kanor Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Le 16/07/2020 à 03:38, tw3nz0r a dit : Sure. I can't even find a Stepmania conversion, a video, nothing about this stepchart, but someone wrote how many steps each difficulty has. The only copy of Twinkle Wonderland's files I have are from 2016030100 preload data, which has the xwb/xsb sound files, the jacket in arc format, and the thumbnail within the jacket_thumbnails_ja_17.arc file. Here's the musicdb info. <music> <mcode __type="u32">38093</mcode> <basename>twiw</basename> <title>Twinkle Wonderland</title> <artist>Qrispy Joybox feat.Sana</artist> <bpmmax __type="u16">188</bpmmax> <series __type="u8">17</series> <bemaniflag __type="u32">26</bemaniflag> <limited __type="u8">2</limited> <diffLv __type="u8" __count="10">0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0</diffLv> </music> Développer I'll try to find it!
topet2k12001 Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Le 16/07/2020 à 03:40, kanor a dit : I'll try to find it! Développer Me too, sir @tw3nz0r. Although I have a feeling @kanor will beat me to it (he's the data guy in the group hahaha)...
kanor Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Le 16/07/2020 à 04:01, topet2k12001 a dit : Me too, sir @tw3nz0r. Although I have a feeling @kanor will beat me to it (he's the data guy in the group hahaha)... Développer Le 16/07/2020 à 03:38, tw3nz0r a dit : Sure. I can't even find a Stepmania conversion, a video, nothing about this stepchart, but someone wrote how many steps each difficulty has. The only copy of Twinkle Wonderland's files I have are from 2016030100 preload data, which has the xwb/xsb sound files, the jacket in arc format, and the thumbnail within the jacket_thumbnails_ja_17.arc file. Here's the musicdb info. <music> <mcode __type="u32">38093</mcode> <basename>twiw</basename> <title>Twinkle Wonderland</title> <artist>Qrispy Joybox feat.Sana</artist> <bpmmax __type="u16">188</bpmmax> <series __type="u8">17</series> <bemaniflag __type="u32">26</bemaniflag> <limited __type="u8">2</limited> <diffLv __type="u8" __count="10">0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0</diffLv> </music> Développer Hello sirs! @tw3nz0r @topet2k12001 So I found a video of the song (Stepmania, Edit Steps) in YouTube: I know this isn't what you're looking for, but the "vital" piece of this share would be the "difficulty/levels" of the song. I am speculating/assuming that the levels shown during the video are the supposed levels but it's just that the steps are edited since the stepchart is too difficult compared to the level shown in the video. Single: 2 5 6 8 9 although I'm not sure if the official steps has a Challenge Mode. We can find that out once we find the SSQ anyway. Just sharing because I might forget this link and it "might" be useful. I'll keep you guys posted if/when I find the SSQ. 2
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 (modifié) Yes, you're gonna find custom charts for this, that's not what I'm looking for. There's already 3 different charts in ZIVs database. And no, there's no challenge steps. Modifié le 16 juillet 2020 par tw3nz0r 2
kanor Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Le 16/07/2020 à 06:22, tw3nz0r a dit : Yes, you're gonna find custom charts for this, that's not what I'm looking for. There's already 3 different charts in ZIVs database. And no, there's no challenge steps. Développer Understood @tw3nz0r. I'm still looking for it (and I think I may have, but give me more time...). That video I found is more of for us to base the "difficulty levels" when we write the entry into musicdb. I'll update you sirs!
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Le 16/07/2020 à 06:24, kanor a dit : Understood @tw3nz0r. I'm still looking for it (and I think I may have, but give me more time...). That video I found is more of for us to base the "difficulty levels" when we write the entry into musicdb. I'll update you sirs! Développer You can base the difficulty levels when you find the actual charts, not on someones custom. 1
kanor Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Le 16/07/2020 à 06:46, tw3nz0r a dit : You can base the difficulty levels when you find the actual charts, not on someones custom. Développer Makes sense...just a little more and I think I got this! 2
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Le 16/07/2020 à 06:53, kanor a dit : Makes sense...just a little more and I think I got this! Développer And just like that @kanor came through! (Placeholder difficulties, if someone wants to suggest better ones, I welcome it.) Twinkle Wonderland will be included in a future update pack from @topet2k12001 3
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2020 (modifié) As requested (by me), Twinkle Wonderland has its beatstream video. Modifié le 16 juillet 2020 par tw3nz0r 1
topet2k12001 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 (modifié) Fresh and hot, everyone!!! DDR A20 Update Pack Version: 1.0.8 Date: July 17, 2020 NEW: added a new song, "Twinkle Wonderland" https://remywiki.com/Twinkle_Wonderland FIX: fixed versioning (previous) entries Credits: @tw3nz0r and @kanor for all the needed files to bring this "unreleased" DDR A song to life! Modifié le 17 juillet 2020 par topet2k12001 added the download link 1
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 I've done my part. Time to disappear until new fixes are necessary. Or if @kanor finds more content I don't have. 2
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 (modifié) Twinkle Wonderland's video (again), with a fixed resolution (DDR uses 640x360 for widescreen videos, my bad.) https://mega.nz/file/c4pxzYIL#Jgq2yCvu4NSBuJ2umfbm_-FS3lH_5IKBDmY1cK8L8tY Midnight War's video -- thanks Konami for having this on YouTube. Going to replace this with the copy from rootage, one moment. No change to startup.arc should be needed since the script should be intact, if it doesn't play, simply add <movie __type="u8">1</movie>. An official copy of this will definitely trump this, but hey, minus the Konami and eamusement logos, it's essentially perfect until @kanor finds midw_w.m2v. Modifié le 17 juillet 2020 par tw3nz0r
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 We don't have song data for ラブキラ☆スプラッシュ yet, but here's a video for it, thanks again for Konami uploading it to YouTube. If we eventually get the いちかのBEMANI超じゃんけん大会2020 songs, and this video is missing, then hey we'll have a temporary replacement for the time being. https://mega.nz/file/Q8hDXAgB#pdPGlVagPD-npaFDJcxU9k_vLma41OSevXx3NX1JL7w 1
hammmertime Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 (modifié) Hey, can anyone help me out on converting .sm files to .ssq? Modifié le 17 juillet 2020 par hammmertime
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Le 17/07/2020 à 02:47, hammmertime a dit : Hey, can anyone help me out on converting .sm files to .ssq? Développer No, that is entirely out of the scope of anything posted here.
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 (modifié) Midnight War's video, from IIDX 26 rootage. https://mega.nz/file/1xB00Yja#nT685xQR-cLSvIddBZf3LlWBVT3ER0JdtxoFudun0Uk No change to startup.arc should be needed since the script should be intact, if it doesn't play, simply add <movie __type="u8">1</movie>. This is better quality than converting the YouTube version, and more accurate. Modifié le 17 juillet 2020 par tw3nz0r 2
kanor Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Le 17/07/2020 à 01:29, tw3nz0r a dit : I've done my part. Time to disappear until new fixes are necessary. Or if @kanor finds more content I don't have. Développer Please do stop by from time to time sir! 1
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 (modifié) Definitely not happy with this one, but it.. 'works'. The History of the Future. https://mega.nz/file/N8R0SCIA#rGt5GRP4UN3FjUbMyp-e5DSqvNlivWAN_PlGI-7dPQY Add <movie __type="u8">1</movie> and <movieoffset __type="u32">512</movieoffset> to the entry. To round out of the videos, if you want to use the one for Reiwa / ゴールデンボンバー posted earlier in this thread, add <movieoffset __type="u32">4096</movieoffset>. Modifié le 17 juillet 2020 par tw3nz0r 2
topet2k12001 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Le 17/07/2020 à 01:29, tw3nz0r a dit : I've done my part. Time to disappear until new fixes are necessary. Or if @kanor finds more content I don't have. Développer Le 17/07/2020 à 02:41, tw3nz0r a dit : Twinkle Wonderland's video (again), with a fixed resolution (DDR uses 640x360 for widescreen videos, my bad.) https://mega.nz/file/c4pxzYIL#Jgq2yCvu4NSBuJ2umfbm_-FS3lH_5IKBDmY1cK8L8tY Midnight War's video -- thanks Konami for having this on YouTube. Going to replace this with the copy from rootage, one moment. No change to startup.arc should be needed since the script should be intact, if it doesn't play, simply add <movie __type="u8">1</movie>. An official copy of this will definitely trump this, but hey, minus the Konami and eamusement logos, it's essentially perfect until @kanor finds midw_w.m2v. Développer Le 17/07/2020 à 02:47, tw3nz0r a dit : We don't have song data for ラブキラ☆スプラッシュ yet, but here's a video for it, thanks again for Konami uploading it to YouTube. If we eventually get the いちかのBEMANI超じゃんけん大会2020 songs, and this video is missing, then hey we'll have a temporary replacement for the time being. https://mega.nz/file/Q8hDXAgB#pdPGlVagPD-npaFDJcxU9k_vLma41OSevXx3NX1JL7w Développer Le 17/07/2020 à 03:06, tw3nz0r a dit : Midnight War's video, from IIDX 26 rootage. https://mega.nz/file/1xB00Yja#nT685xQR-cLSvIddBZf3LlWBVT3ER0JdtxoFudun0Uk No change to startup.arc should be needed since the script should be intact, if it doesn't play, simply add <movie __type="u8">1</movie>. This is better quality than converting the YouTube version, and more accurate. Développer Le 17/07/2020 à 03:39, tw3nz0r a dit : Definitely not happy with this one, but it.. 'works'. The History of the Future. https://mega.nz/file/N8R0SCIA#rGt5GRP4UN3FjUbMyp-e5DSqvNlivWAN_PlGI-7dPQY Add <movie __type="u8">1</movie> and <movieoffset __type="u32">512</movieoffset> to the entry. To round out of the videos, if you want to use the one for Reiwa / ゴールデンボンバー posted earlier in this thread, add <movieoffset __type="u32">4096</movieoffset>. Développer We'll incorporate those files, sir. Again thanks sir...you've always been a valuable resource person. I second @kanor's motion...please stop by from time to time, and we'll just be here as always. 2
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 (modifié) The History of the Future's video has been updated, use the same link. It's as good as I'm going to get it from that video source. Same offset and stuff. Modifié le 17 juillet 2020 par tw3nz0r 2
topet2k12001 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Le 17/07/2020 à 07:15, tw3nz0r a dit : The History of the Future's video has been updated, use the same link. It's as good as I'm going to get it from that video source. Same offset and stuff. Développer Link no longer available, sir.
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Le 17/07/2020 à 08:34, topet2k12001 a dit : Link no longer available, sir. Développer That's what I get for trying to upload in-place, and then delete the old one... https://mega.nz/file/Z4ABjSBA#jbdLU1EBUB0d8_mdHdp5sz18whT_NuVFO8iLin58JP0 1
topet2k12001 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Le 17/07/2020 à 14:55, tw3nz0r a dit : That's what I get for trying to upload in-place, and then delete the old one... https://mega.nz/file/Z4ABjSBA#jbdLU1EBUB0d8_mdHdp5sz18whT_NuVFO8iLin58JP0 Développer Got it now, thanks sir!
B4SH-T Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Thanks a lot guys, Midnight war is the one I was missing :D 1
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Le 17/07/2020 à 16:28, B4SH-T a dit : Thanks a lot guys, Midnight war is the one I was missing :D Développer Do you have a better The History of the Future @B4SH-T?
B4SH-T Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 (modifié) Le 17/07/2020 à 17:05, tw3nz0r a dit : Do you have a better The History of the Future @B4SH-T? Développer Sadly nope, I haven't mentioned that I had history's video before, because is very crappy tbh *Source video is the same one uploaded in youtube, just cropped to don't show the UI Modifié le 17 juillet 2020 par B4SH-T
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juillet 2020 Ah, that's what my first version was like, but I ultimately went with a blurred version, lol. I'm happy with the overall result, but the encode is very weak to begin with. If someone stitched a newer version from a higher quality version it wouldn't look as bad.
Bloodwraythe Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 So im completely new to emulating arcade games, but i downloaded the files and followed the instructions for putting in the update for A20 as well as the things to put in the options tab on spice tools however each time i load the game it refuses to let me continue due to it trying to connect to network on the title screen. Any tips?
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 Le 19/07/2020 à 05:15, Bloodwraythe a dit : So im completely new to emulating arcade games, but i downloaded the files and followed the instructions for putting in the update for A20 as well as the things to put in the options tab on spice tools however each time i load the game it refuses to let me continue due to it trying to connect to network on the title screen. Any tips? Développer Now I see why he made this. Run @topet2k12001's "ddr.exe" Also, it's not emulation. 2
Bloodwraythe Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 i ran the ddr.exe and it loaded up and sat at the title screen saying connecting
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 Did you edit prop\ea3-config.xml to point the services url to localhost? 1
kanor Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 (modifié) Le 19/07/2020 à 05:15, Bloodwraythe a dit : So im completely new to emulating arcade games, but i downloaded the files and followed the instructions for putting in the update for A20 as well as the things to put in the options tab on spice tools however each time i load the game it refuses to let me continue due to it trying to connect to network on the title screen. Any tips? Développer Please share the following: Actual message (or take a picture/screenshot) In the main game folder ("contents") there's supposed to be a file named log.txt. Please share that one too. How exactly did you start the game (please enumerate the steps)? Using Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Users\yourusernameAppData\Roaming and look for a file named spicetools.xml. Please share it here as well. Le 19/07/2020 à 05:50, tw3nz0r a dit : Now I see why he made this. Développer Indeed hehehe. Le 19/07/2020 à 05:54, tw3nz0r a dit : Did you edit prop\ea3-config.xml to point the services url to localhost? Développer @Bloodwraythe this one too. Inside the game folder ("contents") look for the "prop" folder and inside there's a file named ea3-config.xml (you can open it using Notepad++ app). Look somewhere past Line #10...your "services" should have an entry like so: <network> <!-- XRPC のバッファサイズ。 --> <sz_xrpc_buf __type="u32">102400</sz_xrpc_buf> <!-- https を使うかどうか。 --> <ssl __type="bool">1</ssl> <services>http://localhost</services> </network> Modifié le 19 juillet 2020 par kanor
Bloodwraythe Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 Im going to find the instructions again and do a fresh start and see where it takes me
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 And that's why I don't bother helping anyone @kanor.
eeeeeeeeeeee Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 (modifié) Hey!!!!!! Hope this doesn't come as a strange and impossible idea. I've got the 2019090300 HDD with the Blue gamemdx.dll provided by @B4SH-T running perfectly with butterfly. I have a bit of a question now that everything is up and running. Is there a way to insert card from the app NFCeAmuse (wonder if anyone knows about it here) with the BemaniTools 5***** eamio.dll on (which actually let's you use the NFeAmuse app from your android device) while being connected to butterfly, kind of using the WiFi connection feature that the app has as some kind of bridge for it? Does anybody know about that? Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!! Modifié le 19 juillet 2020 par eeeeeeeeeeee
kanor Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 (modifié) Le 19/07/2020 à 10:26, eeeeeeeeeeee a dit : Hey!!!!!! Hope this doesn't come as a strange and impossible idea. I've got the 2019090300 HDD with the Blue gamemdx.dll provided by @B4SH-T running perfectly with butterfly. I have a bit of a question now that everything is up and running. Is there a way to insert card from the app NFCeAmuse (wonder if anyone knows about it here) with the SpiceTools 5 eamio.dll on (which actually let's you use the NFeAmuse app from your android device)? Does anybody know about that? Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!! Développer Ah you mean the "Spice Companion" app in Play Store where your phone can act as the NFC Reader. I know my friends have already configured this (and with video as proof) but I didn't bother asking (yet) since we were busy with something else (as you can see in the thread). We practically just smoothened the game (to our satisfaction) only very recently. So to be honest, no, we haven't taken a look at it yet. Ah, here you go: http://bemani.guide/extras/spiceguide/#spicecompanion Modifié le 19 juillet 2020 par kanor
One Eternal Ash Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2020 Le 19/07/2020 à 10:26, eeeeeeeeeeee a dit : Hey!!!!!! Hope this doesn't come as a strange and impossible idea. I've got the 2019090300 HDD with the Blue gamemdx.dll provided by @B4SH-T running perfectly with butterfly. I have a bit of a question now that everything is up and running. Is there a way to insert card from the app NFCeAmuse (wonder if anyone knows about it here) with the SpiceTools 5 eamio.dll on (which actually let's you use the NFeAmuse app from your android device) using the WiFi feature as some kind of bridge for it? Does anybody know about that? Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!! Développer So i'm assume that you have a clean startup.arc of 2019090300? Correct?
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