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idMacX + J/Rconfig + JVSemu + SpiceTools + BemaniTools + SegaTools + etc.

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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 03/05/2020 à 16:56, petje a dit :

You want to play this game with a keyboard ?

Good luck with that !

Just tested it, works fine with a XInput joystick. (yes fake analog pedals)



@petje The reality is I use a cabinet with jamma, with joystick but the way that I need to map the buttons is as a Keyboard.

@gasabbath Yes, I setup the fake Analog Pedals, but I dont want to use the mouse, anly keyboard (because I the way to map my switch buttons for jamma harness)

Modifié par Keroro
  Le 03/05/2020 à 19:01, Keroro a dit :


@petje The reality is I use a cabinet with jamma, with joystick but the way that I need to map the buttons is as a Keyboard.

@gasabbath Yes, I setup the fake Analog Pedals, but I dont want to use the mouse, anly keyboard (because I the way to map my switch buttons for jamma harness)


Here is my config for playing only with joystick, and it works perfect, al least for me.


Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 03/05/2020 à 19:46, gasabbath a dit :

Here is my config for playing only with joystick, and it works perfect, al least for me.




Thanks for your help but lest and right still not working for me because Im using buttons (Switches) and I suppose your stick work as an analog diver, you can see the POV 27000 and POV 900 in your Axis. Your Joystick shouldn't be a normal arcade stick right, It will be more like a plane controller, right?

Modifié par Keroro
  Le 03/05/2020 à 23:32, Keroro a dit :


Thanks for your help but lest and right still not working for me because Im using buttons (Switches) and I suppose your stick work as an analog diver, you can see the POV 27000 and POV 900 in your Axis. Your Joystick shouldn't be a normal arcade stick right, It will be more like a plane controller, right?


If your arcade stick is based on a USB  encoder there is no difference with a regular joystick. 

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 03/05/2020 à 23:54, gasabbath a dit :

If your arcade stick is based on a USB  encoder there is no difference with a regular joystick. 


You are totally right!

I use a completely new and clean dump and works! The only difference with you is I need to mark the “fake analog” checkbox for the toggle works!

Its not than bad play with a stick arcade jajaja.

Thanks a lot!!! :very-good:

Modifié par Keroro

i tried this new updated j confguration of BLADE STRANGERS but unfortunately it runs always with only 2nd player...



Not fixed here neither

2nd Player buttons in Phantom Breakers are still sent to the 1st Player in Vs Match.


Strangely for Balde Stranger the 2nd player has 6 buttons instead of 4... Not a big probleme btw.


  Le 04/05/2020 à 22:50, Houb a dit :

Not fixed here neither

2nd Player buttons in Phantom Breakers are still sent to the 1st Player in Vs Match.


Strangely for Balde Stranger the 2nd player has 6 buttons instead of 4... Not a big probleme btw.



blade strangers instead in my pc run only with 2nd player..also in this updated version.. i give uo..from many days i'm despairing for it 

  Le 04/05/2020 à 22:59, kratos1883 a dit :

blade strangers instead in my pc run only with 2nd player..also in this updated version.. i give uo..from many days i'm despairing for it 



I had the same but after a go in test mode (input test section) it was resolved.

  Le 04/05/2020 à 23:01, Houb a dit :


I had the same but after a go in test mode (input test section) it was resolved.


i tried in test mode but nothing to is defective..damn it is a wonderful game

Invité Jayinem

When I use jconfig with Sega Golden Guns it breaks input I put the input in jconfig those buttons don't work. I even read the readme and it says you need to hit certain buttons and that doesn't work. Hit every key on my keyboard nothing. I am talking about inserting coins and starting. I tried to reinstall the game fresh because I was using gameloader before but it did the same thing. 

Invité student123

Hey guys, is there some magic sauce to get Phantom Breaker to run in full screen on a 4k monitor?


I have still old annoying issues with DariusBurst (both releases) :

I have ghost keys when more than 2 joysticks are plugged and Start buttons don't work at all ingame.

A side effect is that even when not credited nor invited the players 2 and 3 will even join a few second after starting the game.

As start buttons don't work ingame it is impossible to continue when died.

It would be nice to get it fixed ;)


Posté(e) (modifié)

PhantomBreakerJC-FS.rarPhantomBreakerJC-FS.rarRecherche des informations…

  Le 06/05/2020 à 03:55, student123 a dit :

Hey guys, is there some magic sauce to get Phantom Breaker to run in full screen on a 4k monitor?



I made a proper Fullscreen launcher for PhantomBreaker with jconfig : Make a Try


You can put it in your game directory and it will launch "pbac_ringedge2.exe" directly by default (it should be the jconfig one to work)

You can also put it everywhere but in this case you should give at least the working directory offcourse. You can use it like that for example:

- In your game directory ;


PhatomBreakerJC-FS.exe NameOfMyExe.exe

- In an other directory

PhatomBreakerJC-FS.exe "H:\MyGameFolder\PH\NameOfMyExe.exe"


By defaut the game will be displayed at max on your screen and the ratio will be preserved (it works in SD and HD).

If you want a full screen aspect just put "Full" in the end of the command line or shortcut like this for example :

PhatomBreakerJC-FS.exe Full


PhatomBreakerJC-FS.exe "H:\MyGameFolder\PH\NameOfMyExe.exe" Full


Hope it helps :)


Edit2 : Launcher Updated again...


PhantomBreakerJC-FS.rarRecherche des informations…

Modifié par Houb
Invité student123
  Le 06/05/2020 à 17:24, Houb a dit :


I made a proper Fullscreen launcher for PhantomBreaker with jconfig : Make a Try


You can put it in your game directory and it will launch "pbac_ringedge2.exe" directly by default (it should be the jconfig one to work)

You can also put it everywhere but in this case you should give at least the working directory offcourse. You can use it like that for example:

- In your game directory ;


PhatomBreakerJC-FS.exe NameOfMyExe.exe

- In an other directory

PhatomBreakerJC-FS.exe "H:\MyGameFolder\PH\NameOfMyExe.exe"


By defaut the game will be displayed at max on your screen and the ratio will be preserved (it works in SD and HD).

If you want a full screen aspect just put "Full" in the end of the command line or shortcut like this for example :

PhatomBreakerJC-FS.exe Full


PhatomBreakerJC-FS.exe "H:\MyGameFolder\PH\NameOfMyExe.exe" Full


Hope it helps :)


Edit : Launcher Updated => Small bug fixed (Full in SD mode)


PhantomBreakerJC-FS.rarRecherche des informations…


Just gave it a try, but no go. The loader opens a full screen background image, then opens the game on the top left, but it never goes fullscreen. 


This is under windows 10 on a 4k screen. 


Thank you! 

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 07/05/2020 à 05:30, student123 a dit :

Just gave it a try, but no go. The loader opens a full screen background image, then opens the game on the top left, but it never goes fullscreen. 


This is under windows 10 on a 4k screen. 


Thank you! 



Strange... Works perfect here on W10 too.

Try again with this one : PhantomBreakerJC-FS.rar


The way it works now is better, I hope it resolves also your issue ;)

Modifié par Houb
Invité student123
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 07/05/2020 à 12:21, Houb a dit :


Strange... Works perfect here on W10 too.

Try again with this one : PhantomBreakerJC-FS.rar


The way it works now is better, I hope it resolves also your issue ;)


Working now thanks! So had to change jconfig to dx9 and select windows. Also the Max that works resolution wise is 720p, go any further and black screen. 


Glad it's working, thanks man! 😊

Modifié par student123
  Le 08/05/2020 à 01:34, student123 a dit :

Working now thanks! So had to change jconfig to dx9 and select windows. Also the Max that works resolution wise is 720p, go any further and black screen. 


Glad it's working, thanks man! 😊


No you have to disable jconfig's D3D wrapper completely and it should work at your maximum desktop resolution

The ratio will be respected by defaut but it will be displayed at the max display size available.

You can allso put "Full" in command line to stretch to your full screen size.

Invité student123
  Le 08/05/2020 à 04:35, Houb a dit :

No you have to disable jconfig's D3D wrapper completely and it should work at your maximum desktop resolution

The ratio will be respected by defaut but it will be displayed at the max display size available.

You can allso put "Full" in command line to stretch to your full screen size.


 That's what I first did, does not work for my video card, stays minimized whatever I did. What worked for me is using your tool with full, setting d3d with windows mode and setting 720p. That gives me full screen with no issues. Something different with my setup I guess...

  Le 17/03/2020 à 14:08, ZX3000GT1 a dit :

Você pode acessar o menu de serviço criando um atalho para LGI.exe e, em seguida, adicionar -TestMode como o parâmetro no destino.

A questão é que a opção de mudar de região simplesmente não existe



Hello, I enter the test mode but do not save the configuration, which can be, thank you.


When playing games from the keyboard, we need to press several keys at the same time.
Can we make the 3 keys we want by pressing just 1 key?


Klavyeden oyun oynarken aynı anda birkaç tuşa basmamız gerekiyor.
İstediğimiz 3 tuşu, sadece 1 tuşla basarak yapabilir miyiz?


could someone please make a small tutorial about how to config Jconfig for taito Typex2  games ?

Invité petje
  Le 13/05/2020 à 09:23, eljose a dit :

could someone please make a small tutorial about how to config Jconfig for taito Typex2  games ?


Add JConfig files to game folder

Start JConfig, configure settings as needed, very easy

Save, close JConfig

Start game .exe 


Posté(e) (modifié)

Hello team,

Still impossible to run KOFXIII or Climax via Jconfig?

I try it several thing, RFIDGod, Nesys, bat, etc.. and Its impossible for me.

Modifié par Keroro
Invité petje
  Le 13/05/2020 à 20:39, Keroro a dit :

Hello team,

Still impossible to run KOFXIII or Climax via Jconfig?

I try it several thing, RFIDGod, Nesys, bat, etc.. and Its impossible for me.


Use ttx_config2.0.exe without iDmacDrv32.dll in the game folder

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 13/05/2020 à 21:05, petje a dit :

Use ttx_config2.0.exe without iDmacDrv32.dll in the game folder



Thanks @petje
Sure, but ttx_config cant accept my USB Stick (Jamma to USB) or I dont know how.

Only for this reason Im still using Tecknoparrot for KOFXIII.

Modifié par Keroro
Invité student123
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 12/05/2020 à 20:50, spiderzsoft a dit :

check 1st page post #1


First post is actually missing DariusBurst alltogether. Is this an omission, doesn't seem to be even listed as a supported game.


These are the games listed on the first post: 


ndividuals patches and JConfig:

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IDmacX alternate version: idmacdrv-2018-06-20.7z

iDmacX special SOR: iDmacDrv64_School_of_Ragnarok_2018_10_10.rar
BattleGear4 / ChaseHQ2 / ValveLimitR / WackyRaces:

ElevatorAction / GaiaAttack4 / HauntedMuseum 1 & 2 / MusicGunGun2:


BatmanArcade_2020_03_25.rarRecherche des informations…

BladeArcusFromShining_2020_05_04.rarRecherche des informations…

BladeStranger_2020_05_04_FIX.rarRecherche des informations…

CaladriusAC_2020_02_04.rarRecherche des informations…
ChaosCode_2020_01_09.rarRecherche des informations…
DeathSmilesII.rarRecherche des informations…

DeadOrAlive5_2020_04_29.rarRecherche des informations…

DirtyDrivin_2019_12_23_fix.rarRecherche des informations…

DreamRaiders_2020_01_09.rarRecherche des informations…
FastFurious_2019_06_06.rarRecherche des informations…
FastFuriousDrift_2018_06_27.rarRecherche des informations…

FightingClimax_2020_04_29_fix.rarRecherche des informations…
FNFSuperBikes_2019_06_06.rarRecherche des informations…
FNFSuperBikes2_2019_06_07.rarRecherche des informations…
FNFSuperCars_2019_06_07.rarRecherche des informations…

FordRacing_2018_10_06_fix.rarRecherche des informations…

GuiltyGearXXACP_2020_04_29.rarRecherche des informations…

GuiltyGearXrd_2020_04_29.7zRecherche des informations…

GRID_2019_03_26.rarRecherche des informations…

GTI3_2019_04_04.rarRecherche des informations…

GoldenGun_2020_01_09.rarRecherche des informations…

H2Overdrive_2020_01_06.rarRecherche des informations…

KODrive_2020_01_09.rarRecherche des informations…
KoihimeEnbuRaiRai_2020_04_30_fix.rarRecherche des informations…

LetsGoIsland_2020_02_05.rarRecherche des informations…

LetsGoIsland3D_2020_02_04.rarRecherche des informations…

MagiciansDead_2020_02_22.rarRecherche des informations…
MarioKartDX_2019_07_29.rarRecherche des informations…

MeltyBlood_2020_04_29_fix.rarRecherche des informations…
OperationG.H.O.S.T_2020_01_09.rarRecherche des informations…

PhantomBreaker_2020_05_04_FIX.rarRecherche des informations…
Sonic_2020_01_09.rarRecherche des informations…
PokkenTournament_2018_10_08.rarRecherche des informations…

SegaRacingClassic_2020_02_04.rarRecherche des informations…
SegaRally3_2018_06_27_fix.rarRecherche des informations…

SNOCORSS_2019_11_18.rarRecherche des informations…

StarWars_2019_11_21.rarRecherche des informations…

Tekken7_2018_10_08.rarRecherche des informations…

TransformersHA_2020_02_04.rarRecherche des informations…

UnderNightIn-BirthExe-Latest_2020_04_29.rarRecherche des informations…

UnderNightIn-BirthExe-Late_2020_04_29.rarRecherche des informations…

UnderDefeatHD_2020_02_04.rarRecherche des informations…

VirtuaTennis4_2020_02_04.rarRecherche des informations…
WMMT5_2018_12_10.rarRecherche des informations…

Modifié par student123
Invité student123
  Le 14/05/2020 à 15:33, spiderzsoft a dit :


DariusBurst is TTX2 game so USE iDmac Jconfig for it


Pr-Confirgred jconfig >>>


Was able to get it to run, but seems both versions remain minimized. Any trick to have it run fullscreen, the settings were not set to windows, but still come up in the center of the screen. Screen is 4k if that makes a difference.



Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 15/05/2020 à 19:05, student123 a dit :

Was able to get it to run, but seems both versions remain minimized. Any trick to have it run fullscreen, the settings were not set to windows, but still come up in the center of the screen. Screen is 4k if that makes a difference.




the both versions .5  and DARIUS EX continue to give me problems with j configuration because the j configurationn finds my mouse working and unfortunately present during the game on screen with its cursor and the j configuration don't recognize 7 button of my default setting as the START button..

Modifié par Rex2573
  Le 15/05/2020 à 20:34, Rex2573 a dit :

the both versions .5  and DARIUS EX continue to give me problems with j configuration because the j configurationn finds my mouse working and unfortunately present during the game on screen with its cursor and the j configuration don't recognize 7 button of my default setting as the START button..



Jconfig doesn't work good with Dariusburst unfortunately. and it's even worst if you have more than 2 joysticks plugged.

For my part I have a 4 players cabinet using 4 x360 hackpads and it' horrible : many ghost keys, start buttons don't work,...

  Le 15/05/2020 à 20:41, Houb a dit :


Jconfig doesn't work good with Dariusburst unfortunately. and it's even worst if you have more than 2 joysticks plugged.

For my part I have a 4 players cabinet using 4 x360 hackpads and it' horrible : many ghost keys, start buttons don't work,...


yes m y friend  it is frustating..i hope they do a perfect j configuratoin  as soon as possible and help us

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