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ICE Arcade Restore Discs


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Okay i have a friend that has a Go Ball-Istic he needs to reinstall the game on because it keeps showing a corrupted file error but the game otherwise works.

He just wants to restore the game to factory to fix anything that's corrupted on the HDD.

Which disks do i need to burn for him to be able to reinstall the OS and the game?


I know how to restore Sega Lindberghs but ICE Games is a first for me and i do not know which discs i need to burn so he can reinstall the OS and the game.

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  • 3 mois après...
hace 12 horas, mutleey dijo:


ICE.torrent 606.98 kB · 4 descargas



No matter what I do, my torrent doesn't seed... I'm thinking that my provider is blocking the upload, does anyone have an idea how to solve this?

Do you know if games work? or are encrypted with dongle? 



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