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idMacX + J/Rconfig + JVSemu + SpiceTools + BemaniTools + SegaTools + etc.

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Do you think its crashing because of Windows 10/Nividia graphics cards or because it needs to be in a certain place like SB2 and SuperCars had to be? 

  Le 19/11/2019 Ă  17:37, sebamiga57 a dit :

Salut tout le monde,


Sous Windows 7, le jeu plante et reviens sous windows après la sélection de customize (avec la dll d3d8to9 cela ne change rien)


J'espère qu'il y aura un fix rapidement


@ plus





Try putting the rawart folder in the root of c:
That's how it works for me.

Invité PowerKopter69
  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  08:52, mrarcade2018 a dit :

do you have any prove? or just jealous him?  some time we can not change serial number other wise controller not works...
did you see Tekken7 jconfig 1st out ... then TP release Tekken.. but both serial are same.... :P



Tekken 7 was working on TP for more than a year now, Reaver even streamed it. (and if anyone checks for example wmmt5 after unpacking upx and loading it up in a disassembler, people can see 100% same code (also jconfig had literally same save bug when they released after openparrot), and then theres the ringedge games, for example KO drive literally has serial that was generated by TP emulation lol)

Posté(e) (modifié)

hey guys, wondering if you can help.  On Snocross it load fine, and I can get to the stage select.  I cannot seem to select any tracks.  When I hit brake or start, it puts a number in the middle of the screen counting up... Any ideas?  Heres my Jconfig and image counting up...



Modifié par davodeaks
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  08:15, PowerKopter69 a dit :


nice code stealing from OpenParrot (these guys didnt even bother hide the stealing by changing the serial :ptdr:)



Stealing lmao. How the hell do you think TP does it then ?. TP is a mess and potentially malware ridden. Jconfig is clean and just works as intended.


I can't wait for more people to take note of how these guys do it, so we can then hopefully see more like it for the other systems that currently rely on TP. Looking forward to the day we no longer need to use that bloated crap.

Modifié par braders1986
Invité claymanred01
  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  08:52, mrarcade2018 a dit :

do you have any prove? or just jealous him?  some time we can not change serial number other wise controller not works...
did you see Tekken7 jconfig 1st out ... then TP release Tekken.. but both serial are same.... :P


Lets also not forget, the fact that TP Vmprotected the exe, and jconfig had to source there own clean versiono of the game. lol.

Invité claymanred01
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  13:27, braders1986 a dit :


Stealing lmao. How the hell do you think TP does it then ?. TP is a mess and potentially malware ridden. Jconfig is clean and just works as intended.


I can't wait for more people to take note of how these guys do it, so we can then hopefully see more like it for the other systems that currently rely on TP. Looking forward to the day we no longer need to use that bloated crap.


Also, As the guy above mentioned in alot of titles the S/N is baked into files rather then am executable or emulator, and this is the case it must match



Edit and to any futher retards on this, 


Raw thrills games use 1 of 2 io borads, that have been covered (emulated ) since monkerz loader, and the original jconfigs for these games, infact the io for them, and this game is one in the same.

you have the raw thrills jamma board, and the rio io board so once the base system board is known and documented making a game work that uses it is well trivial.


Keep note there github dosent even have , snowcross, or DD 


Yet internally we fixed snowcross already, and have DD almost working aswell, Boy we sure steal alot of source code, oh wait it isnt even present and theres no code to steal 


So TP fanboys be fanboys of an emulator that takes your money, vmprotects game exes, effectively killing the real exe all for the sake of profit

Modifié par claymanred01
Invité claymanred01
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  09:14, PowerKopter69 a dit :


Tekken 7 was working on TP for more than a year now, Reaver even streamed it. (and if anyone checks for example wmmt5 after unpacking upx and loading it up in a disassembler, people can see 100% same code (also jconfig had literally same save bug when they released after openparrot), and then theres the ringedge games, for example KO drive literally has serial that was generated by TP emulation lol)


That S/N isnt genned by TP at all buddy, 


That S/N is based on Sram, and Eprom Reaver Publically admited soy gave him all the keychip dumps, are you suggesting that he didnt give it to other people?

Fact remains the .key files form jconfig are also in tp, and they where in jconfig 1st


So logically if you think anyone stole Sram, and Eeprom, dumps you must also think they stole txac keys. but keep dreaming


Also one quick edit, Tekken 7 We have had working since 2015 :D

Modifié par claymanred01
Posté(e) (modifié)

ok. I’ll try it in the root folder and see if it works.  hope so, SnoCross I really like I feel its different as there aren’t many Snow based Games that are good.  Thank you for getting this game to the forums and your hard work.  Its appreciated greatly. 

Modifié par DarkX1
  • Team

@claymanred01 (or banned clayone01, who cares ^^)


for the 50th time, please. Here it is not TP vs Jconfig. It's just between help and that's it. I took you to keep this kind of debate for you. This is the only warning I will make, thank you for understanding the process.

Invité claymanred01
  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  16:02, 7zxkv a dit :

@claymanred01 (or banned clayone01, who cares ^^)


for the 50th time, please. Here it is not TP vs Jconfig. It's just between help and that's it. I took you to keep this kind of debate for you. This is the only warning I will make, thank you for understanding the process.


Go fuck yourself, you have people attacking us, and i am responding with facts and evidence. 

Invité FrenchNapkin
  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  16:05, 7zxkv a dit :

Un trouduc en moins, si quelqu'un veut continuer dans ce genre de drama....



I dont think you grasp, or understand when there is misinformation out there you set the world right with the correct info, instead like a good ol Communist , you think its perfectly acceptable, for them to come in our thread, and talk shit, those post have been there for over 24 hours, and the second someone calls them out on there bullshit, with proper factual information you call it drama, and pretend, that no one else started it. Tell me what dose reavers cum taste like because surely you have drank alot of it. 

  • Team
Posté(e) (modifié)

I explain that here we are here to help each other, that this is not the topic for that. It is a pure lack of respect to insist. If you have a problem with TP go to their forum.

edit: if you want to reestablish your truth, go here and create a subject, but not elsewhere, is that clear or do I have to fuck myself again?

Modifié par 7zxkv

I've played through all the courses now on SnoCross on Win 10 (1903) using latest All RH Loader, and the game works perfectly fine (even after finishing a race) to en extent, IF you play the "Alaska, France, China and Moscow course. Keep it mind though that the Moscow track CAN crash the game after you finish a race, it happens randomly. The rest of the tracks are still playable, but WILL crash the game after finishing a race, or simply crash during a race. That's all for now. :very-good:

  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  09:14, PowerKopter69 a dit :

Tekken 7 was working on TP for more than a year now, Reaver even streamed it. (and if anyone checks for example wmmt5 after unpacking upx and loading it up in a disassembler, people can see 100% same code (also jconfig had literally same save bug when they released after openparrot), and then theres the ringedge games, for example KO drive literally has serial that was generated by TP emulation lol)


If you legitimately checked WMMT5 you'd know the save has nothing to do with TP.

I don't think you understand how serials work. They aren't generated. Depending how the amlib is handled game doesn't do any hard checks against it and even if it did there's still nothing to stop you from changing it or flat out leaving to 0. It's a minor nuance.

You should also understand how hooks work. Jconfig and TP working on the same game, same system, same checks inevitably leads to similar or close to solutions. Eg. JVS emulation. What, are you going to claim it's all stolen because it most likely closely matches TP?  

That is not to say there's only one way, far from it but as far as immediate results and functionality is concerned - Reaver's main priority because money - that's where you end up.

What TP does is utmost minimal to get the game running with little care or interest in accuracy or potentially questionable hacks and patches what may lead to everything from input lag to general performance issues. 

What jc aims to do is the exact opposite in a reasonable time frame and if and when time does become a concern, other more direct means are taken but not preferred. Nor does a released version means it's the final no questions asked version.

  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  14:43, antonio2018 a dit :

Star Wars: Battle P ajuda com esse erro no Jconfig 


Something is conflicting with jconfig. You either have main jvsemu dll in the wrong directory or you're running it from a wrong binary or you're missing certain msvcr libraries what may cause it to silently fail.

  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  16:17, 7zxkv a dit :

I explain that here we are here to help each other, that this is not the topic for that. It is a pure lack of respect to insist. If you have a problem with TP go to their forum.

edit: if you want to reestablish your truth, go here and create a subject, but not elsewhere, is that clear or do I have to fuck myself again?


Problem is not so much with TP as it is with people claiming to know something clearly don't. FlyBit and others are helping people understand they're very wrong and they should have the right to do so.

  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  14:23, arcade_power a dit :

I tried SnoCross using RH Loader, and it booted up fine, but I can only get it to boot in windowed mode. Also, i get a "Time Out Error SDaemon.exe" during gameplay. How can I fix this? Thanks! :gene:


Open Game Loader Config and keep changing Leader Mode until you find the right setting. My monitor has 1920x1080 resolution so I use option 5.



  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  16:41, arcade_power a dit :

I've played through all the courses now on SnoCross on Win 10 (1903) using latest All RH Loader, and the game works perfectly fine (even after finishing a race) to en extent, IF you play the "Alaska, France, China and Moscow course. Keep it mind though that the Moscow track CAN crash the game after you finish a race, it happens randomly. The rest of the tracks are still playable, but WILL crash the game after finishing a race, or simply crash during a race. That's all for now. :very-good:


Which setting do you use for All RH Loader?

I still got crashes after every race. So All RH Loader hasn't made a difference or even made it worse (as I got more gfx errors) for now.

I'd really love to see the game working fine.

  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  18:39, GamingRob a dit :

Which setting do you use for All RH Loader?

I still got crashes after every race. So All RH Loader hasn't made a difference or even made it worse (as I got more gfx errors) for now.

I'd really love to see the game working fine.


The only settings I changed in RH Loader was checking "Fullscreen mode" and using "Loader Mode=1" , the rest I left at default. If you have 1920x1080 monitor, you can also use "Loader mode=1". :very-good:

  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  18:45, arcade_power a dit :

The only settings I changed in RH Loader was checking "Fullscreen mode" and using "Loader Mode=1" , the rest I left at default. If you have 1920x1080 monitor, you can also use "Loader mode=1". :very-good:


Thanks. You're luckier than me then. I got it running, but it crashed after finishing the China track.

It sucks, as I really like the game.

  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  19:03, GamingRob a dit :

Thanks. You're luckier than me then. I got it running, but it crashed after finishing the China track.

It sucks, as I really like the game.


yeah I love it too, so I'm glad I can play it partly now though, but who knows, tomorrow it might crash on every course after finishing a race. I think the game is cursed! ;)


Its funny I want this game to work and its having the most problems.  I like it because of the Snow, theres not many cool Snow based games and its done well.  Wish it had more tracks but the 7 tracks are done very well.

  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  16:41, arcade_power a dit :

I've played through all the courses now on SnoCross on Win 10 (1903) using latest All RH Loader, and the game works perfectly fine (even after finishing a race) to en extent, IF you play the "Alaska, France, China and Moscow course. Keep it mind though that the Moscow track CAN crash the game after you finish a race, it happens randomly. The rest of the tracks are still playable, but WILL crash the game after finishing a race, or simply crash during a race. That's all for now. :very-good:



Could you choose all the tracks in SnoCross ? Because I cannot choose some of the tracks, as my joystick slides to the next I want to choose, this is the selector doesn´t go up in 3 or 4 tracks, specially medium difficult ones, ex. France. I put "rawart" in C:\ and that prevents the game from crashing, but I still have the problem mentioned of not being able to choose all the tracks. 

How to fix this ? My joystick is new and is well calibrated. 


Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  18:45, arcade_power a dit :

The only settings I changed in RH Loader was checking "Fullscreen mode" and using "Loader Mode=1" , the rest I left at default. If you have 1920x1080 monitor, you can also use "Loader mode=1". :very-good:



How do you set up RH Loader so that it doesn´t ask for TeknoParrot folder location ?. I have RH Loader configurated for TeknoParrot in the games KO Drive and Transformers, and points to TeknoParrot folder.

How can I use an exclusive RH Loader setup for SNOCROSS, without being interfered by the others pointing to TeknoParrot ?

Modifié par customizer2
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  19:03, GamingRob a dit :

Thanks. You're luckier than me then. I got it running, but it crashed after finishing the China track.

It sucks, as I really like the game.



Put the game in a folder called "rawart" and then in C:\. So the path should be C:\rawart - That worked for me to prevent the game from crashing. I could play many races without crash, on Windows 10. The game seems to not like long paths. I tried in D: and it crashed, so the best is C:

Modifié par customizer2
Posté(e) (modifié)

Snowcross work very well no crash game and i can enter my name when finish course Win7 64bits

Thank you to the Jconfig Team

Use this setting and no need to use : SNOCROSS Black Lines Fix.rar

Put the game on c:rawart


Modifié par soso92
  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  21:29, customizer2 a dit :


Put the game in a folder called "rawart" and then in C:\. So the path should be C:\rawart - That worked for me to prevent the game from crashing. I could play many races without crash, on Windows 10. The game seems to not like long paths. I tried in D: and it crashed, so the best is C:


Thanks, I already got the game in C:\rawart. That did not fix it for me unfortunately. :(:

  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  21:30, soso92 a dit :

Snowcross work very well no crash game and i can enter my name when finish course Win7 64bits

Thank you to the Jconfig Team

Use this setting and no need to use : SNOCROSS Black Lines Fix.rar

Put the game on c:rawart


Yes, it worked for me too if I put on c:rawart, it doesn´t crash. My only problem is that some tracks cannot be chosen. My joystick moves to the next. I cannot choose Alaska and France for example.


  Le 20/11/2019 Ă  21:39, customizer2 a dit :

Yes, it worked for me too if I put on c:rawart, it doesn´t crash. My only problem is that some tracks cannot be chosen. My joystick moves to the next. I cannot choose Alaska and France for example.



yes the problem is the same for super bikes 2 but with the steering wheel the problem is set
but I do not know if we can use a G29 steering wheel with snowcross

I could do all the races of the game without any crash of the game.
the game is very good and much like Super Bikes 2 but snow

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