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[Emu] Sega Model 3 : Supermodel GIT release (Arcade PC)

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Posté(e) (modifié)
On 2019/1/17 at 8:42 PM, Scenix said:


Same here, all these games only show a black screen! Here they stopped working in 763, in 761 they work like a charm.

The same here. Just a black screen with LA Machineguns and Virtual On Oratorio Tangram in SVN r775. :o

Modifié par scju

check and recheck here

all games work fine with 775

a question, do you use -load-state in your command line ? I say that because the savestates revisions have changed, no more compatible with older one


Posté(e) (modifié)
On 2019/1/29 at 10:32 PM, Tomek.. said:

Why are not you using the version 767 that spindizzi did? Is on the first page of this topic. The version from is broken.


10 hours ago, spindizzi said:

check and recheck here

all games work fine with 775

a question, do you use -load-state in your command line ? I say that because the savestates revisions have changed, no more compatible with older one



OK, now I know what happened. The problem did result from the version from "". I have changed it to the version that spindizzi did on the first page of this topic, and it works perfectly at this time! :very-good:


Also see 



Modifié par scju
Posté(e) (modifié)


I have another problem. In Sega Rally 2 I wait till the attract mode shows up and then I am able to access the test menu, but every time when I exit the test menu, the screen freezes. I have to press Alt+R to reset the game. Am I wrong with some steps?


PS - The error log shows " PowerPC hit an invalid instruction. Halting emulation until reset".

Modifié par scju

roooh, mais arrête, je ne sais plus ou me mettre, :ptdr: (et moi qui déteste qu'on parle de moi :timide:)

je ne suis pas le seul à produire des builds qui vont bien, il y en a au moins 4 ou 5 autres, sans compter celles que vous pouvez faire vous même



hello les copains


Je me plonge enfin sur ce superbe emu et je galère a deux niveau, le premier lorsque je lance une rom elle tourne n boucle sur le test s'initialise et puis le jeu reboot...

L'autre problème est le paramétrage de mon controler xbox 360....j'ai sélectionné xinput tenté de paramétré des bouton mais aucune reaction.

Si une ame charitable pouvais me faire un print screen de ses setting pour les jeu de voiture SVP?

Enfin a quoi sa ser Power PC's sert a quelque chose d'augmenter a 60hz...100hz...



quand tu dis, la rom tourne en boucle sur le test menu, je suppose que tu as oublié de passer ton jeu en mode stand alone dans le service menu. la plupart des jeux boot la 1ere fois en mode link, donc il te faut changer cela (je me souviens plus mais il faut jouer avec 2 de ces 4 touches 5 6 7 8), 6 pour rentrer dans le service menu, après les autres pour choisir, valider, changer

dans ton cas, vas dans game assigment puis change la ligne link id puis quitte proprement le service menu pour les changements soient sauvegardés


pour configurer tes inputs en mode xinput

supermodel.exe [ton jeu] -input-system=xinput -config-inputs

plus qu'à suivre pas à pas la manip avec les touche indiquées et ne pas oublier de sauvegarder en quittant

ou alors tu peux editer toi mĂŞme ton fichier de config Ă  la main

note: la seul différence entre xinput et dinput se situe au niveau du nom des axes (principalement les gâchettes: axe partagés ou axe différents))

ex :

en xinput pour un xbox360


JOY1_ZAXIS_POS (frein)

en dinput pour un xbox360

JOY1_ZAXIS_NEG (accel)

JOY1_ZAXIS_POS (frein)


la syntaxe est la suivante

JOYn : n= numero du joystick

xAXIS : x= désignation de l'axe (X, Y, Z, RZ ou autre) 

POS, NEG, ou rien : POS=utilisation de la partie positive de l'axe, NEG=idem, mais partie négative, et si rien= full axe range

après tu as la même chose pour les boutons : JOY1_BUTTON5 (correspondant au bouton 5 du joystick numero 1 dans cet exemple)


l'option -ppc-frequency=xxx

permets à certain jeux de mieux fonctionner et c'est même recommandé/obligatoire pour certain sous peine de crash ou bug graphique ou slowdown

oceanhaunter, sega rally 2 deluxe, un des 2 daytona, je ne sais plus lequel (mettre ppc=100)


n'oubliez pas que vous avez le site web de l'emu, le readme, et l'option -h (tout y est indiqué clairement)


Invité Hot buttered poodle

For the love of all that is good I can't get the mouse/trackball controls to work in LA machine guns no matter what I do. When I set them in the emulator itself it never ever ever works and when I go into the calibration settings in the actual game I cant calibrate anything ay all because it wont detect my mouse/trackball!! I'm about to give up as this is the only game I can not get the controls to work on. What the hell do I need to do!?! Also I've used at least 12 different versions of supermodel...all with no luck.



are you using multi mouse ? just a thought, really not sure at all but you can try to edit your config ini :

InputAnalogGunX = "MOUSE_XAXIS,JOY1_XAXIS" set to InputAnalogGunX = "MOUSE1_XAXIS,JOY1_XAXIS" or 2 or 3.... do the same for Y axis and triggers


have you used the nvram for lamachin I've posted previously ?


ps2 mouse or usb mouse ? however, not sure if it can impact the emulator

no other ideas....


Invité Hot buttered poodle
Posté(e) (modifié)

I use my trackball as a mouse as I have an arcade cabinet I play all my games on. No I havent tried the nvram yet. Could you link the nvram I need to use please plus where do I place this nvram?

Modifié par Hot buttered poodle


  I'm having trouble with lemans24...

I have added epr-18261.bin and epr-19338a.bin, but I have a long list of errors when I try to load the game (mostly, cross references to other games):


Started as:
  argv[0] = supermodel
  argv[1] = roms/

Opened roms/
'epr-21063a.18' (CRC32 0x6ab7eb32) not found in 'roms/' for game 'dirtdvls'.
'mpr-21038.30' (CRC32 0x9b59d2c2) not found in 'roms/' for game 'dirtdvls'.
'epr-21066.21' (CRC32 0xf7ed2582) not found in 'roms/' for game 'dirtdvls'.
'mpr-21033.24' (CRC32 0x253d3c70) not found in 'roms/' for game 'dirtdvls'.
'mpr-21028.6' (CRC32 0xdb11f50a) not found in 'roms/' for game 'dirtdvls'.
'mpr-21027.5' (CRC32 0x74e1496a) not found in 'roms/' for game 'dirtdvls'.
'mpr-21024.2' (CRC32 0xede859b0) not found in 'roms/' for game 'dirtdvls'.
'mpr-21032.23' (CRC32 0x3d3ff407) not found in 'roms/' for game 'dirtdvls'.
'mpr-21034.26' (CRC32 0xacba5ca6) not found in 'roms/' for game 'dirtdvls'.

and so on...


Can anybody, please, share a clean copy of or tell me what can I do?


Thank you very much in advance



integrate only one of the ffb rom at a time in your original lemans24. the simplest way will be to create 2 sets, one with original ffb rom, and one with ffb rom from scudrace

and of course edit your games.xml accordingly


hace 15 horas, spindizzi dijo:

integrate only one of the ffb rom at a time in your original lemans24. the simplest way will be to create 2 sets, one with original ffb rom, and one with ffb rom from scudrace

and of course edit your games.xml accordingly



It works! Thank you!


I don't know but Supermodel will not working on my PC. Everytime i double Click on the exe. a Window opened but close instantly after a millisecond. Maybe the Emulator is not for Windows 10 or my PC is to strong because i have a GamingPC.



errr, I suppose you know supermodel is a command line emulator, these is no GUI ?

it needs options, like the game you want to launch, or/and other things

if you want to dbl click, make a batch file

read the manual (readme), read the web site, launch it with -h option for help



Does r775 have problems with save states and load states? I have never had trouble saving and loading states with any of the previous Supermodel versions. I was creating some in Magical Truck Adventure but loading my states kept freezing everything or messing up the audio. The error is:

PowerPC hit an invalid instruction. Halting emulation until reset.




older savestates are no more working with last version of supermodel, new revision of them, internal changes

you need to make a new save states


autre chose, je viens encore de voir sur ppxclub une personne qui a des soucis avec le pointeur de lamachin

je viens de refaire la manip depuis zéro, tout fonctionne impec. 'tain, c'est pas compliqué, il suffit juste soit de faire une simple calibration (aim set) dans le service menu puis de quitter proprement ou bien de prendre la nvram précédemment postée page 5 et roule ma poule


I don't have list for ppc frequency, you're right, it's a real missing info

I use 100 for one the two daytona2, srally2dx, oceanhunter, may be also for swtrilgy, fvipers2 and lostworld (can't remember). This doesn't correct all bug/slowdow but il helps


  • 2 semaines après...
il y a 29 minutes, shkop a dit :

hello impossible de jouer en 1920x1080:what:



See in Windows 10 screen settings - advanced scaling settings, set custom scaling to 100%



Posté(e) (modifié)

I miss some, screen resolution to choose from (1440x900 , 3840x2160) , but a nice graphical interface ;)



Modifié par Tomek..

Will there be someday a built where all games are working in one built ?
Like Sega Rally 2, Dirt Devils, Emergency Ambulance etc.pp ?

Sorry for my dumb question, but i do not have an working version for all Model 3 Games yet :(


Kind regards


UPDATE GUI Sega Model 3 UI 12/04/19


-Has been added to the frontend the possibility that the same check the file games.xml.De this way whenever they add, modify or remove roms to the file, the frontend automatically to be able to read the file will update the list of roms to use .

-If the UI does not find the nvram folder, it will create the folder itself so that certain configurations of the ROMs that we use are saved correctly.

-If the UI does not find the saves folder, it will also create the above automatically.

-Fixed a bug with the snapshots since if any of them were missing then the images did not come out correctly.

-The custom resolution option has been added allowing us to choose the output resolution without being prefixed in the UI.

-Added a new icon thanks to Hipnosis (collaborator of that has lent its help so that the UI has a new modernized icon.

-Added dialogue box has been added informing us of the loading of the games.

-Added the option to hide the window by command line when loading games leaving a cleaner load in the eyes of users.

Posté(e) (modifié)
En 8/4/2019 a las 10:35, Tomek.. dijo:

Echo de menos algunas, resolución de pantalla para elegir (1440x900, 3840x2160), pero una interfaz gráfica agradable ;)


I forgot to tell you that this video was very nice


Modifié par nuexzz..


great Job Mate ...

Is it possible to put a check box in like in the older ui so it is possible to show only

the "installed" Games / Roms ?  Because games i do not have or play are not from

interest in the list... Just an idea


Thanks Nuexzz :). Great job as usual.

I Will stop using Emuloader and definitely keep your launcher !

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