Team C’est un message populaire. 7zxkv Posté(e) le 6 juillet 2018 Team C’est un message populaire. Posté(e) le 6 juillet 2018 Il s'agit des news concernant la sortie du pack IdMacX + Rconfig + Jconfig + JVSemu + Nesica Unlocker + R2 Unlocker + différents patchs servant aux jeux Nesica et bien d'autres, mais aussi de SpiceTools/BemaniTools (outils dédiés aux jeux Bemani/Andamiro/etc) et SegaTools (Sega ALL.Net/AiME). ------------------ ------------------ IdMacX Tools: - iDmacX NESiCA System Emulator - JVSEmu TaitoX/X2 System Emulator - NESiCA System Trainer Unlocker - R2 System Trainer Unlocker - Individuals patches - Etc iDmacXv2.0_2023_01_16.rar ------------------ Universal emulator for RingEdge, RingEdge2 and RingWide games Half the list of games works without any additional patches !!! Arcade Love Pengo Arcade Love Pengo Ver.B Blade Stranger v1.3.2 Blade Arcus from shining v2.10 Caladrius AC Dead Or Alive 5 Dead Or Alive 5 Update1 v2.00 LR1.01 Dead Or Alive 5 Update2 v2.02 LR1.05 Dead Or Alive 5 Update3 v2.06 LR1.09 Guilty Gear Xrd Sign v1.10 Guilty Gear Xrd Sign v1.11 Guilty Gear Xrd Sign Rev2 v2.00 Guilty Gear Xrd Sign Rev2 v2.01 Guilty Gear Xrd Sign Rev2 v2.10 Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R v1.01 Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R v1.11 Fighting Climax Fighting Climax v1.30 Fighting Climax Ignition v2.32 Koihime Enbu RaiRai v2.13 Melty Blood v1.07b Phantom Breaker v1.10 Under Defeat HD + Under Night In-Birth Exe-Late v2.03 Under Night In-Birth Exe-Late v2.3 Under Night In-Birth Exe-Late [st] v3.30 - Fixed steering wheel values for racing games, thanks to sketch boi for letting me know - Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing, fixed introduction - Added RawImput code for all gun games, enabling two mouses at the same time (Thanks to Ducon) - Support to change resolution - Ring_Unlocker updated and added to ring_loader.exe - Fixed a small error in the RConfig.exe code RConfig.exe - Deadzone increased to 990 - Buttons are assimilated before axis - Code optimization of xinput gamepads - Fake Analog Steering Wheel fixed for games id6, 7 and 8 (thanks to sketch boi) - Games that didnt work with the original exe, are now normal (thanks to PEON for that) NOTE: If any game contains the gamename.exe.orig file, use it !!! Special Thanks !!! [PEON] - For capturing all packages from the io board startup checks. - Tcp code for the games that need it. Celinefumuk - For helping to find ring_unlocker adresses. CiTrON - For helping with the logo design. RConfig_1.2__20_08_2022.rar ------------------ For multi-games (including Sega APM and NxL2Core) Individuals patches and JConfig: Apm3 System Emulator Version: v1.0 apm_x86_x64_2021_08_28.rar v1.1 apm3_x86_x64_2021_11_07.7z v1.1 fix apm3_x86_x64_2021_11_19_fix.7z v1.2 apm3_x86_x64_2021_12_06.rar v1.3 apm3_x86_x64_2022_02_18.rar Nesica/TTX patch reg: NesicaXlive.rar NxL2Core: NxL2Core.rar ---- Patchs: BAN1: TAIKO.rar ES3: MarioKartDX_public_2025_02_11.rar PokkenTournament.rar StarWars.rar Tekken7.rar Tekken7R2.rar TimeCrisis5.rar WMMT5.rar WMMT6_2021_11_07.7z Nesica: MagiciansDead.rar School_of_Ragnarok.rar StreetFighterV_2024_01_14.rar Theatrhythm Final Fantasy All-Star Carnival.rar Nu/Nu2: InitialDZero_2022_08_06.rar SonicDashExtreme_2022_02_10.rar MarioSonicRio_2022_01_31.rar RawThrills: BatmanArcade.rar Cars.rar DirtyDrivin.rar FastFurious_2022_12_13.rar FastFuriousDrift_2022_12_13.rar FNFSuperBikes_2022_12_13.rar FNFSuperBikes2.rar FNFSuperCars_2022_12_13.rar H2Overdrive.rar NicktoonsNitro.rar SuperAlpineRacer.rar SNOCROSS_2022_12_13.rar SnowBoarder_2022_12_13.rar TTX: BattleGear4.rar ChaseHQ2.rar D1GP.rar ElevatorAction.rar ElevatorActionInvasion_2024_02_14.rar GunslingerStratos2&3_2024_11_10.rar GundamSpiritsOfZeon_2024_03_17.rar GaiaAttack4.rar GekiToDensetsu.rar HauntedMuseum.rar HauntedMuseum2.rar MusicGunGun2.rar ValveLimitR.rar WackyRaces.rar LoveLiveNextStage_2022_03_02.rar Others: AkumaMortisImmortal_2024_02_14.rar AliensExtermination_2024_02_14.rar CrazySpeed_2024_01_28.rar Castlevania_2023_07_28.rar CrazyRide_2024_03_17.rar LuigisMansion_03_09_2022.rar LethalEnforcers3_2024_01_13.rar PopMoto_2024_03_17.rar DeathSmilesII.rar FordRacing.rar GRID.rar GTI3.rar SegaRally3.rar SegaWorldDriversChampionship_10_09_2022.rar ScarletDawn_10_09_2022.rar StormRacerG_2022_03_04.rar SilentHill_2023_06_26.rar StormRider_26_10_2022.rar TransformersShadowsRising_2024_07_13.rar ---- Others (some patches are now unnecessary, because included in Rconfig): ArcadeLovePengo_2020_05_10.rar BladeArcusFromShining_2020_05_12.rar BladeStranger_2020_05_12.rar CaladriusAC_2020_05_10.rar ChaosCode_2020_01_09.rar Darius.7z DeadOrAlive5_2020_05_10.7z DreamRaiders_2020_01_09.rar FightingClimax_2020_05_10.rar FightingExLayer_2020_07_10_1.1.7z GuiltyGearXrd_2020_04_29.7z GuiltyGearXXACP_2020_05_06.rar GoldenGun_2020_01_09.rar InitialD6_2020_09_08.rar InitialD7_2020_09_08.rar InitialD8_2020_09_08.rar KODrive_2020_01_09.rar KoihimeEnbuRaiRai_2020_05_10.rar LetsGoIsland_2020_02_05.rar LetsGoIsland3D_2020_02_04.rar MeltyBlood_2020_05_10.rar OperationG.H.O.S.T_2020_01_09.rar PhantomBreaker_2020_05_10.rar Sonic_2020_01_09.rar SegaRacingClassic_2020_02_04.rar TransformersHA_2020_02_04.rar UnderDefeatHD_2020_05_11.rar UnderNightIn-BirthExe-Late_2020_05_10.rar UnderNightIn-BirthExe-Latest_2020_05_10.rar VirtuaTennis4_2020_05_10.rar Old files (in case): IDmacX alternate version: idmacdrv-2018-06-20.7z iDmacX special SOR: iDmacDrv64_School_of_Ragnarok_2018_10_10.rar Street_FighterV_2CC_Version_2020_06_08.rar ------------------ SpiceTools: Spicetools est un loader pour certains jeux spécifiques comme: - BeatMania II DX - BeatStream - Bishi Bashi Channel - Dance Evolution - Dancerush - DDR & cie - DDR X2 - FutureTomTom - GitaDora - Guitar motor - IIDX27 - Jubeat - Jubeat Copious - LovePlus & Light - Mahjong Fight Club - Metal Gear - MiniMaid - Museca - Nostalgia - Otoca D'or - PacDrive/PocketVoltex - Pop'n'Music & cie - Reflec Beat - Reflec limelight & colette - Road Fighter 3D - Sound Vortex - S・S・L (Super Special Love) - Steel Chronicles - Tenkaichi Shogikai - Winning Eleven - ... spicetools-21-05-29.7z (old 21 oct 2022: (new: (new fork: spice2x - a SpiceTools fork / and here) ------------------ Certains jeux nécessiterons des outils particuliers, vous aurez alors besoin de ce qui suit: Bemani Tools: Bemanitools 5 binary distribution package. It contains various sub-packages which can be applied to the targeted games and versions. Furthermore, the sub-package *sdk* contains header files of bemanitools API that allow you to write custom IO libraries and use them with bemanitools. The sub-package *tools* contains a collection various helper tools for development, debugging and testing. Checkout the dedicated readme files (extensions *.md*) in sub-package first which are also written using markdown syntax. They contain usage information on how to setup and run everything and answer a bunch of FAQs as well. List of supported games: ------------------------ BeatStream and derivated Beatmania IIDX and derivated jubeat and derivated SOUND VOLTEX and derivated Nostalgia and derivated IIDX and derivated DDR and derivated SDVX and derivated ... ( Bemani DLL Patching Tools: (source) Enfin, quelques outils ou variantes spécifiques sont aussi disponibles sur le lien suivant: Misc tools etc. : ------------------ Un émulateur de serveur e-AMUSEMENT, ciblant Dance Dance Revolution A et autres variantes. Site officiel ici. Fork et suite ici: butterflyserver- ------------------ Un autre "e-amuse emulator" nommé Asphyxia CORE fonctionnement sur la base de plugins est également disponible sur son site officiel. Un plugin de sauvegarde est disponible ici. Site officiel core: ici (release). Site officiel plugins: ici (release). Pour résumer Asphyxia est un autre émulateur de serveur qui peut imiter un serveur d'arcade de Konami pour simuler la partie en ligne du jeu Arcade PC de Konami, par exemple en utilisant l'e-AMUSEMENT PASS pour les jeux. Il est disponible également ici (mirror ici et là). ------------------ Aqua Server est un serveur de jeu polyvalent. Il fonctionne avec un ensemble de jeux, voir le readme. An multipurpose game server power by Spring Boot. Supported Games: CHUNITHM NEW Plus (and below) CHUNITHM Paradise Lost (and below) Maimai DX Universe (and below) Project DIVA Arcade Future Tone O.N.G.E.K.I. bright (and below) Usage: Requirements: Java 11 or above MySQL (Optional) Edit , change the to your IP address or hostname. DIVA won't work with localhost and check readme for more infos. aqua-0.0.46-RELEASE.7z Site officiel (inscription obligatoire) ------------------ Un autre émulateur de serveur local e-amusement: Topic dédié ICI. Supported Games: - Bishi Bashi - Metal Gear Arcade - DanceDanceRevolution - Beatmania IIDX - Jubeat - Museca - Pop'n Music - Reflec Beat - Sound Voltex - etc. ------------------ Certains jeux ont besoin des outils suivants permettant de configurer les contrôleurs de mise en réseau et de jeu JVS. Incluant MiniME qui permet une simulation d'un simple serveur ALLNET / AiMe auto-hébergé. SegaTools/TP: Segatool = Configure networking and game jvs controllers MiniME = A simple self-hosted ALL NET/TiMe server script -- Segatool: Loaders and hardware emulators for SEGA games that run on the Nu and ALLS platforms. ## List of supported games * Chunithm * [Chunithm (Plus)](doc/ * [Chunithm Air (Plus)](doc/ * [Chunithm Star (Plus)](doc/ * [Chunithm Amazon (Plus)](doc/ * [Chunithm Crystal (Plus)](doc/ * Initial D * [Initial D Arcade Stage Zero](doc/ - Original SegaTools (by DjHacker) : | | segatools dniel (2025-01-18).zip - SegaToolsTP (by Nzgamer41) = Fork du repo de SegaTools (de DjHacker) avec modifications TP: Site de dev (inscription obligatoire) (Sega guide here) Site de SegaTools (Dniel97): here - MiniME (by Nzgamer41) : | minime-v011_Build.7z | | minime-v016-150fix.7z - Electrolysis aka e10s (ex MiniME Lite) by Akiroz: Made a portable self-contained exe version of minime that doesn't require extra setup to run. It's not based on the original djhacker / nzgamer version so it could behave differently in some edge cases. Site de dev (inscription obligatoire) Downloads ------------------ Autres outils qui peuvent être utiles: - ALLS/RingEdge Simulator / ALLS Simulator : ici. (by Kuro) - Turnkey decryptor for SEGA apps and opts, which could make things much easier. This is made in very spaghetti code and didn't go through systematic tests so you are likely to experience problems. Require .Net Framework 6.0 (by Carltrek): TurnkeyDec.7z - Sega PCB codes: ici (old). Patchs divers ici. ------------------ -Tout sujet sans rapport direct avec Jconfig/Bemani/.. sera supprimé sans sommation. Vous êtes prévenu ! - Any subject not directly related to Jconfig/Bemani/.. will be deleted without warning. You are warned! 77
antonio2018 Posté(e) le 8 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 8 novembre 2019 help is there any way to let Let's Go Island 3D full screen with Jconfig
Mindwipe Posté(e) le 9 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 9 novembre 2019 I have a noob question about spice tools and Road Fighters 3D..... recently tried the game. Is there a way to save progress?
NoKey Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2019 Best fighting games all of time Missing Mortal Kombat 11 I missing Midway's arcade times... 1
Team 7zxkv Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2019 Auteur Team Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2019 New spice tools: 05/11 - Gitadora XG3 support - Guitar motor support - Gitadora cabinet setting - DDR HD->SD light support - ESP8266/NodeMCU API support - Misc bug fixes 2
Kartune08 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2019 hi, does jconfig work with ex-board games?
Kartune08 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2019 there's only 4, isn't it?, the arcana heart 2.1, 2.6, 3 and daemon bride
Invité claymanred01 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 (modifié) 6 hours ago, Kartune08 said: there's only 4, isn't it?, the arcana heart 2.1, 2.6, 3 and daemon bride 6 hours ago, Kartune08 said: hi, does jconfig work with ex-board games? Jconfig dose not currently have support for the Examu Dumps of Arcana hearts 3 Arcana hearts 2 Arcana hearts 2.6 And Demon bride, For these you will want to use Xb_loader by romhack, and or tp, (its using romhacks source code anyway) If any Tp dick suckers want proof of that claim its here. Now Jconfig supports ALL nesicaxlive titles So you are able to play with jconfigs idmac Arcana hearts 3 LOVEMAX ( THIS IS an updated version of 3) Arcana hearts 2 for nesicaxlive ( this is a re-release of 2, so its effectly the same game ) Arcana hearts 2.6 for nesicaxlive ( this is a re-release of 2.6, so its effectly the same game ) Demon bride addtional gain, and updated demon bride. Modifié le 13 novembre 2019 par claymanred01
Max Panda Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 iDmacX 1.7 keeps triggering a trojan alert from virus scanners - confirmed false alert ?
Invité claymanred01 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 1 hour ago, Max Panda said: iDmacX 1.7 keeps triggering a trojan alert from virus scanners - confirmed false alert ? Long as iot was downloaded fomr the 1cc discord theres no reason it wouldnt be safe
joeplay Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 Will Jconfig have support for Sega Lindbergh games?
braders1986 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 Pretty sure I saw an image yesterday on here showing that Jconfig support for Sonic All-Star Racing was due soon. I can no longer find it though so I was wondering if that was a false alarm ?
Invité claymanred01 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 4 hours ago, spiderzsoft said: not support at this time... but hope in future 11 minutes ago, braders1986 said: Pretty sure I saw an image yesterday on here showing that Jconfig support for Sonic All-Star Racing was due soon. I can no longer find it though so I was wondering if that was a false alarm ? Support for all ring games, is planned at this current time, as we work on Amlib and other implemntations. Support for Linberg will almost never happen, we at jconfig dont believe in hacks. if we where to ever support it would be native linux only.
cyrax3 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 Taito type x4 soon? Oh my God. There is an ETA?...jconfig my new hero 1
Invité claymanred01 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 7 minutes ago, cyrax3 said: Taito type x4 soon? Oh my God. There is an ETA?...jconfig my new hero just because a specific io board, is emulated dosent magically mean you get game dumps, unlike tp, we do not nor have never claimed to release games, members of 1cc do, its up to whom ever dumped the game, to release it, there are some titles we have had working for years, but simply put we dont do this for profit, and its the owners of the dumps who choose what happens with there game.
cyrax3 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2019 4 ore fa, claymanred01 ha scritto: just because a specific io board, is emulated dosent magically mean you get game dumps, unlike tp, we do not nor have never claimed to release games, members of 1cc do, its up to whom ever dumped the game, to release it, there are some titles we have had working for years, but simply put we dont do this for profit, and its the owners of the dumps who choose what happens with there game. Ok...thanks far all yours hard works from an arcade lover
Kartune08 Posté(e) le 14 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 14 novembre 2019 this error pops up when trying to play magical beat, any tips?
Kartune08 Posté(e) le 14 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 14 novembre 2019 hace 7 minutos, spiderzsoft dijo: how to use? simple use iDmacXv1.7 that's not it, pretty sure i'm using the right files, the error doesn't show when disabling Direct3D9 Wrapper in Jconfig, i guess the game can't be played in window mode, or maybe i'm doing something wrong
Invité claymanred01 Posté(e) le 14 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 14 novembre 2019 1 hour ago, Kartune08 said: this error pops up when trying to play magical beat, any tips? Time and time again people post stuff like this, the readme for jconfig clearly states the dxwrapper is experimental and not all games will support it.
Kartune08 Posté(e) le 14 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 14 novembre 2019 hace 26 minutos, spiderzsoft dijo: right... sorry, it was the first time i had that error, and the additional notes about magical beat didn't mention Direct3D9 Wrapper, but its mentioned in other titles (like En-Eins Perfektewelt or chaos code), and so i got confused
enes Posté(e) le 17 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 17 novembre 2019 Sega Golden Gun jconfig version ready? Is there a link? Which games will Flybit currently create with jconfig? What games are running on Flybit?
gti1983 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 En 16/11/2019 a las 3:04, spiderzsoft dijo: Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing emulated !!! post #1 Special Thanks Goes To... FlyBIT - Jconfig developersimple_peon - for parsing the code in memoryAtrfate - by unlocking the game to start the race !!! WOW !!!Source: 1cc Thanks for the new jconfig games! I was try to enter to the test, and when I press the button to TEST, the aplication was closed and return to windows. Anyone works the test function?
Gwyllion Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 win10 yet, right? at select snowbike, game exit.
arcade_power Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Great to see a Jconfig for this game! I played a race and it started right away after the X logo, but after finishing a race, the game crashes to desktop. Is there a fix for this?
Invité trouby Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 getting a crash straight away for this game, haven't even been able to get into the game yet.
mamefan2018 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 i just tried snocross ... it seems to be a bit unstable ... when selecting characters sometimes it crashes ... but once i'm in race it worked fine ... but yea it always crashes after the race ends.
kamranijaz Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 i am still unable to load tekken with jconfig it still giving 4 errors
kamranijaz Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 all the new ones jconfig still need full testing
GamingRob Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 (modifié) Snowcross starts up fine, I can start, select a track, a rider and an upgrade... but then I only see this (music keeps playing): Anyone experienced this? Modifié le 18 novembre 2019 par GamingRob
gti1983 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 I try snocross and when I start a Game show "track select 640 x 384" but don't load the video, and if i push start don't load... And the countdown never end See the atached photo
jonathanhooper Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 23 minutes ago, GamingRob said: Snowcross starts up fine, I can start, select a track, a rider and an upgrade... but then I only see this (music keeps playing): Anyone experienced this? got to wait a heck of a long time for it to load into game only to hang and crash anyway :/ 2
teknikmans2 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 44 dakika önce, GamingRob said: Snowcross iyi başladı, başlayabilir, bir parkuru, bir sürücüyü ve bir yükseltme yapabilirim ... ama sonra sadece şunu görüyorum (müzik çalmaya devam ediyor): Bunu deneyimleyen var mı? try this file! d3d8to9.7z 1
enes Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Games must be fully tested with jconfig, and if jconfig runs 100 percent games without error, jconfig should be released! The games must be tested with Intel, AMD, Nvida graphics cards and Intel, AMD processors. If a hundred games run without error, jconfig should be released. 1
SuperMagoAlex Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 The game crashes also for me after the first race :( Im on win10 1809, i3, nvidia gt730 gpu.
Invité petje Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 6 hours ago, spiderzsoft said: Fixed Black Line shade Issue Try This SnoCross does not run good at 1920x1200 black screen fix makes it worse like foto slideshow
Invité claymanred01 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2019 1 hour ago, enes said: Games must be fully tested with jconfig, and if jconfig runs 100 percent games without error, jconfig should be released! The games must be tested with Intel, AMD, Nvida graphics cards and Intel, AMD processors. If a hundred games run without error, jconfig should be released. Games are tested with intel amd and nvida, the fact is even in the tp thread, you can see this game has issues on windows 10, specifically, the file paths linking to shit Tldr, if you want raw-thrills games to run rite always run then form root of C
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