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idMacX + J/Rconfig + JVSemu + SpiceTools + BemaniTools + SegaTools + etc.

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I wonder if it's connected with what type of speaker setup you've got? I've just got a stereo speaker setup with a subwoofer and the music plays OK through both. Are you using a 5.1 surround setup or anything unusual? 

Modifié par MrThunderwing
  Le 08/01/2020 Ă  22:59, MrThunderwing a dit :

I wonder if it's connected with what type of speaker setup you've got? I've just got a stereo speaker setup with a subwoofer and the music plays OK through both. Are you using a 5.1 surround setup or anything unusual? 


It seems the game is very picky about what sound setup you have, yeah. I have normal Cerwin Vega stereo speakers (no 5.1 sound etc),connected to a NAD amplifier. And this is the only game I have ever had sound issues with so far. :triste:

  Le 08/01/2020 Ă  20:12, POOTERMAN a dit :

I agree mate, no point trying to play the game until the controls are fixed.


Just so damn frustrating as I've (we've) both waited years to play this game at home (just like we did with Chase HQ2) and it's never bloody straightforward is it!



have u tried to select Dinput but still normally assign buttons to ur joystick  .... this worked for me and it was the same case with dirty drivin

  Le 08/01/2020 Ă  23:16, mamefan2018 a dit :

have u tried to select Dinput but still normally assign buttons to ur joystick  .... this worked for me and it was the same case with dirty drivin


I wouldn't have thought to try that, but could give it a go. TBH, I could try this with my racing wheel, I've just not been arsed to get it out the cupboard and set up. 

  Le 09/01/2020 Ă  17:20, MrThunderwing a dit :

I wouldn't have thought to try that, but could give it a go. TBH, I could try this with my racing wheel, I've just not been arsed to get it out the cupboard and set up. 


i just selected dinput ... but used my normal xinput controller and was able to assign buttons .... and it works perfectly fine.

when i select xinput the controls r messed up ... same problem with dirty drivin

  Le 09/01/2020 Ă  21:50, mamefan2018 a dit :

i just selected dinput ... but used my normal xinput controller and was able to assign buttons .... and it works perfectly fine.

when i select xinput the controls r messed up ... same problem with dirty drivin


No , You have to select, xinput, then save, then bind the controls and save again, 


Xinput has diffrent button order, then dinput.

  Le 09/01/2020 Ă  22:29, Claymanblack a dit :

No , You have to select, xinput, then save, then bind the controls and save again, 


Xinput has diffrent button order, then dinput.


yes this is what i do normally ... but with dirty drivin and h2overdrive selecting xinput is bugged and controls don't work right ... so i tried just selecting dinput and assigning my controller buttons and it worked and now the controls work fine.

  Le 08/01/2020 Ă  21:42, POOTERMAN a dit :


I'm not wasting time making multiple icons for different revisions of the same game, just use this one!




Hey man can you create a icone for the game : SkullGirl 2nd Encore

Thank's in advance

  Le 09/01/2020 Ă  21:50, mamefan2018 a dit :

i just selected dinput ... but used my normal xinput controller and was able to assign buttons .... and it works perfectly fine.

when i select xinput the controls r messed up ... same problem with dirty drivin



Thanks for this dude, you're a legend :fiesta:! I did a fresh install of the game then using J-config 06, configured the controls on my 360 pad whilst keeping Dinput selected and everything works perfectly now. X-Axis is now no longer too sensitive and the jump height works correctly, all without altering the sliders in the additional config screen for Jump height or X-axis sensitivity. @POOTERMAN Gaz my man, you might want to give this a try.

Posté(e) (modifié)

Network play on H2Overdrive can be activated by changing 4th line of Settings2.xml, change last number to 1, 2, 3, for machine 1,2,3 etc.

  <int name="m_uPosition" value="0" />


Game Starts with Network Play Enabled: Player X, but appears to be something else needed.  

Modifié par Gtguy
  Le 11/01/2020 Ă  15:13, MrThunderwing a dit :


Thanks for this dude, you're a legend :fiesta:! I did a fresh install of the game then using J-config 06, configured the controls on my 360 pad whilst keeping Dinput selected and everything works perfectly now. X-Axis is now no longer too sensitive and the jump height works correctly, all without altering the sliders in the additional config screen for Jump height or X-axis sensitivity. @POOTERMAN Gaz my man, you might want to give this a try.


haha glad it worked for u bro ... it started with dirty drivin ... using xinput controls were mixed and very sensitive .... i tried everything but it just didn't feel right ... so one last desperate attempt i just chose dinput and to my surprise everything worked perfectly fine ...

so when i had a similar problem is h2overdrive i just went for dinput ... and i hope it would work for @POOTERMAN too

  Le 23/11/2019 Ă  16:11, soso92 a dit :

oui je confirme on peut rĂ©gler sur 2 boutons diffĂ©rent le brake et le accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© 


Salut soso92

Il y a quelque chose que je ne comprends pas avec jconfig star wars pour le brake. J'ai tout essayé DInput (Default) et XInput (Xbox Gamepad) ça ne fonctionne pas, seul l'accéléré marche.

As-tu réussi à faire fonctionner le brake avec Jconfig ?

Si tu as une solution je suis preneur.

Je te remercie par avance. 

  Le 13/01/2020 Ă  16:35, Daytona91 a dit :

Salut soso92

Il y a quelque chose que je ne comprends pas avec jconfig star wars pour le brake. J'ai tout essayé DInput (Default) et XInput (Xbox Gamepad) ça ne fonctionne pas, seul l'accéléré marche.

As-tu réussi à faire fonctionner le brake avec Jconfig ?

Si tu as une solution je suis preneur.

Je te remercie par avance. 


Non ça ne fonctionne pas la touche brake est prévue mais elle ne fonctionne pas


Hello, if someone use jconfig with Wmmt5, is it possible to enter menu not like in teknoparot? 

And does the save data is working too? 

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 13/01/2020 Ă  21:55, ginzu a dit :

Hello, if someone use jconfig with Wmmt5, is it possible to enter menu not like in teknoparot? 

And does the save data is working too? 


Not that i know of but you can try these ?

Modifié par petje
  Le 13/01/2020 Ă  22:54, petje a dit :

Ok, thank you, my objective is to rise up the volume of the music in-game. 

  Le 14/01/2020 Ă  23:13, spiderzsoft a dit :

i dont have any error :gene: work perfect in any Res + windowed and fullscreen ... 


Thats why i posted the screenshot to show it erroring, i am on windows 10 latest 1909 18363.535 and think maybe this newest update has broken direct 3d 9 support, as i have updated all direct x and visual c's.


  Le 14/01/2020 Ă  23:36, spiderzsoft a dit :

what you set DX res ? try to change and test....
other wise use windowed Mode + Fullscreen Script :gene:


@spiderzsoft Thank you was set at 1024x576 worked at all other resolutions so i checked my nvidia control panel and set a custom resolution for 1024x576 and it worked at that resolution as well.  Thanks for putting me on right track.  If anyone else has 3d error check custom resolutions in your graphics card.


Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 14/01/2020 Ă  22:23, spiderzsoft a dit :

Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R playable !!!


Lets go island playable

For Further Information Check 1st Page The Post #1





For LGJ:

Change the resolution in the file:
data / Fraw / fwDataDB / fwDataDB_Application.txt


and change the first 4 lines otherwise you will have the pointer shift.


EXAMPLE: 1280/720 = change by what you want
int, WindowWidth,,, 1280
int, WindowHeight,,, 720
int, RenderWidth,,, 1280
int, RenderHeight,,, 720
int, FrontendWidth,,, 1024
int, FrontendHeight,,, 600






Modifié par 7zxkv

Question toute bête, comment télécharger le fichier de base sachant qu'il est systématiquement bloqué par mon navigateur internet car comportant un virus ?



Annotation 2020-01-15 133722.jpg

Posté(e) (modifié)

I had to make this modification to the game (Guilty Gear XX Ancent Core Plus R) to make it work in 1360x768 with full screen without the black edges appearing 






Modifié par diegoginard

I am having trouble setting up the mouse with Golden Gun.  I also can't get the keys to work for the "Coin" and "Start".  I want to use the mouse to play, and I have key number 1 set as "Coin" and Spacebar as "Start"

Any help with this?

  Le 16/01/2020 Ă  03:19, RandomAccessGamer a dit :

I am having trouble setting up the mouse with Golden Gun.  I also can't get the keys to work for the "Coin" and "Start".  I want to use the mouse to play, and I have key number 1 set as "Coin" and Spacebar as "Start"

Any help with this?



I think that in Golden Gun, credits are inserted with "service" button, in the case that you play with jconfig.

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 16/01/2020 Ă  10:50, joeplay a dit :

Any idea how to change the region / language in lets go island? By default it comes in Japanese.


Set region in teknoparrot game settings to USA

My teknoparrot.ini in the game folder contains




Modifié par petje
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 16/01/2020 Ă  12:17, joeplay a dit :

and with jconfig?


No Idea

JConfig does not work for me

Service menu ?

I load it with gameloader and teknoparrot

Modifié par petje

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