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  Le 15/05/2020 à 20:04, BlueSupernova22 a dit :

does anyone know how to get butterfly working like AT ALL? because seriously it will absolutely not work for me no matter how many times I followed the instructions (and before you ask YES I have java)


butterfly error.png


Can i see your run_server.bat file, gamestart-spice.bat and ea3-config.xml. Print Screen for me plz

Posté(e) (modifié)

connecting the game to the butterfly server is not my issue but instead just cannot get the butterfly server itself running at all

and i got these files from your link



Modifié par BlueSupernova22
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 15/05/2020 à 20:16, BlueSupernova22 a dit :

connecting the game to the butterfly server is not my issue but instead just cannot get the butterfly server itself running at all

and i got these files from your link




if that was the case, i would see this.




I'm assuming you only downloaded the butterfly, right?

Modifié par One Eternal Ash

Alright, so it turns out my unzipper utility hasn't actually unpacked all of the files, and that was my problem (I tried to mix some of the correct A20 files with my old vanilla A assets). Ash, your upload was a lifesaver. Generally if you have a working dump of A, that upload was pretty much plug-and-play.

Looking forward to the bug fixes around lamps and missing videos (or even Omnimix?!), but I have no complaints. Thanks for all the help all, and great work.

  Le 15/05/2020 à 21:18, Darkogazza a dit :

Alright, so it turns out my unzipper utility hasn't actually unpacked all of the files, and that was my problem (I tried to mix some of the correct A20 files with my old vanilla A assets). Ash, your upload was a lifesaver. Generally if you have a working dump of A, that upload was pretty much plug-and-play.

Looking forward to the bug fixes around lamps and missing videos (or even Omnimix?!), but I have no complaints. Thanks for all the help all, and great work.


You're welcome, anytime.

  Le 15/05/2020 à 20:04, BlueSupernova22 a dit :

does anyone know how to get butterfly working like AT ALL?

butterfly error.png


It's very weird, cuz you only just need to wait UNTIL it says "server - started".It happens if you start the game BEFORE the message appears, the game won't find server, you'll have to restart the game

*The text in middle on yellow is the last line on your image


Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 15/05/2020 à 22:27, BlueSupernova22 a dit :

Guys my issue is that the server NEVER EVEN STARTS it just says stuff then crashes


Snapshot - 1.png

Snapshot - 2.png


Found your issue, butterfly 1.1.0.jar and run_server.bat files must be on desktop.

you placed them on the D:\ Drive that would never work.

Modifié par One Eternal Ash
  Le 14/05/2020 à 15:25, enciso0720 a dit :


Please, can you send me the file arcutil.exe by private message? Thank You



  Le 14/05/2020 à 19:38, anonsec a dit :

Where can I find arcutil.exe? 


Well, the arcutil.exe is part of the DDR A DB Manager... but here it is:


  Le 15/05/2020 à 06:31, Darkogazza a dit :

Hm, I'm still having difficulty getting things up and running even with the fantastic post by One Eternal Ash. At this point it appears to be booting successfully but the screen just stays black and nothing ever actually appears. I assume that download should just work out of the box, with no additional files required? I'm going to try to re download it and see if I'm just having a corruption issue.


1-. Install "K-Lite Mega Codec Pack": || This will let you run even donuts on your pc / laptop.
2-. Install "Java": || This is needed to run Butterfly (And I'm assuming you downloaded Butterfly in this thread just as the modified gamemdx.dll).
3-. Make sure you run the .bat included in the DDR A20 data at least once. Because you need to register some dlls. If it's not in there, copy the following code into a notepad window, then save it as "gamestart.bat":

@echo off

cd /d %~dp0

if not exist conf\nvram mkdir conf\nvram
if not exist conf\nvram\ea3-config.xml copy prop\eamuse-config.xml conf\nvram\ea3-config.xml
if not exist conf\nvram\coin.xml copy prop\coin.xml conf\nvram\coin.xml
if not exist conf\nvram\eacoin.xml copy prop\eacoin.xml conf\nvram\eacoin.xml
if not exist conf\nvram\testmode-v.xml copy prop\testmode-v.xml conf\nvram\testmode-v.xml
if not exist conf\raw mkdir conf\raw

regsvr32 /s com\k-clvsd.dll
regsvr32 /s com\xactengine2_10.dll

start spice.exe -w -netfixdisable -io -ddr -h 33554432 arkmdxp3.dll %*

What will do this script?
a-. Make NVRAM folder inside CONF.
b-. Copy some necessary xmls from PROP to the NVRAM folder (So if you edit your prop\ea3-config.xml, make sure you copy it over conf\nvram\ea3-config.xml just to be sure).
c-. Register k-clvsd.dll and xactengine2_19.dll into the system.

d-. Start the game some parameters. -w is for Windowed mode. If you want it full screen, just delete -w.


4-. Confirm that you edited your ea3-config.xml as the following pic.



5-. After you did all what I mentioned before, make a shortcut to your desktop of spice.exe.
6-. Open the new shortcut properties and edit it like this in the TARGET line: <DDR A20 Folder>\contents\spice.exe -netfixdisable -io -ddr -h 33554432 arkmdxp3.dll

7-. Don't forget to create a txt with your "e-Amusement card". Just open a notepad, write E004XXXXXXXXXXXX (12 random characters between number and A to F. That's up to you.) and save it as card0.txt or whatever name you wanna use.

8-. Now open your spicecfg.exe that's in the DDR A20 folder and configure your keys and your card (That should be pretty intuitive and obvious). In the KEYPAD tab, click on the [...] right next to CARD PATH. Select your card0.txt. Also don't forget to pick whatever keyboard you're using to launch e-Amusement in that tab. After you make all those changes, just close spicecfg.

9-. Now I hope you already know how to launch Butterfly, so do it. When it's ready, launch DDR A20 from the shortcut. Have patience, it takes some time when you launch it after you turned on your Pc or a system restart.

9-. Voilá!

Posté(e) (modifié)

Oh, I forgot to share this. Someone was nice enough to add some fixes to Butterfly and build it.

Here it is:


What's new:

  • Tables for events are already added. Whenever you start your coin, it will announce some new songs added.
  • This version looks for the database "butterfly.sqlite" at the same directory where it's being executed. So the bat only needs the command java -jar Butterfly.jar.
  • The DB included comes from zero, but it's different from the one that the JAR generates. DDR A20 will always fail to connect to EA if you don't use the DB inside the rar.
  • It's saving scores. At least, the score for ΩVERSOUL during my play was saved. And it shows Dan progress in the card screen, @polivosm:o
  • 1st to 8th Dan available. Maybe Polivosm can lead us into Golden League and other 9th Dan, 10th Dan and Kaiden.
  • Sometimes it says that the card save was unsuccessful but I haven't had a problem with that. All data has been perfectly saved.
  • Added an icon I made a long time ago because I thought it looks nice as the icon for a shortcut to the bat.
Modifié par FeelTheXtasy
  Le 16/05/2020 à 00:07, One Eternal Ash a dit :

Found your issue, butterfly 1.1.0.jar and run_server.bat files must be on desktop.

you placed them on the D:\ Drive that would never work.


in the end, you never read my instructions carefully...

read the section number 2 (install/extract) where to place your files.


First off It doesn't matter where they are located as all they have to do is be in the same folder and they will work (because even if i put the files on my desktop NOTHING CHANGES it still says the exact same thing crashes) and second the Ddb_path path within the run server bat file is just where db.sqlite file will be saved


Update: after reading my screenshots and doing some research it looks like its trying to start a server with a port that is already being used by another process judging by this ( Address already in use: bind) thing is I dont know what port butterfly is trying to use to start or what process is using the port

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 14/05/2020 à 10:57, One Eternal Ash a dit :

I have the fully functional version of MDX-001-2020020300 (Blue). Everything is sorted so you do not need to do the hardwork.
However, the butterfly server 1.1.0 will work partially but not fully as there is no patch for it yet (e.g. Flashing Lights / Full Combo won't appear after song cleared)

Please read my replied comment here below:



1. Download the files; 





NOTE: These links will expire on the 31/05/2020, Download it as soon as possible. THANK YOU!


2. Install/Extract the files;
Main: Anywhere

Butterfly: to Desktop

Notepad++: to (C:) drive

3. Butterfly (e-Amusement);

3.0: Copy your Windows username from the (C:\Users) folder, Use the name folder but not the public folder.

3.0a: Edit the run_server.bat file using Notepad++ (Right-Click and Edit with Notepad++), replace the line with your copied Windows username (java -Ddb_path="C:\Users\_____\Desktop\db.sqlite" -jar butterfly-1.1.0.jar) and save it.
3.1: Create a EAPASS card by using Notepad++ or Notepad (Original), Generate your 16-digit card by using these characters only (0-9 and A-F). Example (E362BC63BD21F23A)
3.1a: Save your 16-digit card and place it on desktop as a text file (Card0.txt)

3.2: Go to the contents folder, find and open your spice configuration (spicecfg.exe) by Troubleshoot compatibility and Get it to run in Windows 8 Mode.
3.2a: Go to the "keypads" section and do this only; Click "..." to locate your EAPASS card from the Desktop and save it. (Card Path: C:\Users\_____\Desktop\Card0.txt) and close the spice configuration.

3.3: Open run_server.bat, it will open a command prompt and do not close it. (Do not right-click and "run as administrator", PLEASE!)


4. Controls;

4.1: Open your spice configuration (spicecfg.exe) and go to the buttons section and set it up. Once you're finished, Close it.

4.1a: if you're using an Dance Pad or Controllers (Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 or PS4) they will work through USB or Bluetooth.


5. Open the gamestart-spice.bat file and enjoy your day!


6. While in the game, hold the big + button next to the numpads (on the right side of the keyboard) to create your EAPASS account.


Any issues, send me a reply.



It worked! The game is running perfectly! Thank you very much!

Modifié par JSP96
  Le 16/05/2020 à 02:26, BlueSupernova22 a dit :

First off It doesn't matter where they are located as all they have to do is be in the same folder and they will work (because even if i put the files on my desktop NOTHING CHANGES it still says the exact same thing crashes) and second the Ddb_path path within the run server bat file is just where db.sqlite file will be saved


Update: after reading my screenshots and doing some research it looks like its trying to start a server with a port that is already being used by another process judging by this ( Address already in use: bind) thing is I dont know what port butterfly is trying to use to start or what process is using the port


Port 80.

  Le 16/05/2020 à 00:41, FeelTheXtasy a dit :

Oh, I forgot to share this. Someone was nice enough to add some fixes to Butterfly and build it.

Here it is:


What's new:

  • Tables for events are already added. Whenever you start your coin, it will announce some new songs added.
  • This version looks for the database "butterfly.sqlite" at the same directory where it's being executed. So the bat only needs the command java -jar Butterfly.jar.
  • The DB included comes from zero, but it's different from the one that the JAR generates. DDR A20 will always fail to connect to EA if you don't use the DB inside the rar.
  • It's saving scores. At least, the score for ΩVERSOUL during my play was saved. And it shows Dan progress in the card screen, @polivosm:o
  • 1st to 8th Dan available. Maybe Polivosm can lead us into Golden League and other 9th Dan, 10th Dan and Kaiden.
  • Sometimes it says that the card save was unsuccessful but I haven't had a problem with that. All data has been perfectly saved.
  • Added an icon I made a long time ago because I thought it looks nice as the icon for a shortcut to the bat.

Care to tell us how can we use this fix?


So if anyone is having port issues with butterfly like I did then open butterfly.jar with winrar and extract the to your desktop (or anywhere really)


open the file with a text document and change the server.port number to something else as long as it's not a port number that it being used (For me I put 90) and save it, then drag it back into the butterfly.jar using winrar to overwrite the existing one


now since the server is using a different port number you have to reconfigure the game's ea-config.xml file and change the services line in the

network section to 


<services __type="str">http://localhost:PORT NUMBER HERE/</services>


and since I used port number 90 it should look like this


<services __type="str">http://localhost:90/</services>


and there you go!


  Le 16/05/2020 à 00:41, FeelTheXtasy a dit :

Oh, I forgot to share this. Someone was nice enough to add some fixes to Butterfly and build it.

Here it is:


What's new:

  • Tables for events are already added. Whenever you start your coin, it will announce some new songs added.
  • This version looks for the database "butterfly.sqlite" at the same directory where it's being executed. So the bat only needs the command java -jar Butterfly.jar.
  • The DB included comes from zero, but it's different from the one that the JAR generates. DDR A20 will always fail to connect to EA if you don't use the DB inside the rar.
  • It's saving scores. At least, the score for ΩVERSOUL during my play was saved. And it shows Dan progress in the card screen, @polivosm:o
  • 1st to 8th Dan available. Maybe Polivosm can lead us into Golden League and other 9th Dan, 10th Dan and Kaiden.
  • Sometimes it says that the card save was unsuccessful but I haven't had a problem with that. All data has been perfectly saved.
  • Added an icon I made a long time ago because I thought it looks nice as the icon for a shortcut to the bat.

I have tried this custom butterfly server. Thanks for sharing. :)

@ 1st Dan to 8th Dan available

I still can't get these courses to unlock no matter how many times I pass the 1st Dan Course (Full Combo or not Full Combo)... Can somebody help me out...

2020 05 12 1st Dan Full Combo AA.png

  Le 15/05/2020 à 19:44, One Eternal Ash a dit :

Have you installed any video codecs?


(e.g K-Lite codec pack)



Good catch! That was the issue!


I would suggest adding that to your directions or mentioning it. Also Java 8. I forgot I had to install that but it wasn't mentioned in the directions.


Besides those two items, your guide was very straight forward. Thank you for the assistance! :)

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 16/05/2020 à 08:15, Oen386 a dit :


Good catch! That was the issue!


I would suggest adding that to your directions or mentioning it. Also Java 8. I forgot I had to install that but it wasn't mentioned in the directions.


Besides those two items, your guide was very straight forward. Thank you for the assistance! :)


You're welcome! anytime.


Thanks for letting me know.

Modifié par One Eternal Ash
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 16/05/2020 à 10:38, anonsec a dit :

This was resolved by installing java. Thanks for your commitment to the forum members Ash~ Not all heroes wear capes.


You're welcome, anytime.

Modifié par One Eternal Ash
Posté(e) (modifié)

Anyone know the Events (51-100) data for butterfly. I think it's for the courses that are missing???

More importantly what are the changes to player data packet - that should fix the "data may not save correctly".

BTW the butterfly.sqlite from the 20191018 butterfly above, looks like the one I made because it's got my local IP addresses of two machines there on different networks lol.


Butterfly 20191018, if it's same as the one I posted elsewhere, with a specific butterfly.sqlite should run DDR A20 without any hex edit on gamemdx.dll or spice EA / Smart EA.

If you delete the file and get butterfly to recreate it, you'll probably get network error, even adding the events - that was a strange one! I think you just need to boot it with DDR A first.


Events 1-50 is in this SQL format -

INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('1', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('2', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('3', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('4', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('5', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('6', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('7', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('8', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('9', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('10', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('11', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('12', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('13', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('14', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('15', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('16', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('17', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('18', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('19', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('20', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('21', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('22', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('23', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('24', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('25', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('26', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('27', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('28', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('29', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('30', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('31', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('32', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('33', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('34', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('35', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('36', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('37', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('38', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('39', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('40', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('41', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('42', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('43', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('44', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('45', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('46', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('47', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('48', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('49', '0', '0', '9999', '0');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('50', '0', '0', '9999', '0');


Missing 51-100 ..


101-109 is (supposedly this fixes the card crash that was mentioned before).

INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('101', '0', '0', '10', '38295');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('102', '0', '0', '10', '38294');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('103', '0', '0', '10', '38290');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('104', '0', '0', '10', '38292');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('105', '0', '0', '10', '38264');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('106', '0', '0', '10', '38291');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('107', '0', '0', '10', '38293');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('108', '0', '0', '10', '38289');
INSERT INTO "main"."ddr_16_global_events" ("event_id", "event_condition", "event_no", "event_type", "reward") VALUES ('110', '0', '0', '10', '38279');




Modifié par MrBoo
don't delete butterfly.sqlite
  Le 06/05/2020 à 21:17, hipo_loco a dit :

*If you use the batterfly server and display the score, please fix the playerdata packet. (bool attribute "is_refid_locked" is required)


This is the playerdata packet thing needing to be fixed apparently. I'm not sure how to get that happening but if someone knows how to work with that, I think it might fix the scores.

  Le 16/05/2020 à 13:58, MrBoo a dit :

Anyone know the Events (51-100) data for butterfly. I think it's for the courses that are missing???

More importantly what are the changes to player data packet - that should fix the "data may not save correctly".

BTW the butterfly.sqlite from the 20191018 butterfly above, looks like the one I made because it's got my local IP addresses of two machines there on different networks lol.


Butterfly 20191018, if it's same as the one I posted elsewhere, with a specific butterfly.sqlite should run DDR A20 without any hex edit on gamemdx.dll or spice EA / Smart EA.

If you delete the file and get butterfly to recreate it, you'll probably get network error, even adding the events - that was a strange one! I think you just need to boot it with DDR A first.


It's probably the one you posted haha. I just added the icon.

Thanks for that build and that DB. See you in 'the other forum' :P


how do you apply the e-amusement web option such as arrow skin, dancer, screen filter etc?. I mean the creator did say that these options can be added into the db.sqlite but he didn't say how. I can open it with the db database browser but i don't know how to add in the options.

  Le 16/05/2020 à 19:11, BlueSupernova22 a dit :

how do you apply the e-amusement web option such as arrow skin, dancer, screen filter etc?. I mean the creator did say that these options can be added into the db.sqlite but he didn't say how. I can open it with the db database browser but i don't know how to add in the options.




Browse Data -> Table: ddr_16_profiles -> Click on the cell you wanna edit -> At the grey block at the right under 'Edit Database Cell' modify the data with the options provided -> Apply -> File\Write Changes.

  • option_screen_filter: OFF, LIGHT, MEDIUM, DARK.
  • option_guidelines: OFF, ARROW_TOP, ARROW_CENTER.
  • option_judgement_layer: FOREGROUND, BACKGROUND.
  • show_fast_slow_results: 0, 1.
  Le 16/05/2020 à 20:10, FeelTheXtasy a dit :



Browse Data -> Table: ddr_16_profiles -> Click on the cell you wanna edit -> At the grey block at the right under 'Edit Database Cell' modify the data with the options provided -> Apply -> File\Write Changes.

  • option_screen_filter: OFF, LIGHT, MEDIUM, DARK.
  • option_guidelines: OFF, ARROW_TOP, ARROW_CENTER.
  • option_judgement_layer: FOREGROUND, BACKGROUND.
  • show_fast_slow_results: 0, 1.

Thank you!

  Le 16/05/2020 à 16:59, FeelTheXtasy a dit :

It's probably the one you posted haha. I just added the icon.

Thanks for that build and that DB. See you in 'the other forum' :P



That icon is cool , I think others will agree  :very-good:
See you in 'other forum' :).



  Le 16/05/2020 à 11:01, One Eternal Ash a dit :

Final Update to my tutorial post:


DB Browser link added

Everything is now added to the post, hopefully everyone can follow it smoothly. I didn't think i would alarm the entire community on this forum.


if there's anything missing in this tutorial, let me know. Thank you!


and I want to say THANK YOU! to the entire DDR community on this forum for helping each other 👍👌 including me (it was a struggle to get the A20 working online)


Is there a way to turn off Free Play because whenever I tried to change it in-game, it basically crashed and the settings wasn't saved. Pretty much I'm forced to just play 3 songs (no access to extra stages)


Same with the data not actually saving after I play 3 songs (it crashed after the eamuse logout screen).


The game is playable, just want it to keep it consistent.

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 17/05/2020 à 06:00, Misterkister a dit :

Is there a way to turn off Free Play because whenever I tried to change it in-game, it basically crashed and the settings wasn't saved. Pretty much I'm forced to just play 3 songs (no access to extra stages)


Same with the data not actually saving after I play 3 songs (it crashed after the eamuse logout screen).


The game is playable, just want it to keep it consistent.


go to the spicecfg and configure your service and test buttons. Once you're finished. run the game and press two, you'll be sent to the menu to configure your game.


Modifié par One Eternal Ash
  Le 16/05/2020 à 07:20, vinson77 a dit :

I have tried this custom butterfly server. Thanks for sharing. :)

@ 1st Dan to 8th Dan available

I still can't get these courses to unlock no matter how many times I pass the 1st Dan Course (Full Combo or not Full Combo)... Can somebody help me out...

2020 05 12 1st Dan Full Combo AA.png


I have already tried that, didn't work for me the last time that patch came up.

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