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GTI Club does not respond to controls or keyboard

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Indeed, GTI Club Supermini Festa gives you a hard time if you wanna try to insert coins for getting any credits to start the game, eventually. But fortunately, there's an quite easy workaround for this issue. Just enter the TEST MENU => COIN OPTIONS => FREE PLAY and change the setting from NOT FREE to FREE. That, I guess, should solve your problem, if I ain't terribly wrong.


Works !!!! thank you
but I have another problem even worse, changing views I get to start playing but once the game started my ocche does not do anything, nor goes forward or anything;) a help please play with bartop joystick and neither with keyboard works


@susoarkangel & @torostanco (sorry, I can't answer you in Italian)


As I understand it, the both of you were able to enter GTI Club's Test Menu and navigate through it with your pad (or keyboard), as well as starting the game by pressing the appropriate button at the Press Start screen and choosing your selections afterwards, but within the actual heat of the action, so to speak, suddenly your controls didn't respond anymore? To be honest, I don't have the slightest idea what kind of problem you're dealing with here, but nonetheless can provide you with two tips which possibly might help.


1) Check what kind of Teknoparrot input mode (XInput or DInput) works best for you (for me with an XBox 360 Controller, it's XInput)

2) Try running the game in Administrator mode (many thanks to @MrThunderwing once again for the hint that saved the day, and those which followed...:-)  


And by the way, I'm using TP Version 1.68 for Supermini Festa where it works error-free for me.


Here are my exact TP settings for GTI Club Super Mini Festa that I play with, using my XBox 360 Controller (plugged, not wireless).

Note: Set Emulator Settings (Joystick interface) prior to Input Mapping.


Emulator Settings

Joystick interface: XInput

Enable sTo0z Zone: 8%


Game Specific Settings

C:\Games\Arcade Dumps\GTI Club Supermini Festa\gti3.exe

General - Windowed: OFF


Input Mapping

Test: Input Device 0 LeftShoulder (Left Shoulder Button)

Service: Input Device 0 RightShoulder (Right Shoulder Button)

Coin: Not used

Start: Input Device 0 Start (Start Button)

Shift Down: Not used (I'm a non-shifting sissy, haha)

Shift Up: Not used (like I told you, haha)

Action Button: Input Device 0 A (A Button)

Select Button Up: Input Device 0 DPadUp (Digital Up Button)

Select Button Down: Input Device 0 DPadDown (Digital Down Button)

Select Button Left: Input Device 0 DPadLeft (Digital Left Button)

Select Button Right: Input Device 0 DPadRight (Digital Right Button)

Wheel Axis (by pressing the left Analogue Stick to the right): Input Device 0 LeftThumbInput Device 0 X+ (Left Analogue Button)

Gas; Input Device 0 RightTrigger (Right Trigger)

Brake: Input Device 0 LeftTrigger (Left Trigger)

  • 1 an aprĂšs...
On 9/27/2018 at 4:25 AM, Pantherheart said:

Here are my exact TP settings for GTI Club Super Mini Festa that I play with, using my XBox 360 Controller (plugged, not wireless).

Note: Set Emulator Settings (Joystick interface) prior to Input Mapping.


Emulator Settings

Joystick interface: XInput

Enable sTo0z Zone: 8%


Game Specific Settings

C:\Games\Arcade Dumps\GTI Club Supermini Festa\gti3.exe

General - Windowed: OFF


Input Mapping

Test: Input Device 0 LeftShoulder (Left Shoulder Button)

Service: Input Device 0 RightShoulder (Right Shoulder Button)

Coin: Not used

Start: Input Device 0 Start (Start Button)

Shift Down: Not used (I'm a non-shifting sissy, haha)

Shift Up: Not used (like I told you, haha)

Action Button: Input Device 0 A (A Button)

Select Button Up: Input Device 0 DPadUp (Digital Up Button)

Select Button Down: Input Device 0 DPadDown (Digital Down Button)

Select Button Left: Input Device 0 DPadLeft (Digital Left Button)

Select Button Right: Input Device 0 DPadRight (Digital Right Button)

Wheel Axis (by pressing the left Analogue Stick to the right): Input Device 0 LeftThumbInput Device 0 X+ (Left Analogue Button)

Gas; Input Device 0 RightTrigger (Right Trigger)

Brake: Input Device 0 LeftTrigger (Left Trigger)

Thankyou very much my friend

  • 3 semaines aprĂšs...

Hi Pantherheart 

following your instruction im able to play too GTI but can you help for other games too like Ford Racing ?

in all game i test in this emulator only one have worked tnx to you..
you can help tnx

  • 7 mois aprĂšs...

sorry guys, but my controller does not work. so i'm not able to go into the test menu. In teknoparrot i can set my controlls easy but after the game launched i's playing the intro with the insert coin symbol. how can i get my controlls to work? thanxxx

Posté(e) (modifié)
1 hour ago, Fueter said:

sorry guys, but my controller does not work. so i'm not able to go into the test menu. In teknoparrot i can set my controlls easy but after the game launched i's playing the intro with the insert coin symbol. how can i get my controlls to work? thanxxx

In tp set the test menu button and change in the game to freeplay coin option doesn’t work for this game

Modifié par R.R.Z.

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