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idMacX + J/Rconfig + JVSemu + SpiceTools + BemaniTools + SegaTools + etc.


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After updated JConfig files for DOA there's no audio anymore.

I tried to put back previous one but I have no sound...really weird.


No sound using TeknoParrot too.


Will try to download the entire game again but before I do that, any of you can help me?








Solved, was Windows!

Modifié par nohero
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Guys any idea about always when I run the Guilty Gear Rev 2 I start with 9 COINS?

Even if I spend them in the previous time ... 

But, If you don't spend all of them, the remaining amount of credits remains for the next time I run the game.

It's super strange ... not an important issue, but If I easy to fix I will appreciate it!


Modifié par Keroro
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Partager sur d’autres sites both versions of DARIUS BURST CHRONICLE  the "start button"  don't works..if possible fix this bad issue..thanks a lot

Modifié par Rex2573
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excuse me-- a there a way to see the wonderful cgi video d intro in SONIC ALL STAR RACING ARCADE?  With jconfiguration unfortunately the game runs without it

Modifié par Rex2573
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  • 2 semaines après...

hi ...Are there news about therse 3 games, please?




If possible help me please..regards

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  • 2 semaines après...
hi ive had problems with raw thrills driving games like batman, dirty drivin and h2 octane my joystick works fine in game but at the select screen the cursor moves back and forth to fast to choose the track or vehicle is there a way to fix this?
April 1, 2020
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forgive me someone may help me with these games, please?

SEGA GRID RACER with a preconfigured file to play it without parrot...

SEGA MONKEY BALL TICKET  to play it with my xbox pad..icluding a exit button from pad itself .

SEGA DAYTONA with a exit button included in xbox pad..without using the esc button of keyboard

MAGICIAN DEAD  and SCHOOL RAGNAROCK --To èplay theme with pad but without parrot if possible..thanks a lot from now for your kindness

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1 minute ago, Keroro said:

Whats happens with the FEXL thread?

Got Deleted remind me again for the 6 buttons option after i tick the option i need to configure button 5 and 6 in player 3 yes?


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hace 1 minuto, R.R.Z. dijo:

Got Deleted remind me again for the 6 buttons option after i tick the option i need to configure button 5 and 6 in player 3 yes?



Fighting EX Layer 6 Buttons FIX
1. Open jconfig
2. Go to the "Settings"
3. Tick "Connect a 2nd Fast IO (Enable players 3 and 4)"
4. Mapp the "P3 BUTTON 5" and "P3 BUTTON 6" and click "OK" for save.

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Anyone know why I am getting sound error when running Gaia Attack 4 please. I have copied the jconfig files across, installed codec install, set compatability to windows service pack 2 on game.exe. Its driving me crazy, been trying to get this work for a few days.


Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

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Invité student123
On 7/12/2020 at 3:17 PM, R.R.Z. said:

Got Deleted remind me again for the 6 buttons option after i tick the option i need to configure button 5 and 6 in player 3 yes?


Yeah no longer available, anyone was able to grab the game dump before it got booted?

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32 minutes ago, student123 said:

Yeah no longer available, anyone was able to grab the game dump before it got booted?

Its on virus man website section tp the link under every post of his

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Invité student123

Anyone has any issue with Fighting Layer Ex? Keep getting error Failed to open descriptor file '../../../EFX/EXF/uprojet'?


This is with Virus man version of the game on his site.

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1 minute ago, student123 said:

Anyone has any issue with Fighting Layer Ex? Keep getting error Failed to open descriptor file '../../../EFX/EXF/uprojet'?


This is with Virus man version of the game on his site.

This and also samurai have sometimes errors because they use temp jconfig we all waiting for a proper one or them to be on tp

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Invité student123
26 minutes ago, eljose said:

i have added JCONFIG to the list of exception of the antivirus but it keeps deleting the file :( in ' Safe mode ' i can open JCONFIG  without any problem

On my acarde cabinet I uninstalled all antiviruses, just too many issues with them with these installs. 

Modifié par student123
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Invité student123
On 7/16/2020 at 8:23 AM, R.R.Z. said:

This and also samurai have sometimes errors because they use temp jconfig we all waiting for a proper one or them to be on tp

Strangely samurai shodown runs great, but no video playback. This one just crashes whatever I do. Wondering if it's the dump I have. 


Got it working, had to also move it to the c drive, game works wonderfully from there and video plays back. 

Modifié par student123
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Invité student123

Ok, got Fighting Ex layer working. Had to move to the c drive, then set compatibility to windows 8 for the main exe and also run with admin rights. Works perfect now, I on windows 10 if anyone is wondering.

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Il 16/7/2020 Alle 18:33, student123 ha scritto:

Strangely samurai shodown runs great, but no video playback. This one just crashes whatever I do. Wondering if it's the dump I have. 


Got it working, had to also move it to the c drive, game works wonderfully from there and video plays back. 

how did you fixed videos playback???

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Invité student123
6 hours ago, alessandro784 said:

how did you fixed videos playback???

I just put the game folder on the c drive, worked for some reason without any issues from there. 

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  • Team

Bemani Tools


## 5.31
* DDR: Fix p3io and extio lights not working / being swapped when using geninput
* DDR: Add HDXS light support
* DDR: Add 64 bit support
* DDR: Add option to use COM4 as the p3io rs232 port instead of emulating (for use with acrealio etc.)
* Jubeat: Add network adapter hook
* Misc: Fix aciodrv sometimes hanging on boot (eamio-icca and sdvxio-kfca) 


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