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[Arcade PC] The Bishi Bashi 2010 (Konami) [READY2PLAY]

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mirror:  mega://enc2?0vFthDnzLcde84jmKzWrVPeyDrotnJ3yT6ZHkU5LDt5RuQ2XKQlZCx8VXbIx3I6at0dvMSajmbTNyqXkv_qxnw




These are the current controls that I have setup for the game:

Player 1 buttons - Q,W,E,R

Player 2 buttons - T,Y,U,I

Player 3 buttons - Z,X,C,V

Coin,Service,Test - A,S,D

You can change them by editing the IO Settings.txt file




Modifié par 7zxkv
remove by Mohkerz => restored
  • The title was changed to [Arcade PC] The Bishi Bashi 2010 (READY2PLAY) [Konami]

nice game but when I press f8 to toggle from fullscreen to window it quits

  • 1 mois aprĂšs...
  • 2 semaines aprĂšs...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Re-Upload, mirror link :)



[KONAMI] The Bishi Bashi 2010 (READY2PLAY).7z


Modifié par 7zxkv
  • 2 semaines aprĂšs...

Thanks so much for getting this working.


I have one issue. I stupidly put a 1400x900 monitor in my gaming table and the game when launched in fullscreen is displaying at a resolution, I think 1366x768, so the screen is offset sightly to the left and part of the display is missing.


Is there any way to force the resolution? I've tried messing around with the settings with no success. 

  • 4 semaines aprĂšs...
  • 3 semaines aprĂšs...

Thank you so much, Mohkerz! I love this game. It's working perfectly, i had the fullscreen wrong-resolution issue but just had to put the game directory in a new folder under D: drive and run the launcher under admin.

Does anyone know how to remap the keys tho? I can't find IO settings.txt or remapping option under in-game test menu.

It would be perfect with WASD, JKLI and 4568 keys.

  • 2 semaines aprĂšs...
  • 1 mois aprĂšs...
Invité linglang
Posté(e) (modifié)
6 minutes ago, redplay said:

dont work the link.. ;(ç


Well they do work, just checked.


You need this tool / application.


mega://enc2?   => for file
mega://fenc2?  => for folder

You need Mega Downloader 1.7


IPFS links are not online 24/7.

You could try JDownloader, works fine for me.

Modifié par linglang
  • 4 semaines aprĂšs...

Does anybody know if it's possible to change the inputs on this? Would love to have it on my cab, but not sure how I'd do it without completely changing my IPAC setup

  • 2 mois aprĂšs...

hi to everybody. I'm trying to download from this link but I really can't :goutte-sueur:

first I tried with chrome, then I downloaded and tried with megadownloader1.7 and then again with jdownloader2.

where am I wrong?




On 6/9/2019 at 17:24, NoKey said:

Ricarica, collegamento mirror :)



[KONAMI] The Bishi Bashi 2010 (READY2PLAY) .7z

 mega: // ENC2 0vFthDnzLcde84jmKzWrVPeyDrotnJ3yT6ZHkU5LDt5RuQ2XKQlZCx8VXbIx3I6at0dvMSajmbTNyqXkv_qxnw


  • 5 mois aprĂšs...

Does anybody know if it's possible to remap the controls? editing the IO Settings file doesn't actually work - has anybody had any success with this?

  • 3 semaines aprĂšs...
  • 2 mois aprĂšs...

Bon je relance le sujet... J'ai pas réussi non plus à remapper les touches... Si quelqu'un à la soluce :)


Et j'ai vu qu'une version en anglais existait, quelqu'un sait s'il existe le dump associé? Merci !


Bon je suis sur une trÚs bonne piste, j'ai réussi grace à un systÚme de script via AutoHotKey. Je reteste ça demain quand j'aurai toutes mes facultés cérébrales, mais a priori c'est bon, si ça intéresse du monde je peux poster la soluce ici :)

  • 5 mois aprĂšs...
  • 4 semaines aprĂšs...
  • 4 semaines aprĂšs...
Le 18/11/2020 à 23:34, Rodrigo a dit :

Bon je suis sur une trÚs bonne piste, j'ai réussi grace à un systÚme de script via AutoHotKey. Je reteste ça demain quand j'aurai toutes mes facultés cérébrales, mais a priori c'est bon, si ça intéresse du monde je peux poster la soluce ici :)

Salut, oui ta soluce m'intéresse

Posté(e) (modifié)
Le 15/06/2021 à 02:27, Zozio a dit :

Salut, oui ta soluce m'intéresse

Il faut installer AutoHotKey et faire un nouveau script qui assigne une touche Ă  une autre touche ;)


Pour ma part j'ai choisi les touches haut/bas/gauche/droite de mon clavier et ça donne ça : 




Modifié par Rodrigo
  • 1 mois aprĂšs...
  • 3 mois aprĂšs...

how do I change the game's language? I remember it could be done easily when I downloaded from the first link. Now that the first link is dead and we only have the mirror, the option to change the language is nowhere!! help!

  • 9 mois aprĂšs...

Has anyone found a solution to change the language?  I didn't see an option in the test menu settings.  If anyone found a solution that they could share I'd greatly appreciate it.  Thanks.

  • 1 mois aprĂšs...
  • 6 mois aprĂšs...

When I download the english version, it always asks me to set the clock.. When I do that and save it, one next boot it asks me to do it again.  Any way to fix this?

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