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idMacX + J/Rconfig + JVSemu + SpiceTools + BemaniTools + SegaTools + etc.

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  Le 02/04/2021 à 19:35, sk8t a dit :

Check if Jconfig created the sv folder and the files  monitor_input.bin, monitor_misc.bin, if not, configure and save again, why something might have gone wrong.



Yes it created the sv folder and both monitor_input.bin, monitor_misc.bin, but still blackscreens and crashes.


People who having issue with srg on Jconfig,should trying theTeknoparrot version of SRG...


Available for non patreon...👍

Posté(e) (modifié)

Hi everyone, I have an issue and since I launch this dump using jvs_loader with JConfig I ask it here (and since I didn't find solution on the Internet).


So it is about BlazBlue Calamity Trigger. Game is working fine, except for fact I have to turn on the two controllers that have been set for it to launch (if I only turn on one game simply isn't launching). I wish we could set two controllers and sometimes play just using one...


Well my issue concern unlock code! I don't know why but it doesn't works for me!



You must be at the System Operator menu.

  • Go to Screen Adjustment, then hold Start for about 5 seconds (you will hear the coin inserted chime if the following steps are done correctly), then tap D, Right, and B for the next coin sound.
  • Then hit Start, Left, Start, Up, Right, A for the final coin sound.
  • Lastly, hit Left, Down, Right, A, and finally Start.
  • If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Here Comes a New Challenger chime, confirming that you have just unlocked Hakumen.
  • Be sure to say yes at the "SPECIAL CONTENTS SAVE OK?" screen that pops up
  • Next, enter the Test Mode and go into Book Keeping.
  • Now, hold A+B+D for 10 seconds (or until you hear a sound).
  • Then press Right, Start, Down, Up - you'll hear a sound if done right.
  • Then enter A, Left, Up, Right - you'll hear a sound if done right.
  • Finally, hold C+Start for 5 seconds or until you hear "Here comes a new challenger".
  • Exit and select "Yes" to save new data.


The first step is ok, when I press start during 5 seconds I can hear the first coin sound, then pressing  D, Right, B did nothing. I am blocked at this step.

I've tested controllers buttons on test mode and they are all working.


I correctly understood right? D refers to D-Drive Button (so button 3) and B refers to B-Medium Attack (so button 1)?


So can someone explains me why it isn't working please?


Edit: Solved, buttons aren't what they supposed to be! So looking at button configuration Type A in-game finally understood :


A = Light Attack = A button for me (1)

B = Medium Attack = B button for me (2)

C = Heavy Attack = X button for me (3)

D = Drive = Y button for me (4)


So really different from picutre on JConfig's fandom. Anyway it worked.

Modifié par Kleyon
Posté(e) (modifié)

the BLOCK KING Jconfig :( gives me error :( when initializing 


gives me a key.bin error :( can not start the game

Modifié par eljose
  Le 04/04/2021 à 10:36, eljose a dit :

the BLOCK KING Jconfig :( gives me error :( when initializing 


gives me a key.bin error :( can not start the game


same issue for me

  Le 04/04/2021 à 11:11, scooby a dit :

Try to put the game.exe (the Jconfig one) in windows XP service pack3 compatibility. It works for me.


done but always the same issue


Do you have CHINESE CHARACTERS in the FILE ? if so change the name to BLOCK KING SHOOTER or something like :D that i can enter now the game but do not know what to do to make it playable


is there any way to play storm racer with keyboard instead of joystick? the game doesnt load when i try to choose keyboard in the jconfig. thanks.

Posté(e) (modifié)

I did fix this in the end - by upping the rendering resolution but leaving the windowed resolution low. Thanks for the tip about jconfig in the first place, it runs really well.


Shame there isn't a jconfig for the ID games as well! And especially for OR2!


EDIT: oh, though i see the ID games are being worked on! Could be pretty cool.


  Le 02/04/2021 à 04:10, buttersoft a dit :





Modifié par buttersoft
Posté(e) (modifié)

Does anyone knows if we can have a crosshair on Block King Ball Shooter please?

Modifié par Kleyon

Any news about SRG jconfig update with FFB working with wheels?


This racing game IS so fun with a wheel,but badly needs somme ffb effects as the Real arcade cab...😦


Thanks To the great communauty...❤️

Posté(e) (modifié)

I'm having trouble with LAN in Storm Racer G (using J-config). I have two cabs which normally network fine. The first cab says SRG is online (while running and going into test menu) and the other does not. They are (online) and 1.101 (offline). I've tried everything i can think of, changing IP's to lower than 100, copying the online/working SRG game folder onto the other machine (where it promptly says it's offline when the game is run, even if i swap IPs between machines.)


I can only imagine windows is blocking something. I have allowed racing.exe through the window firewall, removed it, added it back again, added public networks, etc. And i have no other security software besides Windows defender, which doesn't flag any threats and so hasn't quarantined anything.


Have i missed something, does this "online" indication in the test menu not matter and the cabs link in some other way? I have both instances running but when i coin up nothing happens and both go into separate/offline races.


I'm totally out of ideas, and would greatly appreciate any tips to get things working :/

Modifié par buttersoft
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 06/04/2021 à 19:18, meddu69 a dit :

Any news about SRG jconfig update with FFB working with wheels?


This racing game IS so fun with a wheel,but badly needs somme ffb effects as the Real arcade cab...😦


Thanks To the great communauty...❤️



I agree!

Modifié par Kleyon

Lol, i do thank you for the reply, but where did it go?


I noticed something else - in SRG the "online" PC  (IP reports itself as car 100 in the test menu. The "offline" PC (IP reports itself as car 0. I did try changing the IP to like 4 but it doesn't change anything. Weird. I wonder if you get one shot, and it's creating a (pro)file somewhere outside the SRG directory that stays the same when i reinstall the game.


You can get to the test menu, btw, just bind a key to it. The coin button will exit the test menu. IF someone could try that and report back what you're seeing vs your IP that would be awesome.

Posté(e) (modifié)

Yes you're right, I edited it because it was going nowhere. I really don't see why, like you said maybe a created file?!



Modifié par Kleyon

That's all good. I appreciated the reply, it's good to have help thinking things through. I can't see anything in the mydocs folder, nor in the appdata one - though i haven't looked too hard into the latter.

  Le 07/04/2021 à 10:56, buttersoft a dit :

Lol, i do thank you for the reply, but where did it go?


I noticed something else - in SRG the "online" PC  (IP reports itself as car 100 in the test menu. The "offline" PC (IP reports itself as car 0. I did try changing the IP to like 4 but it doesn't change anything. Weird. I wonder if you get one shot, and it's creating a (pro)file somewhere outside the SRG directory that stays the same when i reinstall the game.


You can get to the test menu, btw, just bind a key to it. The coin button will exit the test menu. IF someone could try that and report back what you're seeing vs your IP that would be awesome.



I'm having touble with multiplayer too. My IPs are and, both cabs are offline connected via a switch. All my other multiplayer games are fine so not a network issue.


The bottom right of the screen shows the Video ID number and Machine number. Both my Machine numbers are 1 so there must be an option to set this to 2 on the second cabinet somewhere but I'm yet to find it. I've read the manual for the game and it doesn't mention it. Racer G Eng Manual_1.5.14-1822_new.pdf


There are some settings in the test menu, but i'm not sure how to get them to save... Or exactly what they do.

  Le 08/04/2021 à 07:14, jayc001 a dit :


I'm having touble with multiplayer too. My IPs are and, both cabs are offline connected via a switch. All my other multiplayer games are fine so not a network issue.


The bottom right of the screen shows the Video ID number and Machine number. Both my Machine numbers are 1 so there must be an option to set this to 2 on the second cabinet somewhere but I'm yet to find it. I've read the manual for the game and it doesn't mention it. Racer G Eng Manual_1.5.14-1822_new.pdf



  Le 08/04/2021 à 10:41, buttersoft a dit :

There are some settings in the test menu, but i'm not sure how to get them to save... Or exactly what they do.



I read somewhere that coin button saves test menu settings. I'll try that later.

I also think the video ID section is where  the Machine  ID is set. The Video split I think is so the screen can be set for multiscreen in attract mode.


To begin with, before you change anything, do your machines say online or offline in the top right corner of the test menu? (at least, it's the top right on my small screen)

  Le 09/04/2021 à 11:39, buttersoft a dit :

To begin with, before you change anything, do your machines say online or offline in the top right corner of the test menu? (at least, it's the top right on my small screen)


If I start each machine separate they say online (despite not actually having an internet connection). If I start both at the same time one of the machines crashes out. I suspect it detects it has the same ID as the other. This is the same for most Sega cabinets.


I did notice the version of the dump I have is different to the manual. The dump is 1.5.12 and the manual is 1.5.14 so that explains why the test screen looks slightly different.


Hmm, well, the machine i have that does have an internet connection is the one that says it's offline. I did try disabling the internet but leaving in on LAN, but that didn't change anything. Maybe i need to play around with that more. Maybe i can try taking the "online" cab off the network completely and see what the game says when it loads up.


My test menu doesn't look like the one in that manual you posted, btw. I'll try to grab a screencap of it, options seem to be named wrong. In the test menu, the coin button drops you back to normal game. If you want to save you have to go down the last entry in the list "VideoID" or whatever it is, and hit start. The entry above that for "Video Split" is how you reset to default settings (on confirm). And where the Video split and video ID and split options should be, it call them Start and Preparing. They still show the 1/8. 2/8. 4/8 like the manual you posted though, so they're still the same options, just named wrong.


In that manual, P52 and 53, in the top right corner it's showing machine 211. Given my "online" cab calls itself car 100 and the final octect of it's IP is .100, i reckon it's got to be something to do with that. 211 just seems totally random, given there can only be 8 cars in the setup - so maybe it's like they can all be on the one LAN at an arcade and that's the random IP the cab was given? Maybe you need a separate number up there, and also to set the video id/split correctly?


Let me know if you figure out a way to alter machine number and/or turn the network on and off in the test menu! The networking section of the manual doesn't look anything i can find in the game itself.


Sigh, i have to go on hols for ten days on Monday, but i'll try to check in while I'm away to see if you manage to figure anything out :)

  Le 17/04/2021 à 02:47, arandomemail a dit :

When I try to run minime it says node.js is not installed, even though I just installed the latest version of it. Any reason as to why this would happen?


Restarted the PC ?


You need to Add C:\Program Files\nodejs to your PATH environment variable.

To do this follow these steps:

Use Search to search for"Environment Variables"

Click "Edit system environment variables"

Click "Environment Variables" in the dialog.

In the "System Variables" box, search for Path and edit it to include C:\Program Files\nodejs.

Make sure it is separated from any other paths by a ;.

You will have to restart any currently-opened command prompts before it will take effect.





hi guys. awesome work u doing here. i have a problem running gti club, ive tried everything i could to get it to run but it would just crash each time. most other games i run just fine like dirty driving, virtua tennis etc, sf4... but this one no go. am i missing some special file or something?

error code.jpg

  • 2 semaines après...
  Le 05/12/2020 à 08:07, lampuiho a dit :

Trying to run spicecfg on Windows 10 1809 but it crashes. Any idea?

EDIT: The problem was caused by certain HID-compliant vendor-defined/"consumer control" devices producing unexpected behaviours that spicetool could not handle. Disabling them fixed it. Found the problem when using ealocalserver to run Dance Evolution.


I have this same problem, but disabling them unplugging etc does nothing to fix this error. spicecfg runs fine on win 7 with those same devices active. Is there a work around? Not really wanting to boot to win 7 anytime i want to play


By the way for JCONFIG with RAWTHRILLS games :) do i need to put htem into C:\RAWART ? and go to test mode and put in FREE mode (no coins) ?

  • 2 semaines après...

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