   I like the new 2020 graphics like the slim lifebars. 



Short answer: use the DDR A20 Update Pack. It has all that you need.


Long answer:

It has been mentioned in this thread that the "2020 patch" is a fan-made "patch." You can use it at your own risk. In essence, this "2020 patch" is based off the 2019090300 data dump.

By "selectable skin" do you mean the "Fast/Slow, Judgment, Combo" images (assets)? I decided to share it as a separate post and didn't include it in the official project. But yes it will generally work.


Other features like "removed/new" songs are available only in the official project (DDR A20 Update Pack).


If you use the DDR A20 Update Pack, it will overwrite any same files that you already have. Also the DDR A20 Update Pack already includes whatever is useful from the 2019 and the 2020 patches/dumps. Everything is actually explained in the README.txt of the Update Pack. I carefully and specifically listed which files from the 2019/2020 are used/included in the DDR A20 Update Pack.

Also join our Discord Chat Group; link has been provided above/previous few pages.

Modifié par topet2k12001
Posté(e) (modifié)

EDIT: I made a singular script that takes care of both locking/unlocking. This way there's only one file to maintain instead of two.


Introducing, DDR A.S.S. (DDR All-Song Switcher)


EDIT: revised version here (click me!)


Version 1.0.1

August 8, 2020


FIX: files are being flagged by anti-virus ("false positive"); changed to named files with file extensions (reference post).


How to use: put DDR A.S.S. right inside your main game folder ("contents") and run it.




This is going to unlock all songs in the current DDR A20 Update Pack.


Simply unlocking all songs in the startup.arc will not work so you have to use this.


All-song Unlock Enabler: click me!

All-song Unlock REVERT: click me!





This is "out-of-scope" from the DDR Update Pack Project because the DDR Update Pack Project is designed to preserve the "locks" on songs and revive/replicate the "events" that are supposed to unlock those songs. But since there are "constant requests" I wrote this only for the said purpose. This will not be published as part of the project since it goes in an "opposite direction" from the idea of the DDR Update Pack, so I am posting it here instead.





Modifié par topet2k12001
Specified where DDR A.S.S. should be placed before running
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 08/08/2020 Ă  00:10, BlueSupernova22 a dit :

says it contains a virus so...



That is a "false positive." It's because I renamed some files inside the script to not have a file extension. Windows Defender is quick to flag files without file extensions as potentially malicious.

EDIT: revised version here (click me!)


Version 1.0.1

August 8, 2020


FIX: files are being flagged by anti-virus ("false positive"); changed to named files with file extensions

Modifié par topet2k12001
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/08/2020 Ă  16:17, tw3nz0r a dit :

Or import the songs?


at the moment, i'm using EXTREME CS game on (PCSX2) so for me it's kinda hard to extract from there unless i can find a way to grab that piece and put into the DDR A20 Folder.

Modifié par One Eternal Ash
Posté(e) (modifié)


Could you please add "El Ritmo Tropical" to the song list?
The classics cannot be missed! Thank you very much!

Modifié par Patchiu

DDR A20 Update Pack new release!


Same link! Click me!


Version 1.1.4

Date: August 12, 2020

  1. NEW: selection to launch Spicetools Configuration and Bemanitools Configuration for first-time use, as well as option to skip them
  2. NEW: selection for allowing users to use their own-modified gamemdx.dll
  3. NEW: version information is now clearly written in the introduction part
  4. NEW: rewritten reminder about running the game more than once initially
  5. NEW: upon launch, DDR.exe will check if butterfly is currently running and will exit and delete it
  6. NEW: Instructional guide/walkthrough document has been created, in MS Word and in PDF formats (document version: 1.0.0)




  Le 04/08/2020 Ă  15:12, topet2k12001 a dit :

Okay guys, everything happening so fast! Same link!


Click me!


Version 1.1.3
Date: August 4, 2020

1. FIX: found a loophole where a user can type any character/number in the selection/user input fields, causing the launcher to close unexpectedly



(I just finished uploading version 1.1.2 but immediately realized the loophole, so as of this writing you'll see version 1.1.3 when you click the link.)
Version: 1.1.2
Date: August 4, 2020

1. FIX: changed filename convention as previous version is being erroneously flagged as "positive" for virus






  Le 05/08/2020 Ă  06:28, topet2k12001 a dit :

EDIT: I made a singular script that takes care of both locking/unlocking. This way there's only one file to maintain instead of two.


Introducing, DDR A.S.S. (DDR All-Song Switcher)


EDIT: revised version here (click me!)


Version 1.0.1

August 8, 2020


FIX: files are being flagged by anti-virus ("false positive"); changed to named files with file extensions (reference post).



This is "out-of-scope" from the DDR Update Pack Project because the DDR Update Pack Project is designed to preserve the "locks" on songs and revive/replicate the "events" that are supposed to unlock those songs. But since there are "constant requests" I wrote this only for the said purpose. This will not be published as part of the project since it goes in an "opposite direction" from the idea of the DDR Update Pack, so I am posting it here instead.







In which location do I have to put the DDR A.S.S?

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 12/08/2020 Ă  14:49, Taitox3 a dit :


In which location do I have to put the DDR A.S.S?



That would be right inside the main game folder ("contents"); thanks for asking...I should be specifying that. I'll edit my post.

EDIT: done. Original post has been edited to specify that DDR A.S.S. should be placed inside the main game folder ("contents") before running.

Modifié par topet2k12001
  Le 12/08/2020 Ă  14:51, topet2k12001 a dit :


That would be right inside the main game folder ("contents"); thanks for asking...I should be specifying that. I'll edit my post.

EDIT: done. Original post has been edited to specify that DDR A.S.S. should be placed inside the main game folder ("contents") before running.


Thanks, will try now.

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