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idMacX + J/Rconfig + JVSemu + SpiceTools + BemaniTools + SegaTools + etc.

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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 25/11/2022 à 10:44, satoyuyu a dit :

Unfortunately, I do not find the tool to control gss2.

It launch and I watch game demo movie, but I can not control it.

I wait for releasing Jconfig to play these game.


I’m waiting for a public jc loader for storm rider/sfv new ver/sm olympic 2020 as well

generally it could have been great if jc loader would be available publicly for games even before tp most of the times sadly it’s not

Modifié par A FRIEND
Posté(e) (modifié)

Which loader supports what versions of Maimai, Chunithm and O.N.G.E.K.I. series ?

Aqua server supports more games than there are loaders which support these games ?

CHUNITHM NEW Plus (and below)

CHUNITHM Paradise Lost (and below)

Maimai DX Universe (and below)

O.N.G.E.K.I. bright (and below)




Modifié par petje
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 03/02/2022 à 13:44, CiTrON a dit :



When will you share jconfig loader for 

storm rider/street fighter v ta new version/milkchan+dump/gunslinger stratos 2+3?


Modifié par D.S
  • 3 semaines après...
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Added in #1:


- LuigisMansion_03_09_2022
- ScarletDawn_10_09_2022
- SegaWorldDriversChampionship_10_09_2022
- SilentHill_26_10_2022 (new)
- StormRider_26_10_2022 (new)

RConfig 1.2:
- Main Engine code optimization.


Posté(e) (modifié)

JConfig Updated!


Fast and the Furious
- Support for new version 3.11


Fast and the Furious Drift
- Support for new version 3.11


Fast and the Furious Super Bikes 1
- Support for new version 3.12
- Version 3.11 exe fixed


Fast and the Furious Super Cars
- New support version 3.79
- Version 3.69 exe fixed


- New support version 1.58
- Version 1.55 exe fixed


- New support version 1.23




special thanks to FlyBit (JConfig developer)

Modifié par CiTrON
Posté(e) (modifié)

Anyone had any joy in getting these to work. I cant get any to work, they either crash for me, black screen, or error. What file structure is people using if working for them please? Thanks in advance. I have turned off Windows Defender as well, still the same.

Modifié par erdoboy43
  Le 31/12/2022 à 16:09, erdoboy43 a dit :

Anyone had any joy in getting these to work. I cant get any to work, they either crash for me, black screen, or error. What file structure is people using if working for them please? Thanks in advance. I have turned off Windows Defender as well, still the same.


All working here, run them from c:\rawart\gamefilesgohere
Some can go inside a sub folder inside c:\rawart, some can't. Some will run fine in sub folders, some will have weird bugs from my testing.
You can patch it so you can use other folders, it's more work though, and a bit of a PITA unless you understand how. Patching works on some games, not on others... for me at least.

Just get a slight issue with superbikes at the start of the race but haven't tested a lot to try and fix it yet.
An example if you have snowboarders in a folder not c:\rawart, the game starts but you can't take off from the start line.

  Le 31/12/2022 à 17:07, murray a dit :

All working here, run them from c:\rawart\gamefilesgohere
Some can go inside a sub folder inside c:\rawart, some can't. Some will run fine in sub folders, some will have weird bugs from my testing.
You can patch it so you can use other folders, it's more work though, and a bit of a PITA unless you understand how. Patching works on some games, not on others... for me at least.

Just get a slight issue with superbikes at the start of the race but haven't tested a lot to try and fix it yet.
An example if you have snowboarders in a folder not c:\rawart, the game starts but you can't take off from the start line.


Thank you for you help

  • 2 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 08/01/2022 à 18:49, gStAvEn a dit :

when running amdaemon.exe I get error: (running Win7)


"The procedure entry point DnsQueryEx could not be located in the

dynamic link library dnsapi.dll"


how to fix this problem on windows7?


Modifié par ercolino2004
  • 3 semaines après...
  • Team
  Le 31/01/2023 à 18:32, whitehins a dit :

jconfig support wmmt6rr? thanks!


Not for the moment, Flybit worked on it,  but it looks private.

But honestly playing WMMT6RR offline isn't very interesting, I even find there's no point...

When you've played the Banapass online version, coming back offline doesn't make me want to play the game ...

I will be really interested in the 6RR version as there will be the Banapass emulation, the OFFLINE .... no thanks.



I'll be you, I'll take advantage of the Banapass version, which is more interesting for the moment...

  Le 31/01/2023 à 18:42, WildWolf a dit :

Not for the moment, Flybit worked on it,  but it looks private.

But honestly playing WMMT6RR offline isn't very interesting, I even find there's no point...

When you've played the Banapass online version, coming back offline doesn't make me want to play the game ...

I will be really interested in the 6RR version as there will be the Banapass emulation, the OFFLINE .... no thanks.



I'll be you, I'll take advantage of the Banapass version, which is more interesting for the moment...


Hello...forgive me buy Is there a patch to make Wangan 6 R at 4k resolution? tia


I’m actually waiting for jconfig loader for wmmt6RR it would be nice to play the story mode and to save offline like 6R has

with tp I can’t save 6R story offline 

or even just to compare and see the difference between 6R and 6RR

  • Team
  Le 31/01/2023 à 20:26, Fresh a dit :

I’m actually waiting for jconfig loader for wmmt6RR it would be nice to play the story mode and to save offline like 6R has

with tp I can’t save 6R story offline 

or even just to compare and see the difference between 6R and 6RR


majority of the new features are Online lol, Offline you will just have a few vehicules, few races, some new music tracks and story mode which is the same as WMMT6 lol...

That's why 6RR Offline is not so interesting to play... but Whatever...


here are the full new contents of WMMT6RR :


@Rex2573 yes, it works with WMMT 5 /5DX+/ 6, try to test it with WMMT6R (choose WMMT6)


WMMT6 Resolution Patcher.7zRecherche des informations…

  Le 31/01/2023 à 20:48, WildWolf a dit :

majority of the new features are Online lol, Offline you will just have a few vehicules, few races, some new music tracks and story mode which is the same as WMMT6 lol...

That's why 6RR Offline is not so interesting to play... but Whatever...


here are the full new contents of WMMT6RR :


@Rex2573 yes, it works with WMMT 5 /5DX+/ 6, try to test it with WMMT6R (choose WMMT6)


WMMT6 Resolution Patcher.7z 1.25 MB · 12 downloads


invalid exe how to fix tq

  Le 31/01/2023 à 20:48, WildWolf a dit :

majority of the new features are Online lol, Offline you will just have a few vehicules, few races, some new music tracks and story mode which is the same as WMMT6 lol...

That's why 6RR Offline is not so interesting to play... but Whatever...


here are the full new contents of WMMT6RR :


@Rex2573 yes, it works with WMMT 5 /5DX+/ 6, try to test it with WMMT6R (choose WMMT6)


WMMT6 Resolution Patcher.7z 1.25 MB · 26 download


Unfortunately not my friend..It does not work with Wangan 6 me


  Le 01/02/2023 à 00:44, JohnTan a dit :

invalid exe how to fix tq


I tried in past buy nothing


Wmmt6R aspect ratio(16:9)2560x1440 2K display full screen.
use hex editor

find hex-values (1)
replace hex-values (2)

(1)C0 89 07 EB 5A 83 FE 0F 75 0E C7 07 50 05 00 00 C7 03 00 03 00 00 EB 49 48 8B 0D C2 DB D8 01 48 8D 54 24 20 C7 44 24
(2)C0 89 07 EB 5A 83 FE 0F 75 0E C7 07 50 05 00 00 0A 03 00 03 00 A0 05 49 48 8B 0D C2 DB D8 01 48 8D 54 24 20 C7 44 24


(1)75 B8 F3 0F 11 75 C8 F3 44 0F 10 1D AE 70 E2 00 F3 44 0F 11 5D D8 F3 0F 11 75 E8 F3 0F 11 75 BC F3 0F 11 75 CC F3
(2)75 B8 F3 0F 11 75 C8 F3 44 0F 10 1D AE 70 E2 00 E9 75 AA 62 00 90 F3 0F 11 75 E8 F3 0F 11 75 BC F3 0F 11 75 CC F3


(1)0F 11 45 E4 F3 44 0F 11 65 B8 F3 44 0F 11 65 C8 F3 44 0F 11 75 D8 F3 44 0F 11 65 E8 F3 44 0F 11 65 BC F3 44 0F 11
(2)0F 11 45 E4 F3 44 0F 11 65 B8 F3 44 0F 11 65 C8 E9 28 77 62 00 90 F3 44 0F 11 65 E8 F3 44 0F 11 65 BC F3 44 0F 11


(1)24 60 33 FF 45 33 C0 BA 00 00 C8 00 C7 44 24 68 50 05 00 00 48 89 7C 24 60 C7 44 24 6C 00 03 00 00 FF 15 CF 02 3F 00 85 C0 75 27 48 8D 05 AC
(2)24 60 33 FF 45 33 C0 BA 00 00 C8 00 C7 44 24 68 00 0A 00 00 48 89 7C 24 60 C7 44 24 6C A0 05 00 00 FF 15 CF 02 3F 00 85 C0 75 27 48 8D 05 AC


(1)44 24 38 48 8B 43 30 48 89 44 24 40 C7 44 24 48 50 05 00 00 C7 44 24 4C 00 03 00 00 48 8B 01 48 8D 54 24 38 FF 50 08 0F B6 F0
(2)44 24 38 48 8B 43 30 48 89 44 24 40 C7 44 24 48 00 0A 00 00 C7 44 24 4C A0 05 00 00 48 8B 01 48 8D 54 24 38 FF 50 08 0F B6 F0


press ctrl + G, go to offset(h) 01008D60 to 01008D8F paste hex-values
C7 45 D8 00 00 08 3F F3 44 0F 59 5D D8 F3 44 0F 11 5D D8 E9 74 55 9D FF C7 45 D8 00 00 08 3F F3 44 0F 59 75 D8 F3 44 0F 11 75 D8 E9 C1 88 9D FF

  Le 31/01/2023 à 20:48, WildWolf a dit :

majority of the new features are Online lol, Offline you will just have a few vehicules, few races, some new music tracks and story mode which is the same as WMMT6 lol...

That's why 6RR Offline is not so interesting to play... but Whatever...


here are the full new contents of WMMT6RR :


@Rex2573 yes, it works with WMMT 5 /5DX+/ 6, try to test it with WMMT6R (choose WMMT6)


WMMT6 Resolution Patcher.7z 1.25 MB · 38 download


Unfortunately It does not work for Wangan 6 R...any solutjon ti play It at 4k?

  Le 03/02/2023 à 06:58, JohnTan a dit :

press ctrl+G goto offset(h) 01008DD0 to 01008DFF Delete hex-values



Wmmt6R aspect ratio(16:9)3840×2160 4K display full screen try
use hex editor


find hex-values (1)
replace hex-values (2)

(1)C0 89 07 EB 5A 83 FE 0F 75 0E C7 07 50 05 00 00 C7 03 00 03 00 00 EB 49 48 8B 0D C2 DB D8 01 48 8D 54 24 20 C7 44 24
(2)C0 89 07 EB 5A 83 FE 0F 75 0E C7 07 50 05 00 00 0F 03 00 03 00 70 08 49 48 8B 0D C2 DB D8 01 48 8D 54 24 20 C7 44 24


(1)75 B8 F3 0F 11 75 C8 F3 44 0F 10 1D AE 70 E2 00 F3 44 0F 11 5D D8 F3 0F 11 75 E8 F3 0F 11 75 BC F3 0F 11 75 CC F3
(2)75 B8 F3 0F 11 75 C8 F3 44 0F 10 1D AE 70 E2 00 E9 75 AA 62 00 90 F3 0F 11 75 E8 F3 0F 11 75 BC F3 0F 11 75 CC F3


(1)0F 11 45 E4 F3 44 0F 11 65 B8 F3 44 0F 11 65 C8 F3 44 0F 11 75 D8 F3 44 0F 11 65 E8 F3 44 0F 11 65 BC F3 44 0F 11
(2)0F 11 45 E4 F3 44 0F 11 65 B8 F3 44 0F 11 65 C8 E9 28 77 62 00 90 F3 44 0F 11 65 E8 F3 44 0F 11 65 BC F3 44 0F 11


(1)24 60 33 FF 45 33 C0 BA 00 00 C8 00 C7 44 24 68 50 05 00 00 48 89 7C 24 60 C7 44 24 6C 00 03 00 00 FF 15 CF 02 3F 00 85 C0 75 27 48 8D 05 AC
(2)24 60 33 FF 45 33 C0 BA 00 00 C8 00 C7 44 24 68 00 0F 00 00 48 89 7C 24 60 C7 44 24 6C 70 08 00 00 FF 15 CF 02 3F 00 85 C0 75 27 48 8D 05 AC


(1)44 24 38 48 8B 43 30 48 89 44 24 40 C7 44 24 48 50 05 00 00 C7 44 24 4C 00 03 00 00 48 8B 01 48 8D 54 24 38 FF 50 08 0F B6 F0
(2)44 24 38 48 8B 43 30 48 89 44 24 40 C7 44 24 48 00 0F 00 00 C7 44 24 4C 70 08 00 00 48 8B 01 48 8D 54 24 38 FF 50 08 0F B6 F0


press ctrl+G goto offset(h) 01008D60 to 01008D8F paste hex-values
C7 45 D8 55 55 B5 3E F3 44 0F 59 5D D8 F3 44 0F 11 5D D8 E9 74 55 9D FF C7 45 D8 55 55 B5 3E F3 44 0F 59 75 D8 F3 44 0F 11 75 D8 E9 C1 88 9D FF


Wmmt6R aspect ratio(16:9)2560x1440 2K
Wmmt6R aspect ratio(16:9)3840 × 2160 4K
press ctrl+G goto offset(h) 01008DD0 to 01008DFF Delete hex-values

  Le 03/02/2023 à 13:01, JohnTan a dit :


Wmmt6R aspect ratio(16:9)3840×2160 4K display full screen try
use hex editor


find hex-values (1)
replace hex-values (2)

(1)C0 89 07 EB 5A 83 FE 0F 75 0E C7 07 50 05 00 00 C7 03 00 03 00 00 EB 49 48 8B 0D C2 DB D8 01 48 8D 54 24 20 C7 44 24
(2)C0 89 07 EB 5A 83 FE 0F 75 0E C7 07 50 05 00 00 0F 03 00 03 00 70 08 49 48 8B 0D C2 DB D8 01 48 8D 54 24 20 C7 44 24


(1)75 B8 F3 0F 11 75 C8 F3 44 0F 10 1D AE 70 E2 00 F3 44 0F 11 5D D8 F3 0F 11 75 E8 F3 0F 11 75 BC F3 0F 11 75 CC F3
(2)75 B8 F3 0F 11 75 C8 F3 44 0F 10 1D AE 70 E2 00 E9 75 AA 62 00 90 F3 0F 11 75 E8 F3 0F 11 75 BC F3 0F 11 75 CC F3


(1)0F 11 45 E4 F3 44 0F 11 65 B8 F3 44 0F 11 65 C8 F3 44 0F 11 75 D8 F3 44 0F 11 65 E8 F3 44 0F 11 65 BC F3 44 0F 11
(2)0F 11 45 E4 F3 44 0F 11 65 B8 F3 44 0F 11 65 C8 E9 28 77 62 00 90 F3 44 0F 11 65 E8 F3 44 0F 11 65 BC F3 44 0F 11


(1)24 60 33 FF 45 33 C0 BA 00 00 C8 00 C7 44 24 68 50 05 00 00 48 89 7C 24 60 C7 44 24 6C 00 03 00 00 FF 15 CF 02 3F 00 85 C0 75 27 48 8D 05 AC
(2)24 60 33 FF 45 33 C0 BA 00 00 C8 00 C7 44 24 68 00 0F 00 00 48 89 7C 24 60 C7 44 24 6C 70 08 00 00 FF 15 CF 02 3F 00 85 C0 75 27 48 8D 05 AC


(1)44 24 38 48 8B 43 30 48 89 44 24 40 C7 44 24 48 50 05 00 00 C7 44 24 4C 00 03 00 00 48 8B 01 48 8D 54 24 38 FF 50 08 0F B6 F0
(2)44 24 38 48 8B 43 30 48 89 44 24 40 C7 44 24 48 00 0F 00 00 C7 44 24 4C 70 08 00 00 48 8B 01 48 8D 54 24 38 FF 50 08 0F B6 F0


press ctrl+G goto offset(h) 01008D60 to 01008D8F paste hex-values
C7 45 D8 55 55 B5 3E F3 44 0F 59 5D D8 F3 44 0F 11 5D D8 E9 74 55 9D FF C7 45 D8 55 55 B5 3E F3 44 0F 59 75 D8 F3 44 0F 11 75 D8 E9 C1 88 9D FF


Wmmt6R aspect ratio(16:9)2560x1440 2K
Wmmt6R aspect ratio(16:9)3840 × 2160 4K
press ctrl+G goto offset(h) 01008DD0 to 01008DFF Delete hex-values


I Hope in a future preconfigured exe file at 3840 resolution 


Hello I have been using jconfig/rconfig but most games start only in window mode any chance someone could help?

I wonder if it is my screen resolution being 16:10 1920x1200



Can somebody point me in the right direction for a Jconfig that works fine with Million Arthur Arcana Blood? The one I have crashes the game on the attract mode or if I press start on title screen. Thanks in advance!

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