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Hello again folks,

as I promised here we are with the Dragon’s Lair II Time Warp Bluray (4:3 ratio) Arcade Remaster 

which from my knowledge it’s probably the only existing version, I did it 8/9 years ago and it was a frame by frame work

(pretty much a pain in the ass) and finally here it is for the whole community… as I usually say, please enjoy and have a blast with it!



KEY:     !FFUoY_aE4S33T0IDpH3emGkhffloXrlNfic8URWlH3g


Keep always in mind that this remaster was done to be played on a real cabinet at that time

so please don’t ask for 1080p formats cause this is the only version I did.


The game comes without Daphne emulator so just copy/paste the folder wherever you wish,

edit the path in the Framefile.txt and that’s it, ready to go!


For any question about Daphne emu please refer to the official website since I have really no time to answer, thanx for understanding…


There's included also the usual CD layout in HQ you can print.






…almost forgot… in case you are missing the rom files you can find it in the game folder!  


Next upload will be Space Ace BRD Arcade Remaster and a neat restoration of the Japanese version of Mad Dog McCree released by Capcom in Asia, so far so good!!


PS.  Trivia: If you take a close look at the title screen you will see an odd particular, the Japanese version of the bluray seems to be licensed exclusively to Nintendo… ???  


Here a comparison between my remaster and the original LD capture.






Modifié par dex77
  Le 24/06/2018 Ă  19:28, Gtguy a dit :

Great work dex77!   Much better than the cropped retail version.   A classic!



yeah, all the 16:9 versions i saw are horribly cropped, for instance Dragon's Lair has few scenes (one for sure I remember is the collapsing pool)

where is barely possible to perceive the flashing hint direction from the bottom, I personally believe that all the laser games should be played

on a real cab or at least on a crt TV screen but that's how it goes, 4:3 ratio will be soon (if it's not already) something that

the new generations will totally miss or ignore... it's somehow a pity but i guess it's inevitable...

Invité Raikoh

i can't run it.

I'am trash at daphne emulation,but thanks anyway love the game!

  Le 24/06/2018 Ă  22:11, maolo80 a dit :

Prego, figurati :very-good:

A breve inserirò i sottotitoli ENG.



Thanx for the help, just one thing... I think it's not necessary any second tool to use a gamepad like it shows in the tutorial,

just plug it in and it should be recognized by Daphne automatically!

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 25/06/2018 Ă  06:55, HVG a dit :

Grande, Grandisimo. :very-good:



It seems Laserdisc games are pretty famous in Italy and Spain too, glad you guys enjoy, have a blast! :very-good:

...I finished recently some restoration tests for Thayer's Quest,  here a preview sample ( ),

I was almost tempted to start a project about restoring every single playable LD game left but

I'm only afraid my girlfriend is gonna kill me for real...LoL

...maybe this will happen anyway at the speed of a turtle, let's see if time will not be a bitch...




Modifié par dex77
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 25/06/2018 Ă  07:32, dex77 a dit :





If you share the original files I could make a 1080p version ^_^




It seems Laserdisc games are pretty famous in Italy and Spain too, glad you guys enjoy, have a blast! :very-good:

...I finished recently some restoration tests for Thayer's Quest,  here a preview sample ( ),

I was almost tempted to start a project about restoring every single playable LD game left but

I'm only afraid my girlfriend is gonna kill me for real...LoL

...maybe this will happen anyway at the speed of a turtle, let's see if time will not be a bitch...






Modifié par HVG
  Le 25/06/2018 Ă  08:58, HVG a dit :



If you share the original files I could make a 1080p version ^_^






Dude, it was done 8 years ago and I'm living abroad now, not a clue how to recover the raw rip...sorry.

  Le 25/06/2018 Ă  05:46, dex77 a dit :


Thanx for the help, just one thing... I think it's not necessary any second tool to use a gamepad like it shows in the tutorial,

just plug it in and it should be recognized by Daphne automatically!




Actually I was not very precise on that, I realize it only now, I meant if you use an arcade stick like i do :furax:


In Italy laserdiscs are almost a mysterious legend and even more emulate them :ptdr:


I created a dedicated guide (also on Demul and Mame) collecting as much information as possible, i hope you like it :very-good:

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 25/06/2018 Ă  16:22, maolo80 a dit :



Actually I was not very precise on that, I realize it only now, I meant if you use an arcade stick like i do :furax:


In Italy laserdiscs are almost a mysterious legend and even more emulate them :ptdr:


I created a dedicated guide (also on Demul and Mame) collecting as much information as possible, i hope you like it :very-good:



Go tiger... keep up the good work cause that’s the spirit!  :very-good:

Modifié par dex77

Bonsoir, vous savez le faire comme avec les autres jeux c-a-d avec l'émulateur Daphné et déja configuré dans un dossier comme pour les Mad Dog et Dragon Lair 1, pour qu'on le lance juste en cliquant sur le fichier .bat, Merci

  Le 25/06/2018 Ă  20:53, micmey a dit :

Bonsoir, vous savez le faire comme avec les autres jeux c-a-d avec l'émulateur Daphné et déja configuré dans un dossier comme pour les Mad Dog et Dragon Lair 1, pour qu'on le lance juste en cliquant sur le fichier .bat, Merci



Pour ce genre d'informations (lire mieux mon post) s'il vous plaît se référer au forum officiel de Daphne,

malheureusement je n'ai pas le temps de vous aider, désolé et merci de votre compréhension.

Demandez Ă  HVG s'il est si gentil de vous fournir la solution, probablement il peut vous aider pour cela.

Posté(e) (modifié)

OK Guys, since more than few people have the same issue here I gave you the solution but please stop sending PM asking for questions you can easily get it by yourself if you squeeze a little bit your brain and you do some quick research, it-s definitely not rocket science and I have REALLY REALLY REALLY no time (REALLY) to support SO from now on I will totally ignore PM with this kind of requests.


Here it is...


daphne.exe lair2 vldp -framefile ..\..\Daphne\vldp\TimeWarpHD\TimeWarpHDframefile.txt -x 800 -y 600 -fullscreen_window -noserversend -opengl




1  Rename game folder and framefile in order to remove all the blank space in it (see the batch example above, blank spaces in batch files are used only to split the informations), THEN

2  Place the game folder (TimeWarpHD) in "Daphne\vldp" (if you don-t  have it in the main folder just create it), NOW

3  YOU HAVE TO EDIT the framefile.txt FIRST LINE with the location you choose to place it (my is C:\Users\Nesys\Desktop\Daphne\vldp\TimeWarpHD .... yours I don-t know, that-s why you have to edit it... ), THEN

4  You have to point Daphne to the framefile location directly from the PROGRAM CONFIGURE OPTIONS (the .bat file can-t guess by itself where is it),

so open Daphne, choose the game, click "configure", click "configure laserdisc" and edit the field "MPEG framefile location", NOW

5  double click the .bat file and play, that-s it.



A little suggestion, If you understand how a batch file works it-s very easy then to reverse engineering whatever .bat you find on your way...

trust me, it doesn-t require a bachelor degree in astro-physics and you are gonna have some fun in learning something new, hope I was enough clear, Cheers! 



1 Renommez le dossier du jeu et le fichier image pour supprimer tout l'espace vide (voir l'exemple de lot ci-dessus, les espaces vides dans les fichiers batch sont utilisés uniquement pour diviser les informations), PUIS

2 Placez le dossier de jeu (TimeWarpHD) dans "Daphne \ vldp" (si vous ne l'avez pas dans le dossier principal, créez-le), MAINTENANT

3 VOUS DEVEZ MODIFIER la première ligne framefile.txt avec l'emplacement que vous choisissez de placer (mon C: \ Utilisateurs \ Nesys \ Desktop \ Daphne \ vldp \ TimeWarpHD .... le vôtre je ne sais pas, ça-s pourquoi vous devez l'éditer ...), PUIS

4 Vous devez pointer Daphne vers l'emplacement du fichier image directement à partir des OPTIONS DE CONFIGURATION PROGRAMME (le fichier .bat ne peut être deviné par lui-même où est-il),

alors ouvrez Daphne, choisissez le jeu, cliquez sur "configurer", cliquez sur "configure laserdisc" et modifiez le champ "MPEG framefile location", MAINTENANT

5 double-cliquez sur le fichier .bat et jouez, c'est ça.



Modifié par dex77
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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 25/08/2018 Ă  10:56, stuart2773 a dit :


hi dex77, did you ever fully restore Thayer's Quest?



Nope, I did only some tests to see how much I can push the picture and it seems pretty good actually, luckily the source it's coming from the DVD version...

also this title it's on the list of things to do...


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Dex77 -- I am not able to find working links to the Space Ace 720p 4:3 BRD version that you had posted in the past.   Can you re-share the links?


  • 7 mois après...

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