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[Arcade PC] Need for Speed GT (Global VR)

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Posté(e) (modifié)

Anyway to avoid the flickering/grey objects (from the YT video)?


Just gave it a shot. Can't get passed this. Followed the instructions precisely. What exactly is wheel and pedals mapped to?



Modifié par LEGEND80
Posté(e) (modifié)

maps top joystick apparently keyboards work i got press key x to start then select level etc then get a fail to start corrupted files or regestry msg . 

Modifié par 7zxkv

I had a xbox controller active. Didn't pick it up. Works with Win 10 natively + xbox one controller?


Pressing O takes you to Operator menu. Keyboard u/d/l/r/ mapped to things in there. S is Start. Don't press \ EVER on that cali screen. :) Break everything and then you need to recopy over files. Else upon launch you'll see a Press Start screen followed by crash forever.


Alright, getting closer. 1.0 boots fine (not 1.1) and like most people I can get all the up to right before the race starts THEN registry error. It won't go away until you lose / timeout the race (like 2 mins). Strange bug. SO, it's got to be something with those registry files. If we can fix those/make them more flexible for diff. pc configs, then we should be good to go here! I looked through them and didn't see much to change. The disc drive is set to D (mine's E, changing it didn't help), it's looking for a nfshp2.ini that doesn't exist (creating a dummy file didn't help) and there's some Folder path pointing to 'Documents and Settings…." that I don't have. Hmmmm…..

En 12/11/2018 a las 19:19, LEGEND80 dijo:

I had a xbox controller active. Didn't pick it up. Works with Win 10 natively + xbox one controller?


Pressing O takes you to Operator menu. Keyboard u/d/l/r/ mapped to things in there. S is Start. Don't press \ EVER on that cali screen. :) Break everything and then you need to recopy over files. Else upon launch you'll see a Press Start screen followed by crash forever.


I was able to enter the game menu but I could not configure the controls. What to do?



New regedit files fixed the issues with loading gameplay for x64 users.


I still can't get 1.1 to work at all, nor the widescreen exe that the dude above provided.


Some other notes:



X = Bypass calibration

S = Start

L/R = Move selection

Enter = Dismiss Controller message

V = Change handling

R = Extra menu

O takes you to Operator menu




Stick = Steering

Gas/Brake = B/A  (I wish I could change this!)



R = Reset

C = Camera

B = Look Back

Tab = Turn off racers

H = Horn

Esc = Exit

U/D/L/R = Steering/Gas/Brake

? = Change song

  • 2 mois après...

So I played with this software in a NFS GT arcade cabinet.  I have the custom USB I/O board (Nytric board) and the I/O works 100%.  I have the same issue as others with crashing due to bad registry (need to try the recent fix).


If someone could configure Universal Control Remapper to recognize (and port the) inputs we may have a solution for analog inputs.

  • 2 mois après...
19 hours ago, eathearty1 said:

Has anyone got this working from the D partition and if they have could they advise how to

thanking you in advance

I also am stuck using my c drive root for now. :(

  • 2 mois après...
  • 6 mois après...

Like some other users in this thread, I'm also getting the registry error using ver. 1.1 on windows 10 with the game on my C drive. Is there a way to get the Logitech G29 or the Logitech Driving Force Pro to work with this?

Posté(e) (modifié)

Finally got it all configured on my front-end, This was one tricky thing because of fixed locations, registry and all. This was done on win 8.1 x64 so might not apply to other win versions.


Couple of pointers

1- Ver 1.0.1 works at my end while 1.1 doesn't

2- If on x64 OS use the Reg files from here >!btsSAIgZ!aOo1iOdtKzMyWvR_VDcSog

The link was mentioned in 1cc forums here (ignore the widescreen exe)>

3- Use dxwnd for early launcher full screen & dgvoodoo (dx11) for in-game - this will allow for seamless interaction with front-end

4- Use Junction for placing links for Gvr and GvrRoot folders in C:\ - junction won't need admin elevation for placing and removing links so you can easily create a bat which first creates the links then remove them when you quit playing.

5- You can use symlinks for placing all system files in SysWow64 folder (my system already had one file there so placed symlinks for rest

6- Use antimicro or xpadder to move keyboard keys to gamepad.

7- Once you reach the caliberation/ steering wheel error press "x" to exit it, then in the launcher press "s" for entering/ selection

8- Controls via gamepad work but steering hard right or left can drastically reduce the speed of car.


Modifié par RandomByte

A working batch (exit_antimicro called in end is simply taskkill /IM /F antimicro.exe)



Junction C:\Gvr "D:\Need for Speed (v1.0.1 Rev B)\Gvr"
Junction C:\GvrRoot "D:\Need for Speed (v1.0.1 Rev B)\GvrRoot"

start "" "D:\Tools\Antimicro v2.23 (x32)\antimicro.exe" --hidden --profile "D:\Tools\Antimicro Profiles\Need for Speed (v1.0.1 Rev B).gamecontroller.amgp"

cd "Tools\Dxwnd v2.05.14"
start /wait "" dxwnd.exe /C"UniverShell2" /R:0

Junction -d C:\Gvr
Junction -d C:\GvrRoot

call "D:\Tools\Antimicro\exit_antimicro.bat"


  • 9 mois après...

Hey guys, Im trying to fix a version of this game running in the dedicated arcade cabinet. 

Basically the game normally runs at 800x600 which requires a SVGA arcade monitor. Those are super hard to come by now. 

I found a VGA monitor that support 640x480, however when trying to force windows to run at that resolution, the game pops an error when launching. 

I was wondering if there's a way in the game internal files or config to modify the display resolution. That way I can simply set it to 640x480 and it will sync properly with my replacement monitor. 



7 hours ago, PSYCHOPAT said:

Hey guys, Im trying to fix a version of this game running in the dedicated arcade cabinet. 

Basically the game normally runs at 800x600 which requires a SVGA arcade monitor. Those are super hard to come by now. 

I found a VGA monitor that support 640x480, however when trying to force windows to run at that resolution, the game pops an error when launching. 

I was wondering if there's a way in the game internal files or config to modify the display resolution. That way I can simply set it to 640x480 and it will sync properly with my replacement monitor. 



IIRC for NFS GT you can run the game exec (you have to search for it yourself since I've forgotten where is it and I've deleted the game from the system) and change the resolution through the normal resolution menu, like the vanilla PC game. You can run Windows at any resolution and the game will run on the resolution specified in-game instead.

On 10/4/2020 at 9:47 AM, ZX3000GT1 said:

IIRC for NFS GT you can run the game exec (you have to search for it yourself since I've forgotten where is it and I've deleted the game from the system) and change the resolution through the normal resolution menu, like the vanilla PC game. You can run Windows at any resolution and the game will run on the resolution specified in-game instead.

ok thanks, there are no location within the operator game settings to adjust the game resolution. When I change it from Windows, it resets to 800x600 each time. Same thing with NFS Underground as well. 

I also tried installing a 32" monitor for Underground and increasing the resolution, however it simply keeps the same size, so the game area takes a small portion of the screen and the rest is black. Like the game area wont stretch to the full resolution. Also still when rebooting, the resolution resets at 800x600 when launching. 


I tried setting the resolution using the globalVR shortcut arguments, also tried forcing /basevideo in the boot.ini (gives an error when game launch). Couldnt get anything to work. Its quite the pain and those monitors SVGA are almost impossible to find. 

  • 1 mois après...
  • 2 semaines après...

Hello who can reupload? pleasssssssssssssssssssse

On 12/13/2020 at 3:58 AM, POPO69 said:

Hello who can reupload? pleasssssssssssssssssssse

The link is still alive though...You can still download it

  • 2 mois après...
4 hours ago, fire10 said:

run the link through mega link decrypter online tool

Just run it yourself you know, it won't take more than 5 mins

Le 23/03/2019 à 09:42, spiderzsoft a dit :

example for creating own launcher file with this parameters


NFSHP2.EXE -nofrontend -car carrgt -color 2 -track 0 -aicars 7 -aicops 0 -trans 1 -musicvol 85 -laps 2 -catchup 1.2 -ffadjust 25 -playernumber 1 -difficulty easy


can tyou give me your Icon? please in zip format?

I have error when I creat like this.

Other question can we have all option possible to creat?

Le 13/12/2019 à 10:01, RandomByte a dit :

Finally got it all configured on my front-end, This was one tricky thing because of fixed locations, registry and all. This was done on win 8.1 x64 so might not apply to other win versions.


Couple of pointers

1- Ver 1.0.1 works at my end while 1.1 doesn't

2- If on x64 OS use the Reg files from here >!btsSAIgZ!aOo1iOdtKzMyWvR_VDcSog

The link was mentioned in 1cc forums here (ignore the widescreen exe)>

3- Use dxwnd for early launcher full screen & dgvoodoo (dx11) for in-game - this will allow for seamless interaction with front-end

4- Use Junction for placing links for Gvr and GvrRoot folders in C:\ - junction won't need admin elevation for placing and removing links so you can easily create a bat which first creates the links then remove them when you quit playing.

5- You can use symlinks for placing all system files in SysWow64 folder (my system already had one file there so placed symlinks for rest

6- Use antimicro or xpadder to move keyboard keys to gamepad.

7- Once you reach the caliberation/ steering wheel error press "x" to exit it, then in the launcher press "s" for entering/ selection

8- Controls via gamepad work but steering hard right or left can drastically reduce the speed of car.



how can we play in widescreen please?

1 hour ago, POPO69 said:


how can we play in widescreen please?


6 minutes ago, eathearty1 said:

Could someone reupload the 64 OS Reg files for this as the link for them no longer works and the one included with game always show registry dll corrupted.


@ZX3000GT1 Thank you very much those worked but i can run the game as far as the countdown screen but as soon as it reaches zero i get an unknown error initializing graphics and game crashes.  If anyone knows how to fix this please let us know thank you in advance


same problem .Does anyone can upload all the folder in zip file please? 

10 hours ago, POPO69 said:


it's the hot poursuit not GT?

NFS GT is a modified hot pursuit 2.

The exe is similar


Sorted out the initalizing graphics problem now game boots up and is playable.  Inside the NFS folder that is inside the GvrRoot folder set the UniverShell2.exe to run in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 2).

1 hour ago, eathearty1 said:

Sorted out the initalizing graphics problem now game boots up and is playable.  Inside the NFS folder that is inside the GvrRoot folder set the UniverShell2.exe to run in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 2).

Thanks for that. I actually forgot how to run this and get the same initialization error. Thought it was the exe. It was actually this.


Now the game is playable, and the widescreen exe works


Game has always worked for me, but even with XP compat., I get a crash loading gameplay with the widescreen exe (or the 1.1 version of game). Guess I'm stuck with the 4:3 800x600.


The widescreen exe doesnt work for me either, the screen selection screens are small but the game itself plays fullscreen i am also useing the Need for Speed GT (v1.1.0 Rev C) Standalone.

Posté(e) (modifié)
3 hours ago, eathearty1 said:

The widescreen exe doesnt work for me either, the screen selection screens are small but the game itself plays fullscreen i am also useing the Need for Speed GT (v1.1.0 Rev C) Standalone.

Always wanted to know the issue, because I never get one

1. Where did you copy the exe to?

2. What is the error?


Also, for those who wanted to use a better control scheme for XBOX One (and possibly 360 as well), you can use the attached defaults.ini file.

Copy it to C:\Gvr\Games\HP2\NFSHP2\Controllers


The control scheme : 


LS - Turn Left & Right

RT - Gas

LT - Brake

X - Shift Up

A - Shift Down

B - Handbrake

Y - Look Back

RB - Change Camera

BACK/SELECT - Reset Camera

LS Button - Horn


Here is the defaults.ini : 



You can also map the controller yourself. Edit the defaults.ini, changing the section after [joystick 1] for changing joystick controls

This is the reference for XBOX One Controller : 


LS Right - axis 1
LS Left - axis 0
RT - axis 4
LT - axis 5
A/B/X/Y - button 0/1/2/3
LB/RB - button 4/5
Back - button 6
Start - button 7
LS Button - button 8
RS Button - button 9

Modifié par ZX3000GT1

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