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Shader CRT Multifonction : "Kick-ass looking games"

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Invité trouby
Posté(e) (modifié)
On 04/04/2020 at 7:57 AM, Houb said:


Yes there is a problem here, the mask should not be used as well. It should only cover 2x2 pixels and be used only by the bgfx shader. I think you haven't configured it right.

The procedure to be followed is explained a few posts earlier. You have to put "Video Mode" in BGFX and then select crt-geom-mod-deluxe.json as "chain".


Here what you should get with CRTGeomMod-Deluxe MAME BGFX shader chain (Arcade, SNES, Genesis, Saturn, N64, PC-Engine, Sega32x, Playstation):

mame64sp-2020-04-04-23-09-18-44.png   mameui64sp-2020-04-04-22-59-03-76.png   mameui64sp-2020-04-04-23-02-49-34.png   mameui64sp-2020-04-04-23-05-46-85.png 


mameui64sp-2020-04-04-23-20-37-89.png   mameui64sp-2020-04-04-23-25-45-59.png   mameui64sp-2020-04-04-23-26-48-96.png   mameui64sp-2020-04-04-23-30-30-82.png 


mameui64sp-2020-04-04-23-17-25-71.png   mameui64sp-2020-04-04-23-18-44-28.png   mameui64sp-2020-04-04-23-35-23-15.png   mameui64sp-2020-04-04-23-44-56-91.png 


mameui64sp-2020-04-04-23-11-49-54.png   mameui64sp-2020-04-04-23-14-10-63.png   mameui64sp-2020-04-05-00-22-41-67.png   mameui64sp-2020-04-05-00-25-20-20-49.png 



@ Fulgore18Glad it works :)Thanks for yur feedback!

????? what these are nothing like the real arcades, mine are way closer. think about it ,. u never had these prominent scanlines. we had subtle scanlines, but my god if u think these look alright then knock yaself out 🤦‍♂️

Modifié par trouby

I tweak it slightly and remove the dotmask but using Houb and Ducons brilliant shaders my 1080p screen looks near identical to my Sega Blast City Nanao 2930 which sits right next to it. I tried running identical games on both setups at the same time, you cant get a better comparison than that ;-)

Posté(e) (modifié)
il y a 46 minutes, trouby a dit :

????? what these are nothing like the real arcades, mine are way closer. think about it ,. u never had these prominent scanlines. we had subtle scanlines, but my god if u think these look alright then knock yaself out 🤦‍♂️


You are probably right. But you forget something : it's completely free and optionnal: you have not to use it if you don't like it.

It's just hundred hours of work from Ducon2016 and myself and we just did it out of passion.

We are pleased to share with everyone and even more pleased if others like it.

I can understand you don't like it, of course it can't be a perfect illusion, but nothing can jutify your aggressive attitude

Modifié par Houb
Invité trouby

yeah u think i got my scanlines by chance? no taken a few months  off and on the case.  of course i compared to real arcades.  yes its up to u.  im not trying to be aggressive but i just dont see anything other than the fact the 'new' mame features seem to have disposed of the easiest way to make it presentable like the old days. I REALISE THE REASON WHY YOU HAVE DONE WHAT U HAVE DONE FOR THE NEW MAME VERSIONS i get it.

but thats why i dont bother getting the new versions, i just dont agree with it and looks bad in my opinion. i guess i would be using that garbage if i was using the new versions, id have to put up with it. but please. i have spent time on mine as well as have u. i respect the hours u have put in. i was also bit by bit figuring it out

Invité trouby

I mean i guess i could take a game of yours say asterix and then compare mine with urs, but it wouldnt matter as u use up to date versions i use the same version. however it may Sway your view



And what? Even if you think your result is better than our, what will happen exactly??

This is not a competition and to be clear I certainly don't want to reach what I saw on your videos.

If I did spent hundred of hours of work to reach your result I would be very sad to be honnest.

For my part and my humble opinion of poor newbee, I'm very happy now with the result of our work and I really don't care if you don't :)


Posté(e) (modifié)

Also I would like to say something else :

This project started more than 1 year ago now. During these approx 15 months we have relased with Ducon2016 approx 4 big updates of this shader and probably 300 differents individual settings for nearly 100 games.

At the beginning it was only a very quick update of the well known CRT-Geom shader for Reshade, only a few usefull features were added quickly.

The deal was Ducon2016 at coding and myself for testings, bringing suggestions and releases and it was perfect because I didn't code for many years and also because Ducon2016 is amazing :)

The project has grown up to now and at this time we added 1000 lines of code into this shader and bring it to a multifunction tool that can be used for many different things, even without the use of a CRT effect.


This project was not only resumed to that for me.

The first thing is that Ducon2016 has became a real friend. We never meet but we spent so many nights to discuss lol

I also met lots of nice people here and elsewere with this project and received many thanks for what we made (always a pleasure)

This was also an opportunity for me to code again after so many years. And since the end of 2019 I spent many hours days and nights to understand, to add code and fixes to this shaders (and also to the MAME's one) and to make launchers...etc..,

I leaned many things I didn't know in different coding languages (very interesting!) and managed to make my own arcade cab much better than never expected.

and to finish this was also a good opportunity to change my mind after my father's death...


So if someone else wants to come here to only say "it's only crap" or "the result is awful", think about that, try to make friends, to learn something interresting and bring us your work instead of being only a parasite ;)



Modifié par Houb
10 hours ago, fire10 said:

I tweak it slightly and remove the dotmask but using Houb and Ducons brilliant shaders my 1080p screen looks near identical to my Sega Blast City Nanao 2930 which sits right next to it. I tried running identical games on both setups at the same time, you cant get a better comparison than that ;-)


Send us pictures if you can :very-good:

6 hours ago, Houb said:

Also I would like to say something else :

This project started more than 1 year ago now. During these approx 15 months we have relased with Ducon2016 approx 4 big updates of this shader and probably 300 differents individual settings for nearly 100 games.

At the beginning it was only a very quick update of the well known CRT-Geom shader for Reshade, only a few usefull features were added quickly.

The deal was Ducon2016 at coding and myself for testings, bringing suggestions and releases and it was perfect because I didn't code for many years and also because Ducon2016 is amazing :)

The project has grown up to now and at this time we added 1000 lines of code into this shader and bring it to a multifunction tool that can be used for many different things, even without the use of a CRT effect.


This project was not only resumed to that for me.

The first thing is that Ducon2016 has became a real friend. We never meet but we spent so many nights to discuss lol

I also met lots of nice people here and elsewere with this project and received many thanks for what we made (always a pleasure)

This was also an opportunity for me to code again after so many years. And since the end of 2019 I spent many hours days and nights to understand, to add code and fixes to this shaders (and also to the MAME's one) and to make launchers...etc..,

I leaned many things I didn't know in different coding languages (very interesting!) and managed to make my own arcade cab much better than never expected.

and to finish this was also a good opportunity to change my mind after my father's death...


So if someone else wants to come here to only say "it's only crap" or "the result is awful", think about that, try to make friends, to learn something interresting and bring us your work instead of being only a parasite ;)


yes great work houb! And sorry for being annoying about Kamui all the time :fiesta: lol

10 hours ago, trouby said:

????? what these are nothing like the real arcades, mine are way closer. think about it ,. u never had these prominent scanlines. we had subtle scanlines, but my god if u think these look alright then knock yaself out 🤦‍♂️


What? Seriously check your references. A single search on youtube or google images shows our memories are failing us:




C'est qui cet abruti ultra agressif? Bravo pour ta retenu face à lui surtout qu'il n'est pas loin des insultes en disant en gros que tes scanlines sont de la "merde" comparées aux siennes. Je crois qu'il n'a pas vu un moniteur CRT depuis son enfance car pour moi tes scanlines se rapprochent énormément de la perfection!

C'est juste un gros frustré qui a un rendu merdique et qui rage de ne pas avoir un rendu aussi parfait :P

Invité trouby

i am not raging? then u call me an asshole? now whos raging.

Invité trouby
5 hours ago, ducon2016 said:


What? Seriously check your references. A single search on youtube or google images shows our memories are failing us:


nope looks bad and this is console anyway

Invité trouby
On 16/03/2019 at 7:38 AM, Houb said:


On a bien bossé sur ce shader depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Ducon2016 a ajouté de nombreuses nouvelles options :very-good:


- Possibilité de forcer la résolution de sortie (desktop ou custom)

=> permet de pouvoir lancer tous les jeux en 1920x1080 par exemple (ce sera désormais la résolution des nouvelles configs)

- Possibilité d'activer l'effet que sur une zone précise de l'écran

=> utile lorsqu'il y a une interface ou un cadre autour de l'Ă©cran de jeu

- Possibilité d'activer l'effet que dans certaines conditions

=> utile lorsque certaines scènes sont en HD et que l'on souhaite l'effet CRT seulement ingame.

- Possibilité de choisir un scanline vertical

=> utile pour les jeux verticaux qui se lancent quand mĂŞme en mode horizontal

- Possibilité d'ajouter un bezel

=> utile pour les jeux 4/3 sur Ă©cran 16/9 ou les jeux verticaux

- Nettoyage des options du shader pour améliorer sa lisibilité et sa configuration


VoilĂ  3 exemples :



Gigawing Generations (TTX)

- RĂ©solution Ă©cran 1920x1080

- Jeu tourné à l'horizontal (Ratio 3/4 TATE)

- Ajout d'un bezel (original)



Chaos Breaker (TTX)

- RĂ©solution Ă©cran 1920x1080

- Ajout d'un bezel (original)



Raiden V (PC)

- Effet CRT seulement sur la zone de jeu Ă  l'Ă©cran

- Effet scanline vertical

- Zone de jeu légèrement agrandie pour une meilleure visibilité

- Effet CRT activé seulement ingame


Les 3 configs sont disponibles ici :


Dès que je trouve un peu de temps j'essaie d'en rajouter plein d'autres :)




omg so wrong.  arcades were never this grainy.  think 'subtle'   when it comes to scanlines , and u say HD? mine are in 4k  

Invité trouby
14 hours ago, Houb said:

And what? Even if you think your result is better than our, what will happen exactly ??

This is not a competition and to be clear I certainly don't want to reach what I saw on your videos.

If I did spent hundred of hours of work to reach your result I would be very sad to be honnest.

For my part and my humble opinion of poor newbee, I'm very happy now with the result of our work and I really don't care if you don't :)


i never said it was a competition .  I want to see a clear comparison for myself. 

Posté(e) (modifié)

Here is a capture of Wonder Boy on CRT as I posted in the other thread. It looks very close to the screenshots from Houb shader (double click the image to see it full size)





Modifié par ducon2016
Posté(e) (modifié)

That's clear : We have a winner !!!  :winner:

trouby is a god, trouby has found the best setting and nobody before him managed to get a so perfect result. :wub:

I really hope he will be canonized, I'm sure many books will be written about his life and his contribution to make this world better.

I will write myself at soon as possible a wikipedia page about him and his fabulous work and try to tell to the full earth how he opened our eyes of disbelievers.  :amen:

I can't find my word now: This is so amazing!!! I will never manage to thank him enough!! :jap:



Modifié par Houb

Trouby, post up some nice clear pics and also your setup, ill test and give you some feedback. Ill run a few games on my Blast City Original CRT Cabinet and some on my 1080p Namco noir with comparison shots with your setup. That will tell you if your setup is close to the original CRT

Hi Houb - 
So I must be doing something wrong here running rotated vertical Type X games. I am setting up GigaWing Generations, Shikigami no Shiro III, and KOF SkyStage currently. When they are spread out in their native orientation non rotated the shader and mask are correct. When I rotate them, I get bad mask banding, bad moire, etc.
My monitor is 2560x1440. All 3 of these games run at 640x480 originally. I plug in 640 and 480 into the X & Y values to build the effect and it’s an uneven mess. In order to fix it somewhat I have to put 640 into the X value but leave Y as 0 for GigaWing. In KOF in order to get it to look somewhat correct I have to use 480 under the X value but leave Y as 0. None of this makes sense. Like I said all three of these games use 650x480 originally.
I don’t know if this has to do with rotating  games squishes them vertically which causes the mask to screw up, or if I’m not plugging in the correct values into the shader or some non integer scaling problem occurs.
Can you help me?
Posté(e) (modifié)
Il y a 2 heures, Dante82 a dit :
Hi Houb - 
So I must be doing something wrong here running rotated vertical Type X games. I am setting up GigaWing Generations, Shikigami no Shiro III, and KOF SkyStage currently. When they are spread out in their native orientation non rotated the shader and mask are correct. When I rotate them, I get bad mask banding, bad moire, etc.
My monitor is 2560x1440. All 3 of these games run at 640x480 originally. I plug in 640 and 480 into the X & Y values to build the effect and it’s an uneven mess. In order to fix it somewhat I have to put 640 into the X value but leave Y as 0 for GigaWing. In KOF in order to get it to look somewhat correct I have to use 480 under the X value but leave Y as 0. None of this makes sense. Like I said all three of these games use 650x480 originally.
I don’t know if this has to do with rotating  games squishes them vertically which causes the mask to screw up, or if I’m not plugging in the correct values into the shader or some non integer scaling problem occurs.
Can you help me?



I'm not sure to understand, a picture would be helpful ^^

they are 2 differents things:

- "input video size", this is the original resolution of the game : so 640x480 for these ones but you can leave it at 0x0 if the game is already stretched to your HD monitor's resolution.

- "input texture size", this is the low internal resolution of the game, usually it's lower than 640x480 for games needing such treatment, but because windows don't accept resolution bellow 640x480 this resolution is not used for display but we will use it for the effect!

Most of the games you are speaking about are rendered nearly in 320x240 so you will have to put this in texture size (if you put 640x480 here you won't have enougth pixels on you screen to display the effect, even in UHD).

after that and when everything is ok if you check the "rotated" option it should be ok :)

But I probably misunderstood your problem :)





Modifié par Houb
Le 25/05/2020 à 12:33, Houb a dit :

That's clear : We have a winner !!!  :winner:

trouby is a god, trouby has found the best setting and nobody before him managed to get a so perfect result. :wub:

I really hope he will be canonized, I'm sure many books will be written about his life and his contribution to make this world better.

I will write myself at soon as possible a wikipedia page about him and his fabulous work and try to tell to the full earth how he opened our eyes of disbelievers.  :amen:

I can't find my word now: This is so amazing!!! I will never manage to thank him enough!! :jap:




4 hours ago, Houb said:



I'm not sure to understand, a picture would be helpful ^^

they are 2 differents things:

- "input video size", this is the original resolution of the game : so 640x480 for these ones but you can leave it at 0x0 if the game is already stretched to your HD monitor's resolution.

- "input texture size", this is the low internal resolution of the game, usually it's lower than 640x480 for games needing such treatment, but because windows don't accept resolution bellow 640x480 this resolution is not used for display but we will use it for the effect!

Most of the games you are speaking about are rendered nearly in 320x240 so you will have to put this in texture size (if you put 640x480 here you won't have enougth pixels on you screen to display the effect, even in UHD).

after that and when everything is ok if you check the "rotated" option it should be ok :)

But I probably misunderstood your problem :)





Yes changing it to 320x240 for the CRT effect gives me a normal result with good mask and scan lines. It is a little bit blurry with the game text but I can use the offset sliders to fix it.




@Houb ,

is it possible in the near future to be able to finetune the vertical scanlines settings i think its a great addition to your already best shader.


il y a 17 minutes, Moksi a dit :

@Houb ,

is it possible in the near future to be able to finetune the vertical scanlines settings i think its a great addition to your already best shader.



Can you try to explain a bit more with some screenshots please?

Posté(e) (modifié)

Like you can manually input the simulated texture resolution x/ y


now you can select vertical scanlines but could it be possible to manually adjust that like you can with "simulated texture resolution x/ y "


its to duplicate the look when you get close to an crt , to be able to finetune vertical scanlines with  a manual input 


Modifié par Moksi
Posté(e) (modifié)
Il y a 8 heures, Moksi a dit :

Like you can manually input the simulated texture resolution x/ y


now you can select vertical scanlines but could it be possible to manually adjust that like you can with "simulated texture resolution x/ y "


its to duplicate the look when you get close to an crt , to be able to finetune vertical scanlines with  a manual input 



When vertical scanline is not activated, the scanline effect is built using the Y simulated texture dimension and the dot mask using the X value.

When vertical scanline is activated, the scanline is built using the X simulated texture dimension and the dot mask using the Y value.

Nothing is lost, nothing change and everithing work the same: this is just a rotation of the effect and the simulated texture size values should remain the very same with and without this otpion.


PS : this option is also very useful to define the X Simulated Texture Size dimension with landscape games (like shown in the PF2012 video demo in the first page at 1'30'').

Modifié par Houb
  • 3 semaines après...


je joue au jeux Crimzon Clover for NesicaxLive avec grh et j arrive a avoir le shader , maintenant qu il est jouable sous TP quand je le lance y a plus moyen d avoir le shader , ce qui est dommage car j en ai pris l habitude et ca me manque

Posté(e) (modifié)


Whats the best way to use crt geom mod with displaying Mame bezels because now i just use the the bezels displayed in the mame artwork folder

It does display it but the scanlines are visible through the artwork though.

Modifié par Moksi
  • 1 mois après...
Invité student123

@Houb, Wow, Chaos Breaker est parfait!


Probablement le meilleur moyen de jouer avec un ecran moderne!!



Chaos Breaker (TTX)

- RĂ©solution Ă©cran 1920x1080

- Ajout d'un bezel (original)


Quel launcher est-il mieux d'utiliser pour ce jeux et ou peut on trouver le bezel pour Chaos Breaker? C'est probablement le jeu qui as le plus besoin de ce shader :)!!

Posté(e) (modifié)
Il y a 2 heures, student123 a dit :

@Houb, Wow, Chaos Breaker est parfait!


Probablement le meilleur moyen de jouer avec un ecran moderne!!



Chaos Breaker (TTX)

- RĂ©solution Ă©cran 1920x1080

- Ajout d'un bezel (original)


Quel launcher est-il mieux d'utiliser pour ce jeux et ou peut on trouver le bezel pour Chaos Breaker? C'est probablement le jeu qui as le plus besoin de ce shader :)!!

look in "game configs / AC" , those specific files contains bezels (or backgrounds) for most cases in "sv / reshade-shaders / Textures"



Modifié par jawah
Il y a 3 heures, student123 a dit :

Chaos Breaker (TTX)

- RĂ©solution Ă©cran 1920x1080

- Ajout d'un bezel (original)


Quel launcher est-il mieux d'utiliser pour ce jeux et ou peut on trouver le bezel pour Chaos Breaker? C'est probablement le jeu qui as le plus besoin de ce shader :)!!

Personnellement j'utilise Teknoparrot. Ça tourne plutôt bien dessus.

Posté(e) (modifié)
il y a 47 minutes, Safur a dit :

Personnellement j'utilise Teknoparrot. Ça tourne plutôt bien dessus.

Du moment que ca fonctionne avec launchbox et/ou rocketlauncher .. peu importe le que ce soit l'un ou l'autre ...

Note que pour tester .. j'ai essaye avec teknoparrot ... chaos breaker me donne un io error :D .. mais peu importe vu que ca fonctionne avec glarh


Pour le fun :P


Modifié par jawah
Invité student123
18 hours ago, jawah said:

Du moment que ca fonctionne avec launchbox et/ou rocketlauncher .. peu importe le que ce soit l'un ou l'autre ...

Note que pour tester .. j'ai essaye avec teknoparrot ... chaos breaker me donne un io error :D .. mais peu importe vu que ca fonctionne avec glarh


Pour le fun :P


Merci pour les instructions, ca fonctionne a merveille maintenant sur mon cabinet :)! Excellent choix de bezel :)!!!

Posté(e) (modifié)

This mod is amazing for Demul, exactly what I was looking for. Works great via Launchbox and Naomi games. I did change the 2x2 mask to 512x384 ... made the effect more subtle, like others have said, old age has made us forget how CRTs look like and this more subtle effect is more in line with what I "remember" in the minds eye:ptdr:


Thanks for the hard work on this Reshade mod!

Modifié par coolspot
  • 2 semaines après...

Tout d'abord félicitation pour le très bon travail sur les shaders.
J'avais une petite question stp.
Est ce qu'il est possible sur certains jeux de garder le shader, mais d'enlever uniquement les scanlines?
Ce n'est pas que je n'aime pas, mais sur certains jeux comme Raiden IV, j'aimerais garder l'effet HD.
J'ai regardé ta vidéo tuto, mais je ne sais pas comment rentrer dans le menu de configuration IG.

Si ce n'est pas possible, ce n'est pas très grave, mais je pose la question quand meme^^.
Encore bravo, car sur quelques jeux, c'est vraiment ce qui me manquer.

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