Invité linglang Posté(e) le 23 février 2019 Posté(e) le 23 février 2019 (modifié) Virtua Fighter V (B version) - (Lindbergh) Works fine on Window$ 10 (1803 and 1809) and TeknoParrot with shader.farc applied. For the people concerned .... Virtua Fighter 5 Full screen !!!! Most people do not read other threads on this site. 7zxkv (it is his prerogative) could have linked us to these files, for the time being, at the moment VF5 works only boxed in TeknoParrot Please reply to the GameLoader All RH thread to confirm if the patches work at the correct resolutions !!! Without further ado Version 6 works for me on 1360 x 768 Other resolutions included, yes also 3840 × 2160 (4K UHD) even 5K !!! What, even in 21:9 and 48:9 aspect ratio 7680 x 1440 It is easy, replace the vf5 file (backup / rename the original) in vf5/disk0 with the one needed for your resolution. Add the latest GameLoader All RH exe (3) files to the folder disk0 Place the shader fix, shader.farc in: (save the original file if needed) /Game Folder/disk0/rom Quote: "working now! just moved the "rom"folder to "disk0" folder" Thanks @chuckybell Added link to NVIDIA shader fixes from discord. Thanks to @jets AMD Shader fix Thanks to @Nezarn This one works for me. (probably the same) Thanks to @EmuAl NVIDIA shader fix thanks to sqrt and @dex77 des informations…!Y80VGCAD!tpr9mhuMMaufltBEsrmnxNUTSB0kSEsEf4OyP89LGPE From the front page of GameLoader All RH Want to run the game full screen ? Use Gameloader ALL RH ( conjunction with TeknoParrot ( Place the three .exe files in the game folder /disk0 Use Gameloader ALL RH ( in conjunction with TeknoParrot ( Teknoparrot 201 does not load the game. (at least for me.) Warning about "virus" ? (before version Edit the file TTX.ini in C:\Users\"Your User Name"\ AppData\Roaming\Game Loader All RH\ And change Warning = Agree Seeing green version number of GameLoader All RH at bottom of screen ? Edit the file setting.ini in C:\Users\"Your User Name"\AppData\Roaming\Game Loader All RH and change: [FileVersion] Show=0 Configurate Game Loader Config.exe so it knows the location of your TeknoParrot The settings in the lower box are specific for the resolution I use. (1360x768) Let TeknoParrot point to the modified vf5 file. Configurated your controller settings et cetera ? Save settings and close Teknoparrot. Run Game Loader All RH.exe, add a shortcut if needed. Wait a few moments, TADA Fullscreen !!! Enjoy ! I hope that this tutorial helps other people out. It takes you a few moments to read, but it took me all night to figure it out. When you get the game working, thanks to this "manual", please give a thanks at this post. And a BIG thanks for the people who originally uploaded the games, we all can enjoy (if you do it right) !!! And of course all the people involved in, the game loaders and JVS I/O emulation applications we use, and all the people I "forgot". Also look at the posts below, some members / people add helpful information, thank them also ..... Modifié le 20 juillet 2019 par linglang added AMD shader fix, info about usable Windows versions, Added link to NVIDIA shader fixes from discord, corrections
a4apples93 Posté(e) le 24 février 2019 Posté(e) le 24 février 2019 we hope Outrun 2 AMD fix soon as like that...
chuckybell Posté(e) le 3 mars 2019 Posté(e) le 3 mars 2019 where should I place "shader.farc"?? for teknoparrot 1.9 ....
NoKey Posté(e) le 3 mars 2019 Posté(e) le 3 mars 2019 You will replace it with the file in the data folder. Carefully review game folders. Easy to find. I dont play these game. @chuckybell
chuckybell Posté(e) le 3 mars 2019 Posté(e) le 3 mars 2019 Le 03/03/2019 à 23:32, NoKey a dit : You will replace it with the file in the data folder. Carefully review game folders. Easy to find. I dont play these game. Actually I did it but not working.... game went down just after start..... Thanks!! @chuckybell Développer
chuckybell Posté(e) le 17 mars 2019 Posté(e) le 17 mars 2019 working now! just moved the "rom"folder to "disk0" folder
leonardombn Posté(e) le 17 mars 2019 Posté(e) le 17 mars 2019 (modifié) Hello friends, I followed the tutorial but I have the error below, can anyone help me? Thank you for this tutorial! Modifié le 17 mars 2019 par leonardombn
soso92 Posté(e) le 31 mars 2019 Posté(e) le 31 mars 2019 Thank you work good in full screen mode with game loader
Visitor Q Posté(e) le 5 mai 2019 Posté(e) le 5 mai 2019 Does anyone know if there is an option to put this in 1280x720? I know you can do it with version "C" but I did not see an exe with that resolution for "B" unless it is a stock setting?
kris85 Posté(e) le 22 mai 2019 Posté(e) le 22 mai 2019 Le 06/05/2019 à 20:00, Ultor a dit : The game is too fast! How can I go fullscreen? Développer I got this same problem no full screen and very fast game like my monitor 120 fps how to fix this ?? :\
kris85 Posté(e) le 29 mai 2019 Posté(e) le 29 mai 2019 (modifié) Le 22/05/2019 à 22:25, Ultor a dit : You must use Game Loader Config Développer Thanks but I do not trust this loader, the program, unless you know some trusted page with this loader without any surprises inside and working in Parrot Modifié le 29 mai 2019 par kris85 :)
jackpasser Posté(e) le 14 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 14 novembre 2019 Le 23/02/2019 à 20:24, linglang a dit : The settings in the lower box are specific for the resolution I use. (1360x768) Développer I can not find the " lower box" for Ver B
nohero Posté(e) le 29 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 29 avril 2020 (modifié) Hello guys, is there a way to play this game with random opponents? I'm getting always the same sequence of opponents, no matter what character I choose and it's not very stimolating in this way Do you guys know if there's a setting for this? EDIT Solved, was a matter of FreePlay! :D Modifié le 1 mai 2020 par nohero
shakuza123 Posté(e) le 17 juin 2020 Posté(e) le 17 juin 2020 I tried several times and i cant play it, the problem can be i have win 7?? sorry my english
S3M80 Posté(e) le 11 octobre 2020 Posté(e) le 11 octobre 2020 anyone has problem with distorted picture on fighting but no problem in choosing character. I set the res 2560x1440 monitor source resolution, Did the shader and also WSVGA
flako Posté(e) le 29 novembre 2020 Posté(e) le 29 novembre 2020 Hi i followed this tuto and a did it! just i have image in full screen MOVED TO THE RIGHT, so i have a black part of screen at left side.. how i can center the image?
svk Posté(e) le 3 novembre 2021 Posté(e) le 3 novembre 2021 Guys, please share AMD Shader fix, for B version... I can't find anywhere for a couple of days (( From version C does not fit - a buggy shade and texture. I really want to run version B. Version C works fine, except for the image bug in the last battle.
Invité Onkel Posté(e) le 3 novembre 2021 Posté(e) le 3 novembre 2021 (modifié) Le 03/11/2021 à 12:26, svk a dit : Guys, please share AMD Shader fix, for B version... Développer Not sure if it is included, it is all I have Are shader fixes not implemented by TP in the game menu ? Modifié le 3 novembre 2021 par Onkel
svk Posté(e) le 3 novembre 2021 Posté(e) le 3 novembre 2021 (modifié) Oh, thank you very much) I'll check it later, but by the file names, there is also for AMD. Le 03/11/2021 à 12:52, Onkel a dit : Are shader fixes not implemented by TP in the game menu ? Développer Nop. I have the latest updated version, and there is no such in the menu. UPD: I checked - with the "Correct VF5B AMD shader" fix, the game starts and works great. Except that after the last fight and the end credits, she crashes to the desktop)) But this is better than the graphics glitches in the last fight, in version C. Thanks again) Really, AMD shaderfixes for this game of version B, can no longer be found on the net. Modifié le 3 novembre 2021 par svk
svk Posté(e) le 9 novembre 2021 Posté(e) le 9 novembre 2021 Le 29/04/2020 à 23:37, nohero a dit : I'm getting always the same sequence of opponents, no matter what character I choose Développer Le 29/04/2020 à 23:37, nohero a dit : Solved, was a matter of FreePlay! Développer I have the same problem. I tried to turn FreePlay on and off - everything is the same.
rad_killer Posté(e) le 7 décembre 2021 Posté(e) le 7 décembre 2021 Can someone upload again AMD shader fix for VF5 b? The file from Onkel is not available anymore :(
Invité Onkel Posté(e) le 7 décembre 2021 Posté(e) le 7 décembre 2021 Le 07/12/2021 à 16:13, rad_killer a dit : Can someone upload again AMD shader fix for VF5 b? The file from Onkel is not available anymore :( Développer Isn't it integrated in TP nowadays ?
rad_killer Posté(e) le 7 décembre 2021 Posté(e) le 7 décembre 2021 The fight round doesn't start if I leave an original shader.farc file (~3,3 MB). With vf5c shader applied, the game runs, but with graphical issues (light/shadows problems, no fences/barriers, etc.).
Invité Onkel Posté(e) le 7 décembre 2021 Posté(e) le 7 décembre 2021 Le 07/12/2021 à 21:30, rad_killer a dit : The fight round doesn't start if I leave an original shader.farc file (~3,3 MB). With vf5c shader applied, the game runs, but with graphical issues (light/shadows problems, no fences/barriers, etc.). Développer Here all shader fixes I have
rad_killer Posté(e) le 8 décembre 2021 Posté(e) le 8 décembre 2021 Thank You! It is much better now! The lightning/shadows are displayed correct now! I only got "black squares" here and there, but I think, it is due bad driver or sth.
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