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[Arcade PC] Space Ace HD 4/3 'new version' (LaserDisc)

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Bonjour Ă  tous,


Fervent lecteur de ce forum, je vous propose une version concoctĂ©e par mes soins de Space Ace en 4/3 (pour rappel, les versions en 16/9 sont dĂ©coupĂ©es et donc moins "complĂštes"), tournant sur l'Ă©mulateur de Laserdisc DaphnĂ©. Tout cela est en 24 fps (le format original de l'animation).




Le lien contient deux versions du jeu en 720P et 1080P. Personnellement, je vous conseille le 720P. La diffĂ©rence de qualitĂ© est vraiment minime (je joue sur un moniteur 4K, rien de perceptible) et vous profitez ainsi du driver opengl, qui ne fonctionne pas en 1080, et rend des couleurs plus profondes. 


C'est du prĂȘt Ă  jouer : il suffit de dĂ©zipper et de cliquer sur le bat de votre choix (sae720.bat ou sae1080.bat) et normalement vous jouerez Ă  Space Ace en HD. Le jeu s'appuie sur la Rom sae (Space Ace Advanced, la meilleure pour dĂ©couvrir tous les aspects du jeu) et propose un choix de niveau en dĂ©but de jeu. Les fichiers bat intĂšgrent les bons rĂ©glages pour les dip switches du jeu.


Au niveau des commandes, au clavier :


Crédits : 5

Start : 1

Haut/Bas/Gauche/Droite : Pavé directionnel

Action : Control gauche

Choix du niveau Facile : w

Choix du niveau Moyen : x (commence automatiquement si vous ne touchez rien aprĂšs Start)

Choix du niveau Difficile : z

Quitter : Esc


Sur un pad 360 :


Crédits : Back

Start : Start

Haut/Bas/Gauche/Droite : Croix directionelle

Action : Bouton A

Choix du niveau Facile : Left Bumper

Choix du niveau Moyen : ne rien toucher aprÚs avoir appuyé sur Start

Choix du niveau Difficile : Right Bumper

Quitter : Right Thumb


Note : le choix du niveau se fait pendant les quelques secondes oĂč le jeu "bippe" aprĂšs Start. Le niveau de difficultĂ© ne fait pas varier la vitesse de rĂ©action, mais le nombre de sĂ©quences Ă  parcourir pour arriver Ă  la fin. Ainsi en difficile, on traverse tous les chemins.


S'il y a des questions je tĂącherai d'y rĂ©pondre et, normalement, Dragon's Lair II devrait suivre sous peu...


Bon jeu !






Je viens juste d'ajouter un nouveau fichier (Ă  dĂ©zipper dans le rĂ©pertoire DaphnĂ©). C'est une version 720P retravaillĂ©e oĂč le grain naturel du film (issu du BRD) est attĂ©nuĂ© (voir l'exemple ci-dessous).


Le grain n'est pas une mauvaise chose en soi, c'Ă©tait plus une expĂ©rience qu'autre chose (mais ce fut long), je laisse donc Ă  chacun l'occasion de tester et de dĂ©cider ce qu'il prĂ©fĂšre. S'il y a des demandes, je ferai la version 1080P de la mĂȘme maniĂšre.


J'ai réglé le filtre de maniÚre vraiment légÚre de maniÚre à ne pas dénaturer le film.


PS : désolé je ne parviens pas à mettre les images d'exemple en plus gros, du coup ce n'est pas trÚs parlant...





I just added a new file (unzip in the Daphne directory). This is a 720P version, with the natural grain of the movie attenuated (see below)


The grain is not a bad thing, it was just an experiment for me (though a long one), so i let each one test and decide which version is better. If there are demands, i'll do the 1080P version the same way. 


The filter setting is really light in order to preserve the movie.


PS: sorry i can't put bigger sample images. So my example is not so great...








Modifié par 7zxkv
Nouvelle option
Posté(e) (modifié)

Merci Karis :very-good:

Je n'ai jamais joué à Space Ace, c'est l'occasion :)


  Le 02/06/2019 Ă  20:27, Karis a dit :

.... normalement, Dragon's Lair II devrait suivre sous peu...


Par contre j'ai dépensé pas mal de piÚce de 5Francs avec mon frÚre sur Dragon's Lair.... il y a 35ans !!

Modifié par STF
  Le 03/06/2019 Ă  07:13, STF a dit :

Merci Karis :very-good:

Je n'ai jamais joué à Space Ace, c'est l'occasion :)


Par contre j'ai dépensé pas mal de piÚce de 5Francs avec mon frÚre sur Dragon's Lair.... il y a 35ans !!



J'avoue que moi-mĂȘme j'y ai assez peu jouĂ© Ă  l'Ă©poque, parce que j'Ă©tais jeune et que c'Ă©tait un sacrĂ© mange fric ;)  

Mais j'ai gardĂ© une fascination pour ces bornes et je passe beaucoup de temps sur DaphnĂ©. Je travaille mĂȘme sur un petit projet secret que j'espĂšre bien partager ici un de ces jours...

Petite note : sur le forum tu peux trouver une version de DL en HD 4/3 par HVG et d'excellentes versions en 720*480 de DL, DL2 et SA par Dex77. Il a Ă©galement fait Cliffhanger qui est Ă  mon sens le meilleur du genre hors de la sĂ©rie DL/SA. Merci Ă  eux deux !



Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 03/06/2019 Ă  12:57, HVG a dit :

Muchas gracias.  A perfect job !!!!



You're welcome !

Thank to you for DL HD and Mad Dog ;)

Modifié par Karis
  • 1 mois aprĂšs...
  • 1 mois aprĂšs...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Thank you soo much Karis! If possible could you please release the 1080p version's of DL1 / DL2 + Space Ace with no grain? Thank you again and fantastic job!

Modifié par Cobra83
  Le 01/12/2019 Ă  20:06, Cobra83 a dit :

Thank you soo much Karis! If possible could you please release the 1080p version's of DL1 / DL2 + Space Ace with no grain? Thank you again and fantastic job!



This is in the todo list. I will do at some point. 


@Karis - Many thanks for the grain/no grain versions of SA and DL2, triumph, simply triumph! :) The 960x720 resolution looks smashing compared to what I was using previously.


I was curious if there is a 960x720 version of DL1? I am using a 720x480 version which looks great but you can clearly see the difference between 960x720 and 720x480 which has a smoother look around the edges.


I am really looking forward to trying out Fire and Ice and A.E. Titan. Thanks again for all your amazing work on these classics.


Yes tou can find it on this forum. A really good job.

Fun fact: DL1 was never released on BRD 4:3. And nobody knows why...



Not that easy. It usually requires several softwares to have the files in the good state (Make MKV, Handbrake, MKVExtract, Rename Bulk utility), and then i edit them a bit, which is long (denoising is really long).


@Karis - Thanks, that's an interesting fact as I always thought of Dragon's Lair as kind of the Godfather of Laserdisc games. It would seem like the perfect candidate for BRD.


I did look around the site but I have to say I might have missed it? There is a 720p similar to the work you have done? I found HVG's version and the Mega link is dead and another that was also a dead link but Dex's link does indeed work.


I might not fully understand but Dex's work is a 720x480 version (the proper original?) which is actually a 3:2 ratio vs. what you have created at 960x720 which is a true 4:3 ratio. By the way I play with the 720p no grain version, absolutely amazing! It'll be a few more days before I come down from that high.;) 


I don't fully understand many of the repercussions of different resolutions with Daphne games that's why I was hunting for a 4:3 version if it existed for DL1. For example is some of the game footage cropped if the ratio is anything different than 4:3? Like it is with 16:9 that people seem to mostly dislike and prefer the original.


I know old arcade CRT's didn't necessarily have a pixel aspect ratio (PAR) of 1:1 which made some of those old video games with odd resolutions still display properly on 4:3 CRT's due to some stretch on the x and/or y axis when adjusting the hsync and/or vsync.



Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 06/12/2019 Ă  16:30, Riverstorm a dit :

@Karis - Thanks, that's an interesting fact as I always thought of Dragon's Lair as kind of the Godfather of Laserdisc games. It would seem like the perfect candidate for BRD.


I did look around the site but I have to say I might have missed it? There is a 720p similar to the work you have done? I found HVG's version and the Mega link is dead and another that was also a dead link but Dex's link does indeed work.


I might not fully understand but Dex's work is a 720x480 version (the proper original?) which is actually a 3:2 ratio vs. what you have created at 960x720 which is a true 4:3 ratio. By the way I play with the 720p no grain version, absolutely amazing! It'll be a few more days before I come down from that high.;) 


I don't fully understand many of the repercussions of different resolutions with Daphne games that's why I was hunting for a 4:3 version if it existed for DL1. For example is some of the game footage cropped if the ratio is anything different than 4:3? Like it is with 16:9 that people seem to mostly dislike and prefer the original.


I know old arcade CRT's didn't necessarily have a pixel aspect ratio (PAR) of 1:1 which made some of those old video games with odd resolutions still display properly on 4:3 CRT's due to some stretch on the x and/or y axis when adjusting the hsync and/or vsync.





Actually it's the HVG version. Both in 720 and 1080p. Really good versions.


DL1 does exist in BRD, but was never released in 4:3 (it is cropped to reach 16:9), so the version of HVG is the best possible available.

I have it of course so i could upload, but it's not mine. I would prefer him to reupload.


Daphne was designed for 4:3. It does handle 16:9 too, but mainly works more "natively" in 4:3. Anyway, the 16:9 versions for SA, DL, DL2 are cropped, which is not respectful of the original work, so you're right to search those one (and i may add that the playability is better, because sometimes, you're missing essential informations on the upper part of the movie).


Modifié par Karis

@Karis - Thanks a bunch for the tips, information and incredible works. I had no idea the cropped versions may affect playability too. Another strike against those inferior versions. ;) 


It looks like others have mentioned the dead links quite some time ago but I know folks get busy with other projects, family, etc. and I'm in no hurry. I've been thoroughly enjoying your works as of late and decided to post an inquiry on DL1.


As I get old--er it's all about "grassroots" gaming and keeping it fun! :) Have a great weekend and I'll keep an eye out for any re-posts.


  • 8 mois aprĂšs...

Tout sera remis en place quand j'aurais un feu vert pour la derniĂšre version de Singe, il faut patienter. J'aurais pensĂ© plus tĂŽt mais ça traine... 

  • 6 mois aprĂšs...
  • 2 mois aprĂšs...
  Le 24/09/2020 Ă  09:13, Karis a dit :

Everything will be put back in place when I have a green light for the latest version of Monkey, you have to wait. I would have thought earlier but it's dragging on...


Was hoping to see a link for the amazing 720pNoGrain of Space Ace reposted? 

  • 1 mois aprĂšs...
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