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Shader CRT Multifonction : "Kick-ass looking games"

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These shaders are beautiful!  How do I get them to look correct with the Redream emulator?  What Reshade preset settings should I use with Redream?  Specifically, I want my Redream 2D games to look good.

  Le 18/05/2021 à 15:44, Safur a dit :

Is it possible to use this reshade with Redream?


I don't know, I never tested


  Le 19/05/2021 à 11:53, Safur a dit :



Je viens de voir un soucis avec le reshade pour House of the Dead 2 sur Demul (la dernière version).

Au lancement du jeu le shader se met en place mais il ne se met pas à l'échelle. Le frame se met en 16:9 mais le jeu lui reste bien en 4:3. Du coup il n'y a pas de Bezel mais une image distordue.

Pour résoudre le soucis il faut appuyer sur le bouton HOME pour afficher les options du shader et le refermer et là tout reviezns à la normale avec les bezels qui s'affichent et le frame en 4:3. Je suis obligé de faire ça à chaque fois. J'ai essayé de partir d'une version propre de Demul mais le problème persiste. As-tu ce soucis?


Oui Demul change le ratio tardivement et parfois le shader ne se met pas à jour...

Faut mettre un temps plus long je pense (je crois que j'avais mis cette option) ca devrait marcher :)



Salut Houb!


Je pense te l'avoir deja dit, mais j'en remet une couche, ton travail sur ces packs de shaders est juste ouf.


J'aimerais apporter ma pierre a l'édifice, en ajoutant un pack pour le jeu suivant: Chaos Code - New sign of catastrophe for Nesica xLive.

Je pensais pouvoir détourner le pack initialement prévu pour AH3LM, mais malheureusement ça ne fonctionne pas  (peut etre un réglage propre a chaos code a faire au niveau du pixel test et du 1st pixel et 2nd pixel color peut etre)


Pourrais tu m'apporter ton expertise sur le sujet?!


Merci d'avance

Posté(e) (modifié)

Salut, le truc du pixel test c'est un truc vraiment génial que Ducon avait ajouté mais je pense que personne ne sait s'en servir :D

Je l'avais un peu optimisé pour que ce soit plus simple et que ça fonctionne de manière stable et fixe dans tous les cas de figure mais on a jamais expliqué ni documenté à vrai dire...


En fait le but c'est de trouver une combinaison de 2 pixels sur ton écran qui ne sont à cette position et de cette couleur qu'au moment où tu veux activer l'effet CRT

Faut donc en trouver 2 points de ton écran ingame dont les couleurs ne sont pas très courantes, qui ne changent jamais ingame!!!, et qui auront peut de chance de se retrouver ensemble par hasard en dehors du gameplay (durant les videos d'intro par example...).

La définition de ces points doit se faire en 1920x1080 (j'ai imposé le truc dans le code pour qu'après ça puisse continuer à fonctionner dans les autres résolutions sans rien avoir à changer).

Quand t'en a trouvé 2 biens à l'aide d'un screenshot (souvent c'est dans l'UI qu'il faut chercher le reste ca bouge trop) tu prends leurs positions et leurs valeurs RVB et tu les mets en consigne pour le le pixel test.

Tu peux régler une sorte de tolérance. Si la tolérance est trop faible ca marchera plus, si elle est trop forte tu risque de voir ton effet CRT s'activer à des moments où t'en voulais pas :D

Voilà en gros : donc couleurs et positions en 1920x1080 de 2 points et régler la tolérance.


Après en faisant de légères modifs dans le code tu peux faire des trucs comme ça avec (normalement les shaders modifiés sont dispo dans les configs)



Il y a peu de configs qui s'en servent vraiment mais parmis elles si ma mémoire est bonne il y a :

R-Type Dimensions, Raiden V, Raiden IV PC, ArcanaHeartLM6S (AC et PC), Les DeltaZeal, XIIZeal, XenoCrisis, GuiltyGear1 PC, SteelEmpire,...

Mais pas beaucoup plus je pense :)





Modifié par Houb
  • 1 mois après...
Posté(e) (modifié)


I spent the last months more on pinballs than in arcade games :timide:

I managed to do something awesome using the CRTGeomMOD shader and it's pixel detection last days : making all the 4 old ProPinball games runing in portrait mode with perfect cabinet camera view :fiesta:

To do so I changed a few things and added a pov setting in the shader : and it works perfect !!


Big-Race-USA.png     Fantastic-Journey.png     Timeshock.png     TheWeb.png


You can download the configs here (ready to use) :

  Big Race USA :

  Fantastic Journey :

  Timeshock! :

  The Web :


As usual just extract the archive in your game directory and set the game to use the 3rd View in the options

/!\ For TheWeb you have to choose the 1st View /!\

The patches work with the original old games (CD) and the GOG versions too.

The games can be launched with the screen in landscape or portrait mode (the result will be the same).


The settings are done for a 16:9 ratio cabinet screen (15:9 and 16:10 are OK too). The games will run in portrait mode at your desktop resolution (any resolution should be supported).

But even if not really used to display, don't set the game to a resolution not supported by your screen (don't set 1600x1200 with a 1080p screen for example)

For information the resolution choosen in the options will still affect the visual quality so set the best available resolution.

All the resolutions should be enabled in the game options when using the patch so you can set 1600x1200 (1280x1024 for The Web) and the result will be better :)


These patches don't include any part of the games and won't change any of their files.

(to run the games as usual, just rename ddraw.dll to something else)

I also made the aprons and the backglass for all 3 games (included)


I'm very pleased to share this work because I love these 3 games for more than 20 years now.

And I didn't play them for years just because unfortunately they were made only for 4:3 landscape screens and so until now they could not run in pincabs  :)


Here some demo video :




I hope it will bring these games back to life in pincabs !!


Enjoy!  :very-good:



Edit : I just added a PinballFX3 config to get a nice pincab view using the 2nd view of the game (available in the usual PC games configs directory)

Edit2 : Configs updated


Modifié par Houb

I just uploaded new patches for these 4 ProPinball games (links above updated).


Now you can use them in portrait or landscape, the result should be the very same and you have nothing to do :)

With these new patches the games should allow you to use any resolutions in the options, it's safe, so use the best one for each of them.

(this resolution won't be used, the game will run in your desktop resolution but the result will be really better with the highest resolution available)


That's all, Enjoy

  • 3 semaines après...
  Le 09/08/2021 à 08:46, ViRuS-MaN a dit :

pour Crimzon Clover for NesicaxLive sous TP y a pas une version de ce shader ???


Non aucune config pour ce jeu, il y a un screenshake un peu pénible et du coup ca ne rend pas bien...

  • 2 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)


I'm pleased to share here my work.
The goal of this mod is to be able to play these old PC games on virtual pinball cabinets.
I found quickly a way to display them correctly using ReShade and a special selfmade shader (CRTGeomMOD helped a lot!!) but I decided to improve the result even more.
So now, using this single launcher, dgVoodoo2 and ReShade (included in this patch) these games will be launched in your desktop resolution (4K is available) and with a nearly perfect Pinball Cabinet camera View.
If you have a multiscreens configuration, a backglass will be added and displayed (3:4 with grill or 16:9 depending on your 2nd screen ratio) and the DMD will be exported to the grill or the 3rd screen.
(if you have a DMD device you can use DMDExt to export the DMD with its screen copy feature)

The result is now very nice and in most case the setting is fully automatised (most often you have now nearly nothing to set)
The MOD can be used with the original old CD games or/and the most recent GOG/Steam versions.
The aprons of these games have been drawn especially for this mod. Big thanks to eMBee for his amazing work on them.
The launcher can now force these games to use standard VPX keyboard keys (PinCabKey option)
The launcher can now force a standard "Coin Mode" for the 4 ProPinball games
Now it can be used in Desktop mode too just to improve the experience smile.png
(without the launcher, just using the Reshade shader, it can be used also to improve the 1st/2nd view with PinballFX2/FX3)

Here some screen captures with the version 2.0 / 3.0 :

What's new with 3.0 version :

- DMD display improved
- Shader interface (ReShade UI) improved.
- Timeshock DMD hide issues fixed
- DMD management for desktop users improved
- All games are now using the same preset file
- Desktop mode improved (single and multi screens configurations)
- Standard "coin mode" added for the 4 ProPinball games (Coin key is keyboard "5")
- A 2nd view with DMD hidden is now available for The Web (select view 4 or more in game options, btw the view with DMD looks better)
- The Web settings are now automatized too
- The games are now launched directly (menu skipped) when not in desktop mode (except 1st launch)
- ExeName option removed (game exe name should be the original expected one)
- Steam launch command support removed (not needed)
- No1200p option removed (not needed anymore)
- Launcher and shader codes improved
- Memory game code patch improved, many patches added
- Many fixes and improvements


What's new with 2.0 version :

- The 2 Addiction Pinball games are now supported (old CD's and Steam versions)

- A desktop mode is now available with nearly all the features included

- New aprons for all 6 games (big thanks to eMBee who did an awesome job to draw them!)

- Full standard VPX keyboard keys support for all these games

- Brightness can be set for the table, the backglass and the DMD (in ReShade's UI)

- Needed settings are now done by the launcher, you have nothing to do.

- Many fixes and improvements: it should be now mostly working without having to do anything.

- DMD is now displayed by the 3rd screen by default if available.

- Timeshock menu operator is always fully unlocked.



Here how it looks now from 2.0 version :










And in live action :



The patch is available in main download folder (link in first page) :very-good:


Big thanks to eMBee for drawing most of the aprons currently in use. Awesome job!! :)
Thanks to Ducon2016 too for the original PixelTest code taken in the amazing "CRTGeomMOD" shader :wub:
ReShade home :
dgVoodoo2 home :
dinputto8 used for AddictionPinball games by Elisha Riedlinger :
Ogg Winmm.dll used for Timeshock :


Modifié par Houb
  • 4 semaines après...
  Le 27/05/2021 à 12:29, Houb a dit :

I don't know, I never tested


Yes Demul changes the ratio late and sometimes the shader does not update ...

Must take a longer time I think (I think I had put this option) it should work :)



I had the same problem with Dirty Pigskin Football, changed the default  SleepTime value (ms) in "\reshade-shaders\ReShade.ini" (default is 2000) to 1000 and it seems to have fixed it

  • 2 semaines après...

Hi, i followed the instructions and i have two issues:

1. Demul arcade boards Reshade game bezels are not showing, how to fix?

2. Reshade menu is low res with scanlines and it makes it hard to read the reshare ui, how to fix?

  Le 05/10/2021 à 18:14, Progman a dit :

Hi, i followed the instructions and i have two issues:

1. Demul arcade boards Reshade game bezels are not showing, how to fix?

2. Reshade menu is low res with scanlines and it makes it hard to read the reshare ui, how to fix?



1. I get it to work by scripting them in using ahk. I can attach one if you like so that you can see how to do it.

2. No idea. I turn the shader off and use the one that is found in Demul itself.

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 05/10/2021 à 18:14, Progman a dit :

Hi, i followed the instructions and i have two issues:

1. Demul arcade boards Reshade game bezels are not showing, how to fix?

2. Reshade menu is low res with scanlines and it makes it hard to read the reshare ui, how to fix?



1/ it should work when using the launcher included, without the launcher it can't.

2/ seems like you have the effect applied 2 times...


Make a clean demul install, read again the readme (don't update reshade's dll and don't put reshade yourself) and everything should be resolved :)


Modifié par Houb
  • 2 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 16/10/2021 à 12:36, ViRuS-MaN a dit :


je voudrais savoir si quelqu'un pourrait modifier le reshader du jeux Super Alpine Racer ( pour le mettre en 1920*1080 et si possible de mettre un bezel de meilleur qualite




bezel is 1080p already and can be adapted to a 4k screen as Cbeluz40 showed in his video posted on teknoparrot topic

Modifié par joefish
Posté(e) (modifié)

you cant - only the bezel is at 1080p - video screen is at original rersolution and cant be changed because it will look weird and stretched using another one


same thing for gigawing generations


those games are rotated to fit a 16:9 screen with bezel - fullscreen is only possible with vertical monitors


Modifié par joefish
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 16/10/2021 à 13:13, joefish a dit :

you cant - only the bezel is at 1080p - video screen is at original rersolution and cant be changed because it will look weird and stretched using another one


same thing for gigawing generations


those games are rotated to fit a 16:9 screen with bezel - fullscreen is only possible with vertical monitors





CRTGeomMOD can resize nearly anything as you want, in any resolution, any ratio and any orientation (with or without the CRT effect)

And yes the bezel can be sized as you want too and can be a 4K image.

I would be surprized if it doesn't work with alpin racer...


OK tested Alpine Racer just now, it can be resized as you want with CRTGeomMOD and with bezel...

A quick config here :


PS: I made some big progress recently with PinCabView releases and CRTGeomMODv4 should be released soon :)

(I have nearly rewritten the full shader to improve performances, allow some new features and to fix some old issues.

It will be probably named "CabView" from now because it will be really more than a simple CRT effect shader: Now the goal is really to get a complete solution to display everything as you want, including PC games, ArcadePC games, Emulators and also Pinball games)

Modifié par Houb

Hello les gars!


Tout d'abord, merci pour votre superbe travail ainsi qu'à toutes cette commu pour tout ce que vous faites à l'arcade! Ensuite... mon petit soucis.


J'avais déjà tout paramétré sur mon ordinateur il y a de cela 1 an, mais vu que j'ai dû changer de carte graphique, j'en ai profité pour réinstaller Windows etc... et je n'avais pas pensé au fait que ça viendrait foutre le bordel dans tous mes émulateurs. Autrefois, j'avais une config de shaders incroyable qui modifiait les Street Fighter retro de NesicaxLive sans prendre les côtés de l'image (là où y a le bezel avec les combos etc), si je prends directement mes anciens fichiers, ça crash (logique, Game Loader RH est considéré comme un Virus par toute nouvelle installation windows) et quand je tente de copier les fichiers du Shaders directement sur ma nouvelle installation de Street Fighter... et bien je reçois ce message:




Quelqu'un qui connaîtrait une solution? J'ai tenté de tout rétablir par défaut, mais le message est toujours le même. A la limite, si vous aviez un tuto quelquepart qui expliquerait comment le (re)configurer, je suis preneur! D'avance merci pour vos réponses!


Salut GameLoaderAllRH n'est quasiment jamais nécessaire avec CRTGeomMOD.

utilise juste les loaders classiques avec les configurations qu'on a founies et ca devrait marcher direct ;)

  Le 17/10/2021 à 22:15, Houb a dit :

Salut GameLoaderAllRH n'est quasiment jamais nécessaire avec CRTGeomMOD.

utilise juste les loaders classiques avec les configurations qu'on a founies et ca devrait marcher direct ;)


Ca marche po, avec l'exe patché, et l'exe normal, ça crash (même si les shaders chargent correctement avant ça).


Une autre idée par hasard? ^^

  Le 29/10/2021 à 22:09, spot a dit :

Nice! Really looking forward to that!

What's new in v4?


The shader has been completely rewritten to be more flexible, more fast and to fix some old difficulties and issues. It's now approx 50% faster than v3, many new features are availables and many old ones are improved:

Now the curvature is available even without the CRT effect, we can fully control the full display aspect (zoom, translation, ratio) in game, inside a box ingame, out of the box ingame, and also when not ingame (when pixel test fails)

The pixel test can be inverted to active the "ingame settings" when it fails (usually it is when it matches)

The rotation 90CCW can be automated and all the settings are kept and will be still correct rotated or not.

The CRT effect is now really an option, and the result (all the rest) will be always the very same with or without the CRT effect.

The pixel test coordonates are more easy to catch

A very nice frame reflexion has been added

The overlay (bezel) will always match the game ratio and will follow the screen adjustements


And it's now fully merged with PinCabView shader and so it can display many pinball PC games with backglass on 2nd screen and DMD export, portrait view and POV adjustements, brightness...


Stay tuned ;)

  Le 30/10/2021 à 00:10, Houb a dit :

The shader has been completely rewritten to be more flexible, more fast and to fix some old difficulties and issues. It's now approx 50% faster than v3, many new features are availables and many old ones are improved:

Now the curvature is available even without the CRT effect, we can fully control the full display aspect (zoom, translation, ratio) in game, inside a box ingame, out of the box ingame, and also when not ingame (when pixel test fails)

The pixel test can be inverted to active the "ingame settings" when it fails (usually it is when it matches)

The rotation 90CCW can be automated and all the settings are kept and will be still correct rotated or not.

The CRT effect is now really an option, and the result (all the rest) will be always the very same with or without the CRT effect.

The pixel test coordonates are more easy to catch

A very nice frame reflexion has been added

The overlay (bezel) will always match the game ratio and will follow the screen adjustements


And it's now fully merged with PinCabView shader and so it can display many pinball PC games with backglass on 2nd screen and DMD export, portrait view and POV adjustements, brightness...


Stay tuned ;)



I can confirm this is going to be amazing! Thanks for the amazing work as usual Houb! Still not as good as Trouby's shaders but getting closer :ptdr:


  Le 01/11/2021 à 12:29, spot a dit :

Sounds totally awesome! PM me if you need a tester :)



He has the most annoying tester in the world already :fiesta:


After hundreds hours of work, I'm pleased to share here a first CabView release (CRTGeomMOD v4 + PinCabView v4).

A true changelog will follow soon, but a few informations were already given a few post above.


Here how it looks :


senxin_h1.png    senxin_h2.png


senxin_v1.png    senxin_v2.png


This one will be a first test, if everything is ok I will try to upload more updated configs soon and the official CabView release will follow :)

Enjoy!!  And please report us any issue :very-good:



This looks awesome as always Houb. Since your amazing work on the Demul crt effect I've always been blown away by what you've managed to do with this. Thanks my friend

  Le 05/11/2021 à 08:03, fire10 a dit :

This looks awesome as always Houb. Since your amazing work on the Demul crt effect I've always been blown away by what you've managed to do with this. Thanks my friend


Thanks my friend :)


PS : SenxinAleste config was updated just now (shader and launcher) to fix a few problems found with portrait mode and bezel. Same link above. Enjoy :)

  Le 05/11/2021 à 12:06, Houb a dit :

Thanks my friend :)


PS : SenxinAleste config was updated just now (shader and launcher) to fix a few problems found with portrait mode and bezel. Same link above. Enjoy :)


HI man and thank you I try it yesterday 

In the .ini I put 1 for the 3 first choice when I launch the game I see you bezel but not in vertical mode

  Le 05/11/2021 à 14:43, soso92 a dit :

HI man and thank you I try it yesterday 

In the .ini I put 1 for the 3 first choice when I launch the game I see you bezel but not in vertical mode


it should be fixed with the version availble from a few hours ;)

PS: with full stretch in portrait mode with a 16:9 screen you will stretch the game from 3:4 to a 9:16 format and so you won't get any space for the bezel so it won't be displayed

(the bezel is now following perfectly the game ratio and is expanded in the same time)


Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 05/11/2021 à 14:52, Houb a dit :

il devrait être corrigé avec la version disponible à partir de quelques heures ;)

PS: avec un étirement complet en mode portrait avec un écran 16:9 vous étirez le jeu du format 3:4 au format 9:16 et vous n'aurez donc pas d'espace pour la lunette donc elle ne s'affichera pas

(la lunette suit maintenant parfaitement le ratio de jeu et est agrandie en même temps)



Yep its working now i have the game in vertical mode 100% FullStretch

I do a quick movie

I try in .ini



I can't have this like in your screen



Modifié par soso92
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 05/11/2021 à 15:22, soso92 a dit :

Yep its working now i have the game in vertical mode 100% FullStretch

I do a quick movie

I try in .ini



I can't have this like in your screen





remove the cabview folder and put again the pack. then set portrait but not fullstretch in reshade.ini  (fullstretch is to stretch the game to your fullscreen size and you don't want it so leave it at 0)

And that way everything should work and should be displayed like my screenshot on a 16:9 screen.

You don't have to set anything in the shader. everything should be set correctly by defaut (you can change the brightness, the reflexion strenght or the zoom (if you don't have a 16:9 screen), but all your changes will be saved for next launch so be careful ;)


Edit, for my part I have a 16:10 screen (that's probably your case) so the bezel is cut to display the game at maximum size with the correct ratio like this :


it's normal, the bezel is sized 9:16, the game 3:4 and my screen 10:16

In this case if you want to show the full bezel, in 1920x1200 you have to set 90% on vertical zoom like this :


but in 1920x1080 or any 16:9 resolution you have nothing to do to get this

I hope it helps :)

Modifié par Houb

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