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idMacX + J/Rconfig + JVSemu + SpiceTools + BemaniTools + SegaTools + etc.

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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 05/01/2020 Ă  09:53, 7zxkv a dit :

Incredible! This Jconfig magically got the game to run for me! Before when I tried with Teknoparrot. It would just close within seconds when I boot up the game.

Thanks a ton for sharing this!

For the few people that had this game instantly crash in the past, enable windowed mode and not fullscreen or else it will crash. Use Borderless gaming to make it fullscreen!


Modifié par Inari
Invité student123




Does anyone have a working link for 

Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round, Update 2      


I tried using the DOA 5 Ultimage update 2 version I had working, but I only get a black screen. Any other link for a version that works with jconfig?



Posté(e) (modifié)

H2Overdrive works for me with sound via JConfig but I'm experiencing a controls issue. Having a hard time selecting "Temple of Flume" track but that's not a big deal. Once I do select a track. I cannot move the controller to choose a boat. But worst of all while in the actual game, the left and right direction is totally erratic. It pulls way too much to the left and right. Tried both dinput and xinput via UCR. Same results.

Modifié par Mindwipe
Posté(e) (modifié)

flybit, thank you so much for H2Overdrive.  Sound works great.  Mindwipe, you're right about sensitivity.  Until fixed, I am using a 3rd party tool (Logitech Gaming Software Profiler) to reduce x-axis sensitivity.   x360ce also works.  


please check the brake/acceleration it is only digital now - analog not working even if mapping to analog axis.     

Modifié par Gtguy
contact flybit on discord.

can somebody tell me how to slow down the steering recoil  when selecting a track or vehicle ? it works fine in the game but when selecting a truck on dirty driving the cursor moves so fast its purely luck on what track i can choose as well what vehicle. i can slow it down returning to zero so that i can select a vehicle fast enough but then in game the car isnt very responsive in turns. anybody got a fix for this or can someone please share a link to the flybit or jconfig discord? Thanks 

Posté(e) (modifié)

Only Santa Claus himself knows for sure what exactly took him so long this time to make me happy with at least one new super duper Arcade Game to play, but it finally happened that past evening in Germany, to be precisely, and in shape of "star-spangled" JConfig data to be found within H2Overdrive_2020_01_04.rar.


Of course, it was anything else than a clear matter if and how one of my most eagerly awaited original Arcade games - namely, H2Overdrive - (Hello, MrThunderwing!) would actually work together with my ol' granny (will say: my Laptop, which already has clocked more than 10 years of good service by now). So, I grabbed the dump plus the aforementioned JConfig files, configured the total package and eventually gave it a go by a spirited click on H2Overdrive.exe...


If that procedure was crowned by success? Well, I'm sure you have guessed it already that the answer is....YES!!! 60 frames per second with no whatsoever glitches so far. Which isn't that bad at all for a first look into a game whose nuances regarding technique & gameplay will surely take up some (highly pleasant, I suspect) testing time before fully opening up to me.


In any case, I thank you coders so much for bringing this wonderful game to any ordinary PC (which has got at least some (little) horsepower left within its (Dual) core like mine)! :-))


Edit: Yeah, no analogue acceleration & breaking / Overall steering is a bit sensitive (still bearable, but not optimal).

Modifié par Pantherheart

After some more testing I can say...

The sensitivity is too high, which is also a problem in the menus (with TP I didn't have this problem).

Jumping is quite a bit harder than using TP.

Sometimes the boat seems to fly (the jump then is way to long).

The timer behaves strange when steering... a completely different time is shown for a moment.

The 'timing' seems different. I have better times with worse runs using JConfig.

But, sound and graphics are great, almost perfect. :very-good:


just tested the new jconfig right now ... working fine /sound is working and the controls r fixed ... i would say the only thing that didn't work is the brake +nitro high jump thing .

but other than that its almost perfect .. great job by the jconfig team :very-good:

  • Team

new spicetools post1


- Chinese SDVX support
- Nostalgia OP2 support
- LayeredFS now complete
- Misc bug fixes


  Le 06/01/2020 Ă  07:50, mamefan2018 a dit :

just tested the new jconfig right now ... working fine /sound is working and the controls r fixed ... i would say the only thing that didn't work is the brake +nitro high jump thing .

but other than that its almost perfect .. great job by the jconfig team :very-good:


Brake + Nitro jump works for me, if I release gas and press brake. With TP I could keep the gas trigger pressed. That made it much easier.


Controls for the menus are still too fiddly for me... I can't really choose the track or boat I want to choose.

Other than that controls seem fixed except for the hyper slide move only working when going to the right  (same as with TP).

Posté(e) (modifié)

I'm not quite sure to what extent cross postings will be tolerated by the Mods, but seeing as we discuss any H2Overdrive problems right now, I thought it might be of interest that the game runs perfectly for me - which means that any steering and analogue accelerating + breaking issues are no longer existent - when using the latest Teknoparrot version (in fact, I downloaded it from the godly coder group's website, started it (No Patreon) and ran all the updates directly thereafter).




Once you decide to create a video review of this fine motorized watersports game, please let us all know. :-)

Modifié par Pantherheart
  Le 06/01/2020 Ă  20:12, Pantherheart a dit :

I'm not quite sure to what extent cross postings will be tolerated by the Mods, but seeing as we discuss any H2Overdrive issues right now, I thought it might be of probable interest that the game runs perfectly for me - which means that any steering and analogue accelerating + breaking issues are no longer existent - when using the latest Teknoparrot version (in fact, I downloaded it from the godly coder group's website, started it (No Patreon) and ran all the updates directly thereafter).




Once you decide to create a video review of this fine motorized watersports game, please let us all know. :-)



I'm all over that shizzle my dude.


Posté(e) (modifié)



It seems that your urban slang is too much to comprehend for my German ears, which are mainly used to Oxford English, haha. So, what exactly does it mean if someone like you is "all over that shizzle", mate? :-)




I switched back from Teknoparrot to JConfig again, but a strange issue in "Track Select" is annoying me now. In fact, the tracks Frozen Tundra and Down Underdrive are always automatically flagged as "Backwards", while the female announcer's voice sounds like gibberish (a highly indistinct mix of "backwards" and "forward", I guess) in an extremely fast loop over and over again, as soon as I highlight these tracks with my controller. At the same time, the respective track's scenery preview window in the upper part of the screen is totally kept in black. Only when I hold down the "View" button on "Frozen Tundra" or "Down Underdrive", the "Backwards" sign disappears and switches to the usual forward layout design again with a proper scenery picture as well and, obviously, no voice loop anymore. Well, I never drove on those two tracks before, so I wonder what kind of mechanism triggered that problem, because it wasn't there from scratch. So, as a result of this, I deleted my whole H2Overdrive folder and reinstalled the game again, but that didn't help one bit. Maybe there's an H2Overdrive related folder which still has to be deleted from my system's AppData, but I don't think so. Aside from this, everything else within the game works to my complete satisfaction.

Modifié par Pantherheart
  Le 06/01/2020 Ă  16:45, GamingRob a dit :

Brake + Nitro jump works for me, if I release gas and press brake. With TP I could keep the gas trigger pressed. That made it much easier.


Controls for the menus are still too fiddly for me... I can't really choose the track or boat I want to choose.

Other than that controls seem fixed except for the hyper slide move only working when going to the right  (same as with TP).


with the latest update yes now the the brake and nitro jump works fine  ... selecting the tracks and boats seems to work really well for me just need to press the view button to select boats ( 2 of the tracks r on backward by default i have to press view to get the normal track)

but i can easily choose any track or boat .. and the game runs fine except maybe the really high jumps r a bit weird because i end up staying up in the air for a long time so not sure if that is normal.

  Le 07/01/2020 Ă  01:33, mamefan2018 a dit :

with the latest update yes now the the brake and nitro jump works fine  ... selecting the tracks and boats seems to work really well for me just need to press the view button to select boats ( 2 of the tracks r on backward by default i have to press view to get the normal track)

but i can easily choose any track or boat .. and the game runs fine except maybe the really high jumps r a bit weird because i end up staying up in the air for a long time so not sure if that is normal.


Yes, the jumps can't be normal. Sometimes they seem to last forever.

I also have to press the view button in the menus... but selecting a track or boat is difficult.. I can only really choose between the extreme left, extreme right or middle track.

  Le 07/01/2020 Ă  02:06, GamingRob a dit :

Yes, the jumps can't be normal. Sometimes they seem to last forever.

I also have to press the view button in the menus... but selecting a track or boat is difficult.. I can only really choose between the extreme left, extreme right or middle track.


nothing in jconfig would effect game code like a jump, thats purely due to the physics engine inside the game.

the only thing that could effect this is the accleration data being slighty off, but the floating nature of the jumps is the game itself.

  Le 07/01/2020 Ă  02:24, Claymanblack a dit :

nothing in jconfig would effect game code like a jump, thats purely due to the physics engine inside the game.

the only thing that could effect this is the accleration data being slighty off, but the floating nature of the jumps is the game itself.


Well, if you say it's not possible... I guess I have to trust you.

EDIT: Okay, I looked into the JVS settings of the latest JConfig... and there is an entry 'Accel/Jump Far' with a slider. I put that all the way to the left, and now the floating seems to have stopped.

  Le 07/01/2020 Ă  02:46, GamingRob a dit :

Okay, I looked into the JVS settings of the latest JConfig... and there is an entry 'Accel/Jump Far' with a slider. I put that all the way to the left, and now the floating seems to have stopped.


thanks for the info !


  Le 07/01/2020 Ă  02:46, GamingRob a dit :

Well, if you say it's not possible... I guess I have to trust you.

EDIT: Okay, I looked into the JVS settings of the latest JConfig... and there is an entry 'Accel/Jump Far' with a slider. I put that all the way to the left, and now the floating seems to have stopped.


yep that was it .. now the jumping feels normal  ...

  Le 06/01/2020 Ă  23:30, Pantherheart a dit :



It seems that your urban slang is too much to comprehend for my German ears, which are mainly used to Oxford English, haha. So, what exactly does it mean if someone like you is "all over that shizzle", mate? :-)



Ha ha, yes cultural idioms can be a bit of a minefield if you're not a native English speaker. It means 'I'm all over that shit' which in itself means 'I've already done/am doing that'. The only phrase in German I know is Ich bin ein ausländer.

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